Damsel in distress - part 3

On her way to the Swanson's household, Myra had a strange feeling that she was being followed by someone. There were lots of people around going about with their regular daily duties and she couldn't point out at anyone in particular to say that they are secretly trailing her.

She turned around a couple of times to check if she can see anyone behind her but there was no one. None of the men and women walking on the road seemed to pay too much attention on her.

'Maybe I am just feeling paranoid' she thought mentally, brushing off the feeling. The time was around late noon and the sun was burning brightly right above her head, making her feel hot and sweaty.

She had never in her life, wandered around as much as she had done in the past two days especially in an unfamiliar place like this.

Arcardia being a very large land, only the Privileged people had the chance of going around wherever they felt like whenever they want, since they had their own carriages to take around. While the poor or middle class people either had to pay and take public carriages or walk all the way.

Clutching the straps of her bag tightly. She went near a tea stall and asked the owner for the directions to the Swanson's and he told her to just keep walking straight, leading to the upper locality. Myra went on walking straight ahead just as the tea owner had told her.

As she continued walking further up the road, the density of people around her reduced. A carriage passed by, heading upwards and myra sighed. She was feeling thirsty and her legs were aching from having to walk around all day.

'Why does the mansion have to be soo far?' she complained. Resolving not to work for the swanson's if they didn't provide her with a room in their servants quaters. It wouldn't matter even if it is a small room, she would adjust.

Walking up and down everyday just to work there would be really difficult. The way to the swanson's house didn't feel safe either.

After a certain point of time, she was walking alone on the empty road. Her previous fears returned back with full force. Now she strongly felt that she was truly being followed and as if confirming her suspicion she heard a twig scrunching behind her.

Grabbing the charm stone she had worn around her neck in one hand, she started walking faster. Holding her bag tightly in her other hand. The foot steps behind her increased.

There were two men who were trailing her for about an hour now without her knowledge. They were waiting for a perfect opportunity to attack her when there was no one around to help.

One of the men, had heard her asking for the directions to the swanson's household. After a few minutes of observation they had come to realize that she was new to the capital and was all alone. Grouping up together they planned to loot and kidnap her with an intention of selling her off to the slave organisation for some good amount of money.

Myra turned around to see two men stalking her and from the looks on their faces she knew that they had evil intentions.

In fear, she started to run as fast as she could, instead of walking. Begging the heavens to save her. The two men who were falseborn demons, started running too, trying to catch up with her.

Swanson's Mansion was located up the hill, unluckily there was no other houses in that area and they had no neighbours nearby. One of the men, who was leaner than the other, caught up with Myra and grabbed her arm roughly.

Myra let out a shrilled scream, crying out for help.

"Let go!" she cried in panic, trying to break free from the man holding her, but his grip on her was quite strong. The second man appeared before her and snatched her bag. "Please!"

"What a beauty we have here?!" asked the second man brushing away a stray hair from her face and Myra looked at him in disgust before turning away. "We will be able to make some real good money today by selling you off"

Myra's eyes widened with fear and her heart started pounding loudly. What had she gotten into?. She had thought that she could survive alone in this harsh world without having to depend on anybody.

But now, she is facing the consequences of her stupid decison. If only she hadn't tried to be bold by leaving her relatives house and hadn't come this far, she thought.

"HELP!" she screamed, desperately trying to kick the muggers, hoping to get away. "SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!"

The first man, guffawed loudly showing his dirty black teeth. "Darling, there is nobody around here to help you", he said holding her chin. "And even if anybody does come by, we will Loot and kill them too".

Tears trickled down her pale face. Everything was going alright until now, she was on the verge of finding a new job and settling down. But then the terrible sense of reality hit her hard.

"Who are you people? And why are you after me?" she shouted.

"Woman! Don't shout" warned the second guy. "Mike, tie up her mouth" said the leaner man to the other guy.

"Why don't we knock her out instead?" suggested the guy named Mike.

"Please! Please.. don't do this! Let me go"

Myra by then started to struggle more, when they heard a faint galloping sound coming their way.

"Somebody is coming, George strike her" said Mike. "We will deal with whoever is headed this way after that"

Myra saw a small ray of hope, she screamed loudly this time "SOMEBODY HELP!!" and the galloping sound grew nearer.

The mugger who went by the name George, broke a branch from the nearby tree and hit her with it hard. Since they were falseborn demons, they were exceptionally strong. Strong enough to break a tree branch with their bare hands.

Myra saw someone heading their way in a giant black stallion before she started seeing black spots and everything went blank after that.