Romance in the kitchen

"I bought meat."

As Felix took out the Astral Meat he purchased less than half an hour back, Sheila rolled her eyes and said, "Not what you were doing right now. I'm talking about your 'family'."

Smiling wryly since the sexy fox lady used air quotes when mentioning the word family, Felix guessed that she more or less knew about the current situation making it impossible for him to lie his way out.

"Also, why is the meat of such low quality?"

Now it was Felix's turn to roll his eyes.

"This is the 3rd Dimension princess, managing to find the meat of a Tier 4 beast here is already surprising enough to me."

"Hmm.. Is that so? I guess…"

Stopping midway, Sheila glared towards Felix who had so smoothly changed the topic.

"Stop changing the topic! Explain about your so-called family!"

"When did I change the topic? You were the one who began talking about the meat. Don't you remember? I..."

Shaking his head, Felix chose to not continue his words because Sheila looked like she was close to reaching her limit and her cute fox ears were now looking as if they were two scary horns.

"Fine… How much do you already know?"

"That woman Sarah is someone whom your father was supposed to marry but died before she could."


"Therefore, you aren't related to anyone who lives in this house by blood or an official relation."

"Correct again."

"But you still live with them."



Chuckling awkwardly at the simple question, Felix said, "It's... complicated."

Narrowing her eyes Sheila saw that Felix wasn't lying due to which she calmed down a little and no longer looked as agitated as before.

"How complicated is it?"


"I want to know how complicated it is. Is it something that you are willing to share with me in a short time or do I have to wait for a few years before you are ready to share?"

Scratching his head since Felix himself didn't know when he'd be willing to open up about what happened in his past, he said, "I don't know. But I can promise that I will share my past sooner or later. Is that enough?"

Looking Felix in the eyes, Sheila remained silent for a while and finally said, "Fine. But don't make me wait too long."

Taking the packet of meat in Felix's hand, Sheila said, "Since this is my first time here, how about I cook for all of you? Even though I'm not a professional chef, I'm quite confident in my cooking skills."

Saying so, Sheila who didn't look as if she was ready to hear no for answer opened the door and took a step out and waited for Felix to come with her.

But, there he was still standing in the same spot as before.

"What is it? Are you doubting my cooking skills?"

Once again scratching his head since he could sense that Sarah was in the living room, Felix awkwardly said, "I'd rather wait here while you finish cooking."



Chuckling in response Felix quickly closed the door and left Sheila with an expression which clearly showed that she wasn't able to understand what was happening right now.


"Does anyone have a preference regarding how you like your meat?"

"She is?"

"Felix's girlfriend?"

"I'd prefer fiance, but sure, girlfriend works as well."

Speaking to Anna, Sheila looked towards the two women and one girl who were not here when she went to Felix's room.

"They are?"

"My daughters."

"You have three daughters? Wow, you definitely don't look the part."

"Not three, just two. But thanks for saying that."

Smiling on the outside, Sheila was angry towards Felix for not even saying how many women he lived with.

"So how about it? How do you guys like your meat?"

"Hmmm… I'm fine with anything as long as it's delicious."

"Since you're taking the trouble of cooking, you should just make what you feel is easy."

Nodding her head towards Sarah and Anna, Sheila walked towards the kitchen and began cooking.

Given that the meat Felix brought belonged to a species of chicken, Sheila decided to make some fried rice, a soup, and some fried chicken.

Sniffing the delicious scent all the way inside his room, Felix could no longer stay still due to which he jumped out of the window and made his way around the building and towards the part where the kitchen was at.

Slowly opening the window and jumping inside it, Felix caught the smile on Sheila's face as he walked behind her.

Stretching his arms and wrapping them around her waist, Felix pressed his body against hers and said, "Delicious."

"I haven't finished cooking yet."

"I wasn't talking about the food."

"Stop it."

Smiling happily despite saying those words, Sheila pressed her plump ass against Felix's crotch.

Placing his head on her shoulder, Felix found the fragrance coming from Sheila was more intoxicating than the food which was making his stomach growl in anticipation.

"Are you hungry? I can cook faster if you are."


"Huh? Your stomach seems to be screaming in agony."

"It's fine, let it suffer. All I care about is being here with you for as long as possible."


"Thank you. It took me an hour to come up with it."


Chuckling at this comment, Sheila made Felix smile due to how sweet her voice was.

"Call me that."

"Call you what?"

"You know what."

Kissing Sheila on the neck, Felix caused her to roll her eyes and slowly speak with a blush, "Anata~."

"Ahhhh... Just hearing you say that is making all of my stress disappear."

"As if. Also, if your hands move any lower, get ready to say goodbye to them."

Smirking as she said those words since Felix's words weren't enough to make her not notice how dangerously close his hands were reaching her hidden garden, Sheila made Felix groan loudly and ask, "How much longer till you finish cooking?"