The Ghoul's Cafe

"Welcome, dear customer", there it was Touka Kirishima, bowing.

It was a warm welcome. He felt at ease.

"Thanks", Shem look around the café; scanning every face his eyes can see and correlating them to events from the anime. Most of them are background characters. To others not so important, but to Shem they matter in equal with the main characters. Some of those characters look back at him showing curious intentions.

Shem smiled at those gazes and went to follow the characters he rooted to win. He arrived at an empty table at the coffee counter, thank the two, and made himself comfortable.

Touka's brow went down and her smile vanish when she's far away from Shem. An intriguing scent pulled her interest on this customer. Something is odd from this man.

'That's…weird? It's not hard to distinguish humans and ghouls …but this person's 'scent' didn't seem close enough to these two.'

Her thoughts, as she made her way towards the table near the entrance door, beside the balcony of the café. She couldn't roll out this weird case from her mind, her instinct tells her a bad omen.

Shem look around the peaceful café, again. He took note on the wood, the design, the lighting, and the atmosphere. It created a relaxing and livelier atmosphere mostly gone from his dimension's holograms and technological might.

"What a nice place. Less sophisticated but you're connected."

Shem closes his eyes and felt his surroundings.

"A pleasant day sir, may I take your order? We have many varieties to choose from, including those of foreign origin. I assure you that they're close like home."

An old man with arms at the back, swept-back white hair, and seemingly close eyes, entertained him. He projects kindness as well as peace with his smile.

"Oh, yes…can I have your black coffee with milk? Not too bitter, just make it in the mild range."

"Hmm, very well then sir, mild range, give me just a moment." Yoshimura went his way to prepare the coffee in front of him.

Shem's body is beyond human flesh, comprising of reprogrammed tissue that functions electronically. Any matter consumed will be part of the body. Any type of energy is utilized regardless of source. Alongside the Flesh, is carbon base components all maintained by tiny machines called nanites. The remaining things that considers him human; is he's fragile brain and necessary organs encapsulated by the peak of Human biotechnology from his dimension. Biotechnology was cost effective and that was the path humanity took to improve their standing in the vast Universe as fledgling species.

The old man brews the coffee in front of him. He can hear the crackles of the beans when they hit the grinder. When done, he puts the crush beans into a filter paper and poured a hot crystal-clear water to extract the essence of the coffee powder. Finally, the coffee extract flows out from the filter paper to a cup underneath. Removing all the tools, a cup filled with black-bitter-goodness remained.

"Here you go, black coffee with milk, please enjoy," He puts the coffee in front of Shem and poured two cubes of sugar and three spoons of milk.

"Nice, thanks."

Shem smells the aroma, then he began to sip. When that beverage touches his tongue, he forgot everything for a moment, and let his body drown in deliciousness.

"Hmm, that's a kick, taste like home."

Done with entertaining Shem, Yoshimura excuses himself, he went his way to prepare another cup, for another customer. And Just like Touka, Yoshimura noted that odd scent. He took a small gaze at Shem then went his way to another customer.

Recalling his memories, on what's left of it, he knew that this man, no, character, will fall into fate much worse than slavery and death. He knew how this place will all end.

"Should I say it to them?", he stirred his coffee, look around to see a mother and a daughter on a corner, and two employees. He sighed after looking at them.

Instead of drowning in mind boggling decision and moral choice, he realized.

'Wait a damn second! Why am I part of this world? How and what in devilish powers made this world possible?' His thoughts.

Tracing back, he was just attending a debut of the most advance ship ever created by Humanity. What happened next was the explosion, the USB, the white space, and then marooned on this fictional world!

"What's the matter sir? I see that you're having problems. Is it the coffee not to your liking?

"Oh, no. The coffee's delicious. I just remembered something personal that's all. The coffee's kick might have opened those lock rooms, ha-ha."

"Is that so? That's good sir, it tells me that I have carefully brew the beans right, enough to unlock their inner qualities. And I apologize for that."

"No, its fine. It was refreshing." Shem let out some half lies-statement. To be honest, the coffee was also involved. It had these qualities of easing up your body. Sometimes it opens up your mind that you can remember things you ought to forget.

"Life might be hard and chokes you sometimes with sadness. Sometimes you're blinded by 'revenge'. Or reason that are good to be barred."

Shem look at Yoshimura with quivering eyes. Hearing that words triggered Shem. How did this old man know his shit? Why did he arrive on that topic?

"It's not because we couldn't avenge someone that we should feel sad. The sadness is that the person whose been blinded by revenge or regret can no longer live properly on their own. Take a step and move out from that room. It's well, if you destroy that rooms you've built."

Yoshimura left Shem, smiling, as if there was no problem. It was inappropriate for Yoshimura to be doing that. Heck, in a stranger interaction, it is to be frown upon. However, he saw Shem as a broken person, searching for happiness, searching for a way to finally recover. Although he exudes danger, Yoshimura never saw a devil but a person paving the road for the right path to take in life.

'The fuck you saying old man; you don't…know me, you're just a fictional character!' Shem said in his thoughts as he let Yoshimura go. His mouth could not retort back. This universe is breaking him. That fucking man lock pick his personal doors he carefully fortified. How the fuck did he notice that?

Shem, still recovering from being stunned by a statement he never wanted to hear, but needed. Took a moment to breathed and relax. Eliza also did her job to calm his mind. Shem contemplated on those words, as he glances at the man, no, ghoul.

Anger was rising.


"I'm doing that old man, it's just, it's hard to do it and where to start." Shem whispered those words.

To cool, he wonders his gaze around. To his right, he saw a mother with her daughter again, they were quiet and lowkey. Right beside them was the former gang leaders of their respected ghoul gangs, serving customers. They had the mask, called the smile plastered on their faces right now. Playing the role nature gave them. Adapting to the playground of the devil. Slaves to fate.

Shem knows their story. He knows the end of this café. He knows the end of this plagiarize world. It was not good.

But, no.

Now that he's here.

With his power, brought from his world, he can make this world at least livable. In a human way possible. Lesser cruel. A good end for that anime.

Shem realized these facts. He clenches his fist. A goal is born within him. He was put in this world for something far greater than becoming a dog, on a leash. A hope perhaps in this dark parallel of Earth. A way to forget that war and that nightmare of memories he still harbors within, to punish himself. No, to atone.

Shem sips he's coffee, again. The warm mildly bitter and sweet liquid entered his mouth and touch his tongue again, it's as if magic was conjured, it washes his mind from all of the problems and future plans that he's planning and is about to do. It was like a beautiful maiden embracing him against her bosom. Soft and fluffy.

[Caution. Caffeine stimulant detected. Please do not consume too much as per recommended by mental therapy protocols. Stimulant detected can disrupt critical organic systems being converted to data. Please be aware of the undesired side effects: Confusion, Dizziness, Headache, Anxiety and psychotic ailments.]

A warning was displayed in Shem's User Interface.

"Crap, forgot about this."

[Commanding nanites for immediate metabolization. I'm sorry for doing this but it has to be done. This AI cannot allow harm to its host. I recommended moderate consumption for now but after memory conversion, you are free to consume anything.]

'Right. Please do.' Shem remembered those soldiers who suddenly went mad after defying the mental health protocols.

Letting the AI cleanse, him off caffeine, he conducted system diagnostics. To check if he's systems and medical kits are in peak performance.

His clear eyesight change, divergent color and numerous programs loaded. He took a gaze on an unaware ghoul, and the tools he had gave him glimpse of their anatomy and physiology. All was in place, except for 7.5 inches, sac-like organ place near the heart and unusual sickle cell shape cells, similar to red blood cells, that aren't supposed to be part of their body, flowing side by side with the other cells. On the side note there was thick vessel connected from the sac near the heart to another 3.5 inches, smaller sac, above his shoulder blade and another vessel connected to the eyes. All data gathered are then archive for later studies.

"An Ukaku type huh. Base on the anime, they should be able to shoot projectiles and is capable of superhuman speed, if I recall. Ah, Eliza designate name on the bigger unknown organ as kakuhu, the one near the heart. And then Tag those curled up cells as RC cells."

[Confirmed.] Eliza's words to Shem.

Shem has to do a lot of things to know more about these creatures. The cost would be enormous.

Noting that biological information, he confirmed that all are green for his optics and intelligence gathering systems. After that, he checks his offensive and defensive system next. And they are still hot from factory.

Shem is a special force member, focusing in medical support. He's entire weapon system are tailored to fulfill that role. Aside from his role, as a soldier, he lacks the weapons of advance assault special forces but still have the basic ones to protect and attack.

Shem has shallow info about the ghouls, thanks to the little lore he saw from the anime. Considering the fact that this is another universe. Referencing from the FTL theory, it states there that, "reality is compose of many dimensions, each of those dimensions have similar and different laws put in them". So, the universal law of this universe might have made its own, entirely different from back home, making the lore half-useless. It has come to Shem's attention that he should not rely on the anime's establish lore and has to uncover the flavors added, and removed by this Universe.

Shem cease drinking his coffee. He called for Yoshimura.


"Yoshimura, sir."

"Ah, Mr. Yoshimura, it was a tasty drink thanks a bunch."

"Your welcome. I'm flattered that not only I can make my fellows around this town satisfied but I could also make a foreigner."

"Yep, and Mr. Yoshimura I'd like to pay for this coffee but I don't have any rea-physical money right now. I forgot my wallet back at the hotel. Could I ask for another way of payment, say bank account, so that I can wire it there. Of course, I will do it here to prove my account."

Yoshimura crack a smile and says something good, "No need to trouble yourself sir. Please consider the beverage as our way of welcoming. Please enjoy your travels around the country."

"That's…thank you very much for your hospitality," he bows remembering that this old man was at the forefront of a dream that a ghoul can coexist with the humans. A good person in this world filled with curse and grief. Receiving that generous free drink, he got obliged to spoil him for what will to come.

"Please, be careful. I hope you can survive. Always prepare for the worst that will come to this place."

Yoshimura peek his sinister eyes on that sentence. Shem saw that and was never afraid.

"Pardon me sir, what do you mean by that words?"

"It's an old saying from my country. Every year we battle against disasters like typhoons. And it never goes well. I never meant ill will but a good lucky charm to help others through words. In our country it reminded us to be stronger, happy in times of crises and the lot."

"Oh. Thank you, we will keep it mind. Apologies if I misunderstood."

Shem went to prepare himself to get out from the café, had a good bye talk with Kaneki, then once again thank the head of café for their generous offer. Although they refuse, Shem use Eliza to send them money and got out from the Shop to begin his journey.

Meanwhile, when the Coffee shop close a meeting was held to discuss a particular threat, that suddenly came in to their nest.

"You piece of crap, why did you let that person in the café?" Touka shouted to Kaneki.

"But he was a customer right and…and he seems kind of lost so…I help him and took the opportunity to invite him to our shop. He seems a good person to me."

Touka's veins pop out after hearing Kaneki say those words.

"Did you not even consider that possibility that he's an enemy! He's scent, it's like nothing about ghoul or a human." Touka sighed and look at Yoshimura. "You noticed right?"

"Clear as the skies," Yoshimura responded, "Whatever creature he may be. I don't think he's a danger at face value. Looking at him and peering inside him through his words and actions I found that he's not even a threat to begin with. He was clearly different, more akin to danger, but he's behavior are far from those we've known. I see him as a lost person. Searching for a path for whatever burden he carries within him. So, I suggest to forget about that man but remain vigilant."

Yoshimura look at his phone and saw a money recently deposited at his account by an unknown individual. Scrolling down it had a thank you message and a coffee emoji.

"Me as well, I noted those scent but if the boss says not then he's not a danger to us." Kaya Irimi said her side.

"I second those words. Not all around us are that bad and hostile. There are those that are still in the good side." Enji Koma delivered his side.

"Still…we can't just let it slide like that." Touka suggest to strengthen their turf.

"Rest assured everyone. That man has nothing to do with danger and hostility. Let's say we have witnessed an interesting person today. A unique individual whose aims are far from endangering our oasis. Now, let's go home and forget about everything but all must remember to be on the lookout."

Yoshimura close the meeting and suggested to forget this day. Assuring everyone that what they met is a good omen from the heavens. Probably and that's a gamble.

Shem sit on an empty bench at a plaza. The skies are already black carpeted with jewels of stars.

"Eliza Display world population data for 2014, highlight ghoul demographics in Japan and if possible, the whole world."

[Confirmed. There are 7 Billion individuals currently recorded for this year, with 1.9% annual changes. Japan current population numbers are at 135 Million individuals. CCG data centers provide estimated ghoul population: ranging from 20,000-25,000 individuals per prefecture with its highest, found in the capital, Tokyo. The estimated ghoul total population percentage within Japan are at 0.07% of the 135 million and is growing. Similar data are also present in other countries.]

Shem's brows went up.

"Can they eat anything other than human?"

[No, their biological make up can only be sustained by human flesh and blood. All of the research data available in this world points to a reason that Humans have themselves the 'red child cells' or most commonly known as RC cells. These cells help sustain the Ghouls biological make up.]

"And why is that? Why only humans?"

[No further information available.]

Shem sighed, it only means that all information about ghouls are either hidden without using computers or are not pursued by scientist because of lack in funding, lobbies and bribes, much worse black mail.

"As expected, well let's find some store Eliza I want to change clothes." He looks at his clothes and smiled as he realized.

He's uniform catch too much attention, although he can move much easily and it can sync with his organic technology, the design isn't appropriate for the current era and culture.

[There is a store downtown of the 20th ward from your location. 3000 meters in distance. I already contacted the store and paid the necessary expenses.]

"Got it."

In a dark alleyway of the 20th ward downtown, a salaryman was gasping for breath and running without any direction. He was wearing the usual business suit with his brief case at his chest in order to run faster from an unknown assailants.


He did not care on what things that bumps against him while running; news papers, cans of garbage, and abandoned paper boxes. All was ignore except for what was chasing him.

Following the person was a silhouette of a man and woman which was pursuing the said person with their all might in order to catch the pray that was running wild. They move akin to a super powered individuals, they can even rival those golden medalist in the Olympics.

"No! No! No! Please I don't wanna die!"

A dead end a large 15 meter concrete wall end his sprint. There was no escape from the people whose after is his flesh.

"Pleaseeee…haaaaah! I don't wannna die!

With tears flowing from his eyes he look back over his shoulder and then prostrated to the ground begging for a drop of mercy from his pursuers.

"Thank you, he stop! Hehehe! At last!"

A man with a hood said his response.

"Oh, no, you went on the wrong way. I thank you for that it save us from sweating too much, I had just gotten a good bath."

A woman with a hood same with the other one said her response.

The two pursuers where obviously ghouls. They remove their hoods showing attractive faces. Their teeth showing with delight as the smiles they had reach their ears. Their eyes shines with bloody tint under the blackness of the night.

"Pleasseeee! I beg you, I don't wanna dieee! I have my family, I have my daughters Please!

The man continued to cry and shout for his freedom.

"Oh is that so! We are sorry that you cannot see your family again but at least you can fill us up right brother? The girl hooded ghoul sounded to his brother. Hehehe! Spouting some twisted words.

"Alright, don't you worry we will leave some parts of you, so you can still go home to your family …Bahahaha!!! How's that? A good bargain, eh? "The man responded.

With all those statement splattering to his ear, it has come to the middle-aged salaryman's mind that he will become a meal for these two. Hope is lost already.

"Aaagh!! Help! Anybody... somebody helped! "

The man lost himself, and just continued to cry, covering his fear for death.

The two ghouls came closer and did not consider the wish of their delicious victim. The ghouls then release their kagune with identical unique shape of a sharp pointed spear design and began pouncing to the man's body until he was dead. The two ghouls began dissecting the body once it had lost its life. They started at removing every organ and ended with cutting all body parts for food. The promise of living some parts will not going to happen as it will live traces for the CCG agents to hunt them down.

"Aah! Thank you for the food it's delicious, your blood and skin, taste very sweet...and your eyes its been months that we did not have these blessings" The woman said while gorging out the eyes of the dead man and putting it in her mouth and madly munching it with blood splattering around the place.

"Yeah! Mmmh! delicious!" The male ghoul also commented while holding a heart and putting it to his mouth.

The two ghouls sliced out the body parts into small pieces for easy carry in order to supply their needs for the next month. These two ghouls are secretly defying the will from the Anteiku organization because of their desperation for food. They had been drifting from city to city just to search for food and easy kill.

"My sister I have finish the packing, Lets go home."

"Alright, I'm driving this time." The girl said with a frowned expression.


An object suddenly landed at their front and was able to create clouds of dust.

"What in the hell was that? Huh? What fuck are you? Let go of my sister!

The man shouted to his sister who was caught in the impact.

When the clouds of dust fades out, a man with expose biomechanical armor was standing in front of the man with a face of anger, disappointment and disgust. His hands is now currently holding the neck of the female ghoul and said something which the man did not understand.

"Another killing huh! looks like my stay in this world will be bumpy."

"Uaakgh!! Wha.. t ar.. e you!? " The female struggled to articulate her questions as she gasp for air.

The creature in armor was currently standing in front of them with red eyes that was sucking their soul.