Maternal Instincts II


Natalie close her trembling eyes, she couldn't believed that her madame became a mindless monster. She hope that with her presence, it might recognize her and calm down.

So she risk on chasing after her madame's unusual form. And now that she was close enough for her madame to notice her, the reality betrayed her expection.

Her madame wasn't sane enough to remember even a single memory out of her fearless approach. Instead of embracing in love, it attack her like she was nothing but a harmful mouse and a delicious meal.

"Madame, please calm down.!"

On the verge of of almost approaching death.

Thankfully Shem was able to reach her in time and stop the unspeakable consumption. He was able to cut-off the limbs that was holding Natalie.

"Ms. Natalie are you all right? Do you feel any discomforts?" Natalie shook her head indicating she was fine. Shem scanned her body looking for extreme damages, sometimes injuries are not felt by patients.

"Thank goodness you were a ghoul, all of your injuries are below critical level."

After scanning Natalie's bruise and worn-out body. Shem saw that she suffered multiple internal injuries. Her state, was far worst than a victim of a car accident. She would've died by now if she wasn't a ghoul. Her biological make up help her survive a painful death.

Hearing Shem's faint glad voice, she opened her weary bloodied eyes and glance towards Shem, who was carefully preparing to take her out of the area. She was angered upon the state of her mistress.

"Mr. Shem...did your treatments failed? Why did my madame became an abomination, what did you put inside her?! You already won...why would you do that?! Please, tell me..."

Although weak, Natalie mustered her remaining strength to ask Shem her worries. She blamed Shem for what has happened to her madame because he was the one that performed the treatment. In doing so Shem held a big responsibility.

"Huh! First of all my treatments was 96% viable. My medicine (reprogrammed nanites) is capable of healing the disease and was tested vigorously for many years. I don't think that my procedure has anything to do with your madame's state."

Shem was half-bluffing, his medicines was perfectly simulated inside his computer lab simulator not in the real world. The nanites treatment took 50 years to perfect inside the computer simulator in Shem's brain. Using the data gathered in the experiments and clinical trials, he gained the perfect blue print for creating a nanite tailored to eat and debond ROS disease.

In that premise, Shem has brought the perfect medicine. It only failed because of the lies the other party had made.

"...And why would I reason out in the first place, it was your boss who lied to me."

"What do you mean? We have already surrendered to you." Natalie spoke carefully in a low volume. She felt that Shem might've discovered something about Eva, a truth she promised to Raul Fjord, to never divulge to Shem.

However, Shem has many tools to see what's inside a human or any organic being. He discovered Eva's true nature.

"Huu. She wasn't a pure ghoul but an artificial one, are my assumptions correct?"


"That'!" Accompanied by a sudden gasp. Natalie couldn't rebuked Shem, because it was the truth, she and her boss lied to Shem on the origins of Madame Eva.

"Looking at your reaction, I guess I'm correct. You have broke our agreement, you and your boss lied to me." Shem shook his head whil he clicked his tongue alternately, after looking at Natalie's rounded eyes. "After this mess, I'm going to ask you a lot of questions. You have to tell me the truth or else your madame will suffer much worst than this."

Shem receieved a false medical history of Eva from Raul. The old man didn't tell the truth to Shem. That Eva was a half ghoul or more specifically in between a human and ghoul.

'Fuck the old man, a cunning bastard.'

A wrong medical history of a patient could lead to the deterioration of the patient's well being instead of improving.

The dosage of the drug to be use, or the type of operating procedure are both largely associated to the patients medical history.

A simple lie from the patient could lead to many complications that the doctors couldn't fix. Though, they can still mitigate some of the arising symptoms but the damage brought from lying couldn't be fix anymore, unless their gods or an adavance civilization.

Medical treatment is a hard subject, it requires strong trust between the two parties, the patient and the medical personnel. If one of them failed to connect in honest harmony, bad tidings well disturbed the calm waters.

It is best to be fully honest rather than honest but half-baked.

Thankfully Shem has an advance testing technology and scanning devices, if it weren't for those machines Eva would've been dead by now.

Gritting her teeth Natalie spoke to Shem in a blaming tone. She wanted to divert the topic at the very least. The truth was gradually oozing out in the context and as a ghoul herself she wouldn't want Shem to know about their deep classified secrets. Defeat from Shem was enough.

"Even more so it was your responsibility to take care of my Madame. You promised that nothing will happen in the operation. Moreover you.....aaahh!"


A high voltage of electricity capable of killling a bear went inside Natalie, rendering her unconcious. Shem didn't want to listen anymore to the woman, especially while on guard to the stationary glaring kakuja supreme hunter at his back.

'Shut up for now, Ms. Natalie, no one can grasp a smoke forever. I will certainly extract whatever secrets you with-hold later on.'


"Tch." Clicking his tongue Shem wad piss upon the current turn of events. Shem prepared his knife by attaching it to his arms. He was like an assassin from the assassin creed game.


The kukuja supreme hunter roared in scorching pain after the two large arms from its large torso were both severed out. At the same time, a high voltage of electricity burned its flesh accompanying the slice from Shem. Seering smoke wafted up from the ends of its two burnt arms. The pain still remained fresh as a clear memory.

The cut was like a freshly butchered cow, though the meat is black.

Nonetheless the kakuja monster was made up of high grade rc cells strongly bonded together, it gradually proceed to its healing mechanism.


Seeing the figure's strength, Mrs. Eva's kakuja chose a small, but heavy steps backward in distance away from the danger. The intincts of the monster tells a foreboding message from the unknown figure, which appeared all of a sudden in its perimeter of influence.


Stepping enough distance, it concentrated again its attention towards the figure who cut her limbs. She observed the figure, who was preparing to carry out Natalie to safe distance.

Sizing up Shem's abilities, she stand down on the ground planning for the next action she would take. The kakuja Eva could not underestimate such a puny man capable of cutting-off her limbs. Fighting the person would proved to be difficult. Recklessnes and idiocity would lead to doom.

"Exhale. Bellow."

Completing the plan she would next take. She had decided to avoid a direct confrontation to the man and chose to escape.

She could not afford to take the risk of fighting Shem. Even more so, protecting a precious baby inside her belly.

Looking intently to her bump belly the desire of the kakuja to protect someone it loves, blaze within its core. No one will stop her soul's wish.


Wrapping up its plan it started to ran off in a random direction away from the facility while carefully protecting it's belly.

"Atlas unit 6,9,3, and 7 prepare medical tools and take care of Natalie. Eliza activate thermal vision and track the position of the kakuja. I don't want it to go near the civillians, if possible restrain her using the nanintes remained in her body."


Shem put Natalie under a shade of a coconut tree. Shem had task a squad of Atlas trauma team to take care of her.

After putting her safely Shem flew at the sky in supersonic speeds. His retinal interface track down the position of the berserk kakuja. Estimating its speed it was jumping from about 40 meters in distance every five seconds.

"Eliza status report."

[Right, there are 300 remaining nanites inside her, the patients immune system eleminated the majority of the nanites. I cannot restrain her, especially the developing fetus inside her.]

"Huu. Can you redirect 100 nanites to the placenta of Madame Eva and protect the fetus while the rest..."

Shem finally saw the swift and agile kakuja of Eva. It was running and jumping while using the environment to hide.

"...send them to her motor cortex and cut off her voluntary movements."


After issuing the commands Shem dive from the sky and redied again his knife.

"Please stay down madame!"
