Chapter 7: The Proposal

Karin Papadopoulos' POV

"Hold on, so let me get this straight," I said as I was standing in front of Pascal. I was pacing back and forth in the park that we were sitting next to Farmer's market. I was trying to wrap my head around this whole idea of being married to him.

"You want me to be your wife and I will get the benefit to continue my study?" I asked him as Pascal was nodding at me. I stopped before I was looking at him. He must be mad. I think Pascal Vouivre has to be mad.

"Why?" I asked him as he was smiling at me. That smile alone can turn my knees to jelly. But I have to be strong, I have to.

"My investors will come later that they will not take my deal if they see I was a single, successful businessman. They wanted someone that settle down and was leading a happy life with his family," Pascal said as I was narrowing my eyes.

"And why does it has to be me?"

"It has to be you. You've known me since we were little and we have so many common things. It will not be hard to do this. And later, after you finish your studies, I will give you annulment," he said as I was looking at him.

It was a very tempting offer but I just have to ask one more question. I don't think I can marry him if I know that he will not be faithful to me. I have been waiting my whole life for him to notice me other than a shadow behind my sister Karisa.

"Will you bed me?" I asked him before I was blushing hard. I can feel the blood was settling in my cheeks but I don't care. I have to know it. Pascal arched his eyebrow at me.

"Why do you ask?"

"Just answer the question. Will you bed me or will you look elsewhere?" I said before I turned to look at anything but his face. God, why was I being so bold right now? I don't have to ask it if his reason was to convince his investors to let him have the deal.

Pascal chuckled before he got up and held my hand before dragging me out of the park. I was following him as I don't think I will have any will power to protest or anything.

"We will get married tomorrow. The investors will be here tomorrow night so I wanted you to be prepare," he said as I was looking at his head. Well, I think this guy was a perfectionist now. Then, Pascal turned to look at me as he caught me staring at him.

"And you will move into my house. I will not have you live at your apartment any longer. You will tell your landlord—"

"Landlady," I corrected him.

"—Sorry, my bad, landlady that you will be getting out of the apartment. I will have my team to help you pack. All you have to do after this was to smile and gave the key to the landlady of yours," he said before we were walking down the sidewalk to my house. I was not having anyone dragged me anywhere before but with Pascal, I think I wanted him to.

"So, go on. You will tell her today," he said as he was waiting for me to knock on my landlady's house. It was next to my apartment before I sighed. Then, I knocked.

The door opened and my landlady was standing in front of me.

���Ah, Karin. Is there something I can help you with?" she asked as I was smiling at her. I turned to look at Pascal as he nodded at me.

"Mrs. Smith, I don't think I can continue to live here anymore. My fiancé—"

"Oh, I don't know you're engaged," Mrs. Smith said before she was eyeing me and Pascal. Then, she smiled.

"Well, of course, dear. I understand. He can't keep you away for any longer now. When's the wedding?" She asked as I was hesitated to answer her.


"We will be getting married as soon as possible. But of course, I need my fiancée to move in with me and get acquainted with my family. It will be a big change for her," Pascal said as he stepped and put his hand on my lower back. I stiffed but I don't think engaged couples would be stiff around one another, so I relaxed/

"Yes, it will be far away. His family was not from the island and I think it will be rude if we don't introduce to them," I said as I was looking at Mrs. Smith. She smiled before her blue eyes were shining at me.

"Of course dear. I know how that feels. My husband's family was the same. They are from the States. Now, you can give me the keys and clear out. Take as long as you like," Mrs. Smith said before Pascal said.

"That wouldn't be necessary. My team can clear the stuff tonight," he said before he turned to look at me, "if that's okay with you, sweetie," he said as I was smiling at him. I was blushing because he never affectionate with me, or even my sister when they were intended to be married.

"Oh, I see that you are eager to have her in your house," Mrs. Smith said before he chuckled.

"You have no idea," Pascal mumbled but I heard it. I blushed again before we said our goodbyes and we were off to Pascal place.

He brought his car and we were on the road to his house. It was one of the wealthiest areas of the city. I don't know what to say but I think Pascal was very, VERY rich. He parked his car inside the garage before we were out of the car. Then the door to the garage was opened and I saw the woman that was with him that night.

"I thought I heard someone will be here and I think I wanted to introduce myself as soon as possible," the woman said as her sweet voice can be heard. I was smiling at him before someone was walking behind her.

"Honey, you will hurt yourself. Can you please be careful?" The fair man asked as I was looking at his eyes. It was the same as Pascal's but his hair was fair.

"Brother, Sasha, may I introduce my fiancée, Karin Papadopoulos," Pascal said as he went to my side before putting his hand on my lower back. I smiled at them as I introduced myself.

"I'm Karin, nice to meet you," I said before the woman was coming crashing down on me. She hugged me before I can even breathe.

"Oh, I am so happy right now. I don't think that Pascal will go out this morning and brought himself a fiancée. So, when is the wedding?" Sasha asked me before I was looking at Pascal. He shrugged before he went to talk with his brother. I was glaring at him. Sasha laughed.

"Don't worry, you will get used to it. Now, tell me everything that I wanted to know how he proposed to you," Sasha said before I was biting my lips. I don't think I can lie to this lovely woman now.


Pascal Vouivre's POV

I went to my brother as he was glaring at me. I know why he was being that way right now. I mean, out of a sudden, I will be getting married to this woman that he barely knows.

"Do I need to know what are you planning with her?" He asked before we settled inside the living room, drinks in hand.

"I don't think you want to know," I said as I was sipping on the wine. Sasha and Karin had acquainted themselves and right now they were in the kitchen, chatting.

"Well, I think I know why," Pierre said as I was arching my eyebrow at him.

"And what is that brother?" I asked before we were silent. I don't think my brother knows that Karin was my mate. It couldn't be, right?