Accrete Pharmaceuticals

The negotiation went smoothly and Shem was able to acquire the whole remaining assets of the company.

"Mr. Shem I apologize for the misunderstanding. If I offended you please state your disatisfaction so I can at least compensate in forgiveness."

"Its all right Mr. Heinz. Yes I'm a bit offended but the acquisition went smoothly. I am already happy with my gains and satisfied at that, their is no need to trouble yourself."

Shem said . It was his first time to see Heinz in a new light. Unlike the first meeting.

Heinz was currently bowing. It was the highest form of respect and forgiveness in the Adelmo family culture.

"...No please let me at least compensate."

Heinz was relentless he did not gave up until Shem finally accepted the compensation by asking Heinz about the armor they use in the runway fight.

"Oh, those are the latest quinque weapons we made. The company does not only make medicines and medical products but we are also contracted to create weapons from the corpses of Ghouls hunted down by the Ghoul Hunter Association and some mercenary."

Shem listened.

"These weapons are highly modified to form armors like kakuja. We had heavily created an electronic system that can able to manipulate the form of the rc cells by stimulating the released of kakuhu . Using electricity, we can trick the cells to form anything base on the electrical patterns."

Shem was satisfied upon hearing such wiki from Heinz. They then went unto separate ways as Shem prepares to restart the company the next day.

Adelmo Manor Living room.

Erina and Shem was currently discussing about the requirements. The permits and other legal matters regarding the company revival and restructuring.

"Accrete Pharmaceuticals?"

"Yes name it like that as it means to heal. That is the purpose of my company and I want that to be the new company's trade mark."

Erina shrugged off as Shem suggested the word. After all Shem is the majority shareholder. The company is only owned by him, Shem at 99% while Erina only have 1%. Erina did not bother by the arrangement because Shem used his own money to buy the assets of the bankrupt company. Also Erina had a considerable amount of money stored on her bank account.

"Now about the products that we have to produce. I think we have a bigger problem in this area."

Erina worriedly said. The products of Adelmo Pharmaceuticals are not much comparable to the trend. Medical products produce by renowned Biopharma around the world are now leaps beyond the bankrupt company. Erina have to focus the money on R&D to slowly climb the ladder of profits. Diseases in this era are becoming aggressive and needs more aggressive medicines. Much concern licensing production of other medicines poses great risk for infant company.

"Let's see can I barrow your laptop for a sec?"

Erina pick up her laptop and put it in front of Shem. She was curious by the sudden barrowing of the laptop. Perhaps an answer to the problem, she thought.

"What are you gonna do about it?"

Erina ask.

Type. Type. Type.

Shem started to tweak the laptop. He was monstrously typing codes that Erina could not understand or even read.


"Here you go Erina, those things would be our first products. Hire again those pharmacist and scientist you layed off.

Erina took the laptop. And examined what Shem did to it. The latter was very confident as he smiled.


Widen eyes.

Erina scrolled down and read the reports of a medical R&D results. The computer was filled with medicinal formulas in encrypted form, the research results were showcasing new medical drugs for sale and it even pass clinical trials. It had also been registered for patent on many countries.


Erina was speechless. She could not describe her emotions as Shem presented this unknown groundbreaking medical products. This could help a lot of people. Considering that they were the first ones to developed it. Erina predicted that the company will earn a lot.

"Now, lets go back to business."

"Ah. Yes, of course, it looks like the problem is solved so we can now proceed to the next phase."

Erina defeatedly said. She was curious about Shem's backgrounds. She was also curious about the men behind Shem. The scientist that was working with him. Everything about Shem.

'Is he perhaps an alien... '

Erina thought as she type on her computer.

This man is full of mystery. That he could even induce psychotic control to her body using an advance technology never before created but it was now negligible as base on the promise she and Shem made, she has now regain control of the nanites inside her in a condition that she help Shem and never betray him. Nevertheless, Shem kept the promise.

"Let's take a break for a while."

Shem said as he saw Erina working so hard.

"No, I'm use to working like this and I'm almost finish."

Erina said as her hands type vigorously the papers needed by the new company. As she said, She really is a hardworking girl. A benefit she had with his father's strict guidance.

"Ok, I just watch some news in your smart TV here for some interesting events."

Shem said and proceed to open up the television. Shem was kind of bored he did not like to work on paper reports very much. He did not sleep for a night modifying the medicines from his dimension.

Using his advance computer simulator he tested different concoction of the modified drugs base on the ample finds he had collected from the rc cells data that he collected from the ghouls he killed. Although he only manage to produce five drugs for sale, it was enough to heal some of the most uncurbable diseases in this dimension. Shem was burned out on modifying these drugs but it only produce five as he was lacking in more data regarding rc cells. The little genetically parasitic bastard is making Shem's work harder.

'Its enough for now, when I have the funds I can try building a laboratory with the tools I have and focus on that research area.'

Shem thought as he press the power button of the remote.

TV On.

Channel Poland International Business News.

Widen eyes.

Shem had known the account because it was his. Eliza use this method to gain money that Shem had to use in his big plans. And Eliza have made so much.

It is the most legal and easy money making method calculated by Eliza. It is safe and Shem did not violated any law like fraud or stealing money. AI trading is the best investment route every businessmen has to take.

If this occurred in Shem's dimension the authorities would find out and pass a penalty of neural cryogenic imprisonment and fines to the person doing such activity. Using AI in stocks trading is the best. By calculating the price changes, trend, news, corporate activities, and innovative products, human behavior, and market woes the AI can predict the best share to buy and best share to sell, thus earning money in short term and long term trade strategy! In Shem's dimension enhance human traders are the players in this game surpassing AI. AI are also restricted by laws for their unfair and destructive potential. There was once a market collapse during the pre-augmented human Era, rendering massive money lost and job cuts all around the globe. But that is not the case in this world because its cybertechnology is primitive. And Shem had put on limits to his AI to trade in human friendly way.


Erina glance at Shem showing an expression of wonder. She had seen Shem painted with bewilderment and surprised.

Shem went frozen witnessing a world scale money printer and him was the owner.

Unknown Manor in UK.

"Bernadette, hello my sweetie how are you doing is your bed comfortable?"

Struggling smile.

"Mo-Mommy, I think... I can't hold on... any longer it... hurts a lot."

A bald young girl about six years old said while struggling to say the words she wanted to express to her mother. She was now layed in bed covered with sophisticated medical equipment's strap around her body. It seems that, this machine was the only thing that let her live a bit more.

Tears flowed.

"...Mommy is doing everything, please my sweetie endure a little more. You said you wanted to visit Paris right and you also said that you wanted to go swimming on a blue ocean beach in Atlantic right. Are you saying to me to give up those dreams..."

Mary said as she held the hands of her daughter. She had done everything in her power and wealth to find ways to cure her daughter's brain cancer.

She never gave up her daughter even though the doctor's with Phd she hired was saying euthanistic suggestions. She never followed them. Then...

"Madam a company by the name of Accrete Pharmaceuticals had recently opened its operation in Poland and was selling a new drug. They had also opened their website and disclose the five medicines they had develop for the public... "

A butler of Mary said in respect. A hope came to her door step.


"Buy it immediately! And call those bastard Doctors and tell them to administer it to my daughter!"

Mary shouted after her cries stop as he heard the hope.

Next day. Morning.

"Madam, this is a new drug and it came from a suspiciously newly built company. It does not even been taken in by the public...the government is yet to approve of it."

A blonde old doctor said, representing the 10 medical doctors following the woman in business attires.

"I've read the results of the clinical trials. AND IT WORKS! "

Mary shouted. She then entered an air controlled room where her daughter was laying asleep.

"Bernadette my sweetie, mommy has good news we found a medicine to help you recover... "

Mary said while her eyes was slightly in red because of the tears. Inside her body was feelings of joy and uneasiness. She had doubts on the company that produce the drugs but she did not have a choice as the drugs promise to cure her daughter's brain cancer.

Even though the drug was still being studied by the EU Union parliament for dissemination Mary insisted to take one for her daughter secretly, luckily the chairman of the company agreed and she was able to get one. She chose to get the risk.

"Do it doctor. "

"But... "


Injected. A medicine with red in color flowed out from the syringe. The shivering medical nurse was afraid that the girl would die in this suspiciously new drug. She followed by the order of a Doctor beside her.

Widen eyes.

Mary look at her daughter losing color an becoming more pale after the drug entered the blood stream. A foreboding seen...

"What's happening to my daughter you fucking doctors, tell me what's happening!"

Mary shouted.

But then suddenly.

"Mo-Mommy why are you shouting?" The kid weakly ask. She was awoken by the sharp sound of her mother's voice.


Gasp. Tears flowed.

"Bernadette are you ok? You aren't feeling any weird things right sweetie?"

Mary ask to her daughter that is now full of vigor. The skin also went normal. The drug work. The weary strengthless child is now very active as she cutely push her body up.

"No...But I want an ice cream Mommy."

The young girl said.

Tears flowed.

Mary cried and cried while talking to her daughter. And then she tasked their butler to order the first wish of her daughter, a whole set of ice cream.

"How... "

The so called expert doctors were like quacks witnessing a magic performed in front of them and then they went in frenzy to check the child. They can't believed the drug work.

Poland Private office.

[D-17 has provided good results. Brain reconstruction and immunity enhancement has been recorded. Drug efficacy 100%. Sensory nanites dissolving as per ordered.]

Shem smiled after hearing the report.

"Ok I guess we have to deal with the EU Union shit. So that we can heal those in need."