
After saving Erina from the life-threatening wound, Eliza provided Shem with the personal information about Erina.

Using that, Shem then discovered that Erina bought a middle class apartment at the 20th ward suburbs.

In shocking reaction, Shem realizes that Erina bought his apartment. The same apartment he bought from the first timeline he was at before the time travel.

A moment of disappointment struck Shem, to him the apartment was the best among all the apartments he had seen in Eliza's gathered information.

The amenities and the size of the room all fell in Shem's list of personal standards, especially the monthly pay. It resembled some of his apartment interior design, back in his original dimension on the island city of South East Asia Federation.

The living room, kitchen, bedroom both impressed Shem in its close similarity from his own. […Ah! Forget it, there are other apartments out there at least they provide a base for me to go home.]

Shem quickly came back from looming in regret.

He realized that he came back in time so it is understandable that obviously other people occupied the apartment. With a sigh of concession, Shem brought the unconscious Erina to her newly bought apartment. He carried Erina towards the modern looking building where the apartment can be located with the others. Upon arrival, he quickly commanded Eliza to add his information with Erina, it is to speed-up the process of dropping the woman there and avoid a misleading impression again, after that continue to hunt more ghouls.

After dropping Erina in her very own apartment, Shem, proceed to hunt more ghouls. Every corner of the 20th ward, were ghouls usually hunt were sweep clean. Shem avoided the sensitive area that can trigger suspicion with the anteiku camp. He even searches for Reika and Genki so that he can incite the Entity from also coming out from them.

However, they were far away from 20th ward.

"They're maybe hunting on the other cities, never mind these fourteen ghouls are enough." Shem muttered while overlooking the moving dots in his retinal interface.

Yes. Fourteen, unfortunate ghouls all fell in Shem's hands not knowing what even killed them as Shem quickly use all his arsenals in order to kill the ghouls fast. Shem has learned a lot, from 'liver' and quickly implements, a more drastic killing process.

"Eliza, activate my atomic debonder, ghouls' skins are hard and impenetrable by ordinary means but when it comes to atomic levels my debonder knife can cut off those ghouls diamond like skin and kagune." Shem commanded his best weapon to come out.

Two compartments opened and a knife in each then came out from the sides of his legs, the sci-fi black colored knives blade with red glowing edges quickly grabbed by Shem tightly, and slices the unlucky ghouls down. The plasma series in his palms, the invisible bullets in his fingers and the knife in his two legs was use formally as killing tools for mechs, genetically engineered monsters and special operations like taking down a battleship or cruisers.

"Haaaaaaa!" Shem shouted after immobilizing a ghoul and then brandish his two knives.

Among all the weapons, the debonder knife is one of a kind. It can slice the hard metal plating of a mech or space battleship. It can even cut out energy shields. The reason that Shem did not use it before because he noted that electricity can also disable a ghoul's biological processes when he saw it in the anime, However, when he fought liver it was not the case. The electricity did not even kill him immediately as he thought or immobilize him.

"Nice, I should have used it before, stupid me!" Shem said after slicing a ghoul in half. Then a smile came in after doing it. A smile of a derange person. Why?

The ghouls did not even notice that Shem killed them, as they lay asleep suddenly in each alley, without knowing how they fell unconscious never waking from there slumber forever.

Shem move fast enough to end their lives, his motivation and hatred from the Entity and this world push him beyond his ethics as he stand there overlooking the corpse he laid upon his front.

"Eliza look, I killed a lot, I save the people, they can live freely now, right!" Shem smiled in the ugliest way. It was a grinned of selfish satisfaction of a half bake justice knowing that he help all humans in these world who suffered from ghouls appetite, the image in Shem's perspective clearly resembled his previous world were many people suffered.

The feeling of helping to kill these ghouls and inciting the Entity to come out made Shem slightly change a bit.

Is he crazy or just joking around?

"I join the federation to save the innocent lives; these people here are victims from those genetically enhance beings use in the war. Erina is an example from the ghouls' victims, I have made a mistake of giving Reika and Genki the chance to escape I should have killed them right away when I had the chance!"

An illusion covered Shem's perspective between his past and present. The belief he was motivated to push through in helping this world was the war he experienced before. Unknowingly, that he diverted from the realities of his situation.

Is Shem becoming crazy?

"No, these creatures in this world and that Entity resembles the rebels in my world I should kill them all one by one! Haha" Shem hysterically laugh.

[Host mental state unstable proceeding to psychological therapy.] Eliza announces but Shem did not even bother to hear it or notice the warning of his mental state.

Shem looked more paranoid in his ways; He was different earlier before he came in to this world. He was full of motivation and excitement or passion in helping this world mend from the ghoulification gene he discovered. Moreover, the result of the hunt did not fare well with Shem's expectation.

The Entity did not even bother to come out from any of those ghouls closely matching Reika and Genki. Eliza then provided all the data to Shem; the gathered information did not provide the traces of the Entity. The hunt was a failure.

"I guess that Entity is a bystander then. No matter, I will kill all ghouls around this world. Haha!" Shem realizes something about his plans and they were all failures, for the Entity. Fourteen ghouls are not enough; he should hunt more to meet that being. "More Eliza, let's kill some more ghouls!" Shem grinned warping his face unto something bizarre.

[Shem if I may ask, it did not kill you or hurt you, why are you after it? What world are you in now? The war has already ended you have fulfilled your duty. What are you now?]

Ask Eliza to mitigate her host paranoid motivation to the Entity. Eliza seemed noticed the sudden change in her host mental state and personality. Shem Stop after that words, then he painted his face with a blank expression and a dull eyes.

"What do you mean Eliza our priority now is to save the citizens of the federation from the Entity, we should make haste now! I am private Shem Abeles of the 204th Tausog division of the UNSC military." Shem Shouted in paranoia while smiling after. A face of a lunatic and eccentricity painted Shem that can only described as symptoms of serious mental health. "Quit talking and let's go."

[What I mean Shem is the Entity and your part in this world. The war is over, you are now on this different dimension. Remember what you promise for these people. Wake up!] Eliza said as she observed unknown errors in the brain activity of Shem.

Some derange brain activities that were archived and observed on a veteran war soldiers with impaired mental health. Mostly some of the Tausug and other soldiers in the UNSC suffered such state after the war. Post traumatic stress disorder.

"I…" Shem fell quite why did he became so paranoid on hunting the Entity, it did not even bothered to hurt him or kill him. It only sent him back to the past. This world did not even harm him and in fact it save him from dying from that quite lonely white void "…Why exactly? Am I going…?"

Shem stands stiff for a while in a building's rooftop, like a statue full of regret and realization. Yeah, why did he hunt the Entity, it just spook him and sent him back in time. It even saved the man he could not save from Reika and Genki. Why or what is his motivation for doing such tiresome job without realizing his rewards.

He formed his decision that he will save this world but in what way, by killing? No. he was planning something big. He was like a fool planning for it. Perhaps his experiences from the past or perhaps he pitied these people's lives. Or because, was it Because he have seen Erina's state after liver took a bite out of her shoulder, it resembled someone in his memories.


Shem cried in tears, he suddenly realized that his instinct from the war played him instead. As a veteran from a long war in a space scale, he had seen people, men and women from child to elderly died with his very own eyes. Those people closely resembled the people here in this surreal anime world.

Their innocent face and wide eyes colored in blood all painted to Shem's memory. Although the psychological therapy help Shem rehabilitate mentally, but it sure did not erase much of Shem's memories from the past. Exposed from a gruesome unforgiving field his body gained its own means of coping in, and that is whatever unknown is an enemy.

Base on a veteran's testimony, a war can change someone to his core, worst it becomes a nightmare in his peace.

"Fuck! I only want to save this world, these people! That entity…" Shem let go of his strength and said the word, but after saying he did not continue "…"

Considering also that he watched the anime Tokyo Ghoul triggered his military veteran instinct from its themes. His mind sympathize to its characters back-stories that he became, attached to them. The killing scenes and the emotional exchange of quotes, twist Shem's mind. The entity's entrance broke the accumulating emotions of the war and shocked Shem, it all change when he killed liver and the ghouls.

"Crazy? Am I going crazy Eliza?"

[No memory relapses, my capabilities cannot change your memory. I am only capable of always keeping your well being that includes your mental health. your not crazy your just stress.]

What a striking realization. Shem almost became crazy like those characters in the anime and on real life. Traumas, anxiety, fear and other experiences that are hard to bare are all stressor for mental shift. Nevertheless, Shem is a cyborg how did that happen?

Part machine and human he is but the brain is the most incredible thing that humans have not achieved to study no matter what way they do to control, cure it, or do something about it, it always finds its way to take over. Adapt to survive maybe the short explanation, a question that no scientist in Shem's world could explain more.

"I just want to help them Eliza. When I came here I thought a lot to change it, but when that Entity came in, I made up my mind that all ghouls and entity must be eliminated so that this people can live free and enjoy this world. But, when that woman Erina almost died I… " Shem continued to cry; Eliza perfectly pulled Shem from his unbecoming. "…I did not understand this world anymore. What is my purpose, Why am I here! I finished my part during the war…!"

[Shem calm down, you did not do something wrong in fact you did an admirable decision and move to grabbed it. As I said before more data is required, so listen before you act Shem. Mind your actions and think through next time…] Eliza calmly said her part in order for Shem's paranoid behavior and the almost complete paradigm in his beliefs dissipate. As a war veteran Shem Abeles, had a wounded soul from the war.

Although an enhance being, it was easy for Shem to handle his emotions and mentality but it was never enough by just artificial control when it comes to the soul of the mind. In addition, when he entered in to this world it all became bigger. Thanks to Eliza's question, Shem realize his unbecoming, it all cleared the growing paranoia and depression of Shem. Next time he should be aware of himself so that he cannot become something else driven by dangerous thoughts.

[I guessed you have not completely recovered from that war, we have cut off your psychological therapy. It triggered something when you help Erina right Shem?] Eliza said.

Eliza as an AI cannot access his owner's memories other than asking permission to her host. She is only built for analysis and maintaining the well-being of her host. The war, before Shem came in to this world was so gruesome than any war history.

All unethical deeds came out on that time with a purpose of killing earth's government and all colonial government so the pigs can takeover, the greed was the ugliest reason of the war. Shem witnesses it all and gradually, it creeps inside his heart.

[I know that you want to help these people but as your AI, I advise you to relax a bit. Try to appreciate more of this world and then in small step change it in your will. This, plan of yours of killing ghouls to draw out the Entity is a complete failure, relax Shem let's get you collected.]

"Hahahaha! Eliza, thanks, yeah your right I guess. " A laugh came out from Shem it was not the proof that he is becoming crazy but a laugh of change.

"After the entity, I was put into an hallucinations which closely resembled to the mission I did on Europa colony. The rebels there did something unthinkable to their citizens. They released something in the air, spreading a virus that would make them die but change their bodies unto monstrous weapons for mass killing, man eating monsters called Aswangs. They planned to collect these man eating monsters and released them to planetary cities. Along with them is the virus inside those monsters, slowly crippling the whole colony to its knees. Those rebels resembled the Entity and ghouls perhaps in my eyes that I guess change me a bit."

[The Europa massacre if my archives are right your team were sent to that moon to destroy the organization there right? In addition, save the innocent citizen.] Eliza sounded in a calm synthetic voice. One of Shem's mission after they were commissioned by the military was to destroy a research outpost of the rebels in the moon of Jupiter. A hard but deadly mission for Shem to start with. They fought the system AI develop by the rebels there and the virus created 'aswangs'.

When Shem heard about it, he cried more. The gruesome history of the Europa massacre was the most horrendous experimental weapons development in the history of the war. The people were use, as test subjects to become a being no longer possess the rational mind. A puppet that can destroy any city by eating its people. The virus was a success as 95% of the total population of 4 million was expended on that moon.

"I was about to save that girl there, Joy, when the genetically change human monster suddenly stab the girl and ate her in my very own eyes. " Shem said in melancholy, "When I killed the monster it was too late, Joy died, that cheerful colonist kid died during my very first medical aid on my first mission."

Eliza remained quiet and listened to Shem. Talking to a traumatize person is not the best way to help them recover but by listening to them it helps a lot. […]

"When I saw Erina, that stupid woman, it all came back and pulled my brain from my rationality. And then this one."

After a minute or so of constant crying and sharing, Shem wipes away his tears. Luckily, Eliza did not control his hormones to respect Shem and calm him down back to his own. For now, Shem stops his plans of pursuing the Entity down, he revise it again after taking a relax.

He wants to relax and go on a vacation away from this city, shit this place full of fucking ghouls.

[Eliza lets go home now. Buy the unit beside Erina's apartment.]

[Affirmative Shem.]

Shem walks towards the apartment where he dropped Erina and went to sleep.

The management of the apartment complex was 24/7 service a truly wonderful hospitable culture of the Japanese. Eliza let Shem relax by shutting all his systems down for Shem to recuperate, the dead ghouls were reported to the CCG assigned in the 20th ward.

The anteiku also heard the story but they only shrugged off because that is the only way for them to survive not meddling with the hunter.

Early in the morning 4:00 am.

Shem got up early with his newly bought white t shirt from the apartment landlady. The old landlady was very business all rounder, the landlady aside from managing the middle class apartment she was also selling clothes with it.

Shem then notice.

"You own Tokyo black grandma." Shem said in amazement, she could still remember the sexy beautiful sales woman managing the apparel store he bought his clothes from, the red and black set.

"Yes. When I was still in good strength. However, my daughter runs it now, designing groundbreaking incredible sets of clothes renowned in all of Japan. Hehe! That daughter of mine." The grandma landlady named Mari smiled showing of his not so complete set of teeth.

"Oh, yeah my granddaughter is managing a branch here in Nerima district, I bet those red and black set of clothes you wash earlier was bought from that branch. How did you manage to escape her marketing very difficult right? Haha."

The old woman was referring to the sexy sales woman on that apparel store. What a small world that Shem was connected to the owner of that apparel business. The grandma Mari knows how beautiful her granddaughter was that through her beauty she could capture many men to empty their wallets for her products."

"What! That sexy…a woman she's your granddaughter!?" Shem was shocked to learn that the sexy babe he encountered in the store that was beautiful and sexy that can compete with Erina. "What a small world haha."

After that, he got his breakfast meal in a tray from the cafeteria at 7:50 and then waited for his hot filled water basin. He ate and ordered another for Erina who was still sleeping. Shem was so guilty of leaving Erina in the apartment without observing her for other complications.

"I should go to her room and apologize and make friends. Yeah I should." Shem press the doorbell of Erina's unit apartment but no one answered, he then turn the knob and was surprised that the door was opened, not lock.

"What!? it's not lock, I was sure I, l…yeah right I was in a hurry and just put her in her bed."

"Eliza 491999, Host Shem Abeles, activate." Shem said a startup code to wake up Eliza, since after the night raid, Shem shutdown his combat system and AI to think through from his activities.

Eliza volunteered herself to shut down for Shem to relax. Shem's brain needs to stabilized first.

[Shem good morning, may God bless us today.] Eliza said upon startup. The customize voice response after activation was courtesy to Shem's Christian culture.

"Yeah good morning, Eliza, May God bless us today." Shem then proceeds to the bedroom of the room but then notice clothes scattered around in the living room. A suspicion arouse to Shem's mind.

He continued to enter the room without permission because he was use to this back in the military. In order to create camaraderie everyone must have acquainted to each other by sharing a room so Shem did.

"Ro-round. Mo-mounds, whaa…" Shem said after witnessing, the first r-18 in his life. A 3d image of a real woman. More real than the robot women and virtual hentai Shem immersed with back in his world. In his world all men can access an animated or real virtual reality simulator for a good time.

It lowered an eradicated the rape incidence on Shem's world because of the virtual simulator.

Shem witness Erina naked. But, why Erina was naked? After Shem dropped Erina on her room. She was already completely healed and was sleeping.

However, Erina has a habit of sleeping naked an instinct she develops.

The delicate naked woman was Erina. Her abundant breast-Shem called mounds-, blonde hair and beautiful face affected Shem's train of thoughts upon seeing the woman.

While looking dazedly, Shem did not notice that Erina jump flying towards him with a hurling punch so strong that it nailed him to the wall.


After the nailing, the room's wall was then fixed. It was so convenient that the owner provided the services in a timely manner. It was because Erina was so angry because of it. The old woman giggled to the circumstances of Shem.

"Do not think I am generous, timid kind girl that you perceive on some princess movies or animes. That shrugs off whatever happened today."However, the girl was felt humiliated after all. So Erina said while now covered with her long black pants and a casual white T-Shirt that clearly Emphasize her mounds. She painted a very angry and embarrassed expression that Shem feared; after all Eliza finally took control of Shem's emotion.

"This room is mine, I bought it first and I made sure that no one can find this place even from perverts like you. The owner also ensured me of its fines security but today I am disappointed!" Erina intentionally let the word out in order for the owner to hear and melt in regret. But the landlady smilingly apologize.

"I'm sorry I was just, concerned about you, the wound did it heal?" Shem asks about the night.

"Huh? Don't change the topic you bastard." The angry beautiful reaction of Erina Emptied Shem of words. Eliza also kept adjusting hormonal controls. "I can put to you to prison right now…because of what you did."

But Erina seemed to have no memory from that time. She can only glimpse small parts. Especially the man that resembled Shem that help her. But all in all Erina definitely had no memories from that night, maybe because of the nanites and the loss of blood. Sometimes in most cases like Erina. Blood loss can sometimes impairs memory that can lead to forgetfulness, as the neurons did not received any oxygen and nutrients to function.

"What? no please, alright I did not see anything very much because the sun's shine overshadowed you so it was not clear. Please, I will do anything for you to forgive me." Shem said changing the topic. His a cultured man and law abiding citizens after all.

With an angry reaction Erina sighed and then said.

"Become my Husband and follow all my orders then I will forgive you!" Erina said in embarrassment.

"What?" Shem said.

[Hormonal production increasing, error-error.]