Damsel in distress - part 2

Asking every random person she saw on the road for the way to Hutton's. She finally made it to the Horlicks street where the Hutton's store was located .

Myra could see that the entire street was filled with clothings, footwear, jewellery stores along with food joints everywhere. The place was crowded with people who had come there for shopping and from what it looked like, only the rich people could afford to buy things there.

Most of the stores had mannequin's dressed up in designer dresses, placed in front of it, to attract potential customers.

There were a few street vendors, displaying fancy jewellery items in the carts. Myra had come across three shoe stores already in the same street but none of them were Hutton's.

Walking further into the street she observed that the stores were getting even bigger and better looking as she kept going forward.

While wondering if she had come in the right direction, her eyes fell on an old man begging in front of one of the stores. Most of the people who were passing by ignored him, some even shot him a disgusted look. He looked dead tired and extremely malnutritioned. It looked like the poor man hadn't eaten anything for days.

Myra went near him and dropped two coppers coins in his hands and he gave her a grateful look.

"May god bless you my child!" he said feebly.

Myra just smiled at him politely before walking away.

A few minutes later, she saw a huge two story building with the name Huttons written in calligraphy. The front part of the store was made of glass so that the people outside could see the different kinds of shoes displayed.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed through the glass door and entered the store. One of the saleswoman eagerly came towards the door with a polite smile thinking that she was a customer, but the smile on her face immediately dropped the moment she saw Myra and was replaced by a scowl.

The saleswoman seemed to be a vampire. She was thin and tall and was wearing a very short dress. Myra didn't get good vibes coming of her.

"What do you want?" she asked rather too rudely after scrutinizing Myra's dress and appearance. "I am sure you won't be able to buy anything from here, so go away. This store is not for low-class people like you".

'What a bitch!' thought Myra, putting on a fake smile she asked ignoring the woman's words, "I'm here to meet Mr. Hutton. Can you please take me to him?"

The saleswoman narrowed her eyes at Myra, "Why do you want to meet Mr.Hutton?"

"I don't think it is necessary for you to know" said Myra sweetly to see the woman grit her teeth.

"Mr. Hutton will not meet a trash like you anyways"

"And who are you to decide that?" asked Myra, already dreading the thought of having to put up with this woman if she ever got this work.

"Look, go away. I don't want to create a scene here disturbing the other customers. Mr. Hutton will not meet you" said the saleswoman firmly making a move to grab Myra's shoulders trying to send her out.

Just then another well dressed woman, who was also a vampire came towards them. She had deep red eyes, indicating that she was a pureblooded vampire. The lady looked like she is in her forties, but then you can't tell the actual age of vampires as they age really slow.

"What's going on here?" asked the pureblooded vampire lady looking at both the saleswoman and Myra.

"Ma'am, this women over here" started the saleswomen who went by the name Lydia according to her Identity badge struck to her chest. Pointing at Myra, "wants to meet Mr. Hutton and I told her that he won't meet someone like her but she isn't listening".

The pureblooded Vampiress turned to look at Myra and asked her politely, "Who are you? and may I know why you want to meet Hutton?"

Unlike Lydia, this vampire lady seemed to be a nice person. "I am Amyra Brooke and Mr. Watson Bear sent me here to meet Mr. Hutton".

Watson Bear was the guy at the emplyment cell who had given her the addresses.

"Oh!" said the vampiress as if in realization and then smiled, "I'm sorry for the misunderstandings. I am Katherine, Hutton's Assistant and yes, he is expecting you in his office. Let me lead the way".

The Lady turned around to walk away, Myra just smirked at the saleswoman who was standing there fuming with anger, before following Katherine.

Katherine led her inside the store, towards a door near the cash counter. Knocking the door twice, she opened it.

"Sir, Miss Brooke is here to meet you" she said and a manly voice from inside informed her to let Myra in.

Opening the door wide, Katherine whispered "Good luck" to Myra.

Walking inside, Myra saw a luxurious office with a huge table and a man was seated on a leather chair behind the table. The wall behind the table was filled with books and files, the furnitures in the office also looked very posh. Myra went near the table and the man motioned her to sit down on the chair opposite to him.

Mr. Oliver Hutton was a young pureblooded vampire. He had long black hair which was tied up into a pony and was quite good looking but not as much as the demon stranger she had met back in her native village. Myra didn't know who he was, or where he was from but something about him had intrigued her.

"Before you speak anything let me get the terms clear" started Mr.Hutton sounding business like, looking at her with a serious expression. "Listen carefully, you must have already known that I am looking for a good saleswoman to work at my store. Someone who can talk smoothly and can deal with the customers with patience. If you think that you are capable of doing the job well, then you are welcome here"

Myra was feeing uneasy at the way he was looking directly into her eyes while taking to her. Thinking that it would be rude to look away, she stared back at him. Nodding her head every now and then.

"You will be working here for one month as a temporary saleswoman and we will be monitering your efficiency at the work during that time. If we think that you did a good job, then we will hire you as a permanent staff and increase your salary. If else you will be fired" Mr. Hutton said and Myra gulped before nodding her head. "If you are okay with this agreement then I'll go on to talk about your payroll".

Myra nodded again and the man continued giving her the information. "Payments are given out on monthly basis. You will be paid twenty silver coins for the first month and if you continue to work here even after a month, then you will receive forty silver coins monthly. Is that okay for you?"

"Yes" she said, speaking for the first time since she stepped into the office.

"do you have anymore questions?"

Myra thought for a second before asking. "Sir, what about the work timings? and are there any other facilites provided to the employees?"

"Timing will be from ten to five everyday. And no, there will not be any other kind of facilities provided to the new workers apart from your monthly wages. You may a get bonus pay once in a while though".

"Okay sir, thank you" said Myra to hear him say, "If you are interested in taking up the Job then you can start working from tomorrow".

She considered all his words before nodding her head. Thanking Mr Hutton once again she stood up and left the office.

Thinking that she would meet the Swanson's next and then decide whom to work for.