Chapter Two: Don't Keep Him for Yourself

"I'll go and prepare myself." Prince tood Ling before going up into his room.

He took a shower and walked in front of his gigantic mirror naked. Prince smiled seeing his milky white body with the most attractive curves.

He looks slim. His chest is muscular like his abdomen. The most catchy thing about him is his perfectly toned eight pack abs. There were so defined with it's edges so precise. They looked yummy.

His v-line can be compared to his face. Prince's v-line could seduce anyone alone. There were bulging veins near his v-line showing the amount of hip power he could do. This added more refinity to his slim and thin waist.

Prince sighed and took his boxers. When it comes to underwear, he's taste changes. He wants to wear fitted underwear and those with attractive color.

Due to his underwear being fitted, his thing down there revealed it's charm. Compared to other men, he's simply a monster.

His thighs were long that the boxers didn't even reach half nor a quarter of his thighs.

Prince took a black fitted long sleeves that suits him well. He also wore black casual pants and red low-cut shoes. Prince paired his long sleeves with a red harness and red tailored coat that made his slim waist stood out. Luckily, there's an additional black waist belt that he also wore.

When it comes to fashion, red is his color. Paired with his red eyes, he naturally looks sexy and seductive. Even if, he's coated with aura or nobility.

His attire made him look like a cold and formal sixteen year old teenager. Including his sharp features, he's a dragon among men.

Prince took his wallet containing two black card and a gold one. Not forgetting something, he took his phone and left his room.

"Are you ready Ling?" He asked while looking at the alluring man in front of him wearing formal attire.

He nodded and silently took the keys in his pockets. "BMW for today, I'm sick of driving that Lambhorgini." He said.

The latter didn't answer and followed him.

Closing his eyes, he slowly let the darkness consume him inside the car.


Soon after, they arrived at the Main Mansion.

"Prince, wake up now. We arrived already." Ling lightly patted Prince.

Shortly after, Prince's eyes slowly opened. He was never a heavy sleeper. A simple touch or sound can easily awaken him from sleep.

His eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light inside the car. Covering his mouth, he yawned cutely but elegantly. "That's a great nap."

"Of course it was, I took numerous detours to extend your time sleeping. It's already eight." Ling told him and gave him a bottle of water to freshen up his throat.

Prince took it and drank just a little then fixed his clothes. It's his image that we are talking about. "Even if I come here midnight, there's no problem."

Ling chuckled and opened the car door. He parked the car in the enournous parking lot of the Main Mansion. The BMW well blended with the other cars like Ferrari, Lambhorgini or any of those sports car.

The Main Mansion is not a small house but instead like a palace situated at the center of a man made forest. Outside the forest are hundreds of guards guarding the vicinity.

"Ah remember to send the Fifth Branch a message that I'll attend the party at eleven. ". Prince commanded Ling.

The latter sighed while mumbling. "Truly a noble, worthy to he named as Prince."

The party will start nine o'clock in the morning and Prince is well aware of this. But, he's really a royalty. He always acts as the noble. A person who should always be the center of attention. The person they should wait for. It's always not he, who is waiting but them.

"Ah! Can I go to my room? I need to take a nap." Ling asked Prince for permission.

Every member of the Main Family have their own rooms in the Main Mansion which they could stay at whenever they want to. Aside from this, those who stays here also have their own. This mansion is equipped with all equipments and facilities they need.

He answered with a 'yes'. Prince knows how hard working Ling is. He rarely sleeps. That's also the reason why he decided not to let Ling go to South Korea with him. Ling should treat this as his vacation. But due to how hard working he is, he persuaded Prince to allow him to go to South Korea once in a while to visit him.

"I'll go to my room and take some things first. If you want to find me, text me or just come inside my room. If I'm not in my room, then I'll be either in my father's room or the Main Hall." Prince instructed his butler.

"I'll text you, it'll be better than to search for you." Ling rolled his eyes while stretching his hands up in the air.

Prince also did the same and waved his hands. The two guards saw this and opened the gigantic doors of the mansion.

There, he was greeted with a gigantic hall where the family members spend their free time. He could see many couches and tables with either food, drink nor books.

At the end of the hall is gigantic chair that is designed mainly for a King. The chair is situated at the elevated part of the floor. At it's side are the tiled stairs going to the second floor.

As soon as the door was opened the people inside turned their heads to see the person comming.

Prince smiled. This people are the true family members. The Tazuna Family members.

"Eyow! Prince is here! How nice it is!"

"Growing handsome right?"

"Little brother is so cute..."

"Come here let me hug you Little Brother!"

Everyone gave different responses but it all showed fondness of him.

Prince have good relation with his 'older brothers'. He normally talks to them, seek for their help or even spend time with them. They treat each other as brothers.

In front of them, he could act normally without thinking of the consequences. People like them stays true to them selves and are trained. They aren't greedy for power.

"You came?" A person came in front of him and tightly hugged him.

Prince smiled while sniffing this person. He likes manly smell the most. "Gē, I need to come and supervise also."

Yes the person is a brother of him, Tan Shin Tazuna. They aren't blood related and Tan Shin came directly from the First Branch. He was given the surname when he was still five.

Tan Shin is a cold and fierce person. He doesn't talk that much and is always cold to everyone even to Prince's father.

Even if, he's deeply fond of Prince. He only talks to Prince comfortably and also spend time with him. He's only warm to Prince.

"Will you stay here for a day?" Tan Shin asked him while hugging him tightly.

"Sadly not, I'll go to the Fifth Branch later and fly to South Korea this afternoon."

Tan Shin pouted secretly. "Then sleep with me for a bit."

Prince was about to reply when the others finally nagged Tan Shin.

"Yah! Don't keep Prince for yourself. Share also!"

"Yeah! We want to embrace him too!"

And that's why he hugged them all.


Prince took some important clothes in his room before messaging Ling once again. "Before we leave the mansion, remember to take the black bag in my room with us."

Ling replied with a 'yes'.

He then left his room to go to his father's room.

Upon entering, he immediately sniffed the manly smell inside his father's room. It's a relaxing and also captivating smell. To him, his father smells the best.

He remembered that his father came here two weeks ago. "Daddy should have left his used clothes here."

Since his father turned seven, he started washing his own underwear. He only allows the maids to wash his oants and coat not those clothes that have direct contact with his body. But when Prince turned seven, he no longer washed any clothes of his.

The reason behind this is simple yet funny. Prince doesn't want others to touch his fahter's clothes. He will sneak inside the washroom late at night to wash his father's clothes. Even underwear, he washes them.

It didn't took his father to notice about his behavior. Instead of getting angry since Prince shouldn't wash clothes, he permitted him to take care of his clothes.

"Wah! I've got some clothes to wash!" Prince giggled and separated the colored apparels to those pure white before putting them into the washing machine.

He spun the clothes for about ten minutes as he start hand-washing his father's underwear.

"Father never disappoints." Prince mumbled raising a boxers in front of him.

He could see the shaoe of his father's beast here. Prince didn't feel weird as man as he touch and hold the cloth that covered his father's beast. Instead, he's happy that he could do this simple thing for his father.

"I should focus!" He encouraged himself.

Probably, he's the only person in the world who gets happy by washing his father's clothes.

After drying the clothes, he then made his way into Tan Shin's room. He promised to sleep with him so he must fulfill it

Tan Shin is the most hardworking person in the Main Mansion except for the Main Family. That's why he is the most important and respected person here. This also resulted to his insomnia. He can't sleep without feeling secured.

In fact, Prince father have chronic insomnia but he can still sleep with Prince next to him.

"Gē! Please open the door!" Prince knocked on the door.

After some seconds, the door opened revealing a naked Tan Shin with beautifully toned body. He could see Tan Shin's eight pack abs and v-line. 'It's no wonder Gē is the best when it comes to deduction here. His body is something the Gods spent day and nights with.'

"Gē, I'm sorry I washed my father's clothes first so I was very late. " He apologized.

Tan Shin sighed and pulled Prince inside his room. His room is darker and larger than nornal room. The temperature is also below twenty degrees making it very cold here. Tan Shin is used to this.

"Aiyo! It's cold here." Prince acted like he felt cold but the truth is he's only acting.

Tan Shin know about Prince's difference towards normal humans so he smiled lightly. His Little Brother is acting again. "I know that this temperature won't affect you even if it would be below freezing degrees. But since you said it was cold, come to my bed and accompany me."

Tan Shin then skillfully grabbed Prince with his hands and carried him in a bridal way. The latter rolled his eyes. He's used to this.

Tan Shin placed Prince on the bed and layed his naked body next to him before pulling the sheets to cover the two of them.

"You smell nice." Tan Shin praised his smell first before wrapping his arms around Prince's waist and pulled him even closer!

He closed his eyes and just let the scent of Prince intoxicate him.

"Sleep well Gē." He muttured while playing Tan Shin's hair with his slender fingers. 'I've been sleeping entirely this morning. I must not sleep again.'

At this moment, Tan Shin who rarely sleeps finally felt the darkness consune him.