Maternal Instincts 1

Shem went to the disguise villa constructed on the surface of the island. He ate first the buffet of seafood Eliza prepared for him, and then he went to take a cold bath to rinse his dusted body.

Completing his personal needs. Shem went back to Sega, the main island, at the restricted area where Mrs. Eva lay asleep, waiting for his treatments.

The newly constructed ICU was filled with medical pieces of equipment which by far surpass the current technology. 6 Atlas robots wearing medical hazmat suits, goggles, and mask continually monitored the patient. Her blood pressure, gas volume, IV drops, and the other critical data that might render the patient unfit for the treatment were all monitored.

Watching the machines wearing the white suit anyone would be fooled, that they were humans inside due to their advance and precise movements which perfectly mimicks human's motions, when in fact they were robots.

Looking up to the ceiling, a wide observation deck was built. Natalie was anxiously observing her madame strap with sophisticated machines she could not believe exist. Her observation was insurance that Shem wouldn't do foreboding things to the madame.

The extremely ergonomic bed that has several superficial scanners is a mind-blowing piece of technology. It made the whole test and scanning departments of a typical hospital merged into one room.

Of course, beforehand she already signed a non-disclosure agreement with Shem as part of the contract to heal Mrs. Eva. She could not just carelessly spread out such techs to the world.

Shem's technology will be released in the world with a turtle's movement. He has to build the foundation first so that anyone would accept the change gradually.

He wouldn't want his dimension's past history repeating again in this world.


The sound of the automated door opening and closing.

Shem finally entered the atmospheric controlled operating room wearing a medical hazmat suit, goggles, and mask made of biopolymer, same with the Atlas bots. He gazes up to Natalie on the observation deck who was painting her heart shape face with anxiousness. Her brown short hair twitches as she observed the operating room.

"Don't worry Ms. Natalie," Shem's voice echoed on the deck's speakers. "Madame Eva will be healed, the procedure will take a longer time but the results will be unimaginable."

For a moment, Shem brief Natalie of the procedure, a pre-op requirement. Shem would use a drug (nanites) that would splice the damaged genes that induce ROS, preventing the growth process of the cells. The drug will then next degrade the bonds of the RC cells already present in her body, griding them into powder.

Natalie after hearing Shem widened her eyes and mouth. It was a procedure that does not even exist in the current medical procedures she browses before. She could not fathom to believed such treatment exist.

'The medical science and technology of the Accrete Pharma. is maybe the far most advance than any other this the miracle of the so-called God? How can this immigrant possess such techs?'

Natalie thought while her adrenaline hormones reacted for a minute. Rendering her unable to hear or notice her surroundings due to excitement and shock.

"We will now start the operations in your signal." Said Shem while looking earnestly to her figure above." Ms. Natalie!?...Ms. Natalie!?"

For a short moment, Natalie's attention was unavailable to Shem's callings. She only noticed Shem, until she heard him call her name twice.

"...Oh, sorry sir Shem...Please,y-you can now proceed." With a shrieked she nodded in approval.

"Thank you Ms. Natalie." Said Shem as he smiled.

Natalie was skeptic for the operation. Many dangerous outcomes came into her mind even death showed up. However, squinting her eyes to the future of medicine down below the deck even more so to Shem, her worries vanish out of whim. The machine's operation and Shem's professional manner in preparation assured her.

"No it will not happen." She placed her delicate hands to the glass partition of the operating room and the deck. "Mr. Shem's drugs worked! Even more so with this procedure."

After receiving the approval, Shem went to start the operation.


As a Christian he had a habit of praying before starting any activity that includes life.

"My father above thank you for the blessings please guide me..."

Through his mind, he conveyed to the Devine being his safe wishes for the operation. Though his technology by far surpassed miracles, Murphy's law is always around.

"Everything that can go wrong will," He gestured to an Atlas robot for the test results and imaging data. He reviewed it again to just make sure his treatments would worked. His retinal interface was filled with numbers and images.

Looking at the results of the imaging and biological data, the vessels of the RC cells formed artery like characteristics spreading around the whole anatomy of the body. The flesh of the human and the parasitic cells perfectly merged with each other. The meagre kagune in the mouth and belly of Ms. Eva boast strong structures.

"This will be difficult." Muttered by Shem. "Even more so on the number of the RC cells."

The typical RC factor base on Shem's anime. For humans, Rc factor boast to 200 or 500 counts per milliliter, while ghouls boast 1000 to 8000 counts per milliliter. In the case of ROS it is more than the two.

ROS is a rare chronic (long-lasting) disease in the anime lore, its morbidity rate (appearance) is one in 1-3 million human individuals. In the case of ghouls they have their own unique mechanism to balance the number of the RC cells preventing such occurrences to happen.


The diseases only appears on humans.

Recalling Eva's history from Raul himself, Shem was told that she was a ghoul. However, test results did not prove the premise.

"She is not a ghoul, but a human-half." Shem wrapped up his review. "She is like a failed quinx. Most concerning is that what she carried inside her belly; nature really is generous at the same time dangerous."

Shem went to review again his gathered intelligence from the Ghouls in Europe, his mind connected new evidences pointing Alecia's worked and the name YRSA project, alongside with the cloning technology and the farm.

"Fucking European Ghouls!" Shem clench his callous hands. "When the time I finish my business in this island I will destroy you all, shit this twisted world. Whoever made this one fuck you all!"

Shem finally had a hint of what really is happening in the European Ghoul society. Their less inaccurate percentage in ghoul population and less predation finally opened in his thoughts. He even curse more the creator of this world.

His data gathering in Europe must need to increase more, Eliza's limbs and network must drill more on the underground societies of Europe and execute them clean.

"Easily said than done."

However for now he must focus on healing Raul's wife. Thinking about the Elder he will need to talk more with the old ghoul at the continent after completing his psychological therapy and the treatment.


Shem went to a specialize cockpit of some sort. The cockpit was the remote control of the augmented reality surgery robot limb that was place above Eva. It has multiple tiny limbs use for invasive surgical operations.

Shem went inside to remotely drive the robot limbs on injecting the nanites on the many regions of the body.

Augmented reality helps medical professionals improved their capabilities with the robots and reduce risk of killing the patient. Shem made sure that the experimental treatment would work base on his computer simulations. He already prepared 7 vials of 100 cc nanites unto the robotic syringes, place on the robotic limbs he controlled.

Natalie watched with anxiousness while she held her eyes towards his boss's wife. She felt nothing about grossing out of the medical procedure because she was experienced in eating human flesh.

"Ok, start the dispensing of the Nanites."

In Shem's command the limbs prepared themselves and injected there loaded vial to the patients veins and arteries.

"Nice, Eliza give me control of the Nanites."


Shem immersed himself into a virtual and augmented reality. His mind was connected to the nanites and began to control them. The shape of the Nanites were like a cross hybrid of ants and squid making them an all rounder medical tool or weapons. It has an average size of 1.5 nanometer. Smaller than a protein of a ribosome.

The nanites began to burrow inside many cells and began to genome scan the DNA for the genes producing RC cells. When found they then use their tools to splice them off and reattach the cuttoff DNA while destroying the parasitic genes. The operation took 7 hours in order to clean off, the DNA sequences inside Eva's being.


Shem smiled as the operation went well. The next phase was to destroy the proteins making up the rc cells remaining inside Eva.

"Ok start," Shem commandeer the swarms of nanites like he was controlling the protoss in destroying the zerg infection. "Ok, cut them off just like that."

The nanites cut-off the strong bonds of the rc cells, like they were eating a wood mimicking a termite. Soon, they scattered all over the big meat and started to burrow inside eating and eating until the cells began to burst its structures. The cytokines did not held much longer as the attacks from the nanites consumed it.

A moment later the chunk of meat disoriented kagune, vanish out from the mouth and belly of Eva, it was like a crumbling statue transforming into dust.

"Mrs. Eva is a beautiful woman Ms. Natalie."

Shem said as he gaze the beautiful middle age woman. Her face presented a 27 years old European beauty. The chunk of meat was gone from her body showing a healthy figure.

Natalie felt relieved to see her boss' wife in good health. She even began to weep a bucket of salty tears.

However but suddenly,

[Alert Rc cell production increased. Blood pressure increased! heartbeat reaching dangerous levels. Patient cell irregularities detected.]

Eliza reported.

After the report Eva's body throb and seizure. Her eyes opened wide with red and black motif. Her belly began to released black meat of kagune wrapping around her body forming a big monster like the supreme hunter in prototype.


It escape from the ergonomic bed and jump upwards destroying the observation deck along with the ceiling.


The cement and other materials was destroyed creating a wide opening on the top of the building. Like it was a crater of a volcano.

Natalie was shocked to the monster. She then gritted her teeth and followed the monster's direction. Thankfully it only jump outside of the building and never continued to escape. She had never expected such outcomes to occur.

"Husssh!" Natalie jump outside.

"Shit!?" Shem on the other expected such outcomes but in low probability. "Nature has many ways, maybe she borrowed the Rc cells from her daughter inside her womb. Shit!"

Yes you heard right. Inside the womb of Eva was a preserved female baby conceived long before she had the ROS. Shem found out about it before, after he scanned her body. Due to the ROS it was difficult to remove through a c-section.


Shem got up from the boulders squishing him down. His expensive machines were destroyed, amounting to 90 million dollars.

"Huu. Wasted money again." Shem jump out of the building and released his knives.

Natalie reached the location of the kakuja Eva. The monster kept holding its belly like it was protecting something inside. It stayed stationary for about 20 meters from the facility.


Strange distorted voice came out from Eva's supreme hunter kakuja form. The bulging muscles and large limbs could squish any ghouls or humans if careless. Her size was four person stacked together, even more terrifying was that she has a large thick build thanks to the new rc cells given by her baby.

"Madame Eva, its me Natalie..."


Before Natalie could finish her words a strong swing of a right arm from Eva kakuja meet Natalie's left side. It was so sudden and fast that Natalie couldn't take notice.


She flew with extreme momentum towards a wall and landed painfully as her body created a circular creater on the building. Her flesh was inflamed after receiving such force.


Her ribs was fractured, internal hemorrhaging occurred inside her body. Her RC cells would take time before it could heal her. Natalie cough blood out of her mouth.


The monstrous kakuja slowly walk towards Natalie while beginning to open its maw with large sharp teeth. It was planning to eat her!

"Madame! Please wake up...!"

Natalie's eyes was filled with tears. Happy memories of her Madame filled her mind. She clench her teeth as she bit her lower lip. She could not believed that her Madame became a mindless monster.


Her kagune began to form a chimera type shape. She prepared herself while pleading towards Eva's unconscious state.

The hunter like monster kakuja only bellowed, numb from its surroundings. Reaching the right distance, it began to run while preparing its punch. Natalie continued to speak to her Madame without ceasing.

The heavy steps of the kakuja trembled the area. 5 meters away was the distance of Natalie and Eva. It was enough distance for killing Natalie.

As the punch of the kakuja monster reach 1.5 meters. Natalie stab her chimera kagune with a sharp ends towards Eva's chest. If you slow-down time, you can see that the chimera kagune slither fast before the punch could connect.


A painful reaction was felt by the monster from Natalie's cold bony kagune. It perfectly buried its sharp end to its wide chest.


The kakuja Eva pulled out the kagune buried in her chest and began to pull Natalie towards her, like she was pulling a yoyo. Opening its large salivating mouth the Kakuja monster pulled Natalie unto its mouth.

"Please Madame, wake up. Its me Natalie! Couldn't you remember me, I am your loyal bodyguard and assistant!"

Natalie shouted as death approaches her. She closes her eyes waiting for her Madame's memories to come back. Not minding her tragic end.

"Patient Eva Fjord! Please remain calm, ma'am! As we treat your illness!" Shem shouted.

A slice of a knife cut-off the large limbs of the monster. It went down on the sides of Natalie. The kakuja of Eva lost its balance and went down shouting painful cries.
