D-17 Cancer killer series 1

Adelmo Pharma. Lab. Poland. Months Before drug released.

"Dr. Aniol Tolek this is Mr. Abeles the owner and president of the upcoming Accrete Pharma." Erina introduce the man in white lab coat with business attitude as she turned her attention to Shem. "He is the director of our R&D before and he mainly focuses in biotech and drug development."

"I am honored to meet you Mr. Shem thank you for saving the company and all of our hard earned research." Doctor Tolek held Shem's right hand and vigorously shake them up and down while painting a smile.

"We spent so much time on those reseach, its the fruit of our hard labor that could possibly save many lives. If the company didn't suddenly succumed bankruptcy we would have progressed more."

Dr. Aniol Tolek is a middleage man. He has a beard covering his face and a bit red haired man. He had a polish accent in the way he talk more like a russian accent if you heard his tone. He is a trusted scientist employed by the Adelmo's before. His physique can be describe as a bit skinny probably due to working around the lab without rest it was also accompanied with an eye of weariness.

" Your... welcome." Shem said in English while struggling to pull his hands out without hurting the skinny scientist. Then he painted his face with seriousness as his red business suit emphasize his aura.

"Sigh~Let's get to the point. Doctor Tolek, base on your resume, I would like you to work for my company as the head of my labs and drug research. I will make sure to give you goodpay, accomodations, and work experience."

Shem was in need of scientist and pharmacist in order to manufacture his drugs. Shem can make it on his own but he had to do something else rather than focusing on the Pharma. The big plans of Shem is in inclined to understanding the current world, Rc cells,the Entity he met, People and most of all controlling the world.

'I need to work more smart and spend my time delicately so that I can achieved those things.'

Shem thought.

And so the drugs was the first step.

He will then apply it for patent so that he can solo more profits and disseminate the drug all throughout the world. He needs the approval of major Food and Drug Administrations and other organizations for his drug to circle in the local and global market.

The drug is a helpful tool to gain influence from the rich people whom had sons, daughters, parents, relatives, love ones that are sick and in need. Using that Shem could creep his influence around the world and even blackmail them into following him. Of course he will also disseminate the generic and branded drugs for the common people.

Determination. Contemplation. Choice. Was bombarded to the doctor's psyche.

A minute after silence.

"...Yes, I will work with your company Mr. Shem. Despite of its change in name and staff the roots is still within the Adelmo's our trusted benefactor ever since. And besides I can see that Ms. Erina is also our boss so I am assured to believed in you Mr. Shem. "

Dr. Tolek was in melancholy as he took a glance to Erina. His trust in the company of Erina's father never wavered ever since his father and mother help him and his family met asylum.

"Nice you will never regret working with me doctor. Rest assured that you will never also regret your decision."

Shem pulled a stack of papers and a USB from Erina's embrace and given it to the doctor. As if it was a precious pearl in the blue sea.

Erina was like an assistant to Shem even though she had 1% in the board of the company but she did not mind it because this treasure that she holds can help many people. Even now she felt conflicting emotions towards Shem.

At first she thought of Shem as a stalker, a poor man, crazy person wanting to do something perversion to her, but now that she found out the some truth about Shem and even given her an information about her mother. Which she madly wanted to know.

'Working with this man is not bad afterall. If his actions are like this, I will gladly help him. My mother's whereabouts are still a mystery and if Shem could help I can find her. Whatever's necessary."

Erina thought.


Dr. Tolek had a questioning face from the given stack of documents. He look down to the pinned papers in a white folder and read the title.

"D-17 Cancer Killer Series...? " Dr. Tolek suddenly opened the files. A minute after reading the first paragraph he gasped in shock! As he stuttered to talk. "How... did... you made this... formula or rather where... genetic reconstruction...hormone blockage...e-enhance immunity!"

"Its origins' is not important doctor, I only want this drug to be synthesize for mitigating the health demand and earned good profits from those demands."

Shem said as he drew a smile. "I am not a philanthropist who only gives it freely. I want profits and besides It would also be a good reference for your personal research to progress."

"...Aah! But this is... "Dr. Tolek can't talk to himself properly from the wave of indescribable feelings. He witness and read a complete formula of a drug that can be use to cure cancers regardless of its malignant and benign status, metastasis stages AnD affected organ system. "...How did..?

"A universal medication for cancers. That's right and you will make it for me." Shem said while he put his hands on Dr. Tolek's slump shoulder.

"Loyalty and honesty that is the only thing what I need from you." Shem said with a serious yet happy face expression after pulling his right arms back. "We will heal the world together doctor! Imagine the smiles we can see."

Determination. Thump. Thump. Thump. Great minded people had ambition. Ambitions for the greater good.

"I will gladly work for you Mr. Shem even for life! If you want me to become your loyal dog I will do it as long as it can benefit the people!" Dr. Tolek shake the hands of Shem with determined eyes. His true goal in life was to save, nothing more and nothing less except for his family's well being.

Deal. Scientist acquired.

"Dr. Tolek coordinate with Erina on the funds and scientific tools and equipment you need in rebuilding the lab and our production lines. Hire only the trusted people you work with. The better if they are all addicted to research and does not care about money and stick their noses to other people's matter especially me and our rivals."

Shem said with relax expression and a bit threatening tone. He wanted to avoid espionage as much as possible, this drug held a great potential, especially money.

"Also follow the USB schematics on the rebuilding of the the factory complex."

"Yes, Mr. Shem! Do not worry on the employees because I happened to know a lot of eccentric scientist who only want to research and be happy with their families."

Dr. Tolek shouted and raise his chest. He then coordinated with Erina and began rebuilding the current factory of Adelmo Pharma into a new and improve factory, base on the standards of Shem's world.

One day after.

[D-17 A drug with chemical components capable of hindering the action of growth hormones in the cancer cells. It also induce cell renewal such as producing stem cells that can differentiate into the specific cells affected by the cancer.

The drug is also capable of fixing the D.N.A molecules to its former healthy one. It also had the capabilities of increasing the immune system strength. RC cells cannot be affected with the drug, the antigens and antibodies are already affixed in the chemical formula preventing interaction with the Rc cells. Evolutionary cancellation is possible upon body absorption.]

Eliza announced in Shem's head while he was walking in the street of Warsaw the capital of Poland. Alongside Shem was a blonde beauty in business attire while him Shem was in red suit like 'The weeknd singer of Blinding Lights.'

"Many companies in Europe had already offered a 15 percent share with you for acquiring the formula of your drug. Why would you reject these companies, it will very much create a friction in the long run."

Erina said with a bit anger in her voice. She was confuse as to why Shem refuse to share this novel drug the first of the five that Shem created. They could tap a lot of shortcuts in the market.

When the drug was applied for patent the scientific world was taken by storm as they read the parameters and clinical trials that the drug had undergone.

Medical scientist was ready to give Shem a Nobel prize in Medicine for Such discovery. Shem refuse the honor as to respect the creator of this drug from his dimension.

After a month, numerous Pharma companies had visited Shem for potential deal. But Shem refuse for a particular reason. He wants to build first the reputation of his company before he can share. If he gave the formula to the other party they will hurriedly begin production and outrun Shem.

"I needed to gain a foothold on this continent Erina, so that my company will be known and remembered by the people. If I gave the permission, yes I can gain influence plus large amount of license money but I cannot grow my company's name. That's why."

"...Even so there's a lot of patients around the world that are deeply in need of that drug Shem. That drug can even gave hope to those patient in cryogenic status. We can widen the supply and We can also easily by pass a lot of trade obstacles."

"Yes don't worry I know. But please trust me on this. I am very much eager to share this to everyone but not for now. We will solo production and market first."

Shem insistently said this because base on his gathered data files from these rival companies. They are much more dangerous that Shem hadn't anticipated.

They were people who committed crimes against humanity by releasing diseases in order to profit from selling the cure of those illnesses. Which Shem was very upset with and refuse to share his drugs with them. He remembered how his world was also like this one. Lies for profit. Some of this companies use third world countries as guinea pigs and large scale laboratory testing area. The worst place that was fucked by these companies are the poor regions of Africa. Morality and ethics did not deter these hungry capitalist.

"...Sigh~Ok. If you say so, your the owner but at least address this, there was someone who was calling me a lot, they even sent messages and gave large amount of money in order to buy a sample of your drug for her daughter. I refuse because we haven't started mass production yet but they still insist. The person promised a lot even favor and influence. She even gave us a private island and much more."

"Oh, what's her name? "

Shem calmed down and listened.

"Mrs. Mary Burton, owner of a large Conglomerate in the UK. Her daughter had a brain cancer, I think stage 4. Shem the child was 6 years old undergoing a lot of chemotherapy."



"...Ok wait for me outside the lab, I will make it."

A laboratory owned by the Adelmo in Warsaw, Poland was the destinations Shem and Erina reached. Shem went inside the lab and Erina went outside with confusion and a bit anger towards Shem's attitude. He waited on the labs lounge for Shem's impossible drugs.


Shem was triggered by the mention of child. He remembered Joy on the Europa massacre back in his dimension. Shem promised to himself that day, that he will save a lot like Joy and even the ghouls he met in the Anteiku.

After an hour.

"Erina here, take this."

Shem handed out a vial of red liquid. Shem made it using his pseudo organs and computer simulations. Of course Erina did not know of that.


"Good you had soft heart when it comes to profits. Sigh~... I will fight the drug dissemination issue in the EU Union parliament. Do not worry I already prepared for the next week assembly." Erina said with confidence. As her blonde hair flutter.

After refusing the many companies. The EU Union step up in order to force Shem to share the knowledge. They even prolonged Shem's production and export permit so that the men behind the politicians could force Shem in defeat.

But, Shem did not falter and found ways using Mary and her daughter.

"Ok. Take those offer from Mrs. Mary Burton. I have something in mind for using them."

"The island, Yacht, Cruise ship, Sports car, a share in her company and 1.5 billion pound. Got it."

Erina nodded and smile.

"Oh and Erina double the time in rebuilding the company assets so that we can start production immediately."

Shem smiled as he sighed.