Chapter 44

For the first time in a long time, Sarada was actually home. Gine sat on the balcony as per usual and was gazing down into the garden where her daughter checked on the beans she had planted there. Bulma was nearby, drifting on a cloud Sarada gifted her. Gine could only smile. Sarada came back a day before and hasn't left. She helped her around the house. She assisted her in the kitchen. She beat her father up when he teased Gine. She accompanied her on the balcony the night before and they watced the stars together. She didn't leave. Gine was convinced she would take off first thing in the morning, but she didn't. She got out of her room around ten in the morning. She had a feast with Bulma and her father, took a bath and there she was, checking on her plants. She was dressed casually. No gi. No saiyan armor. Just a tank top and knee leght pants that were held up by her tail. It didn't seem as if she would be doing any training. Nor did it seem as if she would take her leave anytime soon.

Why the change?

Gine didn't mind. She loved having Sarada around. She just thought the fifteen year old would be up to something on another planet or something along those lines. Maybe she was trying to make up for being a no show for three whole months.

"Why is our daughter inactive? "Bardock asked as he stepped out Onto the balcony. He sat on the railing and stared down at his daughter. Why was she not training? Why was she not working on some gadget or another? Why is she not off somewhere doing whatever it is she does? "Why is she dressed so casually and checking on plants? Since when does our daughter like gardening? "

"Those plants are special. At least that is what she told me" Gine said with a glance at her husband. "And I do not know what she's up to or if she's up to anything at all. I'm Just happy she's here"

Bardock said nothing more. He only watched his daughter. Sarada always has something up her sleeve. He's never known her to not be planing something. Besides she always works on some gadget during her free time. She hasn't done any of that. At least he hasn't seen her busy with anything. The old Doc in the lab was on his own and was curious as to why the girls were not occupied in there. That proves they didn't visit the lab since they arrived

The man sighed and looked to his wife. He grinned upon seeing her.

"You're fat"

That earned him a glare. Gine was not in the mood for his teasing at the moment. He didn't seem to care. She sighed and ran a hand over the visible bump that was her growing stomach. Around six more months to go and she'll have another child to worry about. Sarada would be eager to train the new addition as soon as she could. Gine could already picture it. She sighed. Sarada will be Sarada.

"Good morning"

Gine was startled by a smiling Sarada. How many times would she have to tell the girl to stop doing such thing? She cannot just silently appear in front of her like that. It surprises her to an extent and she doubt she should be that worked up when she's carrying a child.



"Sarada, what are you up to? "Barock questioned with a stern stare. He only got a curious look from his daughter.

"What do you mean? "

"He probably finds it odd that you're being somewhat normal" Came Bulma's voice as she drifted near the balcony. "It's unlike you to just be so, well, normal I suppose "

"Oh" Sarada seemed to finally realize that crucial factor. "I see"

"Good, now tell me what you're up to" Bardock again ordered.

"Nothing" Sarada said with a shrug. "I'm Up to nothing"

"You're serious? "

"Doing nothing can be interesting. You never know what could come your way"

Of course. Leave it to Sarada to make doing nothing seem cryptic

Bulma hummed, her tail freely twitching behind her. Sarada was up to nothing at the moment. That is hard to believe. Sarada is always planing something and while it may seem as if she had nothing to do, she sure as hell did. Maybe she really didn't have anything to do, but that does not stop that brain of hers to come up with anything for her to. And those ideas tend to be very grand and apparently important for the future.

"I don't really care if you are or are not up to something. I'm just glad you spent a day here. You've been running off a lot" Gine said as she playfully ruffled Sarada's hair.

Sarada only smiled as she enjoyed her mother's fingers in her hair. Truth is that she actually had nothing to do. At least nothing she deemed important enough. She could find something to do. Actually she had many ideas, but she was just relaxing at the moment. Spending time with her parents, both biological and honorary, seemed like a good way to spend a couple of days. Besides, she could now keep a close eye on her mother and make sure she doesn't get herself too worked up.

"Well, seeing as you have nothing to do let's have a little training session " Bardock suggested with a bright smile.

"Not today " Sarada waved him off

"Do not reject your father's request"

"I can if said father got his ass handed to him the day before" Sarada smirked as she waved. That surely did some damage to her father's pride. "Coming Bulma? "

As if she even had to ask. Bulma was off the cloud and next to Sarada in less than ten seconds. As curious as she was as to why Sarada wasn't up to her usual pass time, she did not mind spending the day with an unoccupied Sarada.

Sarada walked right into her room and collapsed on her bed. She let out a big drawn out sigh as she let her self sink into her mattress. She could go a day with no master pan. No preparations. No training. Nothing. She was taking a break.

"So, you are really just going to do nothing? "

Sarada only nodded as she felt Bulma climb onto her back. It's good to take a break every now and then. She had been doing this and that for four months. A lot happen in just four months. Bulma became a saiyan. Sarada became the guardian of earth and assimilated namekian blood. She then visited the other world, had a situation with Yemma and finally trained under the north Kai. After that she set off for Namek. Brought her father back. Entered a relationship. Located the tree of might. Harvested wood and a fruit from said tree. Bulma trained under king Kai. Her mother was pregnant. And she created dragon balls.

Yeah, she did a lot and a lot happened.

"Why are you even on top of me? "Sarada asked.

"I planned on giving you a massage, but now I don't feel like it anymore"

Sarada could hear the smirk in Bulma's voice. She should have kept her mouth shut , but Bulma is very sneaky and Sarada learned not to fully trust her when she finds herself underneath her. She's surprisingly strong when she wants Sarada to stay where she is.

And at the moment she was most likely trapped.

"You're not getting off me, are you? "

"Definitely not"

"I regret everything"

"Don't be so dramatic " Bulma sounded amused. "I'm taking off your shirt"

"Why? " There are a lot of things that could happen once her shirt is gone. And the fact that it was Bulma sitting on top of her raised flags. Bulma can be very persuasive and that is very dangerous.

"Because I want you to take it off"

"Not a very plausible reason"

"Matters not"

"In this situation it kind of does. You are not to be trusted. "

Bulma hummed even as she slipped her fingers under the article of clothing she was trying to remove

"I'm kind of hurt that you don't trust me"

"You have yourself to blame for that. The last time I was shirtless you did some unforgivable things" the memory of that day always makes blood rush to the calm saiyan's face. Bulma was on a whole other level when it came to the damn hormones she gave into. Sarada could ground herself, but Bulma could or most likely would not do such a thing. Hence Sarada mostly ending up a victem to Bulma's actions.

"I don't remember you trying to stop me"

Ah, yes, that fateful day when she was powerless to stop her girlfriend's attention. While she can ground herself it was near impossible to deny Bulma anything. That is something she shall never admit.

"That's not entirely true and you know it" Sarada accused. "I did manage to stop you before you took it further than it already was"

Bulma made a sound at that statement. "By doing that you ended up exacting your revenge, although I saw it more as a reward than anything else"

Sarada sighed. She did turn the tables that day. It was amusing.

"King Kai is still a bit stingy about the fact that we practically destroyed that little house he has" Sarada jested.

"He doesn't even live on that tiny planet anymore, why does he care so much? "

"I don't know. The Kai is weird" Sarada shrugged. "And I don't know why he's directing that anger at me. The house is still standing, safe for a couple of cracks here an there and it was you who lost control of your power"

"Me? Aren't you the one who lost your grip on your ki that day"

"The hell I did. It was all you, admit it"

"There's nothing to admit, don't get cocky"

Sarada chuckled. It was Bulma who lost her grip when Sarada exacted her revenge, not the other way around. Sarada was the master of self control and would not lose herself no matter what Bulma did to her. The fact that she could make Bulma slip up on that careful control she had drilled into her made her proud beyond belief. And she wasn't even crossing any major lines, just having fun. She didn't plan on crossing the big line yet, but she could only imagine what kind of destruction Bulma would cause.

"Take off your shirt"

"Here I was hoping you gave up on the idea " Sarada sighed before a mischievous smirk spread on her face. She then chuckled as an idea popped into her head. If Bulma refused to believe Kai's anger should be directed at her, Sarada would be more than happy to prove it to her

Sarada turned the tables very quickly and had Bulma pinned to her bed. That mischievous grin had turned predatory.

Bulma did not know if she should like what follows or not.


As usual the adults were on the balcony. Panchy had made some biscuits and tea for everyone. Bardock didn't seem to want any of that and sat there with a grumpy look on his face. He cannot believe his woman refused to cook for him when he asked. And he asked her so nicely. She just said no and immediately crushed his spirit. The love of his life was denying him food. It was his own fault. He continued to tease the woman even when she was clearly not in the mood. Damn mood swings.

So there he was, sitting on the railing and ignoring whatever the three behind him were talking about. From his place on the railing he felt something. He didn't know what it was so he cared little about it. He sat quietly and his eyes landed on a tiny crack on the wall near Sarada's bedroom. Was that always there? The crack slowly spread as that feeling got a little stronger. He raised an eyebrow in interest. The crack continued to spread to the window and soon the glass there was cracked as well.

What in the world?

And then a thud from Sarada's room, angered shouting and mad laughter.

"Sarada! "

The sound of a door quickly opening and the sound of someone running like their life depended on it drew everyone's attention.

Sarada came speeding out of her room while she worked on pulling her shirt back on. She was laughing like a fool as she practically flew past the adults and jumped off the balcony. An angry Bulma followed quickly after her.

Everyone blinked as they watched the youngest of the two run around the garden, trying to get away from the angry Bulma. She was very angry and that was very evident. The adults watched quietly as Sarada ran around laughing like a child.

Until she was caught.

Bulma had gotten hold of her tail and pulled her backward. Sarada yelped and fell face first into the dirt

What happened after that was the beating of a lifetime.

Bardock and Gine sweat dropped at the scene. Bardock could remember the times Gine beat the hell out of him for doing something stupid. He understood the situation perfectly.

Gine was worried about her daughter while she was very curious as to what the girl could have done to anger Bulma so.

"Oh my" Panchy gasped slightly when Bulma literally threw Sarada across the garden

"Ah, she's furious" The doc remarked.


"I wonder what Sarada has done "

Bardock stared and looked back to the cracked wall and window. He then remembered something similar and he grinned.

"Oh, I see" Bardock nodded to himself, very proud. "I expect nothing less from my daughter. She truly is my child"

Gine sighed as she realized what Bardock was talking about

Of course.