Big Family (Part 2)

After reaching Ani's office Pranita just go and hug him, and start crying, seeing her like this Ani get stressed, he know that his wife is super strong woman and crying like this is sign of weakness she said often, so he doesn't know what to do, he pat on her back and ask what happen, listening the worry in his voice, she feel more guilty, but she forcefully stop her crying and said "I Love you Ani, I Love you so much" listening this Ani can't help but smile, he know his wife love him so much, if someone else are in her place they might leave him after he became vegetative, but she doesn't and in his business is still there because of her hard work, he like her from childhood, he also have massive amount of respect towards her, but now a days there relationship is in difficult phase, to tell the truth he really want a child, after seeing fragility of life her really want his own bloodline to continue, but it doesn't mean he wanted to pressurize Pranita, even if she doesn't show he knows that she is very sensitive woman, so he doesn't mention that subject also he know that she blame herself about that, he think that she might leave him, if that happen he will surely die, but listening her today he feel really happy.

After she calmed down she tells him what happen, she tells him that because of her resistance this is happening, listening to this he also thinks about his insecurity, he thinks that it is normal, but now he thinks that having insecurity is normal but not doing anything about it is completely wrong thing, he doesn't even think about talking with her, he also realized that she also has her insecurities, after thinking that he also tells her how he feels and what he thinks about their relationship. Listening to this they both realized that even they are so powerful in their business, there are so stupid in there relationship, after talking like this they decided that they will spend more time together, even if they don't have a child they have each other which is enough.

They also decided to adopt a kitten also she decided that she will talk with her family. Ani said that he also wants to speak with Aditi and tell her about his resistance, listening to this Pranita said that she will fix a time with her, also they need to buy a gift for her, after thinking some time they decided to gift her there companies special saree. MG company is divided in subsector, the real estate is handled by Mahendra, Clothing industry is handled by Anirudh and Pranita, Health care is handled by their uncle and Grandpa, also Aarav is shareholder, Entertain Industry is handled by their father and Avinash, also they have some hotels which are handled by his Aunt and his second cousin Mayank, There second cousin is a Doctor and her husband is a politician. Also, every family member have some shares of these businesses, now the most powerful person is Mahendra, because six years ago they just have real estate and clothing industry, which is in very problematic condition, and their health care industry is totally destroyed because that time some internal spying cause them too much loss, and then Ani's accident happen he and his dad lost his legs, and he is in coma, their share price drop frantically, lots of their friends who call themselves their friend leave them, and pull out their investment but yup in just 4 year they prosper, and now they are leading company also they invest in other areas, and lots of its credit goes to Mahendra also other family member help him, Mahendra also get attacked lots of the time, but now everything is okay. So they can focus on their relationship. After deciding to meet her on Sunday they start completing their work, on the other hand, Aditi doesn't know why they wanted to meet her, but she doesn't think too much about it, also she tells Shanya about her new goal she also get super excited and wanted to join her, after Mahendra's birthday she visit her lots of the time and their friendship bloom.

Shanya's mother died when she is 5 years old her father remarried when she is 9 years old, her stepmom is quite young, she doesn't treat her badly, but Shanaya knows that her fathers second marriage is also for business, his father is a very practical person, so there is no drama in their house, every person mind their own business, she have stepsister who is 10 year old while brother is 13 years old, she like them, but still she doesn't feel the same feeling she feels with Aditi, Aditi act like a big sister, she gives her advice, listen to her, and also cook so good, same with Suman and Naina they also treat her nicely, sometimes she forgot that it is not her home. She also like this cozy environment so she start coming here often also Mishtu and Mihir are also here and chinu too she likes to tease them and play with them, so she decided to buy here home and also join the same gym, actually, she also like this concept to give herself a healthy body as gift. And surprisingly Aarav also wanted to join this.

Aarav never thnk about physical fitness much, even though his brothers are all well built, but that day when Aditi cried, Mihir comes in study and asked him and Mahendra how to become strong, Aarav teasingly ask him why he wanted to become strong randomly on which Mihir replied, because he wanted to protect Mishtu, Mau(Aditi) & chinu, listening to this they both got dumbfounded, Aarav asks what about him, Mihir said dad will protect him, and listening this Mahenfra asks what about him so Mihir replied, dad is super strong he doesn't need someone after this conversation he really feel shameful he can't protect anybody not even Shanaya, the incident happen with Mishti terrified him, so after listening about their training he also decided to join them.

   Also, Radhika shifts near her house so these days so their friendship is also developing. Radhika's daughter Pooja is 11 years old, the apartment where they previously live are going to huge renovation, so she ask serval people, Aditi suggest her this area, As Radhika is not home lots of time so it is best to live with people whom she know, she has very good opinion towards Aditi and her family, and yes there is always someone at home, so she can leave Pooja with them so she decided to move there.

On Sunday she meets Ani and Praniti and they talk like old friend, Aditi really know why this Ghosh family is so successful because they treat every person with respect, but Aditi doesn't know that Ani treating her gently because she is in their friend list even though he doesn't act like gentleman after his accident he becomes more cautious so after investing about Aditi he really think that this woman is really good person. And after meeting her he really got to know why is younger brother is so interested in her because while talking with her you really feel comfortable. She really looks like a person who well-read. But in reality, Aditi is not well-read yes now she is reading a lot and also listening book but her way of speaking is the knowledge she gains via listening radio, as she is too busy in work radio is her best friend, she listens to lots of the things, and lots of the people, the way they speak to celebrity also with the people who call them, she learned lots of things like how to pronounce, how to give importance to listener, also how to use different word for different time also because of radio her knowledge is well developed, and her mind is more flexible. Also, she experiences lots of things so she has the maturity, also she is a gentle person and most important thing is she really interested in people, in their problem, she is sincere towards them so people can sense her goodwill for them, so talking with such person people really feel comfortable.

Pranita tells Aditi that she calls her brother and apologize, listening to this they both cried together, her brother never treated her badly but she keeps competing with her, but still listening her side, he also apologize, and now their relationship improve drastically also the same thing happen with her parents, they also apologize to her, and tell her that they love her, and want to see her happy, yes they want boy but it doesn't mean they hate her, also even if she can't convince the child it is okay for them After that Pranita also realized that she assume lots of the things, she never speaks clearly which is the biggest cause of misunderstanding.

After talking and suggesting ways to save time and talking about other things, Aditi requests them to come to the home for dinner. Today is Sunday and it is rest day of Aditi she cook dinner so to eat the food made by her Shanaya, Aarav, Virat, sometimes Avi, Shiva, Shivani, Radhika, Pooja also the Mihir and Mishtu come, actually, after Mahendra go for business trip Mihir and Mishtu occasionally come back home and stay with Aditi, so Mahendra already keep four bodyguards near the house of Aditi, as the area where she lives is there company's property so they also monitor it.

Ani and Pranita heard a lot about her cooking from half of their family members, even the give-me-whatever you want Aarav and the picky Avi become her fan so they also wanted to taste it. So they agree, today while cooking Aditi is very happy, from her last life she wanted a big happy family, she wanted to cook for people who meant something for her, in her previous life she can't get this happiness, but in this life she experiences it, so she said to system "Bestie, I Really wanted to cook something for you, this rebirth I am really too grateful for this, thank you"


Listening to this Aditi feels touched, in this life she really gonna everything she can do to use and live happily in this second chance.