Chapter One :꧁Elegant Prince꧂

...the ferocious tiger had turned into a hidding bunny [1]." Mumbled a young man wearing traditional chinese clothes.

This young man is called Prince by others and Sky by his father.

He have this elegant and noble demeanor. His body is surrounded by aura of confidence and coldness. Due to this, he looks more unrealistic.

When it comes to the body, he is the perfect example of unrealistic.

His eyes are red in color while his hair silky white that reached his nose. His eyelashes are long and posses the same color of his hair. Prince's eyebrows are thin, sharp and at the same time, white. His nose is at it's best shape like his sharp eyes. He got sharp jawline and pink lips that made him looks like a vampire.

The excellent thing about him is his milky white skin that seemed to be bleached and made with jade.

This features including his slim body, long legs and slender fingers got him the credibility to take the tittle of being the person who have inhumane beauty.

Prince furrowed his eyebrows as he close the book in his hands. He spent numerous hours to read the novel with nearly three thousand chapters only to find out that the second male lead he is fond of changed.

In the novel called Heaven's Above, the second male lead is an elegant, noble and brave person like him that's why he got the name Lan Xue. Lan Xue fears no one and uses his full power and potential to support Lan Kai, the male lead who is his adopted brother. Despite having God-Given potential and bloodline, he never belittled Lan Kai for having normal bloodline and mediocre talent. He instead supported him and fought with him nearly loosing his life.

At the best part of the novel, Prince found out the reason about Lan Xue's loyalty towards his adopted brother. It's because of a simple yet unusual reason. Lan Xue slowly turned into a hidding rabbit fron being a ferocious tiger!

Prince threw the book on his desk before standing up. A book like that should be kept. He wasn't angry about the plot twist but instead a little bit happy.

Nowadays, it's rare to find a book with a different plot. Normally books or novels are only altered version of something better. More like plagiarism.

The author deserves a praise since he made a novel with good plot, carefully designed characters and nice writing skills. That's why Prince nearly finished reading all the published chapters of the novel. Who knows in the future chapters, Lan Xue will straighten his mind?

"Ha~, without Lan Xue, Lan Kai wouldn't be at his level now. Without Lan Xue, he would still be the same stupid male lead. Without a superb second male lead, the male lead won't shine even if he got the best of the best." 

Prince straightened his robe and left his study. After going out, he walked on a pathway before finding his bed where his phone is placed. His room is like a small house. It has a small kitchen, study, gaming room, bathroom and of course, the bed.

After opening his phone, he saw a message from the person he loves, respect and obeys the most. It's his handsome and talented father.

"I wanted to come and visit you but unfortunately, I got numerous things to do. I told Ling to cook you a lobster."

Prince smiled. He's now in China since his father bought him a house that even members of his family don't know.

It would be a bother for his father to travel since he is now at the other side of the planet doing confidential transactions.

"Don't worry Daddy, take your time there. I'll try to go to the Main Mansion and fix some things there." He replied.

He realized that he haven't changed his phone's keyboard. So he texted his father in English.

It wouldn't be a hassle since his father could speak and read English.

He also could speak and read English like a native. But the difference of his skill compared to the native speakers is his complex accent. It sounds a little bit like British accent so people who could understand that accent could also understand some of his words. Prince is confident that his accent is the sexiest, hardest and the best one. Moreover, he is the only one who could do it.

Shortly after, he received a reply saying , "Okay but don't tire yourself. I'll dispose this number soon."

Prince didn't reply any longer and held his phone with his right hand. He's a left handed person but it doesn't mean he couldn't use his right hand like how he use his left one.

He left his room and decided to eat. After which, he will visit the Main Mansion.

The Main Mansion of his family is situated here in China. Aside from this, the fifth and third branch of their family is also here.

He found Ling, his Butler downstairs busy preparing food.

"Ling, is there any particular thing to do today?" He asked.

The handsome man heard this and stopped moving. "Today is your flight to South Korea. "

Prince then remembered his job. In their family, there's a doctor, lawyer, pilot etc. already. The only missing one is a superstar. Since Prince is the most promising member of their family and also the only Heir, he decided to be a superstar. There's no problem since he's trained from childhood and is also curious about the Entertainment industry.

He decided to go to South Korea since the entertainment industry there is booming with success. There are hundreds of agencies he could audition to. Moreover, South Korea also have exceptional fashion industry. The country became famous for their Kpop culture. Today, the most famous group is a seven member boy group called Bangtansonyeondan or Bulletproof Boy Scouts. They are also referred to as BTS.

"Ah I remembered. Is my luggage ready?" Prince asked as he sat elegantly at the chair waiting for the meal.

Ling nodded. "Yeah, I only packed those clothes meaningful to you. Your father promised to send you clothes after landing in South Korea afterall."

Prince bobbed his head. Ling is the only person except his father that knows his real potential and personality. Everytime Ling do something, he'll surely impress Prince.

"After eating, let's go to the Main Mansion. I'll do an inspection there. " He told his Butler.

"Noted..." Ling replied shortly after hearing Prince. But after a while, he seemed to have realized something. "Now that you mentioned the Main Mansion, I remembered that today is the 18th birthday of Park Su Kwang, the pillar of the Fifth Branch.

When someone with the family blood is born, they won't be given the English surname of the family but instead the traditional Korean surname.

Then, according to their parent's achievements, they'll be placed into different branches temporarily. Here, they will train and train to be capable of bearing the family blood.

When they turn seven years old, their talents and skills will then be tested. The result of this test decideds the branch they'll be placed in.

That's why in their family, it's rare to see a complete family in a branch.

The only branch that have complete members is the the Main Family which is composed of four members: Prince, his father and grandparents.

They hold the true authority. The strength of a Branch Family will never be compared to the power they wield. They are the most mysterious, talented and skilled.

The Main Family's Mansion is different from the Main Mansion. Their own can't be found if you aren't a member or a direct descendant of the Main Family.

The only way to talk to them is by going to the Main Mansion. However, going inside isn't an easy task.

Lives inside the Main Mansion are those people with the family blood who had proven their skills and abilities. They are those who undergo multiple training to be a real member of the family. They are mainly men since the Main Family prioritize men over women. They enjoy the wealth, recognition and help from the Main Family. Aside from this, they can also enjoy another thing. To bear the English surname of the family, Tazuna.

Prince isn't like any other person born with the family blood. He's the direct descendant of the Main Family and the only heir to the Tazuna Family. Each and every wealth of the family will be his.

When he was born, he immediately got his grandparents approval due to his unparalleled and inhumane beauty.

While growing up, he gave his family numerous shocks and surprise due to his attitude and intelligence. He doesn't even need to undergo such training!

At the age of ten, he had started forming his own reputation within the family. He is known for being the most talented, handsome and skilled.

Prince knows what he needs to do as the heir.

"Park Su Kwang?" Prince mumbled as he tried to recall what he knows about the person. He then added, "The one who claimed that he's the best?"

"Yes. He's turning eighteen today and the Fifth Branch invited you. They will likely to challenge your position." Ling replied not even bothered by this challenge.

Prince rolled his eyes. "He's eighteen now and I just turned sixteen last month. Truly unfair... but since he challenged me, I'll give him what he wants."

It is a common rule that once the Main Family decides, no one must be against it or face their wrath. But this Park Su Kwang is bold just because his uncle from the Second Branch is fond of him.

His Butler chuckled. He smells blood and humiliation. "Don't go too far Prince."

"I know. This person dares to challenge me. What does he, a dirty blooded member of a mere branch can do to me, the heir and trie descendant? I will make him not forget that the decisions of the Main Family shouldn't be questioned." Prince told him with confidence.

In fact, he's a composed person who always behave like a noble. He won't do anything to harm someone with lower level than him. But when people tries to poke their nose into his business, it's another story.

"Okay fine. Why are you wearing such clothes when it's hot?" Ling asked eyeing his clothes.

Prince shrugged his shoulders. "What can I do? I like wearing comfortable clothes. Don't you see that I can move freely with this clothes?" He replied.

Since he's a skilled fighter, he likes moving freely and comfortably. That's why he normally use robes, Traditional Han, shorts or loose pants inside the house.

"Still it's hot." Ling spat back.

Prince sighed and leaned on his chair. "You seemed to forget that wether it's freezing cold or burning hot, the temperature won't affect nor even bother me."

His Butler seemed to turn into a childish person as he pout. "If that"'s the case,why bother wearing clothes?"

"Actually, I thought of that once but who knows if you'll take advantage of me?


Sorry for this short chapter! I am sure I made grammatical errors so I can only say sorry. In the future, I'll definitely work hard and publish longer chapters!


[1]the ferocious tiger had turned into a hidding bunny - this means a handsome anf sexually capable man turned gay or bisexual.