Psychological Therapy


He sighed while putting away the image of the red journal containing the adventures of Alicia. It was then replace by a vivid beautiful image of his wife.

'Damn it Alecia, what have you been up to with this abomination!?'

A thought he wants to convey towards his missing wife.

His face warp with a frown while he gaze the parameters of the floating egg like kakuhu. Memories of the past flooded Heinz's thoughts along with some biological theories. However, the journal's content kept floating within Heinz mind as, it held a lot of info.

From the vat which held the millenia age kakuhu he look at his brother's warp reflection depicted on the glass of the vat.

"Andre, what about the unusual energy readings exuded by the relic and the victorian like temple?"

A question to change the topic. Wiping away the longing feelings he felt for his wife.

"We are currently on a bottleneck," A strengthless tone as he shook his head.

"Perhaps if we have some scientist who can analyze energy properties we..."


A word without hesitation. Cutting off Andre's resonings.

As for Andre he only held an awkward smile.He should've just said it directly without explaining.

His brother is a capable man who has goals he could not fathom to think. An incarnation of 'efficiency' , a word that could only describe Heinz actions and personality.

"Just tell Sarah what you need and I will take care of it. Prep also the kakuhu for transport, I will personally study it within my private lab. "

Heinz lifts his wrinkled yet strong right hands and gestures to Sarah in taking up notes for Andre's request. Andre on the other, ordered a lab technician to prepare a secured sample container for the kakuhu.

Sarah held her datapad tightly against her bulging chest.

For a minute or so, she listened well to Andre's words of request. Her delicate yet slender hands, vigorously type the deficit inventory for Andre's research.

Now that it was taken care off, Andre drew a nasty smile towards Heinz.

"Our investments brother did not dissapoint us."

A confident declaration without any hidden hesitation. He hinted at Heinz for the number one reason he kept funding the expensived expedition.

"To the next room," Said Andre. "Where dreams, become reality."

Intriguing emotions arose in Heinz's chest. Curiosity filled his mind. Dreams, become reality?


Andre ushered both Heinz and Sarah to a newly constructed tent partition. It was huge that it can take in, four public buses if park inside. The ceiling could reach 9 meters in height.

Inside the tent was a mountain of wooden boxes covered by a long white thick cloth.

"Thankfully your loyal hidden knife security forces were around," A blissful sound from Andre.

He went to grab the ends of the white cloth and readied himself to pull it down, uncovering the hidden objects within.

"These things can cause chaos and anarchy within the hearts of the expeditionary members if they did not maintain the status quo." Andre pointed out his heart.

"Greed sometimes overwhelms one's heart resulting in his/her irrational actions. Stationing your most loyal forces here was a good choice indeed."

Andre pulled---with a strong force--- out the cloth to uncover the hidden treasures within.


He was correct, the things hidden inside can destroy anyone's heart. Petty illusions would arise if they saw these piled objects.

Even a good person or a wealthy individual would be greatly blinded after gazing at such glittering treasures. The treasures of Greed.


Heinz's blue eyes went round!

His eyes constantly bathed in pleasure by the gold artifact and gem's glitters at his front.

Gradually his old but middle-age lips break unto a smirk of delight. With these treasures, he can do anything.


The sound of the gold coins clashing against each other after Andre grabbed them to a fist.


He acquired Heinz's attention out from the pleasurable daydream created by the sparkling lights of the treasures.

"An estimated value of 979 Billion Euros when auctioned or sold to a bank."

Andre toss back the handful of shiny gold coins to the mountain of glittering gold and gem artifacts. His soft yet hard heart was already immuned from the twinkles of the treasures.

'For me, historical knowledge is what I consider treasure, even King Solomon only wish for knowledge more than any other.'

Andre pointed his index finger to the sparkling treasures.

"This bulk is yours, I have already separated mine and for the expeditionary members." He paused for a second.

"Just so you know, I sacrifice 1/8 of my part..."

Andre took notice that Heinz was thinking about something. Considering that Heinz was the majority capital provider of the expedition. Maybe he wasn't satisfied with his share.

'That would be bad if this wasn't enough.'

Thought Andre while he steeled his heart and prepare for a well honest reason. He knows his brother's temper.

Heinz opened his closed mouth. The atmosphere between the two wasn't that tranquil as a cold breeze seemed to cover them despite the close and sealed tent.

"Thank you it is more than enough for my war chest." Heinz clenches his hands while he narrowed his eyes. "I can finally buy my deficit arsenals."


Andre blew a sigh of relief as he saw the determination hidden inside Heinz's eyes and voice, lacking the greed that might erupt within him. He was ready to receive his brother's shouts, nevertheless, to his surprise Heinz was satisfied with the sharing of the delicious pie.

Instead of asking how many treasures were being separated as his share, Heinz only thought of one thing. The execution of his long time plans.


"I hope that your plans would succeed brother. Don't you worry, I honestly separated all of the treasure equally."

Andre knew Heinz's plans. He even envied his outrageous scheme.


And with that, a vivid picture from his past went to show up in his thoughts.

"I should've also made the right choice when I had the opportunity back then."

Hearing his brother's words Heinz relaxed his mind as he put his attention towards his brother. A sad memory was projected in the atmosphere between the two siblings.

Although both of their circumstances fall differently, their past experiences were similar...the two of them both lost 'someone they dearly loved'.

However, life always must go on without stopping. We must look forward and forget the past.


Heinz went to laugh it out. Slowly diverting the rising cold emotional atmosphere between the two of them.

Andre almost weeps a drop of salty tears after revisiting a memory, thanks to the sudden burst of peals of laughter he was able to keep it within his glands.

"Is God punishing us both?"

He whispered but then shook his head and began to laugh loudly with his brother. Ending his sad memory. The world's unfairness is the biggest enemy to smite.


A moment of time was expended with the two brother's loud laughs. They then went around the mountain of treasures, like prospectors that again prospected some of the precious gems and gold artifacts.

Truly each of the artifacts' value--- reach an astonishing amount as it even surpassed, a third-world country's annual GDP.

Money really is the only way for one's dreams to succeed.


Behind the backs of the siblings, A whispering voice came out from Sarah's sticky vocal cords. Her gaze pointed towards the mountains of gold and the wide back of Heinz.


She narrowed her eyes and bend them down towards the earth. She inhaled a mouthful of air and blew them out while she gripped-- with strong force--her datapad. It almost broke by the applied force.



She gazes her weary eyes at Heinz's wide back.

'What about me...Heinz?'

Meanwhile, on the other side of the blue world. South of Sega island.

An 84,000-acre island came to present herself. Her beautiful small black volcanic mounds at the center, lay quiet as it was been dead for centuries.

The green carpet of grasslands adorned her flat plains below the small steep black mountain at her central region.

The island was the remains of a century-old extinct volcano. There wasn't any hazardous smoke and heat blowing out from its crater indicating its extinct status.


There was no visible beach around her shore but only dramatic cliffs reaching an average height of 8 meters came to show. Like it was the walls of Troy.

She formed a floating vibe on the sea surface like she was a plank of wood drifting randomly on the plains of the sea horizons. Atlantic cold and hot winds came to blew around her volcanic body punching her green grass unto many random sway while shaping the rocks visibly seen around her.

Deborah island!

Was her new name.

Among the four smaller islands surrounding Sega, Deborah is the most untouched and well hidden from the man's greedy hands.

Yes, the 800,000 acres Sega island had four smaller islands within her area of responsibility. Shem surveyed the perimeter of Sega with a distance of 45 kilometers as a standard error.

Of course, Shem uses a hacked military satellite owned by the US government. Their technology in global monitoring is the current advanced technology offered by this world.

Deborah island's unique trait was that below her beautiful surface was a number of crisscrossing ancient lava tubes like veins and arteries running around the whole island extending underneath the ocean floor. The spaces of these tubes can inhabit big cities and towns if they are removed from the surface.

For Shem, it was a perfect foundation!

[Subtarranean facility in progress, Construction of the disguise Villa on the top of the cliff, completed. Available 200 Atlas-worker units completed and now ready for commission.]

Eliza reported with her cold yet beautiful voice to Shem's mind.

"Copy that Eliza! Send them to no. 77th lava tube and begin the construction of second-gen fusion reactors.

Geothermal, tidal, and solar energy generator seemed to be not enough to power the whole facility in the long run."

Shem said as he raised his sleeveless right arms with his palm opened up. A circular groove came to form at the center of his palms.

"Plasma cannon! Condense!"

He aimed his plasma weapon at a towering cliff.

He fired the high temperature concentrated plasma. It drew a white hot line of superheated gas like a laser hybrid weapon!


The concentrated plasma went out to melt a circular gaping hole at the solid wall like-cliff.


It was 80 meters in diameter. White and black smoke wafted around the southern corner of the island as the heat broke down the bonds of matter and contents within the rocks.


Liquid molten rock dropped to the sea from the heated hole, like it was a sentient fiery slime. It created white clouds of smoke upon contact with the moist salty air and even more so with the thick salty seawater.

"Blob! Blob! Blob! Tassss! Tasss!"

Emerging out from the smoke.

"Huu. That should do it!"

Shem while hovering beside the cliff, wipe away his non-existent sweats out from his forehead.

His arms blew white smokes as it cools down from firing his main weapon.

The laser-like condense superheated plasma of gas surpass millions of degrees in heat. But, thanks to his advanced confinement and cooling technology he wasn't even a bit affected by the heat that can melt anything it can touch.


He then flew inside the cave hole to the heart of the island.

He was currently constructing a huge subterranean facility within the island's ancient lava tubes.

"Clink! Clink! Clink!"

Atlas robots quickly parkour over the scattered rocks slowly and started to clean up the hole. They began by pulling heavy rocks and carrying the cooled scattered igneous rocks and dump them towards the sea.

Some of them dive at the bottom part of the cliff to create a waterway by clearing them from large rocks. Floating construction boats carried supplies for their construction to begin.

Everything was set perfectly by the robots, the Atlas-worker units began to build the entrance of the facility with the military-grade construction materials.


Drilling, volcanic ash base cement application, arc welding, and other types of construction methods were used by the robots. Their synchronous construction effort enabled them to build the entrance at fast speeds. Even the famous construction companies dominating the world could not be compared.

Efficient working ants describe their unity and working ethics.


Looking very closely at the humanoid machines. It had a small head containing powerful sensors. Its body was coupled with advanced robotic hands, arms, and feet.

They have been built into a new design that enables it to operate in any type of environment. Of course, Shem uses the present robots to start the production of the advanced robots. In this way, he was able to save a ton of cash.

They reach 6 feet in height and are very flexible thanks to their upgraded hydraulic joints, actuators, and silent motors. Their simulated movement seemed to almost break towards the uncanny valley.

Soon after.

Gradually the huge hole like cave healed into a huge camouflage entrance resembling a huge fallout shelter 'geared gate'.

Massive cruise ships and tankers could fit the oversized entrance. It was painted in a rocky motif for camouflage.

The gate leads to the island's huge subterranean facility.

The two massive cargo ships carrying building materials and electronics that were on stand by at an improvised offshore pier, went inside the hole, driven and commandeer by some Atlas-worker robots.


The two-ship traverse the narrow yet deep waterway like it was navigating a small version of the Suez Canal, leading to the subterranean docking port. 3d printed L.E.D Lights enlightened the dark space for the naked eyes to see.


Reaching the port of the facility, a huge advance architectural infrastructure came to view.

The carbon-steel alloy materials mix with the rocks and volcanic cement formed a futuristic atmosphere. It was like the interior designs of the Umbrella Corporation's underground facility but far more advance to compare.

The semi-completed smooth, sleeked and gray-white colored walls adorned the facility's walls and ceilings.

Thanks to the facility's semi-completed status and skeletal rocky parts, the electronics and life support systems were clearly visible to see.

"Ancient yet advance." Said, Shem. "No one can break this infrastructure. Or even copy it."

Looking at the blueprint, the facility formed a spherical design capable of withstanding greater pressure and vibration from the earthquakes' shocks.

The continental drift, temperature change, and even the seven Tsar bomba exploding together could not destroy the facility easily.

Currently, the facility is vulnerable.

"All of the promised capabilities can only be achieved after the facility becomes complete."

Shem while hovering towards the center of the facility muttered as he took notice of the gradual completion of the facility.

Agile Atlas worker bots reaching 500 units worked nonstop in order to finish the sphere shape facility covering the whole underground of the island.

Spotmini frequently patrolled around and assisted the construction robots.

A group of the dog inspired robots were use to carry some sorts of modem devices that connect all Atlas units, wirelessly, to a Hive system controlled by Eliza.

Eliza was like the queen ant ruling over the worker ants to build the colony. Of course, she is only acting base on Shem's commands.

3d printed battery-powered construction vehicles continued to traverse and work alongside the Atlas worker units. Building here and building there. Sparks and sounds of construction continued to roar inside the island.

Charging booths were also installed for the robot units to recharged when their power comes low.

The current power was harness from the tidal, geothermal, wind, and solar energy installed at the eastern side of the island.

However, they are inefficient in the long run as facility energy demands increase. Only by creating a fusion reactor complete with fuel processors can Shem's facility functions for centuries.


Alongside the charging stations, several maintenances and production bay that fix's damage Atlas and spot mini-units, as well as reproduce them using an automated 3d printer production lines. Helped provide the heart of the operation. If there are problems with the manpower the maintenance/production bay will spare all of its energy and production power to fix anomalies in the operation.

"Status report of the Atlas and spot mini-systems Eliza? Including the remaining resources, as well as the deficit materials?"

Shem asks as he landed on the new and black shiny slipped free concrete floor.

"Step! Tap!"

He walks around while his retinal interface was being flooded with Spherical building blueprints, while he gazes his eyes at the delicate but precise construction of the facility.

[Hive OS functioning properly, Supercomputers that controls the machines operating normally, silicon CPU processing speed increase by 32%. Heat build-up and power consumption reduced by 88%. Bionic algorithm performing above standard provides full flexibility that the chassis of the unit could withstand.

Overall evaluation, normal. Current resources remaining 37% for the Robots while 21% for the facility. We are currently in need of Graphite for the graphene and borophene materials for the foundation of the infrastructure as well as the electronics that will be employed by the facility and its bots.]

Hearing Eliza's report Shem stops from walking and huffed.

"Kuk! Huu."

He needs more resources for the facility and robots for his manpower.

'Technology is an unquenchable monster a forever starving resource eater!'

Shem complained.

"Order 5 container ship of the deficit resources Eliza. Much better if you directly order from Ms. Mary Burton. I have a 15% stake in her company anyway."

[Affirmative. Highlighting instructions. Calculated completion of the facility adjusted, due to resources deficits. Estimated time of completion, one month and 2 weeks.]

"Huu." Shem sighed. "I thought we can finish this facility within a month."

For a week, After receiving the massive supplies he bought from Raul especially the robots.

He began to upgrade their software and hardware systems. In order to cut cost.

For the software systems, Shem employed an Operating system produce by an advanced programming language. The language enables data compressed programs and assists, programmers, for smooth operation.

Meaning, the Hive OS that Shem installed inside his cold machines were able to compress their data, allowing more space for the processing of the programs' scripts without experiencing lags.

It also enables heat reduction on the silicon base CPU as well as less power consumption.

Only an efficient and powerful program enables to unlock the potential of the hardware.

In the hardware aspect, after upgrading the 3d printer. He printed numerous parts that far surpassed the current technology.

The new parts such as the new limbs and powerful sensors were then attached to the robot's body enabling them to almost mimic a human due to their precise and accurate movements!

From their human-like movements alone they were now able to do impossible movements that even humans could not do.

If Shem introduces these machines to the world.

"Humanity would be doomed, as poverty and unemployment would increase if these machines replace them.

Just like what happened to Shem's dimension.

On the blossomed of the year 2070 automated factories and humanoid robots replace 69% of the jobs requiring human interventions.

Firms lay off a lot of human workers from their respected factories and other departments in favor of the more advance and cost-efficient machines.

By the 3rd quarter of that year poverty and unemployment increased by 83%, many people lost their jobs. Families were broken, hunger increased, crimes increased, drug addiction increased and the population exploded reaching a maternity rate of 40%.

Governments and some NGOs created more work opportunities for the unemployed people but nevertheless, automation still surpassed the created new jobs and was even more capable than the fragile monkeys.

Machines were more smarter and intelligent. Why would companies need inefficient workers?

By the year 2159, Only the elites benefited from the prosperity of automation. Develop countries only benefited from the prosperity of automation. Their cities entered the golden age of Technological advancements.

As for the emerging markets of some third world countries, only dirty muds and garbages remained in their regions. It was as if God did not love them anymore.

Chaos and anarchy emerged in the year 2160 as protest arose within the ailing society. People's actions became to be called the Luddites era of the 22nd century.

By the year 2188, The miracle year they called it, A scientist who emerged from the slums of automation introduces a new way for humans to compete with automation.


It was to become more powerful than the machines. The cybernetic era emerged in the slums of third world countries.

To be able to reach such a near-impossible task, humans must fuse with technology. In doing so the inhumane quest for enhancements arose.

A cyberpunk world filled with prosthetics technology emerged in the 22nd century.

From brain enhancements of nanochips to bodily enhancements, like adding more mechanical prosthetic limbs enables humanity to take over the work that once controlled by automation. The businesses that once controlled by machines.

Elon Musk was right!

It was the golden age of human evolution. Cybernetic augmentation, Another hope for mankind.

But by the year, Shem was born, war arose in the solar system as the elites once again took a move in their chess boards. When humanity steps out of the globe and explored the vast solar system these pigs had also taken the opportunity.

Shem grew with the war, his childhood wasn't that pleasant even more so when he turned 18, he enlisted on the 'Tausug program' of the UNSC to protect his mother planet and the peace.

Fusing genetics and advance cybernetic pseudo organs.

A new type of cyborgs that incorporates grown programmable synthetic cells as part of their body emerged. Carbon base metallic-like cybernetic parts ruled as the mightiest direction for humanity.

A robotic flesh like Cell in Dragonball z.

Thinking until there, Shem suddenly asks.

"Eliza what about my psychological therapy?"

[Memory conversion to data, reach 96% completion. Hormonal effects of the memory will be permanently deleted. You will be able to walk again or efficiently fight if necessary without mental disturbances.]

"Good, that is wonderful to hear."

Psychological therapy is a mental health treatment for soldiers who suffered from mental disorders, such as the mental stress reaction--- acute behavioral disorganization. A post-traumatic stress disorder suffered by Shem after experiencing the war.

His brain after the transformation during the war was still adapting to its new body and just needs a longer time to recuperate.

However, due to some military needs, they were hastily deployed, the brain suffered a lot of stress from adapting to the field. Shem suffered mentally as a result, but it was worth it as the war ended.

The treatment to cure such mental illness was to convert the memories of Shem into data. It was through copying them from his nervous cells by killing them in the process.

Only by destroying the nervous cells, a brain can be healed from the traumatic disorder. Cutting off the pathways of hormones and memory. In a short explanation brainwashed, though the memories are saved as data.

Though this process was cruel and unorthodox. Thanks to Shem's employed medical technology he can still replace his lost cells and is able to access his memory only as digital data.

Hormones could no longer react if Shem revisits some harsh memories like the Europa colonial massacre.


Shem suddenly inhaled a lot of air.

[Cutting off hormonal reactions.]

"Thanks, Eliza. I guess I still needed to wait for more time to completely convert my memories into data.."

[That is so, please refrain from revisiting an unconverted memory.]

Hearing his AI's advice he suddenly lay down on the floor he was walking. He took a deep breath and shook his head while gazing at the huge ceiling.


For a moment of time, he remained quite mute.

No sound nor thoughts came out from Shem. He just laid down on the floor, motionless and numb from the cold floor.

[Shem, nanites internal scans complete. Theoretical treatment of Mrs. Eva, 96% viable. Displaying test results.]

Shem, smiled.

"Ok let's start the process right away, prepare my lunch and medical clothing, we will start the treatment at noon."
