Chapter 6: The Farmer's Market

Karin Papadopoulos' POV

I was happy to show it all to Pascal as he never had this before. I was happy to know that he was looking around. He had this smile on his lips that I wondered if that fiancée of his would put his smile like that.

Now, I felt like I was being too hopeful and I think I will only get hurt by getting close to him.

"So, this is what the farmer's market is like," he said as he was looking at me. I smiled before I was pulling him toward Dana's stall. Dana was busy typing on her phone that her face was focused on it. I think it was about the loans that she wanted to get.

"Dana, hey," I said before Dana turned to look at me. She smiled before she stuffed her phone away and she turned to look at Pascal before she settled on our linked hands.

"Oh, hello. I thought you might be coming alone?" She asked as she was burning her retina to me. 'Are you kidding me? When are you going to tell me about this handsome hunk for me?' She asked through her eyes. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Dana, this is my neighbor, Pascal. We grew up together back in Paphos," I said as I was releasing the hand that I held Pascal. Instantly, I wanted his contact all over again. I sighed inwardly as I was plastering a smile on my face.

"Dana Alepou, how are you doing?" My best friend said before Pascal was shaking her hand. Dana smiled before she flashed her wink at me.

"So, have you ever come here before, Pascal? Experience this market?" Dana asked before we were looking around the stall. Dana was smirking at me as I was glaring at her.

"No. This is my first time here and Karin was kind enough to show me," Pascal said as he turned to look at me. I blushed.

"Well, that's good. I love it when Karin was being helpful," Dana said as I was sticking my tongue at her. Pascal chuckled.

"Yes, she has always been helpful ever since she was a kid," Pascal said that made me stiffed. I don't know when he started to know that I loved to help people but I don't think it would go back to childhood, I suppose. So, I just shrugged.

"Really? I never knew," Dana said before I was scowling.

"Wow, look at the time, we should get going if we wanted to get to the rest of the farmer's market," I said before Pascal was laughing.

"But we just got here,"

"Yes, but it would not hurt if we got around in one full circle. You might be interested to get some stuff," I said as I was pulling Pascal's hand. I was aware that Dana's eyes were lit up.

"Define stuff," Pascal asked before I was waving at Dana.

"I catch you around," I said as I was looking at her. She chuckled.

"Don't mind me. Enjoy your walk then," she said as I was rolling my eyes before we were out of the sight. I was looking around when Pascal stopped in front of an antique stall. He was looking at the jewelry that probably dates back to the 1800s.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him before he was looking at me. He smiled before he was pulling the jewelry up.

"What do you think of this?" He asked me about a pendant that has a green gemstone at the center. I was not a gem girl but it will do. So, I shrugged.

"Eh, if you want to give to someone that would appreciate your effort for finding it, I think it will be okay," I said before I was looking at the necklace with the brown dragon pendant on it. I reached for it as I was drawn to it. I don't know why but I just wanted it.

I took it and examined it. It was glistening in the sunlight as I was fixated on it. I was sighing before I was rubbing the dragon.

"So, beautiful," I said as I was rubbing it. I did not notice that Pascal was breathing down my neck. It was an intimate gesture but I was not aware of it.

"Do you want it?" He asked me as I was looking at the pendant. The necklace was calling for me and before I knew it, I was nodding at him. He smiled before he took the pendant and he clasped it around my neck.

"Now, it's yours," he whispered before he was talking to the vendor for the price. I did not know how much it worth but I know it will be special to me. It weighted on my neck and I think I smiled at the thought.

"Thank you," Pascal said to the vendor before he was pulling my hand again. I was looking at him as he was smiling at me.

"Shall we?" He asked me as I nodded at him. We were looking at the next stalls in the farmer's market as I was trailing behind him. I did not know how Pascal weaved through the crowd but at the end of the farmer's market, we got ourselves a drink, courtesy of Pascal, and we were talking on the bench.

"So, tell me what changed," he asked as I was sipping on my iced coffee. I always have my iced coffee with me.

"Well, everyone was okay, I think. Karisa was waiting for her firstborn and I think people were more acceptable to go around in the community. Even the tight community was opening up their doors for the locals and tourists," I said as I remembered my last visit to my sister.

My father was long dead as he was having a heart attack and for once, I was happy. We were not being tied up to the land as Karisa was still there and she was looking over but me? I was free to do anything that I wanted.

"Why come to Nicosia?" Pascal asked me as he was leaning on the bench, looking at the kids that were playing. I don't know what he was thinking as he had his sunglasses on and I was enjoying the sun.

"Hmm, it was to find a job since I cannot be in Paphos forever. Sure, it was nice and all but I don't want to stick there my whole life," I said as I was sipping on the iced coffee. I was nervous but being with Pascal, it was calming.

I never had this when I was going out on dates.

"Do you wish to get out of the island someday?" He asked me as I was turning my head toward Pascal. He was still looking at the kids before I was arching my eyebrow at him.

"Why do you ask?" I asked him as I wanted to know why he asked that question. But he just shrugged.

"Maybe I was just curious, that's all. Don't you think you want to pursue your studies or anything?" Pascal asked. I chuckled as I was sighing.

"I wanted to but I don't have any funds. Father's savings have been used up for the house and thankfully, we paid all our debts. And I don't think I would have enough money to do it," I said as I was shaking my head. Pascal turned to me before he was telling me something that will change everything.

"Marry me," he said before I was looking into his eyes, well his sunglasses anyway. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Why?" I asked him as my heart was beating fast. I hope that he said that he loves me or something but no, it was not that.

"You're young and intelligent. I don't want you to waste away your life just by being hostess for the rest of your life," he said as I blushed. I cleared my throat before I told him.

"I got fired," I said quietly. Pascal was looking at me before he was smiling.

"More the reason for you to get your education now," he said as I was gazing at his face.