Big Family.

In that whole week, Aditi can't concentrate on her work because her lifestyle is like this wake up at 5 AM then finish your daily chores eat something then go to gym, according to Shiva she need to eat one hour before the exercise, so she eat before even 6 AM, after that her workout session starts, at first day she needs to stop after some minutes but now she needs to take break after one hour, also her exercise session over at 11 AM, after that she go home take a bath and eat something in between two hours after exercise, after that she take a nap of 20 minutes, at first she really doesn't want to wake up but after that, it becomes her habit, also after chinu come she will play with him, but now she starts playing chess, because according to Shiva Mental health is also necessary, the diet he recommended is also very colorful so clicking photo's is her new hobby, Shiva told her that improper diet and poor quality sleep can lessen the benifits of workout, also she start a beauty routine, she realized that her face color and body color are uneven, also there are some stretch marks are on her belly side, which doesn't look good, so she needed to treat them too.

Thinking this she realized that in her previous life there are lots of things which she doesn't care maybe because of this Raman disgusted with her, who knows and actually who cares now, Aditi thinks. In this life she really wanted to love herself fully, self-love is nothing but accepting ourselves with our flaws and try to improve ourselves, with time, now she really tried to live this life fully, she is face cone, she know that your inner beauty is important and the outer appearance is sometimes fake, but every person should try to look themselves presentable because it boosts self-confidence, there are certain people they act like nothing matter and they really wanted to help other people, but this type of people are really detached from this materialistic world, and she is not like them, she wanted to look good, also she wanted that chinu feel proud of her and not shame, she also realized that the best way to teach children is to act the way you want child behave.

After one week she starts listening to podcast or audiobook while exercising while learning self-defense she is fully alarmed, while she is busy in this Mahendra is also busy in his project.

After two weeks, Shiva becomes friend with her, even though he is strict while doing exercise, other time he is sweet person, he has a very beautiful wife whom he loved too much, she also meets her, they both like her recipes, she sometimes brought food for them, also he read her 1/2 articles, now he wanted her to do a photoshoot for his gym, Aditi has perfect body shape because of her extra weight and poor posture it doesn't feel that good, but now after she starts exercising, her posture is improved and she looks more graceful, so he decided that he will use her photos in his advertisement as Aditi knows he is gonna successful so she doesn't stop her, also both husband and wife are her friends so she can do this for her friends also during those days one afternoon Pooja come to meet her.

Actually Pranita who is Mahendra's elder brothers i.e Anirudh's wife also come here for gym, Shiva is started to get famous, now days seeing her here Pranita really get happy, she also read her blog and through Mishtu and Mihir she also knows about her, she really wanted to meet her personally but cant find time, meeting her she invite her for lunch, anyhow that day Aditi have time so she decided to go with her. While talking with Aditi she feel comfortable,she know Aditi's story so she thinks that this woman also start complaining about her in laws, but she doesn't even touch that subject also she know that Aditi is really listening her story.

Pranita is Ani's childhood friend but two years younger than him, they love each other from childhood, she come from upper middle class, and as she spent lots of time with Ani and his family there is no problem for there marriage, she get married at 24, but the real problem start after their marriage, she can't convince child, and the problem is in her, after treating that when she wants a child, accident occurs and Ani' was that time got in coma state, he wakes after approximately 2 years, after that he needs some time to recover, his after coma treatment last for 8 months, and after that 2 year has passed but she still can't convince a child, even though her in-laws don't say anything, she knows they are dissatisfied with her, Ani never complained or say anything. she know that he love her too much. She really wanted to have a child so everyone's mouth will be shut.

After talking some time, Aditi ask her " is she really from bottom of her heart she want a child" listening to this Pranita froze, actually she really doesn't want a child, she really wanted to get success in her career her father and mother are too much biased with her brother so she really wanted to prove them she is best, she also doesn't want to get married first because of responsibility, but Ani's love for her make her helpless, she also love him deeply, so she doesn't want child first, so she does the treatment unwillingly, she doesn't want to bear all the pains. She Doesn't want to sacrifice her career, she is just 33 now, and yes she has the fear of labour pain also she have some doubts that if she will handle this responsibility after thinking about this she realized that there is root cause of her failure in bearing a child, she has psychological resistance, thinking this she feel guilty and tell her everything. also, she tell that how she takes medicine unwillingly or how she write gratitude journal but she really doesn't feel that much grateful, after talking for a long she can't hold her tear and start crying, she is really a proud woman she never cried in front of anybody but today she feels too safe to express her emotion, Aditi also feel confusion they don't;t know each other very well still this woman tell her her deepest secret so she is in confusion, After recovering her calmness, Pranita ask her what she should do to remove this resistance.

Aditi thinks for a while and said "I am not sure because I am not a very knowledgeable person but as a friend, I can suggest to you that, First you need to properly apologize both your husband and brother, because I think you blame them for the things they don't do, second tell your parents how you feel about their treatment because there is knot in your mind so you feel restless, third prepare your body via reading books and fourth try to adopt a stay cat or dog and try to raise them without anybody's help because even though kitten is small this is still a responsibility"

After listening to this Pranita said she will do as she said, previously she think it is ok to make a room for children. or buying clothes and toys this way she will attract or fulfill her desire, but now she realized that she is too obsessed with end result and forgot about the process, she really hurt her people, so she need to say thank you and sorry to some people, after saying goodbye to Aditi, Pranita goes to her husband's office, she really owe him a lot, after this incident unknown to Aditi she is going to gain a big family.