
Planet Mars

Booom! A deafening explosion collapsed the composite walls of a strategic military installation.

Without waiting to clear the smoke, armored soldiers soon went into the building via the hole. But before they could fully infiltrate, the vanguard soldiers expecting resistance, thrown EMP flashbangs to the hole.


Once the flashbang went off, the soldiers began to enter while aiming their arms grafted by weapons, at front, under the cover of dust and smoke. Ready to meet the snakes hiding in the building.

Lightning sounds of bullets; laser; and sometimes plasma soon greeted the invading force from the folk protecting the building. Unlucky vanguard officers of the invading forces meet their end as they plow inside, to clear it from enemies. Unfazed by the deaths of their comrades, the other soldiers continued to sweep inside, honoring their fallen fellow soldiers.

After some time, the installation became silent, only the gas tubes and electrical components cried. Occasional gunshots and plasma discharge can be heard going off, but now it became quiet.

"Status report sergeant." A female lieutenant spoke.

"Out of 38 good men: 20 survive, 6 KIA, 12 wounded and under the care of the medics." A bulky armored soldier said with his electronic voice.

"Good it only proves that the Tausug Program is an effective weapon, although disgusting to think about how they're made, it clearly defined the end justifies the means." The lieutenant then closes her eyes as if praying, she then opened her eyes and look at her adjutant. "Sergeant, tell the Doctor that the building is clear. Prepare the techs and download any files that we could use against the rebels. And of course, find what we came here for."


The sergeant then opened his comms to relay the message towards the operations vessel in orbit of Mars. And after that he prepared the techs to begin overtaking of the computer running the facility.

Once it was done the lieutenant of the special forces squad began to search the place. Special augmented soldiers began to release wire tentacle out from their arms and connected them to the ports of the computers in the facility.

"Light speed travel can now be realize! Hahaha. This is the piece of art that can unlock the realm of higher degree of physics."

A woman in white suit with complex electronics strap around her body said in ecstasy while looking up to the strange large machine in front of her. She was the military scientist participating in the operation.

"Careful Doctor that machine is a bomb containing antimatter. The first of its kind. This thing held a kilo of antimatter, 1 kilogram that can destroy a planet much worse a whole solar system! Please consider this inevitable chance when handling this object." The lieutenant warned.

A black sphere is laid in front of the Doctor and the commander of the special forces. It was big enough to put five people inside.

"The antimatter is secured to maximum containment made of special alloys. Antimatter is capable of tearing apart matter so the rebels made sure to have it secured with advance magnetic containment technology known to man. There is nothing to be worried about as their data produce good results."

The doctor informed the commander while projecting data in the air.

A moment of joy elapse from the people around the bomb as they obtained a weapon capable of turning the tide of the war. They have prevented the rebel's plan to overthrow the United Nations Space Colony (UNSC).

But, suddenly. As if God is coming.


Gasp. Widen eyes.

The AI of the machinery shouted as it detected a system compromise from the techs hacking to its system. The feature of the bomb is its capabilities of erasing planets through a shockwave it creates that even the hardest material in the universe cannot withstand its disintegrating power.

The AI of the bomb triggered a self-destruct protocol intended for the elimination of its enemies and threats. It was well hidden that the advance sweeping methods of the techs did not read its whereabouts.

Gasp. The woman in white suit reacted.

"Shit all tech units stop it now!" The Doctor shouted, she began to release her tentacle interface wires to help the techs on shutting down the bomb.

They did it in a quick and hurried work. Bulging veins pop out from their foreheads as if to give more power in their attempt to stop the system of the bomb.

Passh. Static. The surrounding environment began to bend it is as if looking at the surface of the a heated road.

"Arggh! Hot! Hot! Hot! Help."

A mighty heat was felt by the military personnel in the area. The matter and reality surrounding the graviton bomb began to bend. As the space and time fabric are being torn down by an unknown red substance released by the bomb.

Crumble. Blood spill. Tears of pain.

Tassssss! Skin pilled off and burned.

"Please help! Pull me out of here!"

"Kill me!"

Some unfortunate soldiers disintegrated like dust out from existence within the graviton bomb's perimeter of reach. Blood scattered around as the bomb was behaving differently against its possessor.


"Don't give up. Do not stop!"

The Doctor who surprisingly survive the disintegration shouted. Even if her body is filled with burn and splash with leaking blood and augment fluids, she persist, as if God is with her.


The feeling of being torn inside out was felt by the soldiers. The skin being rip out slowly as the red substance interacts with the doctor and soldier's skin.

Stop. Finally...the worst is prevented.


Cough blood. Huu. Luckily they did it.

The attending scientist smiled and clap his hands as the danger was stop. Using laughter as to cover the fear rising from her mind and heart. Using it to calm the people around the bomb.

The techs were exhausted and in pain, much worse was that mostly of them are dead. The scene of hell and massacre was seen all around the premises of the facility. Only few survive.


"Medics! Check the wounded! All soldiers prepare the transport ship we will go home now! We will prioritize the injured personnel first."

"Yes Ma'am." The commander ordered to break the ice of fear.


After an hour of time a large spaceship landed in a secured rendezvous point on the Martian desert.

Loaded. Depart.

The awaiting soldier organize themselves and began to move inside tiredly. Carrying with them the now sealed bomb.


The ship flew up away as the antigravity engines push the heavy ship in full thrust escaping the Martian gravity to an awaiting mothership in orbit.