Chapter 39

Sarada had on her glasses again as she scanned every inch of the dark fruit in her hands. Her interface was successfully using the glasses in the way she intended and she used it to identify the fruit further. She was cross legged on the floor again. She and Bulma had finally arrived at the dying planet that held the tree of might just hours ago. Sarada was quick to get what she needed from the tree. She could feel the energy radiating off the tree. It sucked the planet dry. It still had a couple of years to survive. Sarada had gotten a good amount of wood from the tree and stored it in a special case. She also spotted a familiar fruit and took it. She was already there and she was very curious about the fruit. She figured why not. She'll go visit king Kai and ask if she could study it. She remembered it being a fruit only the gods are allowed to eat. Although she heard something else about it being a fruit to feed the eternal dragons.

"What's so special about that fruit? "

Sarada glanced up when she heard Bulma. She was sitting in front of her and offered her a cup of milkshake. Sarada was more than happy to accept the drink. Things between them had been almost the same. The difference being that Sarada practically lived in Bulma's room now because the girl likes having her around. There's also the fact that she jumps at any opportunity to make out with her. Sarada did not mind at all. It was a nice set of days. Eight days, to be exact.

"The fruit of the tree of might" Sarada said as she held up the fruit. "We'll just call it the fruit of might."

"And what does this fruit of might do? "

"Anyone who eats it gets a massive boost in power. " Sarada explained. "I want to find out how exactly. I have theories and I will have a blast studying this magnificent fruit. "

Bulma hummed as she eyed the fruit. It was weird looking. She wondered if it had a particular taste. How does it boost one in strength? She knew it had to do with the fact that it's tree kills a planet to grow it. She wouldn't mind helping Sarada study the rare fruit.

"Why haven't you cut it open yet? "

"I need permission, or rather I just prefer to get permission"

"From who? "

"King Kai, or north kai to be specific "

Bulma raised an eyebrow. "Who is this north Kai? "

"A god. He's the god in charge of watching over our side of the galaxy" Sarada explained. "It is said that this fruit was meant for the gods to consume, so I want his permission before I decide to cut this thing open. "

"You've met a god? "

Sarada nodded and was pinched in the stomach again. She flinched away from Bulma and chuckled when the girl playfully glared at her.

"Why haven't you told me this? "

"You never asked"

Bulma sighed and pinched her again.

"Stop pinching me" Sarada whined as she massaged her side. Some things just never change.

Bulma relented and left Sarada alone.

"You're just going to stare at me now? "

"I've got nothing better to do"

Sarada shrugged." You can come with me to king Kai's planet"

Bulma lit up like Christmas tree and was at Sarada's side in an instant. She had become very interested in Sarada's use of instant transmission and wished to learn it, but of course Sarada didn't take the time to teach her and only promised to do so when they return to earth.

"You really need to teach me your teleportation technique "

Sarada only smiled with a non comital nod.


"King Kai, how are you liking your full sized planet? "

Said Kai was lying under one of the many trees he had on his planet. He was enjoying it very much. He had thanked Sarada multiple times and was forever in her debt. The kid wasn't bad.

"It's perfect "he sat up and turned to face his visitors. He raised an eyebrow when he saw Bulma. "Hi there"

Bulma observed the short Kai and was suddenly circling him with a critical eye. He didn't look like much and his ki was not as big as Sarada's. She stopped in front of him. They stared at each other for a moment.

"You're a god? "

"Yes, I am the North Kai"

"So there are three more gods like you? "

"Well, yes but there is also the grand kai and the supreme Kais" he explained.

"How many gods are there? "Bulma questioned while she looked to Sarada.

"A lot " Sarada said casually as she stretched in the new gravity. "Why is the gravity here twice as strong? "

"That's the original gravity"

Sarada shrugged and said nothing further. Bulma was still looking at her so she figured the girl wanted to know more about the gods.

"You see, king kai or North Kai is a god, but one of lower ranks"

King Kai grumbled but said nothing. It's not like she was lying. He was nothing compared to the grand Kai and he was nothing compared to the supreme Kais.

"As he said there is the grand Kai. He stands above the North, South, East and West Kais. Above the grand Kai we have the supreme Kais. Above them stand the gods of destruction. Ranking higher than them are their angels . Above the angels is their father, the grand Minister. And lastly above him is Zeno" she didn't mention the grand supreme kai.

Bulma nodded. She was very attentive. She didn't beliebe gods existed until she met Sarada. And here she was hearing there were multiple gods.

"This Zeno, he is the highest ranking god. Why? "

Sarada chuckled. "He can erase a universe with no effort"

Bulma blinked in shock. Sarada may have chuckled but she was dead serious. There are beings out there that can erase a universe with no trouble? And then Bulma realized something. Sarada said "a universe". Which meant she's implying that there is more than one universe. Why is she only now learning of this? She sighed. Sarada only told her how she knew so much but she didn't tell her everything she knew about.

"There are multiple universes out there? "


Sarada said nothing more and Bulma knew she would have to interrogate her to get more knowledge. For the moment she would be satisfied with what she learned.

"King kai, so I picked this fruit from the tree of might and was wondering if I can keep it and experiment on it" Sarada revealed the fruit.

King Kai waved her off. "Go crazy. I don't want the fruit and you dont look like you want to eat it. "

Sarada beamed. The prospect of cutting it open and unraveling it's mysteries was exciting.

"Thank you so much, you are the best kai" Sarada complimented and made the north kai swell with pride. "Also, you wouldn't mind training Bulma, would you? "

"What's another student? " The kai shrugged. "Since you wished my planet back your girlfriend over there wont have to past my test, neither will your brother whenever you bring him to me" the kai already knew Sarada would most likely let her entire family train under him. Her search for power would usually raise red flags but she was doing it for all the good reasons so he would let her be. It did help that she was thoughtful enough to restore his planet although he knew she had some ulterior motive seeing as his tiny planet still existed.

"What can you teach me? "Bulma asked curiously as she placed herself on the grass next to Sarada, who was already going through multiple ways to study the fruit she had acquired.

"The spirit bomb and the Kaioken" King Kai said simply. "The spirit bomb is formed when huge amounts of energy from all chosen surrounding life forms and inanimate objects is gathered to conduct into a massive sphere of astounding destructive power"

"It's very useful. I managed to form an impressive one on that tiny planet, imagine that the size it would be if I tried to form one on earth" Sarada chipped it. "It's very effective. You must have a pure heart to be able to use it and to bounce it back if it's ever aimed at you"

Bulma nodded along to Sarada's words. The spirit bomb was a powerful attack to have up one's sleeve.

"The Kaioken is, simply put, a multiplier " King Kai continued and Bulma's attention returned to him. A multiplier. Meaning she could grow stronger than she already was? "It is a technique that multiplies the user's ki for a "heart beat", thus increasing their power and speed and enabling them to inflict serious damage to opponents who are considerably stronger than them. However, the downside of the Kaio-ken is that it takes a heavy toll on the user's body, making them more vulnerable to enemy attacks"

"It was only meant to be used for a small period of time since one's body cannot take the strain, but with training the timelimit can be lengthened" Sarada added.

"How long can you hold the form? "

"45 minutes if it's times 2. 30 for times three. 15 for times four. And so on. The time limits get lower the higher I go"

"Even though I told you not to go past five you went and did it anyway" King Kai suddenly scolded when he remembered the time he had to nurse Sarada back to health after she over did it. She refused to use the senzu she had on her, which he found to be very stupid.

"Hey, I live"

"So you know these techniques already? "

"Yes. I trained here during the month you were out"

Bulma hummed. She was going to stay and train under the Kai. He could obviously teach her some useful abilities and he was a god, so why not. That left a question.

"What will you be doing while I stay here? "

Sarada planed on returning to the ship and then teleporting it to earth, where she would stay and work on the fruit. One look at Bulma made her change her mind. It was obvious Bulma didn't like the idea of being away from her for even just a day. She would need to go talk to her parents about the new relationship. She had a feeling that Bulma's want to be near her had a lot to do with the fact that they were both saiyans. Maybe there was some primal instinct involved or something.

"I'll stick around" She said after some time and glanced at the tiny planet nearby. "Hey King Kai, I want to use that planet to farm senzu. Are you OK with that? "

"I knew you had some ulterior motive" The Kai accused very proudly.

"Yeah yeah, can I use it? "


"Thanks" Sarada was suddenly on her feet and fished out the last senzu she had. She'd go see if Korin was willing to give her some more later. "Coming Bulma? "

Bulma nodded and ran after Sarada. When they built up enough momentum they jumped and left the gravitational pul of the bigger plant. It was an odd feeling. They were falling at a normal pace between the planets and when they were close enough to the mini planet they were quickly pulled down towards it.

It was exciting and Bulma couldn't help the whoop she let out as her falling speed increased.

Sarada landed smoothly on her feet and started to target the perfect place to plant her first senzu on the planet when she was impacted.

She sighed when she found Bulma on top of her. How had she come falling on top of her?

"Bulma you could have warned me that you were about to use me as a landing cushion"

"Sorry" Bulma apologized but made no move to get up.

"You want to kiss me, don't you? "

She nodded with an innocent smile.

Sarada sighed again but smiled.

"You just can't keep your hands off me, can you? "

Bulma giggled and closed the distance. She was giggling the entire time and Sarada found it hard not to laugh with her.

"Bulma, come now, you either kiss me or giggle yourself out"

"But I want to kiss you" she mumbled and planted another kiss on Sarada's lips, but she giggled again.

"You are something else"

Bulma hummed and kissed her one last time before hiding her face in the crook of Sarada's neck.

Sarada flushed when Bulma started lazily kissing her neck. She would giggle every now and then and tighten her tail around Sarada's own

"Bulma, quit it"


"Oi, that's dangerous. Teenage hormones are a bother especially when we happen to be saiyans"

"Don't care"

"You'll be the death of me, I swear"