
"From the look on your face it seems like you already know what it is that you want."

Nodding her head inwardly from seeing Felix whose eyes were shining like stars, Maria said, "Even though I can tell you in which direction you should focus your training on and which path you should take so that you'll use your potential to the fullest, I want to know what your thoughts are."

"Tell me punk, what path is that you want to take."

Turning silent not because he had no idea but because he wanted to build up suspense, Felix with an arrogant smile began speaking word by word.

"I. Want. Everything."

Hearing this, Maria was first shocked but after which her face turned completely cold.

"Arrogant boy. You should know better than to bite more than you can chew."

Not minding the cold words, Felix smiled carefreely and said, "Didn't I already tell you? I have a huge appetite."

Turning silent at these words, Maria gave the boy whom she had been training for the past month a thorough look after which she sighed loudly.

"Felix, travelling on the path of dual-wielding is not as easy as you think it is. Just because the Phoenix Empress did it doesn't mean that you can do it as well. You should also know that Dual Wielders aren't the only ones who are strong. I can name a handful of individuals who can compete with the Phoenix Empress despite not being Dual Wielders."

Thinking that these words were still not enough to convince Felix to change his mind, Maria began stressing over how many chose this path and still ultimately failed.

Among the various life-changing decisions made by cultivators, there was once decision which grabbed a lot of attention due to how important it was in deciding their future.

Their Path.

Generally, there were a total of three major paths for every cultivator to choose from.

The close-combat/warrior path, the long-distance/mage path, and finally the dual-wielding path.

As for the various other paths which more or less led the cultivators on a path which helped them serve as auxiliary support to the cultivators in one way or the other, they were not considered as major paths and only some minor paths despite how popular they were.

As the name suggested, the close-combat/warrior path prioritised inscribing runes which helped make their body more powerful and at the same time possess a weapon which they feel the most compatible with.

Maria the Demon Instructor and Frank Asta were both an example of cultivators who had chosen the warrior path.

The long-distance/mage path was the stark opposite of the warrior path where the cultivators didn't train or strengthen their physical body at all and instead prioritised on improving their control over Astral Force and inscribing more defensive runes than the warriors since they trained in combat skills related to defending and evading much less than the warriors.

And finally the Dual Wielders, they were just as the name suggested a combination of the other two major paths and in simple terms all-rounders who used the power of mages while fighting at a close range making them without any doubt the strongest type of cultivators.

But as a path which let possessed the potential to make the cultivator one of the strongest in the world if they managed to properly train on it, how could it be easy for anyone to pick it?

Putting aside how the cultivators would need to invest twice as time as others and perfect their combat techniques from both the paths, just the sheer requirement of money required to choose this path was something which eliminated 90% of everyone in the world.

This however didn't mean that the remaining 10% were guaranteed to become a real Dual Wielder.

After all, what played the most crucial part to those who wanted to become Dual Wielders was heaven-defying luck which allowed them to obtain the rune designs of the Astral Runes they needed if to become a Dual Wielder.

This was because just inscribing one close combat rune and a mage type rune didn't mean that the person would become a Dual Wielder. They'd not just need runes which are compatible with each other, but also those which strengthen each other if they wanted to become an expert that stood at the apex like Anastasia did.

But even then there was no shortage in the number of cultivators who still chose to travel on this path thinking that it was better to be a tiger among pigs even if they failed to become a dragon among tigers.

Still, Felix despite knowing all of this didn't feel the slightest bit nervous or afraid of travelling on this path.

Given that he possessed the Astral Library Orb, was there anything which could stop Felix from wanting to travel on this path?

Hahahahaha...HELL NO!!!

Relaying everything that he was thinking on the inside through his facial expression to Maria, Felix caused her to sigh loudly and give up on trying to change his mind.

Having spent so many days with Felix while training him, Maria didn't just see how stubborn and determined he was when it came to training but also regarding how he behaved.

Due to this, Maria decided to not waste her time and try to convince Felix who had made up his mind. Instead, she hopes that the Phoenix Empress would help him so that all of his talent wouldn't be wasted and he'd manage to become another expert for the human race.

"I would've suggested you to pick the warrior path, but since you've made your mind I won't bother trying to change it, I just hope that you won't regret this decision in the future. Now go and rest for the rest of the day."

"Starting tomorrow, I'll teach you how to use the sword. That is the weapon you use, right?"