The Flashdrive

In 2200 A.D. the human race has ushered the great age of space colonization.

Accompanied by the advances in science and technology, the species has risen to unimaginable heights.

The space is the next frontier for these fragile individuals, a harsh environment beaming with precious knowledge.

Setbacks after setbacks face our race, it took longer years to realize our plans. We had to face and fix our shit and garbage society. Oust and elect stupid and smart politicians. Develop low cost materials because the cost of materials skyrockets sometimes on the behest of the rule of supply and demand; which is the pet dragon of stupid modern merchants. And above all the safety and technology for us to reach that dark space.

Time flow by luckily our race endured and we are proud to have made tools to reach our burning dreams. We harness the power of the sun through Nuclear Fusion, fly though Anti-gravity technology which allowed us to move in any direction without relying on air. To sum it all we made tools that achieved miracles.

To increase our survivability, we not only produce tools but we also altered our body. We achieved the pseudo immortality, our lives extended, we replaced our sacred biological body to a human made organic cyberwares by manipulating our DNA to make a computer made of flesh. We became a species with man made flesh technology. Bio machines, instead of nonliving materials. A flesh machines.

Thanks to that gruesome evolution we are able to live long and became demigods if you will. Now space is just 1 cm from our hands.

Corporations and Governments announce the great migration. We decongested mother earth as we reach Billions in number, we are like bacteria overwhelming the agar plate. As the analogy says the agar plate which is Earth will reach its critical point that she cannot sustain us if we stay and grow more. Eventually we die out. And so, the migration began, we became pioneers of the future spacefaring civilization.

We were in ecstasy after migrating, we began to devour worlds and grow our civilizations. We ate resources from space to improve our lives and develop planets. As thanks for our mother planet finally our idiots and shit politicians and privateers decided to fix the STD sick mother Earth. We were fucking mother Earth for years, it's time to say sorry and fix our mistakes. Such as Humanity.

Food was abundant thanks to our overwhelming knowledge and the manipulation of the living things. It was all good.

Then. Here it came.

Dark ages. The people of power move their chess pieces and cards. By greed the era we are proud of slowly crumpled. People started to shout a fuck up freedom speech from their colony to the Earth Federation government UNSC. A twisted type of freedom feed by the pigs on the above hierarchy.

The colonial governments are mandated and controlled by the United Nations Space Colonies of Earth. It is to ensure that all resources are manage and shared to all.

That, cultures are kept under the laws of earth, which means creating cults and other gimmicks that defy human rights are extremely prohibited. No weapons for mass destruction shall be developed, no organizations should operate without the approval of the laws of earth specifically the U.N.S.C rules and imposed international treaties from earth's nations.


We are demigods, we have the power, we have immortality but we are human.

We hunger for things that defines our life. Those of us have smaller wants but others have higher ones.

And so, just like the old age, the one in power use innocent and stupid people to work their dreams. Wars all over the Sol system rage. Few raising their wine filled glass and many raising flags of stupidity and rage.

Weapons from the past and the future mix like smoothie of chaos. Business was strong in expense for the stupid people. Population control was in good numbers. Piles of human flesh floated like popsicles in the horizons of space.

On the edge, the UNSC government drafted a resolution to counter the threat, they commissioned the Tausug program. A human soldier equivalent to a thousand soldier. A name taken inspiration from a tribe living in the isles of South East Asia. A tribe not to mess with just like the Spartans of the west.

Fooled and people who are aware of the game enlisted. Their bodies were change leaving the fragile nervous system, heart, lungs, digestive system, excretory and reproductive system intact. The inhumane development of the program was quite well hidden by the authority. They have no choice as the spread of the wildfire would soon consume earth.

A Tausug super soldier has an organic quantum computer grafted to their Brain or rather force grown in their brain. They have organic fusion core for power and pseudo organ battery. Their arms hide close- and long-range weapons ranging from carbon base knife to plasma energy manipulation. All of their body are a weapon to sum it up all.

The results from the advertisements did not fail. The Tausug program fulfilled the parameters set by the mad doctors who made them. The authorities were happy and just like that the war change tide. The Tausug soldier sweep the entire Sol system and began to stop the war. Manipulators of the war are uprooted. Children and weak adults did not cry. Reeducation change the ones who surrendered. The truth as the Government say made fool of the rebel soldier, they sacrifice their lives for a stupid reason. They were only pawns by the privilege Pigs and crocodiles.

In 2297 A.D. the war ended, recuperation and rebuilding started to be the top priority. UNSC took control of the shattered worlds. Satan had finish laughing.

Tausug the heroes of the UNSC government fulfilled their role incredibly. They were no longer use and they were decommissioned and re-injected to society to become pillars of the Better UNSC and Sol system society.

But among these so-called heroes the,22, Private Shem Abeles of the UNSC medics special forces chose not to work but instead invested his salary and pension to some companies and currencies and live off from dividends. A lonely above average looking person, black haired, and like many of his fellow soldiers, wanted to relax after the war. A citizen of the Federal Republic of Maharlika (Philippines) one of the nations that defines UNSC. A soldier who wasn't known by anybody. A mob. A background character. A foundation of peace.

His home is found on the south of the Republic. A peaceful and beloved city by the tourist. Although artificially made to look like paradise but it was at least believable.

He finds Anime both the classic and modern to be as enjoyable as finding a job, with his current pension and accumulated salary he can enjoy life freely like a king. For one he believes that anime divert you from problems and stress this world offers; so it can also forget the memories that the war had brought to him. Although his medicines are automatedly administered to his system and healing him mentally, the human brain he has is still the strongest of all his augments.

While on his way to buying snacks At the nearest convenience store. Though he could have just ordered snack from the net and delivered automatically to his home. He wanted to feel his city for once. He wanted to see its recovery and how its rising from the war.

(The world council convenes new treaties. Rebel leaders sentence to death.) A large hologram on the city center projected a news.

"Everyone suffered and many lost love ones, the victim wanted justice, the leaders wanted scapegoats. The Oligarchs wanted covers. Pwett!" Shem spit his saliva on the ground. He then shook his head.

"Anyway on my way to snacks."

Shem walk on the roadside beside the sea. The roads and sidewalk were filled with robots and people, on route to their respective living and work.

[It is nice for you to walk outside sir. This will enhance your therapy. May I suggest to include organic dishes for your planed meal.] A female voice sounded on his thoughts. His personal AI and partner during his times on war.

"Already thinking it. I'm planning to watch anime today Eliza while eating my dinner."

[That's good but not helpful to your brain. Multitasking is not advisable with your condition. Therapy protocols suggest that a step by step healthy activity must be followed by the host. I have reviewed your anime and it is not advisable to watch.]

"Override. I've been doing and religiously following the therapy for 2 years now. Can I have a day of me choosing for myself. Life is sometimes pain at least I can numb it for awhile."

A second of silence pass, [Reviewing your records, all results are above average. Conclusion, you can watch while you eat. However, if the anime impose emotional triggers I will have to cut your hormonal effects.

"Meaning? I can't feel or even enjoy a moment on that anime?"

[Affirmative. Only with select emotional triggers such as explosion. This is the line I can only allow.]

"I'm fine with that. Thank you partner."

[Your welcome. Please follow the health protocol for your recovery.]

Shem reached a small three floored white painted building. Holographic advertisement hug all over its four sides. Spitting flowery words and attractive pictures.

Waiting near the sliding door, a half size, huggable robot meet Shem. The design was taken inspiration from a cat. A big chubby one wearing a butler uniform.

"Welcome sir, to Nippon 24! All you need is made right here. What can my services delights you?"

Shem smiled and clap his hands thrice, amaze by the bot. The robot look at him with a big smile while hands in cupped to the right side. Like a fantasy merchant.

Shem while impress looked around inside watching every hologram presenting the products beside them.

"High nutrient veggy crackers, popcorns, and one liter of soya milk-strawberry flavored." He said while clicking his finger.

"Your orders are received fine sir. A healthy diet I see." The robot ran some protocols. "May I ask for a 25 federation dollars, fine sir."

"Pay it Eliza."

"Bless you sir! Thank you for your purchase. Make yourself comfortable while waiting for the product." The butler robot straighten its arms and pointed to a big circular chair on the center of the store. Stores like this is one of the most wonderful creation humankind has made in terms of commerce. All products are manufactured inside the store saving space and cost instead from the now obsolete big factory. Typically offers delivery and freshness.

Shem accepted the offer and proceed to sit. Tiredness was already gone from him. What remains is the human nature. A sense that he is still a human.

"How's the world doing Mr. Bot?" Shem having himself comfortable ask the bot; extinguishing boredom and awhile curious as to the affairs of the world on others perspective whether robot or man.

"Oh, it was joyous. Business is bustling and we can see people smile again. Though past gave us pain but as my human chairman says 'always move on while enjoying the now. We only die once and live everyday might as well make the most of it'."

"Oh, what an insight. Never caring how this world works. Just live."

"Exception for profits and growth, yes, be uncaring just live and find happiness. I very much recommend this belief to our customers who seems lost." The robot look at him. It then drew a big smile. "I'm happy to inform you sir that your orders are now ready; would you like me to send them to your abode or will you be eating on your way?"

"On my way. Better to always feel hard on this now although convenience is better. I learned today thanks to your words from your boss."

[Mindfulness is a way to clear up the mind. It is to feel your moment. It is to feel whatever you are doing. And by carrying your snack and drinks while walking helps to focus your mind on what you are doing. Carry on Sir.] Eliza muttered.

"Thank you very much valued customer! Come again next time! Or you may order from us through net. And sir a friendly reminder from our establishment. 'Please be happy, at-least look at the bright side on whatever dark room you're in."

Shem laugh.

"Thanks! Will be doing that." He thank the robot while patting its head. He turned around and faced the main entrance of the store. Gazing the sun on the see-through sliding door. About to go out. He happened to notice a rack with six shelves filled with what seems to be 'antique movies'.

Shem reached out to one of the shelves and notice that they were foreign products with its languages written in Japanese. He then took several copies.

[Estimated age 300 years old. Animations from the 21st century. Not recommended to watch as it contains triggers. We have to avoid attacks Shem.]

"These series are good. Overlord, No game no life, Death note, castle Vania, log horizon and Tokyo Ghoul." Not listening to his AI, Shem read the titles and synopsis of each series. Out of all the series he was interested on, the title Tokyo Ghoul sparkled. A grim and dark anime not recommended for those who have weak hearts.

"A college student is attacked by a ghoul, a being that feeds on human flesh. He later receives an organ transplant from the ghoul, becoming part monster himself. Hmm, interesting, I'll also want this one Mr. Bot!" Shem said to the robot. While holding the wrap USB that contains the series.

[Sir, please heed my words. You might compromise your therapy if you watch this.] Eliza said with a tint of concern.

"Override. Just cut off all emotions Eliza. I'm only for the story."


"I said override."

At the Beachside apartment complex on the top floor, the light was up in a room. Shem while eating his meal brought from the store earlier devoured them while watching the anime he bought.

[Sir, emotional and hormonal imbalances are detected in your brain activity. Restricting emotional reactions. Stabilizing hormonal secretion and heart rate.] This was the sentence Eliza would spout during the session of watching. Shem did not feel annoyed and allowed the AI to do its job. He was in for the story and not against his mental therapy.

Shem binge watch the anime. Skipping the intro and endings. Only concentrating to the story from start to finish.

"Force to become a monster. To save the people. Controlled by powers he too late to know. Like me force to become a monster to save the people. Controlled by the powers too late to know. But if I was him I could have make decisions that would have ended in good terms."

Shem did like the plot of Tokyo Ghoul and its premise but he did not like the innocent people dying in the story or the side characters as you may. Shem wishes to change it, if he is given the privilege to rewrite the story, he will gladly accept it and add plots to the people who died innocently in the story and save them and if given an another chance he will change the world's future and its people.

A veteran in the military, he witness death around the battlefield. Both civilians and comrades at arms. He fought and survive. He was sent to the frontlines and comes back every time. At some point in his life he arrived at the conclusion why must the many and stupid had to die. People like him only wanted to live. To define life in peace but why the few in power drag them to death. He then concluded that he'd stop being stupid and began to pull power and strength to himself in that way he could save the other people just like him.

"But, I learned it too late." Shem sighed and remove the flash drive from his monitor.

[Sir, you have a message from Command.] Eliza reported.

"Summarize, audio only. Glug." Shem said while drinking the soya milk.

[Confirmed. Command invites you to bear witness on the launching of Bakunawa. The 6 km Dragon class supercarrier. The event will be held tomorrow at the Apollo station on the moon. Event starts at 0800 Eastern time.]

"Got it." Shem proceeds to his wardrobe. He look around and caress a white uniform. A ceremonial uniform during his time on the military.

At 0600 EST, Shem went to the Sulawesi space elevator an equatorial anchored space station. He then got into a transport ship in course to the moon space station. Reaching the installation on the moon he took a ride on a moon train and proceed to the classified zone in the moon, the Apollo Naval Base. An underground installation inside a crater. The base is huge about 6000 km wide.

"Hey there pips!" A person wave to him.

He look over to his shoulder and saw his captain. A smile then creep out from his face.

"Been a while Captain Jane Sanger." He greeted.

"Long time no see, how's life second in command?" She ask while lifting her arms to hug him.

While being hug Shem turned gloomy.

"Tough, Ma'am."

"Hey," She held his face with both of her hands and made him look at her beautiful face. "Its ok we achieved peace. You have save many. Stop blaming yourself."

"No...I was not able to reach in-" A tear came out from Shem eyes his advance systems could not hold his lingering emotion.

"It's ok, Shem. We have avenge the people who cause that painful mistake. Please move on and forget. Like everyone else, let's improve ourselves to never let that happened again, are we clear?"

"It still hurts a little." Shem can't control the sweats flowing out of his eyes. He cried while hug by his Captain. The two of them are a member of a special forces specializing in medical operations.

"Its ok...please follow your AI's advice to reconvert that memory into data. " Said by Sanger.

Nodding his head was the only thing Shem could do.

The two of them talk for awhile and part ways to their respected seat in a prepared launch pad dome. Shem was situated near to the supercarrier's rear engines. He was mesmerized to the beauty of its design. The smooth and balance curves along with its high powered guns and sheer massive shape.

The program started with the speech and followed by the ceremonial wine breaking at the front of the ship.

Then, suddenly the FTL engine malfunctioned upon its activation and resulted to its explosion.


"Woah! … What happened? Are the rebels attacking again? " a soldier commented.


"EVERYONE GET AWAY!" a scientist ran and shouted. "The Core is unstable please move away to avoid the gravitational pull of that blackhole."

A black hole in the rear engine suddenly emerged. With a size big enough for an elephant to enter.

The FTL engine's schematics and theory was derive and reengineered from a spacetime disruptor bomb called graviton bomb, it was develop by the rebels of Mars. It was said that it contained antimatter. It can rip apart the reality and make far distant point kiss. Making journey in an instant.

The key feature of the said weapon is its effects on creating gravity explosion. No radiation just pure disintegration.

Shem move fast away from the Engine. However, he was not lucky enough to escape fate.

Coincidentally, a metal plate was hurling towards him from the ship' shield parts, it caught him towards the black hole. He struggled to get out, with the momentum and force of the artificial black hole he was swallowed.

"Shit!!" Was the last words he left.

The black hole stop and vanish out from everyone's gaze. The crew of the ship escape through safety ejection. All of the military personnel was safe except for Shem Abeles the poor guy. He did not much use his enhancements very well in the escape.


"Whe...where am l? " Shem woke up in a white colored infinite space full of black holes that makes them stars of black under white background.

Around his positions are the massive broken engine of the ship; floating coolant fluids, spark of electricity, and red gas is oozing out from the core of the engine.

[Heart rate stabilize. Oxygen supply stable. Pseudo organs 100%. Sir at last your finally awake you've been asleep for 12 hours. All of your internal systems are green no critical damage detected. Minimal shielding damage and mild concussion are recorded but are now secured and fix. I'm glad your awake.]

Shem opened his eyes wide, the white background with no end face Shem. It was a wide white room or rather space.

He close his eyes and a tingling sensation erupt on his head.

"Ah, my head hurts. Where are we now exactly?"

[Additional data required. Permission to activate body senses. For full power scan.]

"Granted!" Shem confirmed. He remembered that AI cannot execute activities without permission of its host. It was the new program release by the government to secure the deadly capabilities of the Tausug. A leash of some sort according to his buddies in the military.

Eliza then scanned the surroundings and finish within five minutes.

[Analysis completed. Sir, we are in space time dimension, a gateway for the FTL equip ships no further information as it is recently discovered. Thanks to the reality core subsystem of the engine you did not experience disintegration to nothingness. Be proud.]

"My allies are they safe?" Shem ask while orienting himself to his current predicament.

[Scanning...negative no life forms detected. I have to conclude that your colleagues are safe.]

"That's good. Well thank God, I'm safe and sound." Shem accepted his fate.

[Confirmed. A composite shield plate caught you towards the abnormal blackhole. You are very lucky to have survive those off the charts physics we experienced on that Blackhole.]

"Right. So how do we get out from here? I authorize battle mode." Shem look at the damage engine.

As the AI further analyzes the situation, he commanded Eliza to activate his battle mode features.

The UNSC military mandated that all weapons and tools inside a Tausug super soldiers must be Locked to prevent accidental friendly fire, destruction of property or injury to the citizens. These weapons and tools are organically implanted to the body treating it as organs by the brain and cannot be removed by simple procedures. And In case of emergency or call out by the authority they will be activated and automatically stops the psychological treatment program that hinders the use of these weapons and tools by the user.

[Analyzing...State is treated as level C emergency. Emergency battle mode activation requirements verified. Activating battle mode in accordance to UNSC restraining laws.]

Shem felt at ease and free. He can feel all his arsenal back in control. Memories of the war and memories of peace blend in on his head resulting on a mild migraine as the AI began to scan the area and calculate possible options to get out from this place.


A moment pass.

[...Apologies, sir. I believed we cannot get out from this predicament. Data collected from this place is unknown. We have to have an enormous power source, classified advance hardware, and half a kilo of antimatter in order to tear apart away from this place and go back to our dimension.]

"Alright then let's start to look at that engine there, it might help."

Shem rummage at the big floating engine the size of a 10 floor building to see if he can use it to go home. With the help of his AI they draw many possibilities, however non came close to reality. The engine is damage and some parts are missing. The antimatter it contained is gone. There is no realistic ways to get out from this unknown place.

"I guess I'm dead." Shem laugh, and took a moment to look around, "I think this place is the right grave to atone for my sins and rest in peace."

[Sir. Please do not think negatively.] Eliza bark at him.

"Its fine Eliza. I'm done."

Shem fully accepted his fate. He look around again and saw that this place makes a perfect resting place to die. He already thought of this possibility but never had the opportunity.

[Sir. Please forgive me. I couldn't help you now.]

"No, its fine. You have done many things for me it is now time to rest."

[Affirmative. Thank you for giving me purpose sir. Thank you for the life you shared with me.]

Shem laugh at Eliza. Yes this AI have been there for him whenever he needed help. She was more than his friends and allies. IT will die with him.

"I'm glad I got you. Thank you for staying with me till this end that we are at this time."

Shem close his eyes as if to sleep and then die slowly. He then place his right hands to his right pocket and felt a hard rectangular device. He recalled that it was the USB containing the anime he recently watch. He pulled it out of his pocket and look at it one last time. Tokyo Ghoul was written on that USB. He wondered how it came to his pocket. But it does not matter now. He had accepted himself to be dead why bother thinking about material things. Not caring, he toss the USB out from his grip and let the inertia and zero gravity push it away from him floating like a probe to unknow direction in this vast zero gravity space.

"Heaven or hell please be gentle." A final word.

However, fate, plot armor, life, God, Satan, universe did not allow Shem to rest.

The USB course was going directly into a black hole one of the black stars dotting the entire place. It had a red and blue mist surrounding it.

The flash drive was sucked and churned in by the wormhole like a blender liquefying its contents. The swirling object started to enlarge and the calm gateway started to twist and lightnings started to pour out of nowhere.

[Please be advise a gravity pull at front.] Commented Eliza, it was enough sentence to alert Shem.

Opening his eyes Shem was too late to move. A black hole was already sucking him, again.

"The fuck!"

He was eaten by another blackhole. On the inside, he was twisted inside and out and push to travel in the speed of light accompanied with greater gravity that massage his body to mush. But thanks to his incredible physique he barely endured the twist and pain. A bright white light then bang his body and when he woke up he was in another world mesmerized and shocked of where he is.

"Am I in heaven?" While opening his eyes to see the place.

[Stabilizing Hormonal secretion and heart rate, sir are you alright?] Eliza cried out to him.

He was now on a busy side walk standing in confusion. Some 'people' were curiously looking at him as if he was a street performer. The people were all Asian decent base on their color of hair, facial features and fashion but the mystery to him was that everyone was not familiar especially the fashion and culture. The attires they are wearing perplexed Shem as it is already phased out on Earth's cultural fashion it was all improve and replace by unique and modern designs made by eccentric and imaginable designers. Furthermore, humans? He questioned what he witness.

"Eliza, are we in Japan?" Shem said as he look at a pretty woman with distinct Japanese shape looking at him, curious, to what he was doing and standing in the middle of the sidewalk. He twist his eyes away from that woman and saw: a sakura tree, cold climate base on his visual spectrum, ancient architecture and technology and so much more oddities.

[Affirmative. You are in Tokyo.]

"What?? What did you say?" Shem shouted and startled the people who was curious to his fashion. They then ran off as he heard them say crazy at him.

"I am not liking what I am seeing right now."

Shem formed his theories in where he is. Shem visited Japan once but it was more heavily developed. Towering concrete and metal, blankets the whole island. It had mixture of brutalist and modern natural designs thanks to material and construction breakthroughs. However, Japan that is right in front of him do not add up from what he experienced.

[I have connected to the net.]

"Please tell me, did we go back in time?"

[Japan year 2014 Heisei era to be precise. The FTL theory supports the assumptions but half correct. A dimension is like a long rope, our universe travel in a single line forward. The concept of reversing time is not true but the concept of transferring to another dimension that is on the past is accepted theory scholars agree on.]

"We transferred into a Universe that is in the past. So I'm not in heaven or hell huh."

The FTL engine only makes one to move at speed of light across space. It makes vehicles run faster. Probably the gateway is also a way to jump into another Universe. There is a way to go home.


"Going back there is only pain. Its been a long time since I've seen my family because of the government preventing us from seeing them, they probably thought I'm dead, I will be thankful if they thought right. If I go back I will be just put on a leash no freedom to enjoy. Although I work as a pillar in the society there is always a leash."

Shem look around to see this new opportunity. While walking along the sidewalk occasional random people ask him for pictures because of his cosplay like uniform. A smile creep out from Shem every time when someone talks to him. It felt he was not alone anymore. It was a positive point to look forward at life.

"You're welcome." Shem appreciated the thanks given to him by a random guy.

"Anyways, I will be going now and please be careful, ghoul activities are starting to get rowdy nowadays. Visit the places that are safe."

Shem opened his eyes wide. Ghouls? What and why are ghouls around here?

"Oh, did I scare you, haha. Sorry, that is the current problem we are facing right now. But, don't worry we have the government and CCG solving the problem. So cheer up haha. Thanks for the pic. Take care."

Shem knows that laugh, it was just a cover for a person that is afraid or having problems.

"Eliza show me the map and news all stations if possible."

Eliza showed in his thoughts the GPS map of Japan in high definition. They are located in the 20th ward of Tokyo city. Alongside the map, a compiled data and ghoul activities was also read by Shem.

"Find Anteiku."

Eliza showed Shem the place. Shem followed the map that lead to that place. His face was gloomy and anger is erupting around his face.

After an hour of walking he saw the coffee shop it has two floors with four windows and the Anteiku coffee shop sign board on the outside entrance. A small display board at the entrance can be seen featuring the delicacies and coffee served by the small shop.

He transmigrated to the Universe of Tokyo Ghoul that he watch just recently before all of this happened. Tracing back all that he had done points to the USB he had thrown out of nowhere.

"Fuck shit me! I am In Tokyo Ghoul." He muttered. A new opportunity he had received but it was cursed with problems far worst than his home dimension.

He remained rooted at front of the café. Contemplating what to do and what had happen to him. Thanks to his AI it kept him sane.

Nevertheless fate sometimes make the world smaller.

"Err... Excuse me sir is there any problem? Can I help you?"

A young man asked him all of sudden. He can be describe as roughly the same age as him. The person was shorter than him with black hair and scrawny body. With an eye patch to his left eye, Shem confirmed that it was Ken Kaneki.

[Heart rate increasing reducing hormone secretion. Please calm down sir.]

Eliza acted as she detected the increase heart rate and production of hormones that can lead to panic and irrationality. The AI helped Shem stabilize his emotional reactions during the war so that he can focus on the mission and choose rational options without the hindrance of emotions.

Relatively emotions is the one that clouds judgement. A good and wise decision cannot be fulfilled efficiently if it is affected by emotion.

Shem compose himself as he saw Kaneki, and with his Japanese's language translator he said.

"I am fine...hehe I was just looking at this coffee shop... its beautiful!" A lie to cover his erupting anger and fear.

"Oh... is that so?! Wow! your Nihongo is very fluent. I work here I can advise... you this coffee if you want to drink inside."

Kaneki pointed to a coffee in the display board while smiling.

Shem turned his head following the direction to the coffee pointed by Kaneki, It was the coffee that Kaneki tasted when he turned into a ghoul.

"Haha. Well let's try it out please lead the way, I am new to this place I came from South east Asia, a tourist in tour and just arrived here recently." Shem said to avoid suspicion and calm himself down.

Ken Kaneki reached beside him and noticed that he did not smell Shem as a human food or a ghoul.

'That's weird he did not smell delicious or something.'

Kaneki thought on his mind. He distance himself from him. He was perplex by this case but was interrupted when Shem reach out his right hand and introduce himself.

"My name is Shem Abeles," While scratching his head with his left hand.

"Ke...Ken Kaneki, sir. Pleased to meet you Mr. Shem Abeles," Ken Kaneki shakes hands with Shem. It calmed him down.

After shaking their hands Kaneki ask. To avoid this inconvenient situation his feeling against Shem.

"Are you a cosplayer Mr.Shem?"

Shem was taken aback by the sudden question because of the weird military uniform that Shem was wearing. It is white and shape in clean and smooth long sleeve polo shirt and accompanied with white pants and black shoes that exudes sci-fi design. A pin in the left chest area, a symbol of the UNSC. The pin has a space rocket design and surrounded with planets.

"Ahh!! well cosplaying. I love anime so much especially the military genre and space battles." Shem laugh it off.

Noticing that Kaneki said something inappropriate. Kaneki bowed hurriedly as he sense that he ask a rude question

"Sorry for my rudeness!"

"Its ok, haha. Can we go up now?" Shem laugh and said his wish to end this conversation.

Kaneki smiled and ask Shem to follow him upstairs in the Anteiku. Along the way Shem saw the familiar ghouls in the series the side characters. Some of them came down and the others were all going up inside the coffee shop.

While going upstairs Shem requested Eliza.

'Eliza can you give me money … create an account for me. Please do it legally.'

Shem said in his thoughts. His money is the South East Asia Federation issued bank note it did not exist in this world so he wants to get some local currency by asking Eliza to gather money in any means as long as it is legal. With the power of quantum computer AI. She gathered the money as fast as she can of course it was gathered base on economic performance of the country. Shem do not want to disrupt the supply of money.

[Affirmative finding money in legal approach...gathering. Completed. Depositing money to international and local bank account online. Completed. A debit card will be given to you by the local bank near this place. For now please use the digital account to pay bills. ]

'Thank you very much for the help, Eliza.'

[Your welcome sir.] Eliza said in his thoughts.

"Mr. Kaneki do you have an online payment system in your coffee shop?" Shem inquired. He can wire the payments directly to their bank account.

"Ah! Yes Of course sir, I will ask my manager for the process." Kaneki smiled and answered.


The two of them reach the upper floor and when Kaneki opened the door to the café, an aroma of brewed coffee beans wafted to his nostrils as he smelled the air.

"Welcome to Anteiku!" Kaneki said as he entered and turned to look at Shem with a smile.

Another person who welcome him was next to Kaneki, a slender and attractive girl in waitress uniform was smiling at Shem. With her bob style black hair and chin length bangs covering the girls right eyes, Shem confirmed another character from Tokyo Ghoul. As the door close Shem walk inside the shop.

A journey is about to begin.