Killing the Liver

January 14, 2011, 11:00 pm.

The cold night breeze blew in the road as the yellowish light from the street lamps clarified the quite roads. Most of the people were not present in the area that now resembles a silenced neighborhood commonly seen on a horror movie. Dimmed lights store buildings lined at the sideways persuading that all people are now in slumber. However, a lone shoulder length blonde haired woman covered by a thick white winter jacket and a red scarf on her neck walk the place senseless from the cold. She was exhaling steam from her warm lungs as she breathed after. She walked like a model slowly in the dissipating snow as if loneliness bathed her. At her right shoulder, a brown shoulder bag rested tightly tuck in to her body as precious belonging contains in it. In her back, a roller bag followed the woman like a cart while she pulled with her delicate left arm.

[I am going to become an independent woman. My first step in life will be here in Japan, creating my own career far from that place.]The beautiful blue-eyed woman with a delicate light pink lips sounded in her mind. [Create…my own future.]

The woman declared quietly to herself as she traverses the safest street of the western 20th ward. Before her arrival, she has done a complete research on the background of the country's capital. She studied a lot, planning to fit in here as the safest area in Tokyo. Famous for it is less frequent and almost void of ghoul activity. Among all the safest country that the woman could choose from to settle, her decision fell on this land of the rising sun. The country holds a precious memory for the woman not minding its hidden danger.

Tringgg! Tringg!

Her European made smart phone caught the woman's attention of an incoming call. As she opened the screen, a familiar name pop out from the notification written in bold letters.

"…Sarah." She sighed before answering the phone.

"Hello! Miss Erina this is Sarah where are you now?" The caller was the secretary of Mr. Heinz Adelmo. "Your father is really angry from your disappearance please come home."

The mood of Erina drops down as she heard Sarah. From the word 'father' all her eagerness and excitement worsen after she heard it.

"Sarah I'm here in Japan, don't worry it's the safest place in the city. In fact, I prepared a lot of weapons for self defense…fa…" Erina halted her words as the sentence about his father stuck in her mouth. "Let me be clear." she continued with an expression of determination."Look Sarah, I am not some tool for business negotiations or some business womb only for propagating an heir, I am not a dog Sarah, I'm sick of following what my father wants for me. Not even considering how I felt."

Sarah in the other side of the phone remained quiet for a while but then continued avoiding worsening the mood of her boss's daughter.

"Tokyo, Japan! You know that country is the hot zone for Ghouls. Come home now Miss Erina we are all worried about you, maybe if you can just talk to your father sincerely and share your side about his decision, he will surely reconsider."

"You know it's useless Sarah, that old man's heart is already hard, as a stone. All in his mind is about money and power. Even you can tell for his insatiable hunger for it. He was not like that when mother was still alive and well with us." Erina stop and weep a little, as two crystal beads of tears formed in her blue eyes. "I'm 23 now I can manage my life so please inform father that I'm sorry but I had enough of his selfishness. I have to go now Sarah and please refrain calling me, from now on."

Toot! Toot! Toot!

"Miss Erina! Miss Erina! "Sarah shouted in frustration, although she admired her young mistress decision for her life to fight for it. However, the safety of the young woman concerns her. All people even th European people knows that Japan is the ground zero for ghoul population around the world. Unconcerned of the dangers pose by the country Erina chose this nation because this place holds the fun precious memories she and her mother traveled before.

None of this would have happen at all, if not because of Erina's father, his decision of marrying her daughter to a stranger for an agreement, is the reason why Erina chose to leave their home on Europe. Setting her life to be married without considering her decision on how she felt, compares her to a slave rather than a daughter. Worst the young woman Erina did not even love the man she was supposed to be married. His fiancé is a very eccentric when she observed him, the like when you see those people with fetishes. Erina supposed to take over the company when suddenly the financial problem occurred ithout clear reason. When she ask her father in order to mitigate the problem his father only said to her that she will be married to a well of family of Fjord Corporation.

The young and only daughter of Heinz Adelmo as a promised bride for the son of his business friend Mr. Raul Fjord in return for an ample amount of investment. Mr. Heinz did this in order to keep the family business afloat from being financially strain brought upon their expensive expedition on milking out the ruins they discovered. It was also a way to protect his precious daughter from his enemy ghouls and business rivals. The relics, artifacts, plants, animals and many things contained in that box of treasure should be enough for the biggest project that Mr. Heinz needed to do.

Sarah then browses to her contacts and called an unknown number named as "Hidden Knife".

"Hello, Meredith turn to Japan now she's in Tokyo. If you have opportunity to get her out of there please do so." Sarah called a familiar security asset of the Adelmo pharmaceuticals. Every company amounting to millions of dollars in value employs a private security force handling the company's dirty jobs and executive protection. But in the case of the Adelmo Pharmaceutical they created their own force home grown from the orphans of Europe.

In an unknown hemisphere of Earth, a private jet was flying over Northern American continent. It was carrying a full equip security personnel known as hidden knife. 15 personnel of men and women rode the plane their temperament and aura's clearly shows that they are the most Elite private military security force the Adelmo Family mustered to create.

"Understood sister, we are now underway." A woman with a bob length black hair answered to her communicator resting in her delicate right Ears. Soon as she received the order from Sarah, she leaned back gracefully to her chair in this private jet and turned to look at the pilot. "Robert, turn the plane around we're going to Tokyo. Looks like we were fooled by the young miss. How clever that little pipsqueak has become."

"Understood, maam! Changing course." The pilot of the jet turned the plane around directly towards Japan. " Location, Tokyo, Japan E.T.A 3 hours."

Tokyo, 20th ward.

Meanwhile, Erina on the other forcefully thrown out her phone towards the ground destroying it so that no one can follow her by hacking her phone's GPS. She then look to her vicinity and found an empty garbage can lying stick beside a building. Erina then throw out her broken phone completely formatted of data, on the green garbage can as if it was just an empty canned juice. "Sorry everyone, I want to try a new life here." She thought as tears broke out from her beautiful eyes. A determined heart arose inside her to try exploring the world on her own without her father's shadow. Since all her life after her mother died, his father controlled her growth from school to the workplace as C.E.O of their company.

"My apartment should be around somewhere." Erina look around as she look in to her newly bought smart phone with brand name of Taishen on its back. "Right, jut about a 30 minute walk in this direction."

Unknown alleyway street in western 20th ward.

A tall man but thin in figure showed in the dark quite alleyway. He was wearing a white mask austere with red brows and a wide smile. Oddly, enough the Ghoul was also in a magical girl pink uniform complete with staff. The ghoul was posing on the middle part of the narrow street like those cosplayers present on a Comicon.

"Huoooh! No food, need food, shopping start. Boohoo!" With hunger in mind, the man groaned. "Sniff, hmm! a dish is coming here, hoopeeee! My baby lovelove belly will be energize tonight. Let's see, Ahh…the smell is a woman, a foreigner what a lucky day! This will be the best exotic dish for me as the magical girl of love and gourmet. Ahohoho!"

Like a lion in the savanna, the thin man with an eccentric and unusual behavior waited for his next victim to arrive. He leaned on the overshadowed wall hiding his unique white colored smiling mask. Sniffing like a dog he carefully waited for the woman to arrive in this dark alleyway. The narrow street is sandwich by a two towering block of buildings in the western part of the 20th ward.

Concealed by the side of the road for the latest target of this ghoul, unknowingly Shem was now flying towards him like a blazing meteor. The camouflage body of Shem kept him hidden from the watchful senses of this ghoul.

"Try this you fucking liver!" Shem shouted along with his powered electrical punch hurling towards the face of the Ghoul known as the 'liver'. Unfortunately, for liver he looked up curiously towards the voice getting closer to him.

"Hmm? What is…?" The ghoul reacted too late, a few millimeters in distance from his face was a right fist blazing down in blue sparks.


"Buaaghk!" reacted by the ghoul when the right fist of Shem came in contact and buried to his head like a stab from a hammer. A sizable hole emerged on the mask from the powerful fist of Shem. The body of the Ghoul did not withstand the momentum of the punch causing his body to collapse in the ground like a broken foundation of a building. Shem continued to push down until a crater formed below the cemented earth. Smoke of dust and blood covered the area like a smoke screen. Luckily, the tenants and the people occupying the two buildings shrugged off the sudden quake cause by Shem's powered fist. As the citizens of Japan they frequently experiences sudden earthquakes here and there. Therefore, this phenomenon is not of concern because of their customs on this phenomenon.

"Oh, shit, I overdid it." Shem cursed after he emerged from the fog of smoke complaining what he had done to the Ghoul. "I killed the ghoul, wow! Look at that his head is totally mush up. Oh well my only concern now is the fucking Entity."

A disfigured head with a split mask and a hole on its face showed to Shem. As he pulled his right fist out from the head, blood gushes out like a fountain and sprayed all over his right arm while some of it flown and stick to Shem's tuxedo red suit.

The red suit of Shem provided its function when the blood splattered to his wrist and arm shielding him from the flying red liquid. The color of the suit complemented well to the blood's color as if there was no blood at all sticking to Shem. Shem then stands up and whisks his right arm outwards, throwing out the semi-solid blood wrapped around the arm of his suit. It spatters to the ground drawing up streaks of lines and drops of paint like bomb graffiti.

"Is he dead? Eliza check his vital signs." Shem gaze the worn out body of the Ghoul. Advance computerizes sensory output information displayed on Shem's retinal Interface. All data presented formally, as if, it was a research paper defense. "Hmm, that punch was really strong no doubt about that, that is really the best one kill punch. Now then, next that Entity's energy? Hmm. Untraceable huh, I guess we have to mark this ghoul as an empty vessel then."

As the result came out empty for energy indicators unique only to the Entity, he sighed a bit. Looking to the devastating result he did to the Ghoul, Shem was a bit affected by the gruesome view not because he was afraid of blood or anything. Shem is an experienced veteran combat medic in a squad of soldiers back from his home dimension. He was immune to these scenes because he was trained for it back in the medical school and battle experiences in the field. Eliza stabilizes his hormones for some other reason aside that. It is not because Shem was disgust by it. He was emotionally down now, as he pitied the ghoul, its creation in this dimension is magically plagiarized from his anime by a god he calls entity. Who might be an AI or something else from his dimension playing here on its precious living things like they're dolls. It saddens Shem that all these people had to suffer this much unfairness. Although, no world existed fair, but among those entire world this one is the worst.

"Shit, fuck you Entity or whoever made this world, fuck you all!" Said Shem, expressing his feelings and deep sympathy to this world's inhabitants.

[Hormonal stabilization active.] His AI coldly said. It cannot feel anything other than data gathering. It was also a good sound as Shem was refocusing from his dozing reaction and angered towards the creator of this world.

Hormones, unique traits largely incline on making emotions that defines humanity as a rational being. Activating organs to release special biochemical needs hormones as activators. It involves in making judgment and other important feelings and reaction, as the body needs to perform the uniqueness of an individual metabolism and other biological functions.

Shem walks away from the unmoving Ghoul. Distancing out from the alleyway murder scene with the sound of his shoes emanated the place. . Shem then checks out his map for the next potential target. Surprisingly, the ghoul known as the liver possesses a very strong healing ability.

[Alert! liver is alive, imminent attack predicted please prepare Shem.] Upon Eliza's sound precaution the ghoul vanish from the position and arrived in front of Shem. [Ghoul close proximity detected.]

"Hey, boy punching a person like that is beyond manliness, your handsomeness is wasted when you perform like that, what a shame."

The Ghoul stand up from the rubble, his face reformed anew. The big hole vanishes from the face of the ghoul as if it was not even touched at all. An ugly face of a typical Japanese shut in appeared to Shem.

[That punch was strong, I guess maybe his a ghoul a new breed perhaps. Alas, his smell did not support that.] Liver thought. Then introduce himself to Shem in eccentric exaggerated way.

"Allow me to introduce myself I am liver the magical girl ghoul of love and gourmet. That vanquishes all evil." The ugly ghoul stretched out his hands emphasizing each word and bowed after introducing himself in an exaggerated way.


How did he revive? Well, the ghoul possessed a high healing ability. He stops his heart and other brain electrical pulses to fool any enemy or prey that may harm the liver. This unique trait of a ghoul is only but a few amongst the Japanese Ghouls. Eliza was well versed in detecting vital signs through molecular displacement and electric sparks in the air. Because of it, a new lesson formed and inserted in the programmed data of Eliza.

"Are you a ghoul? Never mind I just have to kill you here. Entering someone's territory is worst the choice of whatever ghoul you are making. Now, my turn 'boy' received my kagune love injection, aaah!" The man acting like a magical girl in manner released his kagune. As the ghoul's kakuho released its contents of high-grade rc cells, it took form of a familiar trait found on scorpions tail. The long tail about four meters in length complemented with a stinger end of the kagune was dripping with an unknown green poisonous and acidic chemical.

Obviously, Shem saw its chemical properties base on the air particles coming from the dripping chemical. To prepare for worse Shem commanded his internal nanites and immune system to ready an antidote for a cleansing process. Shem's body sadly lacks the poison cleanser organ that all normal human possesses. His remaining organs and brain would be damage if he gets in contact with this unknown chemical.

All humans possess this organ known as liver, primarily functions as defense for poisonous and harmful foreign chemicals because of its detoxification properties. The liver is one of the most importantly needed organs of the body. Now, to compensate the lack of such incredible organ the scientist who performed the transformation of Shem had already prepared concessions for its loss. A hive of synthetically made immune agents called nanites function not only to support Shem in his offensive and defensive activities, it was also task in biological metabolism. Detoxification is one of the benefits that the nanites can do. If you have seen the movie G.I Joe the design of these small but wonderful bots are identical to each other in functionality and designs perspective from that movie's nanobot weapon.

Shem move vanishing also from his position and appeared on the back of the Ghoul. He pushed his two hands forward trying to hold the bikkakku rc type kagune. The whole scorpion like tail of the liver was force to halt suddenly, shocking the liver.

"What are you gonan do boy?" Liver ask while struggling to go away from Shem's powerful grip. "No way….!"

"Please forgive me Mr. Liver I had to this for you." Shem said before he rips out the whole kakuho organ of the Ghoul. "I'm really sorry!"

"Aaaaah! My kagune!" The man shouted in pain. " AH! Hiyaah!"

Liver struggled and weakened as Shem tried to rip off hiss kakuho. All liver's life was to hunt and taste all kinds of food he wanted to taste but the dream was only a dream because he was born a ghoul never tasting anything. When he turned to eat human meat, his eyes awoken to a new possibility why not eat different human beings around the world. He started hunting foreigners and started to ate each body leaving the liver organ of the body. Historically, Liver saw his wife died by the hands of an investigators, they tortured her by ripping off the liver of his love. And with that liver became an S rated ghoul.

[I'm not going to give up my life here, I will survive no matter what. For shuri!] Liver said inside his mind.

While Shem was slowly ripping off the kagune out from the ghoul's body. The staff from the ghouls cosplay uniform accessory suddenly flown towards him like a homing missile. Shem successfully pulled the kagune out before the staff hit him. It was a quenqe.

"Wew! That was close." Shem said after escaping the imminent damage. He threw the rip kagune to the ground. "Ok no reaction from the entity, Eliza let's fry this ghoul with a high voltage of current it should properly kill him now."

[Affirmative, readying power source, Fusion reactor full capacity, charged ready. I advice to the partner that you also pull consider pullingout the brain and spinal cord from the ghoul. Base on my analysis a nerve connecting from the brain to the kakuho might cut off its healing ability. ] Eliza announced to his partner but followed a word of warning to Shem. [Civilian detected in close distance 6 meters from our position.]

Shem turned from the Ghoul and saw a shoulder hair length blonde beautiful foreigner woman holding a long sword. The design was clearly a personalize quinqe. But, why would a civilian possesses such weapon only investigators from the CCG have it. Shem thought upon gazing at the woman.

"What a surprise, a ghoul killing a ghoul or a ghoul killing a human." Erina said to Shem with seriousness and fierce looked. She was walking towards her apartment but stumble upon here when she notice shouts and trembles from the ground.

Shem stop and shivered but not because he was afraid or so. However, because the female was so beautiful in her stance that Shem weak to women has to let his guard down.

"Hey! You there..! Erina shouted while readying her long sword personalize quinqe. "Do not even think of making an escape."

Shem on the other hand was lost in thought from his main target but instead drawn by Erina. The preoccupied Shem was doze for a second. Unknowingly, the ghoul his about to kill using high voltage electricity took the situation as an opportunity for an escape. As liver stand While blood gushes out from his back, he mustered all his strength and pleads to the woman.

"Young miss, this person is a Ghoul help me please he was about to kill me." Liver cowardly shouted inducing a misunderstanding. Shem on the other awoke from his mesmerizing daydream from the woman in front of him. "Please miss help me!" The liver shouted a second time.

Fake tears flowed down from the ghoul's eyes to take advantage of a woman's soft spot. Liver was well verse in this kind of situation back in the past. The reason why the CCG named him as The Liver is not because of his ways on killing humans and leaved their liver after he ate and bag the whole body but because no matter what circumstances this ghoul here always survives at the end of the day. Thus, the moniker of the liver has two meaning for his name.

Erina pointed his sword to Shem and was persuaded by Liver's impressive manipulative words. Her criteria to believe that the ghoul was a human and Shem was the ghoul is because of the blood that flowed down from the ghoul's back and its worst look. Easily, anyone would fall for a lie if he/she had seen the case of Liver. Liver then griined from this turn of events and happily shouted to support the woman.

"I'd rather not do that miss, your making a big mistake!" Shem shouted softly when Erina dash towards him in speed far surpassing a ghoul. "Wow your speed and sword play is amazing and the strength of each blow is within heart and mind. Whoah! but please I am human!" Shem struggled to explain from the seriousness of the beauty in front of him.

Shem quickly evaded each graceful swings that Erina use. She was like a warrior using a brutal martial sword technique in a delicate pure way. This swordplay reminded Shem of the Viking sword art.

"I'm glad you noticed, a ghoul such as you is the first one to evade my swings." Erina commented back to Shem's observation. Base on the movement played by Shem, Erina was convinced that he was a ghoul. "You reminded me of someone but sadly she was a human and you are a ghoul."

Shem kept evading each sword swing while pleading the woman to believe him but it was for not. The high-speed movement of Erina shock him the most. How can Erina move like that and the way he fught with anger completely convince Shem that this girl had a bad history with ghouls.

"Please miss, believed me I am not ghoul! You are fooled by the ghoul there!" Shem pointed to the lying ghoul. "Whoa! Please miss I don't want to hurt you! Whoa! I don't want to get hurt also, pleassse!!"

Erina continued to swing her sword with elegance and fierceness. With distracted attentions, Shem and Erina did not notice that the liver jump towards Erina's back and took a bite out of her delicate shoulders. The thick white winter jacket was rip-off from Erina's body revealing her business uniform. The black stockings, the pencil skirt, and the formal ballooning blouse from her where her well-rounded breast projected to Shem.

"Hmm! As expected from a foreigner, the exotic meat tastes heaven. Ahoohoo!" The liver gained his lost energy earlier and recovered after eating a mouthful from Erina's shoulder. "Now where were we boy? Ahh! Right received my lovelove injection again!"

"No!" Shem shouted in anger.

The scorpion kagune began to redraw and pounded to Shem in high speeds. Shem quickly reacted and pulled his body out from where Erina was. The liver continued to cling on Erina's back while sucking meat and blood out of her through his mouthful bite in Erina's right shoulder.

[Shem permission to cut off hormonal reaction. Analysis reveals that you are distracted from these female. This girl named Erina is gradually loosening her life proceed to medical intervention!]

"Permission granted." Said Shem while speeding up his Evasion from the Ghoul's kagune attacks.

Erina slowly lost her senses and fell unconscious; losing blood at a fast rate is very dangerous to any human. It can turn into hypoxia and a series of organ failures. The liver enjoying on sucking up all Erina's meat and blood held her like hostage. Shem is very much annoyed as he eagerly formed a plan and quickly speeds up towards the back of the Liver and punches him from embracing Erina's body.

"Puaaghkk! AAAAh!" Liver shouted in pain and slammed in a wall. And there, liver suddenly saw himself from Shem and saw Erina as her wife back when he found love.

[Shuri? Shuri! I'm here, I have the new episode of lovlove magical girl. Let's watch it together!] A hallucination projected to the ghoul known as liver. His memory for his suddenly awoke after seeing the two person in front of him. [ Daisuke-san! Ok! Let's watch it together come on. Let's go leave that place, come with me.] Inside the dream hallucination, a black haired woman said to Liver.

Shem quickly took hold of Erina and prepared his medical tools. Shem is a cybernetic organism made as a super soldier focusing on medical missions in a squad of soldiers. All tools in an advance hospital are all miniaturize and implanted to Shem's body as pseudo organs. There is no need to take any casualties from the battlefield back to any hospital if Shem type Tausog super soldiers were to deploy. Shem is the weakest type among all soldier in a squad because his primary functions only involves taking care of any wounded comrades and civilians. He possesses weapons and defense protecting him from any offensive forces. Now, Shem's medical technology will awaken to save Erina.

"Erina, I am Shem Abeles, I will now conduct a First aid procedure." Shem said the pre-op procedure when a medical officer conducts medical first aid. Shem knows the name of his patient because his AI already searched for it base on facial features. "Shem Pointed his middle finger and a laser muzzle came out from it.

[Activating healing laser closing wound high frequency radiation emitted stimulating cell mitosis.] Eliza announced as Shem fired a green light out from his middle finger. The big wound from a bite in Erina's shoulder was gradually close. [This aid will only give you enough time to kill the Ghoul Shem.]

"Eliza I'm going to send a dozen nanites inside her please remotely do whatever it is to keep her alive. Maintain priority of her brain cells continue giving them oxygen and minerals." Shem said in a medical officer's manner. Shem is well experience in this kind of situations as a veteran of U.N.S.C military command one of the heroes that stop the rebellion.

[Affirmative.] Eliza said in his mind. Shem pointed his right index finger and a needle came out of it cleaned and sanitize. He then prick Erina's porcelain skin and injected the nanites.

After the entire first aid procedure finished. Shem jump out away from Erina and push a punch intending to kill the Ghoul in front of him dead. He needs to make sure that liver will not distract him. It is also to prevent any bad moves that might be done to him.

" Eliza activate plasma weapon and rail gun set to kill!" Shem commanded pointing his palms out. Then, in his palm, a circular grove formed and a blue light emerged from it.

"Boooosssh!Boooosssh! The plasma energy fired from Shem palm and directly contacted to the almost escaping liver.

"Waaaaah!" The plasma burned the ghoul to crisp awaking him in pain. Liver then thought to himself. [I guess this is my end, I wish that next time I live, I want to become human with Shuri. Hohoho! Shuri yes I will go with you wait. haha ] Liver said his last words.

"Firing rail gun burst," Shem pointed his two index fingers towards the burned ghoul who was barely alive. "Please die Mr. Liver, I hope Shuri will be with you next time."

Pew! Pew! Pew! A consecutive burst of invisible bullets came out from Shem's index finger. The bullets are compressed atoms of air, which was scientifically rearranging its structure to form a crystalline solid matter as bullets. This bullet is as hard as diamonds.

The body of liver blown to smithereens leaving only his burnt flesh scattered around. Shem then got back to Erina to continue his medical procedure in saving her.

[Eliza activate my blood cloner pseudo organ clone a half liter blood type O+. Repair the skin from her shoulder and prevent any microorganism from harming her.] Shem commanded to Eliza though the nanites. Shem did this procedure after reading the result of the nanites data from her. All biological data presented in detail, to Shem in his retinal interface while he was fighting liver.

[Affirmative, cloning half-liter type O+ blood, finishing in 3 seconds.] After Eliza assured Shem after his commands, Shem Stands up and activate an energy shield capable of killing any microorganisms that harbor in their surrounding and quickly sanitized them.

Tubes came out from Shem's arms and prick inside Erina. Minutes later the pale face of Erina gradually becomes red with life after the new blood was pump in inside her. Shem on the other did not stop and continued to repair the tissue missing from Erina's shoulder. Nanites quickly came out from the tubes along with the newly made blood. They dash fast towards the wounded area and carried resources from Erina's body like ants carrying epithelial cell tissue, muscles, bones and platelets. Slowly but surely the wound came closely healed after a minute. Shem then reapplied the healing radition to stimulate complete healing.

January 15, 2011, 8:00 am.

"Ah! Where am I?" Eliza woke up in an expensive looking ceiling commonly seen on apartments."That night…aww! my head di I drink?"

Erina look bob her head down and came to notice that all of her clothes were missing; the only noticeable cloth is the bed sheet covering her. She awoke in a modern master bed with windows at the right of the bed. She can see the morning light that Embrace the concrete buildings of Tokyo.

"Wh-Where's my clothes?" Erina look around but cameto find the room was empty."Is it a dream that night? How did I came to my apartment…I can't remember anything." Erina push her body up and stand naked away from the bed towards the window. Her body presented perfect curves as the shadow reflected from her side formed the shape. Her perfect breast dangled perfectly after her move. Her porcelain Skin quickly complemented with her ruffled blonde hair like a princess in a magical kingdom.

A minute after scrutinizing and appreciated the beauty of the city in her eyes, Erina turned to look back towards the bed and focus her blue eyes to the wardrobe of the apartment. However, Erina widen her eyes as she saw a handsome man with a bleeding nose and white shuteyes holding a basin with towel and a breakfast meal filled tray. The white t shirt of the man was wet with blood from his nose.

"Ro-Round…Mo-Mounds! Whaaa!" Shem stand stiff while trembling he was so shocked in seeing her patient naked. Although, Shem shut off his hormonal activity to prevent such emotional and sexual outburst when meeting Erina, it did not do its Job when talking about attraction, male hormones are a violent one when a male saw first time a females naked body and smell a woman's hormones.

[ Hormonal activity error…error proceeding to full force shutdown…error-error.] Eliza shouted in Shem's mind, her systems was defeated by Shem's human nature when meeting a mate.

"Eh! Kiyaaah! Who are you? Why are you here in my room? Pervert-Pervert-Pervert!" Erina shouted. "Tsk. I guess I have no choice but to kill you!" Erina covered her breast with her left arm, jump towards Shem, and hurled a fist punching Shem with full force. While doing it acrobatically she said each word while leaping towards Shem. "Pervert! Stalkker! Did my father sent you here? Ah!

"Here I go Again." Shem said before receiving the punch. His eyes save the image of the perfect figure of Erina flying towards him. "Bye-Bye everyone, See you next timeeee!

Bangg! A punch stronger than a ghoul push Shem to a wall and buried his face in force. How did this woman possess such strength and ability? It was the thought after Shem was nailed to the wall.