[Welcome back Sarada]
Sarada opened her eyes to stare at her ceiling. She stayed there, silent for a moment. She felt stiff. Laying in bed for two weeks probably does that. At least it wasn't as bad as when she woke up after months of sleep. She sat up and twisted her neck, only stopping when she heard a satisfying pop. She let out a sigh. She was hungry. She could hear the passing cars and the voices of citizens of the city. That was new.
"Interface. Please note the changes I went through" She requested as she slipped out of bed. She proceeded to do a series of stretches. Two more weeks until Bulma awoke. She would spend those two weeks taking care of business. She had senzu to plant in the garden. She also needed to sort things out with Kami. He would probably need to take her to meet King Kai seeing as he practically worked under him. She might meet king Yemma. She'd have to get on his good side if she actually built a bad reputation with him.
A list of gained abilities started to form in Sarada's vision.
Enhanced Hearing: Namekians sense of hearing is far greater than that of Humans and Saiyans.
Hardened Skin: Namekians evidently have thick skin capable of shielding them from extreme drops in temperature.
Regeneration: Namekians are an extremely resilient race, capable of surviving nearly any damage to their anatomy and able to regrow it instantly, provided at least that their brains are intact and they retain enough ki
Body Flexibility and Stretching: A Namekians body and limbs are also extremely flexible. They can elongate their arms and legs at will. With considerable effort, they are even able to grow many times their size
Awakening Potential: A somewhat mystical ability used by Guru, he was able to raise the power level of individuals by awakening their potential. It is not just a normal power boost; it makes the person as powerful as they possibly could be at that point in time, assuming they already are not. If the individual is already at their max, and they already meet their potential, the technique will do them no good.
Soul Control: Kami has demonstrated this ability, as he was able to incarnate his soul into another being, essentially possessing them.
Enhanced Lifespan: Guru was several hundreds of years old before he passed on.
Telekinesis and Telepathy: Piccolo was able to mentally lift a pyramid in the anime. King Piccolo and Guru communicated with their offspring, despite their locations on Earth and Namek respectively.
Dragon ball creation: An ability only the dragon clan possess
Sarada smiled. Namek bloodline is very useful. Well, the dragon bloodline. She could create her own dragon balls. Perfect.
[You can choose to discard the abilities you don't have any use for. If you do so that ability will be lost to you forever]
Is that so? Sarada looked over the list of abilities. She didn't see the need for soul control. She wouldn't want to do such a thing. A living being should have their own life to live. She would also discard body flexibility. It was usefull but she had no need for it. She found it odd.
She informed her interface of the decision and saw the two abilities fade from her list of gained powers.
[Would you like to view your character sheet?]
Name: Sarada
Bloodline: Saiyan. (Yardratian). (Dragon Clan Namekian)
Age: 14 (15)
Body state : Healthy
Mind state: Calm
Innate abilities/ Talents :
Magic, Spirit control,God ki,?,? (Requirements need to be met)
S-cells: ? (Requirements need to be met)
Ki control: Ranked S
Magic control : Ranked S
Spirit control : Ranked A
Ki/ Power level: 65800 + (36.000)
Magic : 30.000
Skills: Instant Transmission. Nimbus creation. Nimbus armor. Nimbus weapon. Magic materialization. Magic rejection. Dragon ball creation. Telekinesis and Telepathy. Awakening Potential.
Unique skills:Bloodline transfusion.Elemental Attacks.? (Requirements need to be met)
"Hold up, I have god ki? Did I get this from Kami's blood? "She was aware of him having god ki. Guardians tend to have that type of ki seeing as they work for the Kai.
[No, you have always had god ki]
"Then why am I only now seeing this? "
[Requirements have been met. By attaining the bloodline of the dragon clan you have in a sense awoken you godly ki]
"I was born with god ki" Sarada muttered to herself. Is that why her ki always seemed so weird to her. The colorless part didn't bother her too much, what did was the fact that her ki was tranquil flamelike in aura. It was the defining trait of god ki she had noted. "Can I use my god ki? Is it built into my baseform?"
[No, however you can replace your mortal ki with your god ki through training]
"Wait, do I have two types of ki? If I was born with god ki it should be the go to. But my ki can be sensed. I was or am using normal ki"
[Godly ki is just a different, more potent and efficient form of ki. The reason the ki can't be sensed easily is because not only does the user keep the ki from leaking out, it operates on a different current or wavelength than normal ki. In other words, as long as you do not know how to willingly tap into your godly ki you will be using what you refer to as "normal ki". Once you gain full control, god ki can become your permanent form of ki]
Sarada hummed. She figured she could accept that for now. She had god ki. She was born with it. Opportunities. If she mastered control of her godly ki she could become immensely powerful.
"I need to work on this"
Sarada was in the capsule corp garden. She had ten senzu in her hands and worked on poking holes into the soil. She had chosen a place with enough sun and enough shelter that if it rained the plant would not drown. She didn't think that would happen, seeing as the plant needed magic to grow.
She poked ten holes at a good distance from each other and proceeded to place the beans in each of them. She covered them up neatly and added a bit of magic to them. She smiled proudly as she sprinkled a bit of water on each of them.
"You just need to grow and make me proud"
She stayed there, staring at the planted beans. She wondered. She had a lot of magic. Could she somehow increase their growth speed? A year is a lot. It's not like she couldn't wait. Patience was something she excelled at. But it would be beneficial if they grew faster.
She added a bit more magic to the planted beans and stood. She would see how fast it took them to grow. She could experiment later. She had to go see Kami and get everything sorted out. She wanted very badly to sort things out with Yemma. She must have bad karma because of the things she did as a saiyan. It's not like she could go against the king. The guy was breathing down her neck. If she did one thing wrong she would be done for. She was monitored for the entire time the planet existed. It is why she was placed on Vegeta's team. So she had to do what was ordered. She refrained from unnecessary deaths when she could. She would always convince her teammates to spare the poor innocent souls they tried to murder because of their ego. And then there was the fact that she was reincarnated, somehow. And Yemma was not the man in charge of that. He must see her as someone who should not exist.
Sarada made her way back into her house. The two weeks sleep did not worry the adults. She had said she would be out for two weeks, although they didn't bother asking why. Gine knew that if she needed to know Sarada would tell her. So she said nothing.
Sarada found herself in the lab. Doc. Brief was working on her spaceship. She had asked him to check up on it for her. While he did that she gathered everything she would need to research blood. With everything gathered, she sat down and proceeded to locate a bloodvain in the juncture of her elbow. She tensed her arm and located the desired vain. She had to remain very still as she inserted the syringe needle into her arm. It was a slight barely noticeable sting. With the needle inserted she pulled and watched the blood gather. She still had red blood. She didn't gain an physical changes from the blood of Kami so she figured she changed internally. Her blood remained the same color, so her cells must have changed somewhat.
Her skin quickly healed or regenerated. That was useful.
"Let's see" she added her blood to a small plastic disk and slid it under the microscope. "What have we changed? "
What she found were stem cells. Lots of stem cells. They probably made the regeneration possible, but to be doing that the cells need to know where they are. Are they at the very tip of a limb by the fingers, or are they at the elbow joint? And they need to build the right structures in the right order. So Namekian stem cells are stronger and more orderly. Saiyans cells are not. Saiyans do have a slightly higher number of stem cells than humans and they do activite, but Namekians are on another level.
She continued her research and found a lot of changes to her cells. She wasn't sure if it was from Namekians or Yardrats.She found that she now had special enzymes which turn water into the nutrients her body needs. That clearly came from the Namekian blood. They have a liquid diet. They only need water to live, but they can eat normally if they want to.
"Interface, do I not need to eat any more? "
[Yes, you still do. While you can turn water into everything you need, you are still a saiyan. You would require a large amount of water. You can still eat and receive the nutrients normally. The ability you acquired is very useful when there is a lack of food]
After Sarada was satisfied with her research she put everything away and cleaned up.
She needed to go see Kami. She had waited long enough.
"Mom, Panchy, I'll be leaving again. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone" Sarada announced as she found the women in the kitchen. Apparently they had made cakes and cookies.
"Awe, we made cookies and cakes, won't you stay and have some? "Panchy asked as she presented the treats to Sarada.
"I really have to go Panchy. I can take some with me"
"Yes. You can have as much as you want " Panchy was radiating happiness.
"I can't understand your love for presenting food to others, Panchy " Gine mused as she ate one of the cookies before her.
Panchy responded with a giggle and proceeded to happily hum some unkown tune to herself as she packed Sarada some sweets.
"Where are you going? " Gine asked.
"Kami's lookout"
Gine raised an eyebrow at that.
"Kami is a Namekian that watches over earth. He's the guardian. He's the one I visited two weeks back. He had asked me to take his place after seeing how strong I am and such, so I need to go sort things out"
Gine sighed. Of course her daughter would go and casually accept responsibility over an entire planet.
"Never change Sarada"
Sarada chuckled. "I don't plan on it"
"Here you go, if you run out you can come get some more " Panchy handed her a sack filled with cookies.
"Sure thing Panchy" Sarada was already munching on a cookie as she left the kitchen with a goodbye and hugs. It was starting to feel as if she had two mothers. Thinking about it made her realize that she kind of did. It was amusing.
Sarada had stepped out to the balcony and placed her index and middle finger to her forehead as she located Kami's ki.
"Hello, Kami"
Kami jumped when Sarada suddenly appeared behind him. He almost had a heart attack.
"I apologize for startling you" Sarada smiled apologetically as her tail wrapped around her waist. She was currently using it as a belt. She was dressed pretty casually and the pants she had on were a bit loose fitting.
"No worries" Kami waved off her apologies. "How are you? "
"Pretty good"
"Good, we have some matters at hand"