The hunt begins

The Adelmo Pharmaceuticals is a European base company. It specialize in producing medical tools and equipments. Also, they develop tablets and capsules containing biochemicals as revolutionary treatments. Developing vaccines for emerging and occuring diseases is the most recent focus of the company. To avoid bunkruptcy and to continually earned, the company expanded its operations in Japan, they built an offshore drug factory hoping to pick a little bit of the market pie in Asia. Sadly, the company is currently suffering financialy. Shiro the security guard of the company factory was called for noticed to the coming closure and liquidation of the whole asset, a sudden news that can unemploy hu freds of workers.

"Its the company, they're telling me that my days as the security officer for the complex is coming to an end."Shiro the security personnel said. "The factory is shutting down its operations here in Japan. The assets are now being sold by the company, ha! They're maybe in dire situation financially right now...never mind. Go home now kid, relax a bit follow the doctors advise so that you can recoup from your first time anxiety thingy. Most of all follow the rules and laws next time. Here a pamphlet.

[Now I get so that's why it was left to rot on that timeline.] Shem quietly commented about the background of complex on why no one occupies it before leaving it to rot.

As Shiro the security guard finished his litanies of the problems and advices, he showed Shem a pamphlet for tourist attractions complete with basic rules and regulations needed to be followed. Although, he didn't need it because of his AI informant perk he accept it heartily, honoring the middle age man's generosity.

"Is that so, well of course sir thank you, I will surely go home and follow the rules with my utmost resolve." Shem bowed as he said. "I will truly ingrain Japan's laws into my brain. Sir! "

"Aah!... Hahaha! Sure! Sure! And again don't talk like crazy or something to any Japanese, your unique behaviour may create confusion and conflict." The old man said. "Right, make sure you review some kanji and pronounciation class, it may improve your Japanese vocabulary avoiding confusions just like what happened to us back then. Also, eat well kid nourishment is needed by the brain."

With slumped back accompanied by a sighed with a smile afterwards, Shem stood straight and bowed respectfully again to give his encouraging thanks for what the old man did to him. Although, there was a conflict before, the budding friendship of the two person's relationship started to become good. Shem thank the man sincerely by performing a spacemarine military commander salute. It was the highest honor performed by any U.N.S.C Command personnel back in Shem's earth dimension.

"Whoah, kid don't push too much your spacemarine cosplay acting here.Ha! I think I should go back to the doctor to re-evalute her findings about your condition."

"What! Oh... I think I'm good sir, its just that I want to thank you for all the trouble. I learned this wonderful spacemarine salute from an underrated anime, it was a classic one. The highest honor, no a hero's honorary salute, I think it would be appropriate for such great man that is you."

Shiro the middle age security guard draw a confuse look but cut it off afterwards as to respect the kid's childish behaviour unknowing that Shem performed the highest honor only heroes in the military back in his dimension can recieved. Shiro then saluted back to Shem and smiled.

"Well see you next time kid make sure to eat."Shiro said as he turned to walk away from Shem. "More importantly avoid secluded areas and suspicios people there are ghouls around here."

"Yes sir I will. Shem calmly said. "Thank you very much."

The two separated exactly at 8 in the morning January 14, 2011. A lot of mysteries piled to be solved as Shem thought about it. Walking aimlessly in the roadside while watching the snow coverering his black shoes as he alternately step. The thought of going home kept bugging in his mind. "I do not belong to this place. I should not meddle on the very lives I encounter." Its hard for a person to live in a world completly alien to him and knowing that it was made by some possesive creator, started to create a question to Shem. [What is my purpose?] focus to his walking shem confidently dismissed the idea after looming from his circumstance.

"Now should I begin the hunt?" He stopped to wonder by looking up to the sky as if he was looking to the imaginary image of the Entity. "You fucking Entity I'm gonna make sure you will regret showing your very beautiful butt to me. Spooking me like that is the worst mistake you ever made. "

Shem dicided to add the Entity as the number 3. In his to do list. And the number one to kill.

"Eliza draw out a satellite scan and use any high grade Close cicuit camera's facial recognition program to hunt potential Ghoul harboring the Entity, use the data we got from Reika and Genki. "

[Already done, high lighting list of Ghoul's with bounty in their heads, kill list priority active Designation of locations acquired. Commencing hunting operations. All systems ready.]

Eliza aligned with Shem's feelings along with the strong motivation made her move as Shem commanded. A geographical map opened in Shem's retinal interface. Red lights blink while moving in the map indicating Shem's targets. All informations were displayed as Shem focus his attention to any blinking dots. Naturally, the information of the most deadly Ghouls awoke Shem's commando instinct. Rated Ghouls complete with thier personal info are now digested in Shem's brain.

"Nice, lets get to... " Shem was about to jump out the road and vanish, but stop as he notice his apperance reflected in a store window.

A minute after scrutinizing his appearance, Shem remembered his primary objectives before all of this events emerged out of nowhere. It was the apparel store, he needs to change his clothing, it became a nuisance wearing his uniform. Apparently, it was all his main purpose after buying an apartment in the suburbs of 20th ward, before he was thrown out by the Entity.

"Yeah right of course haha! Eliiza I need to change my clothes first, we will start our hunt after that."

Shem entered a domestic brand apparel named Tokyo Black. As the logo name emphasize the company is famous for thier black themed clothing for all ages. This store has also prepared fashionable clothing other than thier signature products, so the store is as convenient as expected because Shem will need to operate at night. The perfect and appropriate camouflage in a night raid would be colored in black. Though, Shem has an advanced stealth system installed in his body, sometime prevention is better than cure.

"Good day sir, how may I assist you?" a sexy sales lady approach Shem.

"I would like to have a flexible clothing that can also be worn fashionably."

"Oh, you are in the right place sir, we produce clothes with perfectly stretchable features. In fact many of our sports enthusiast and active customers who wants just as you said are the proud patrons of this stores they very love our sets of clothing as they can be stretch out preventing wear and tear. Our clothes are special because mainly they are made from our state of the art flexible fabric technology. I think it would compliment to your manliness sir." The sales lady finished her marketing with a rather seductive ending as her eye brows narrowed with eyes completly focus to Shem.

"Well...yes how amusing you can tell.Haha!" Shem cough a bit to comfort himself. His male hormones are currently exploding inside him. His little boy down below flex up indicating its eagerness to have a bed time with the sexy female.

Reproductive system is one of the organic natural organs currently remains in Shem's body. The military did not remove the primary enjoynment and the ability to propegate to any recruits in the program. It is to lessen emotional stress that the supersoldier undergoes after the operation. It may hinder the overall wellness of the soldier and may bring emotional imbalances arising to losing your own purpose in life. As conscious animal our priority in this world is to pass down our genes afterall.

[Eliza, do what you have to do.] shem said in his mind. [If that Entity control this beautiful woman you know, it would be a big disaster if she suddenly acted wierd and kill me afterwards. I don't want that to happen. I still got to go home

[Hormonal production halt. Organ shutdown priority. Proceeding sleep mode.] Eliza shutdown the sensitive organs involve in attraction and sexual arosal. It is to help Shem focus in his priority. It had come to Shem suspicion that the Entity may control the womans body and maneuver it to kill Shem. Fortunately, the process is an orthodox way but by shutting down his hormonal producing organs he could shrugged of and remain calm to the female's seduction. Though in his heart he wants to make something out with the woman he sacrifice the opportunity. Until he made a confirmation that the Entity really can only posses limited people or its control to this world, Shem as a man will put on his chastity until the time he will be free from the Entity he will do it with any woman he likes aslong as they approved of him.

[Its just for this time. In the future I will surely hug those mounds and do it 24/7.] Shem cried in frustration inside his mind and heart. He had to do it in order to avoid compromising his mission and his precious life from the entites scheme rightnow.

Once a mission is ordered to the Tausug combat system installed in Shem, any hindrance whether sexual or anything that can compromise the mission is shut off in order for a soldier to operate. But, Shem can cancel the operation and let his manliness take over and enjoy this beauty but he strongly not to do it as the Entity remains in his priorities.

The black haired Sales lady smiled as if to attract shem with her venomous curves and eyecatching two shaped mounds. This sales lady have really made a lot of male customers emptied thier banks and wallets from the very effective poison of the lady produces. Hypnotizing potential customers to buy clothes as they were pulled by the ladies beauty entrapment spending more than they need. But, Shem on the other hand sensed this foreboding tactics applied to him, so as to counter the ladies effective hypnosis Shem turned off his attraction hormonal production cutting the idea of falling from the sales lady.

[Heh, this lady is good. Merging marketing with sexual beauty how fascinating. That Entity made a fine creation, well deserved as god to this world. As for me I will hold my cowboy for now but until I uncover the secret I will surely enjoy myself.]

The sales lady noticed Shem's unmoved reaction as she observed on her past customers. Concluding, that her tactic failed she put out her ineffective mask and focus on other options to make Shem spend more but sadly it failed as Shem kept a normal face of an ordinary handsome buyer.

Paris, France.

In a not to far area around Europe, a 60 floored office building stand out with authority closesly resembling a futuristic designed infrastructure. Not to far away from the building any person can witness the grand majesty of the iconic Eiffel tower standing in her glory. This building is the main headquarters for the Adelmo Pharmaceuticals.

As an old man watched the tower from his company building he sighed and ask his secretary for a very important topic concerning the company's financial status.

"Sarah did anyone bought the asset in Japan? " The old man with smooth and small mustache accompanied by a prominent white hairs growing in his temples, pronounced his worries.

"There are some potential interested people but the prospect of buying them out is not within expectation." The black haired secretary of the man reported. " The competition in Asian market put alot of strain to our business as we face the economic atmosphere all over."

"Is that so? Ha! Well, how about our financial status is it going good?"The man said. "I have feeling that our shareholders will lose confidence and instead pull out thier money."

The secretary continued her whole report on the financial status of the company. The future of the company is not going up as they hope for. Because of the high expenditures and lack of revenues coming in as the competition in the health market continued to push the whole company towards plunging the waters of bankruptcy. Not to mention the companies increasing Debts.

"As long as we attract another investor it should stabilize everything," Sarah said. "More importantly the future prospect that the ruins can bring will help us earned more than our capital Sir."

"The Adelmo Pharmaceuticals will be in terrible position if Andre and our reaearch team can't brought back money from that digsite's artifacts, and some resputable living things for potential drug development."

Andre Adelmo is the brother of this old man. Togther they run the business but Andre on the other focus on his love for archeology. Yes, six years ago a team researching for potential vaccines and treaments for emerging diseases researched the domestic fauna and flora in Europe but luckily instead of finding an ample sample for potential bichemicals seen as potential drug, This old man's team stumbled an unusual dome rock. Inside they discovered the treasure and many artifacts amounting to million ns of dollars when sold. Due to the secrecy of the place the old man called his brother and jointly extract anything of value inside. The whole company of the old man has to cover it with his brother in order for them to solo the wholething.

"We can still compensate from the lost if we limit expenditures in our company by selling the Japan factory and focus our own here, should undoubtedly keep us afloat for 2 years." Sarah said to his boss.

"That brother of mine should bring good things, two years of debt and financial stagnation is very difficult to bare. Milking that ruins should be able to give us more profits. I made a lot of concessions in order to gather as much capital needed for his expensive expedition concerning that ruins. A more compensastion should be given to us more properly."

As the economic problems arose in Europe it was hard for any company to run. Accompanied by many enemies and competitors in the market it was hard to earn domestically. Yes, this man here is a business man with a lot of external problems to delt with. Among those problems are mostly assassination, blackmailing and so on. Also, the most dangerous enemies the man met in his time are ghouls running around Europe. The old man is in hard work so as to ensure he can gain enough of his investments. He was in his weakest time now he needs to be careful not to be exposed as his enemies can take this opportunity to take down his company along with taking his prize ruins. He and his brother protected.

"Sarah is Erina still on the run? " The old man walk out from the window and sat to his office chair close to his desk. " Are the agents guarding her in the shadows properly?"

"Meredith is doing her best to guard her secretly sir, I'm afraid the young misstress was still very much angry from the decision you made for her as a woman w..." Sarah stop her comments as she saw her boss brows furrowed angrily.

"Sarah meddling in personal affairs of your boss is unbecoming, you know I can fire you anytime I want." The man said focusing his eyes while forming a fist in his right hand said cutting off Sarah's statement.

"Please forgive me, Mr. Heinze Adelmo!" Sarah straightened herself as she overstepped the personal boundaries of her boss. Bending her head to avoid looking the angry picture of her boss made her ask forgiveness considering his humble posistion as an employee.

"Right if you ever blabber your stupid mouth again I'll make sure to kick you out of here or silence you! Do you understand?!"

" Yes Sir, it won't happen again."

"I guess thats clear, now get out! " Heinz shouted to Sarah and jolted her to get out from the office. Sarah then close the door relaxing Heinz. "She will be married to the Son of Mr. Raul Fjord of the Fjord Corporation." Heinz said to himself. "That man's Son is good surely he will take care of my precious daughter. Mr. Fjord promise to invest in the company to keep us afloat although there are risk in this move but I will make sure that no one can take that ruins from us."

Heinz was determined in finishing their operations on the secret area of the ruins. Mr. Raul fjord was a close friend of his in terms of business, they focused on making specialize products supplying pharmaceutical materials for Heinz's company.

Shem finished his appointment in the store. It was tiresome as he confronted sexy annoying sales lady. Shem was so annoyed that he almost want to escaped hurriedly from the premises. But, after a time he was able to acquire his flexible fashionable suit. It was needed for his hunting.

"Bye, bye Mr. Shem I hope we meet again sometime around. Continue your patronage heehee."

"Umm... byebye! " Shem ran afterwards. "I hope I can prepare next time. I will surely come back here and do it with you! "

"Eeh! Heehee buy a lot next time." The sales lady was shocked to the bold words of shem. She stop for a while to internalize what Shem said. "I see, I also need to do my best next time to grab him titghly heehee."

He was now running faster than any athletes could attain. Luckily, no one was around walking in th side road, a perfect timing. Shem ran and then jump to fly activating his flight system thanks to his antigrave truster hidden in his newly acquired shoes. The unique apperance that Shem was showing is his flexible black t-shirt and pants. His feet covered with an expensive leather shoes famous for its use in any rough activities. He was now covered with a a red suit complementing his black t-shirt colouring his dark motif. All things consider he remembered that he will also confront blood in his hunting he made a handicap of revealing a red toxedo suit. Colored in whole black would make him look like an idiot again so he compromise and chose a red colored suit. Now, after the preparation he starts his hunting flying around while waiting for the night. Hovering above the city of Tokyo, 20th ward was a sight to behold. The carpet of concrete infrastructure layed in the eyes of Shem.Reflecting in his eyes a determination arouse to Shems heart.

[Eliza activate camouflage.]

[Affirmative Shem.]

Shem vanished at the sky like he was an after image of a fast moving object. The slow nano parts projecting camoflaged, slowly erase Shem of existence. Specialize electromagnetic frequencies was also activated so as to repel any incoming birds, drones and aircrafts. The jamming only prevents any objects or living things in traversing Shem's position. The position of Shem was designated as dangerous area in any aircraft radar or a birds sense. A convenient way to hide from any satellites scanning and aircraft optics.

After hours of waiting Shem's goal finally started. Inside his retinal interface blinking red dots showed in an expansive 3d map. He closely focus on the nearest ghouls he was about to hunt down.

"Finally, These ghouls over here should be enough, criminals like them is the best specimen for that Entity to hide in. My conscience will not bother me as I am killing a ghoul who also kills worst."

Shem firmly believed the innocent and good ghouls wbo was just living by scavenging dead bodies. So he was not targeting these Ghouls living in the area. His only concern are those ghouls killing innocent people without mercy or respect to thier food.

[The liver is active near the area, highlighting location. ]

"Right. "

Shem pushed his body in camouflage towards the Ghoul known as 'The liver '. This ghouls main operations are taking the whole body but left the liver organ of any victims it comes to contact with. The specialities of these Ghouos are really nerve racking to Shem.

"The liver huh. Prepare yourself you fucking insect."