

A chilling cold and a foggy environment surrounded a large ship while she was floating on the mysterious calm sea.

Her turbine speed was set at the lowest power in order to traverse this zone safely and avoid a devastating collisions ahead.

It is said that towering bulk of icebergs and rock scattered around this place. Many explorers and adventurers with their feeble galleons in the past never came back home after probing this ghostly cold sea.

It is said, that...

Only the gaping maws of death awaited to anyone who would be foolish enough to come here.


As for the ship, she never believe such legends. Her crew was dauntless from these fairytale.

A powerful radar was the only eyes the ship could rely on, in order for her large rust resistant metallic body to carry on ahead.

Safety precautions must always be a top priority when crossing this unknown part of the unforgiving seven seas.

No one could navigate this region using only the naked eyes. Looking around, any person would think that this zone could be the purgatory due to its sereneness thick fog and a gloomy cold atmosphere.

Anyone with weak mental fortitude would collapse and commit suicide after experiencing days of isolation within this foggy place.

No one could ever see the blue tint sky above nor feel the punch of the wind against their faces in this part of the weird world. Only blizzards of cold happens to be the norm here.

"Fucking milk mama, the fog became even more thicker than last time. "

Within the warm and comfortable bridge of the ship, an old experienced captain complained while he squinted around his old yet strong eyes beyond the bridge's glass windows. He was looking out for problems that the ship might encounter.

"I feel like mother nature seemed to be preventing us from going further. Hmm. Shit all the polluters of this world."

His middle age body was stiff as his senses was on high alert. He held a greater responsibilty in the safety of the crew, passengers and the well being of the ship he commandeer.

"Capt. we have reached the radio point! No ice bergs or rock formations detected." A male, navigations' operator shouted while his gaze maintained its focus to the green monitor of the radar systems.

Overlapping maps, coordinates, and many other means in the use of navigation was all monitored by each of the crew on the bridge.

Ensuring safety!

"All right put me on speakers, set to camouflage frequency."

He pulled the radio speaker and put it near his shut stiff mouth.

"Solomon outpost this is Gideon supply ship, we requests a docking assistance. Over."


Only static sounds meet the captain's request. He repeated again the code but for moment no one answered his calls.


A forboding feeling arose to the captain's chest. Quietness within the bridge arose enhancing also the trembling hearts of the passengers.


Finally at last...

"Gideon this is Solomon outpost, apologies for the delayed response."

Solomon outpost responded.

"We are having some signal difficulties right now. Over."


His trembling chest collapse in relaxation.

"You son of a bitch, Solomon, I might get a heart attack by that shit delayed response of yours. You know that I don't like to be left hanging in this ghost-infested fog. Over."

Said the Capt. while he took his imported cigar and puff a calming smoke. He was very tense.

"Sorry about that Gideon, next time it won't happen again. We are currently under maintenance for the radio upgrades. Over."

"Copy that Solomon, your spare parts are probably within my ship. Make sure you repair that damned radio of yours."

Said the captain while he blew some smoke to heat up his cold body.

"Certainly, you will be surprised by the new supplies, Mr. Heinz has bought for the expedition. He seemed to become more generous this time around."

Happiness arose within the navigation tower of the Solomon outpost.

"Glad to hear it Gideon. Nice, haha, finally the boss heard our desperate callings. Docking support will be there momentarily. Over."

"Copy that Solomon."

He relaxed his body after hearing such lively words.

" Solomon outpost out."

"Copy, Gideon supply ship out!"

Ending the conversation. The captain put the radio into tranquility as he puffs more smoke around. As his quivering mouth sucked heat from the smoke of his cigar.

Even though he experienced a number of considerable travels with the ship around the world. He always kept track of the foreboding feelings while he traveled around this place. It was as if someone or something wants his ship to turn around or face death.

'We can't turn away our heads from the sparkling green golds generously offered by this expedition. "Thought by the captain while awaiting assistance.

Two tug boats emerged after half an hour at the front of the ship, the tugs were like Charon's boat after they emerged at the gloomy gray fog behind them like it was the hades' river Styx.

They've positioned at the sides of the large ship to guide her. Powering all her sleeping engines.


Inside the fog, was a clear calm space. Strong warm winds were present but not to the point of comparing it to the power of a strong typhoon. Noticing the temperature, it was like the first months of summer.

Up to the sky, it was tinted with the serenity of blue colors. Down below the alive blue sea dances with the wind as flashes of water interacts with the gasses floating around.

Looking at the center inside the fog, a single mass of land was unveiled to everyone who was seeking her beauty. The island was filled with large canopies of coniferous trees and green grasslands enhancing the island's attractiveness. Looking down from above it drew a somewhat circular formation but not perfect.

"Good morning to the crew and passengers of Gideon" The captain announced." We are now inside the fog. Outpost Solomon has given us entry, you may now authorize to go outside the deck."

With that statement, all of the crew within the ship hurriedly ran outside to breathed in some fresh air.

They've traveled for days with the cold sea, trap inside the cramp cabins with little but small amounts of fresh air to breathe in. As humans, they needed a calm temperature and a refreshing wind from nature.

The properties of the air around this area, provided a very relaxing feeling as it enters within the sticky spaces of the nose and trachea---- of someone who smelled them. It is rumored that it can even prolonged life for 35 years.

Rumurs are somtimes true nor lie.

Alongside the crew--- who went outside from their cabins, to the deck, ----was the second financier of the expedition.

"Look at that Sarah, what a beautiful island that is," Heinz said as his assistant behind him look towards the beautiful island. "Even the air provided some freedom for us to delight in."

"You are right sir... It is beautiful." Sarah expresses her thoughts while she held her fluttering black hair with her right hands. " Ma'am Alecia's discovery is a treasure to behold."

Heinz smiled at that thoughts uttered by Sarah, who painted herself with a smile.

The ship proceeded towards a dock at the outpost harbor. Alert docking officers properly moored the ship to the moors so that the waves wouldn't sweep it out of the harbors embrace.

Tons of food supplies, technical tools, and parts went out of the ship along with the new types of vehicles that were customed to be used on this island.

The crew and intellectual passengers followed along and ran about everywhere like country bumpkins to take a look at the beautiful island.

"Welcome to Yrsa, Heinz, long time no see, you stupid brother."

Said by a white-haired man adorned with an explorer uniform.

"Andre my brother, likewise, I miss also that stupid face and demeanor of yours. Haha!"


The two hugged tightly as they miss each other. For years, since the discovery of the island, they've been away in order to hide and milk out the island's rich treasures and Knowledge. As blood-related individuals they have goals to fulfill using this island's treasures, they can only trust each other in this world of lies.

After the small greetings, a caravan of trucks and all-terrain vehicles was then formed. It was destined to travel towards the treasure trove, within this island.

"Andre, when we came here, I seemed to notice that the fog surrounding the island became much thicker, what happened?."

Heinz asks, as his expectant gaze pointed to his brother beside him driving the 4x4 car, they're currently riding on.

"Oh, glad you ask." Andre looks to his brother and then went back to the road. "The fissure surrounding the island has produce more heat and gas, boiling the sea water. Large amounts of steam then went up to the surface and interacted with the arctic cold climate, accelerating condensation, resulting to the thick fog."

Heinz did not look satisfied, he then turned his head and focus his gaze outside.

"What about this peaceful summer-like climate inside this fog?"

"Haha, in this world brother we still have a lot to discover before we leaped to the space above us." Andre pointed his index finger towards the ceiling of the car. "Greenhouse effect, our hired experts call this phenomenon. When the thick fog surrounded the island, miraculously it created a bubble atmosphere of about 3 meters in thickness. Using that the heat within the bubble was trap in. Thermodynamics happened and this summer like paradise was created."

Hearing the answer Heinz was satisfied. Even Sarah at the back passenger seat muttered in awe for this nature's wonderful event.

"Are you ok now brother?"

Andre asked Heinz with a sympathy within his tone. He notices his brother's sad expression.

He shrugged, "I'm fine now brother nothing to worry about. My wife's whereabouts are frustrating, the pigs of that cult kept her well hidden."

Heinz clench his fist and almost punch the window of the car if Andre did not intervene of holding his elbow, with his free right hands.

"Do not lose hope brother, in God's time you can take her back and destroy that organization once and for all."

Andre look towards Heinz with a serious expression. His eyes narrowed down to calm his brother, he knows that he was the only one who can stop his growing temper.

Changing the topic Andre asks his brother, "My niece how is she?"


Heinz bobs his head down to release his worries, he then looks towards his brother with proudness.

"She found out the truth about her mother not being dead."

"What?... Then," as if knowing what reactions his niece would create, Andre asks what happened next, while in curiosity to his brother's proudness. He also wanted to know about her status because he knows that she was engaged to someone she did not like. He deeply cares for his niece like she was his own daughter.

"Well...I cancelled the marriage agreement with a hefty compensation. But in light of that, my daughter is already in a blooming relationship with an asian business tycoon." Said by Heinz his only concern was the well being and the happines of her daughter.

Andre sighed in satisfaction, that for the first time in decades his brother was able to talk about his daughter. He was also glad that her niece was in the right hands, even though he did not know the appearance and attitude of the person, he had lumps of guesses base on his brother's changing mood.

Heinz shared what happened to him on the continent for his brother to hear.

The company, his properties, political atmosphere, large scale ghoul hunting and the rising Accrete Pharmaceuticals that was co-founded by her daughter with her Asian boyfriend. Of course, the two of them did not know the real relationship between Shem and Erina. Only Sarah probably knows but she did not voice out to respect her boss.

Shocking was the only thoughts Andre could react.

After a minute of traversing the road towards the expeditionary camp. Luckily, they arrived without any problems. Awaiting Hidden knife soldiers and other trusted staff stood at the front of the tent to welcome Heinz's arrival.

Heinz was met with happy greetings, from the people who participated in the expedition. It was because the other boss came to grace their hardwork.

Heinz's liquidation of his company had also increased the quality and quantity of the supply they usually dump in this expensive expedition. Heinz did not care because his plans did not incline anymore into entrepreneurship but a preparation to get his wife back by using the treasures within this island they are milking out.

"I want you to take a look at the fauna and flora within this island. You might find some useful herbs to be use as pharmaceutical raw materials." Andre pointed his brother to the discovered unknown plants and other weird living organism they have gathered from this island.

"I will take them all, so my daughter could also take a look of their commercial properties." Said Heinz. " Maybe her company and boyfriend could use these raw materials for their next breakthrough in medical science and technology."

Andre and Heinz along with Sarah had then gone towards the laboratory of the tent, Heinz was filled with excitement when it comes to researching life.

Along the way.

"Yrsa," Andre muttered suddenly.


Heinz and Sarah pointed their attention towards Andre.

"Have you all wondered where or when did the Ghouls start to emerge out from the Homosapien species?"

The two people perk up their interest.

"Base on my research in this island's heiroglyps and ancient written language plastered all around on that ruin's walls and buildings. They foretell about the history of the first Ghouls." Andre as an archeologist and expert in ancient history has put all his life into the dogma of uncovering the Ghouls origin.

Sarah and Heinz stopped from going to the lab. Their curiosity was lit up upon the revelations.

"Let's start with the seven one-eyed monarchs and their clans."


Heinz and Sarah wore widened eyes after they have heard a clue that they could not reject to know in their lifetime, the origins of the ghouls. It was said that they were seven of them, they came from the middle of the world and spread-out around.

Each of them had goals of either creating a kingdom and gather more food or to distance themselves from each other.

It was revealed that they received the power from a goddess.

"That is just what I can get at the moment because the civilization in this island was all focus on the history of Yrsa the beast and her clan." Andre laugh at his slow research but at least he had provided some light to the background of the dome ruins, Alecia discovered six years ago. Heinz has also wondered about the ancient tribe within this island so he was satisfied by his brother's wiki.

Yrsa the beast, was a Viking shieldmaiden. She held great power that no one could ever defeat. She spread her name through her ability to become a dragon who can destroy a country using her flames of thunder. It was rumored that she maintains her powers by eating a human's flesh.

"All of this island was her lands of ownership, Her base home. Looking deeper to the history, she was the first one who unified Europe at some point."


Sarah and Heinz could not utter a single word. They didn't ask in order to hear more information about the island and this Yrsa woman.

"After some time, She was defeated by a human using a weapon made of flesh from her very own clansmen," Andre said his recent discovery.

The three of them reached the lab, and in there they saw an egg sac of meat suspended in a green culture sulution inside a big vat of tank.

"We have discovered this sac of meat below the statue of her temple in the third level of the dome. A series of test was then conducted and to our surpise this was a perfectly preserved kakuhu."

Andre painted a serious expression.

"Heinz your wife, she has her own journal right did she mention something about this thing before she got out from this island."

"Yes, page 179." Said Heinz while he tinkered around the tank and read the current parameters of the kakuhu. "My God how can this thing survive for a millenia the RC cells are well preserved."

Heinz had again widened his eyes. He has read her wife's journal about this egg meat. It was also mentioned that she also kept a sample and did not report the underground temple nor its unusual energy signatures to her comrades.