Chapter 40

Sarada let out a sigh as she tried to pull her younger brother off her. The second she teleported to Earth Kakarot attacked her in a hug. He had his arms, legs and his tail wrapped tightly around her as he asked her a million questions. At some point she managed to detached the boy from her and pat him on the head.

"It's good to see you Kakarot. Why aren't you at Roshi's? "She asked as she lifted off the ground and made her way to the balcony her mother always occupied. Kakarot followed after her.

"I have a free day so I came to see mom and dad with Chichi"

"Ah,so you met dad. "

"Yeah, he's super cool and super strong. He said he has this weird form where he gets stronger but he can't control it yet. He doesn't know how to activate it at will. I really want to see it"

Sarada hummed. So he did achieve the super saiyan transformation. But he couldn't activate at will as of yet. Too bad. She was really hoping she would get the chance to see a super saiyan before her very eyes. She had a feeling she wouldn't be achieving it any time soon. She was too calm. The super saiyan transformation is triggered through intense negative emotions. Be it anger, desperation, self loathing. It is for that reason that the transformation is not pure. It relies on negativity and hence taints one's heart. She sighed. She's the calm and level headed type. She doesn't get angry often and even when she does it's not intense.

There was no rush. She could wait.

The two landed on the balcony and met the women seated there and enjoying some treats and tea. Gine brightened when she saw Sarada and immediately pulled her into a tight hug. She had missed her. She hadn't been gone for months or anything like that, but it felt like a really long time. Gine misses her children very easily.

"Hey mom"

The second Sarada was released she was pulled into another hug by a very excited Panchy.

"Oh you're back, where's Bulma? "

"She's training " is all Sarada said. "I just came to drop off the ship and see how you guys are doing. I head back in a while"

Gine sighed. "You're leaving again"

Sarada nodded. She couldn't stay even of she wanted to. She found it odd how Bulma always wanted to be around her, but she was starting to understand. She hadn't noticed it at first but she did now. There was an odd feeling in her chest. She didn't know how to describe it. It was like a clench that ached. It didn't hurt, but it was hard to ignore. She had a very strong urge to be near Bulma at the moment.

She sighed.

She had a strong feeling it had a lot to do with the fact that she was a saiyan. It had to be primal urges.

"Hello Chichi, it's good seeing you again" Sarada waved at the girl and she returned the gesture. Sarada turned back to her mother. "I need to talk to you and dad about something"

"What about? "

"Just get dad and we'll talk"


Bardock had a proud smile on his face as he muled over Sarada's confession or story or whatever one wants to call it. His daughter was in a relationship. The girl she's with may have been wished into a saiyan but it didn't matter. He could put his saiyan pride aside. At the moment he only had fatherly pride. He didn't care about the fact that his daughter took interest in another female. There were still ways for them to give him a biological grandchild. He smiled brighter. She finally came to ask the questions he would gladly answer

Gine was smiling as well. She knew it. She knew they liked each other. It was only a matter of time. She was very happy. Sarada was obviously happy about it, although she tried to hide her enthusiasm behind her calm exterior.

"So, um can you explain this to me because I am clueless " she tends to know a lot and the fact that she didn't know what exactly was going on with her was a bit discerning.

"It's a natural occurrence that happens when a saiyan has actual emotional feelings toward another" Bardock explains. "It also happens when the need to reproduce arises, but you two aren't of age yet"

Sarada nodded in understanding and motioned for her father to continue.

"As it is at the moment, you have a very strong urge to be around her, don't you? "

She nodded.

"You'll be feeling that whenever your apart. It lessens at some point but it won't be happening anytime soon"

"I knew it was primal "

Gine giggled at the look on Sarada's face. She observed her for a moment and noticed a red spot on her neck. She peeked an eyebrow.

Bardock saw it as well and smirked.

"Ah, she can't keep her hands off you, can she? "

Sarada looked at him confused until he pointed her neck. She blinked and her hand shot up to try to hide it. She chuckled even as her face adopted a tint of red.

"Uh yeah, she's um... Well"

Gine giggled again. Sarada wasn't the type to get flustered. Not easily.

Bardock shot his daughter a look and she glared once she realized what he was implying.

"Oh for crying out loud. Why does your mind always go there?" Sarada scoffed. "We did no such thing"

"But you came pretty close? "

"Please don't ask me that".

"It's ok. You're a teenager, have fun with it" Bardock grinned. "Also, when are you two wedding and gifting me with a grandchild? I know you'll come up with something with that brain of yours"

Gine put a hand over her mouth to stop herself from Laughing. Sarada was glaring holes into her amused father.

"You're getting married!? "

The three directed their attention to Kakarot who was climbing through the window. He was curious as to what Sarada wanted to talk to their parents about so he tried to listen in. All he gathered was that Sarada was getting married. To who?

"Kakarot it's not very polite to eavesdrop " Sarada scolded.

"Sorry, I just really wanted to know what you wanted to talk about" the boy apologized while keeping a good distance from Sarada. "Who are you marrying? "

"I'm not getting married" Sarada sighed. At least not yet.

"Oh" Kakarot said. "But you are in a relationship? "


Kakarot was quiet for a moment.

"It's Bulma isn't it? I knew something would happy between you while you were out in space. I knew you liked her! "

Sarada grumbled. It seems she was the blind one in the situation. She was suddenly on her feet and walking away. The clench in her chest was getting too much and she needed to return.

"Where are you going? "



Bulma sighed as she fell onto grass. She had enough training for the moment. She had been practicing the spirit bomb for hours. She was tired and wanted a break. She wasn't into it anyway. She was distracted. The feeling in her chest had only grown and she found it hard to ignore. Why did Sarada have to be away for so long? It had only been about an hour, but apparently it was more than she could withstand.

"I wonder if this is some saiyan thing"

"Apparently it is"

Bulma yelped and abruptly sat up. Drifting lazily on her cloud was a smiling Sarada, who seemed amused by her ability to startle Bulma.

"Why do you that? "Bulma questioned , seemingly annoyed even as she quickly climbed onto the colorless cloud and crashed onto Sarada. She sighed in content as the clench in her chest quickly faded.

"It's fun" Sarada hummed. "Also, your suspicion is correct. Your urge to continuously be around me is because we're saiyans and actually have an emotional bond"

Bulma hummed. "Saiyans aren't known for such things, huh? "

"Nope, ruthless creatures is what we are" Sarada said casually as she stared up at the bigger planet nearby. She sighed and hugged the girl on top of her. She learned that it was best to stay close to her until the effects of starting a relationship lessen.

"So, you can't go off on your own for too long"

Sarada nodded.

"Look at that. You're leashed"

Sarada grumbled. "So are you"

"It's not like I can teleport like you"

"I suppose"

Bulma hummed. She spotted the red mark on Sarada's neck and grinned. She'll make sure it stays there.

Sarada blinked when she felt Bulma's tongue on her skin. Soon after the girl was sucking on her flesh. Sarada's hands flew to her mouth to stop herself from letting out the moan that threatened to escape.

"Bulma I told you a million times to stop doing that"

"If I stopped the mark would fade away. We can't have that" Bulma mumbled as she observed her handy work. She hummed and decided it could be more prominent.

"Weren't you calling me possessive? "

"I guess I have a possessive streak as well"

Sarada sighed as she tried to ignore what Bulma was doing. It was hard. She was too aware of it and while she tried not to focus on the heat Bulma's lips brought she still found herself focusing on it.


Bulma hummed.

Sarada took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Damn. "I need to go back to earth "

"You're not just trying to escape, right? "

"No"Sarada chuckled. Well she was trying to escape before she did something and took things further than they should go at the moment. "I need to go see Kami so he can teach me how to make dragon balls"

"You can go tomorrow "

"It's better I take care of it now" Sarada countered.

Bulma sighed but didn't move. She didn't want Sarada to go without her. She could come with her. She wanted to come with her. She could train later.

"Oi, what did I just say? "Sarada scolded when she felt Bulma's teeth graze her skin. "Don't you dare bite me"

"Oh? What will you do if I go against your word? "

"Are you challenging me, Bulma? "

"Maybe "

"I see" Sarada said very calmly and quickly turned the tables. Now she was the one on top. She adopted a very prideful smirk as she stared down at her girlfriend. Bulma had slight shock in her eyes even as she smiled. "Challenge accepted"

Bulma liked to leave marks. Sarada figured she might as well leave her own. What's the harm in it? It was also her form of revenge for all the times the girl teased her. She hummed as she planted a slow kiss on Bulma's neck. Where shall she mark her? She smile and kissed Bulma's pulse point. Once. Twice. She chuckled when she heard a felt a moan leave Bulma's throat. Why not.

Bulma yelped when she felt Sarada's teeth on her skin. She wasn't expecting her to use her teeth. She never did, although she almost did a few minutes back. She felt a shudder run up her body when a wet tongue ran across her throat. That's what it felt like? No wonder Sarada always told her to stop. The feeling was indescribable but oh so very good.

"Hey... Um... " She couldn't say anything. Sarada was suddenly sucking on her flesh very gently. She took a shuddering breath. Her tail tightened a great deal around Sarada's own. Why was everything suddenly so hot? She was not expecting such a fast increase in temperture.

Sarada was very proud of the red mark she left behind. She let out a sound of happiness from her throat and nibbled on the bruised flesh for a moment. She now understood completely why Bulma always did such things. She bit slightly harder and reveled in the moan she received.

If only she didn't have such good control over herself.