Chapter 45

Sarada was all smiles as she sat at the dinning table and enjoyed the food presented before her. She was purposely oblivious when it came to the still annoyed Bulma sitting next to her. She was grumpy because no matter what she did Sarada could not wipe that smug smirk off her face. Bulma glanced at her only to be met with amused eyes. She glared before looking away. There was not a scratch on the girl. She was perfectly fine and very happy. Bulma sighed. In the end Sarada had easily stopped her and casually slung her over her shoulder as she headed back into the house.


Sarada shot a curious glance at the now calm and passive Bulma. She was not expecting her to apologize. Even though she did kinda beat the hell out of her, but in all honesty it was nothing and Sarada quickly countered. Then again she couldn't really blame Bulma seeing as she was the one who started it in the first place. She had to admit she was impressed with Bulma's strenght. It seemed she had been training without her knowledge. She was not expecting her to throw her across the garden. Thinking back to that moment only brought the urge to laugh. It was funny to her.

But back to Bulma.

"You're apologizing? "

"Yes, I overreacted" Bulma said honestly. "But I'm still mad about what you did"

"I did nothing wrong, you're just grumpy because I proved a point"

Bulma scoffed and folded her arms. The tell tale sign of her annoyance.

Sarada found it amusing. Should she apologize for what she did? Maybe, but it would absolutely not be genuine so best she not apologize. What's the point of an apology if you're not sincere? So she would not apologize unless she felt genuinely sorry about what she did.

"Apology accepted, although you didn't need to. I wasn't mad or anything" Sarada said shrugging as she continued to eat. Again, she did start everything and Bulma wasn't necessarily going all out on her. She couldn't be mad. She was more amused than anything else. How many times had she seen Chichi beat the hell out of Kakarot? It was something she questioned but found funny. What she could not accept was the fact that Chichi did it so often and refused to let Kakarot be Kakarot. She was hoping the two didn't turn out that way. She was confident they wouldn't, seeing as how Chichi wants to keep up. She obviously likes her younger brother and the boy is as oblivious as she was. No harm done.

"I feel bad" Bulma stared down at her food with a look in her eyes. She really overreacted and shouldn't have gotten so angry. While Sarada may care very little about what she did she still felt a bit guilty

"You shouldn't or maybe you should, I don't really know" Sarada said as she began to think of when one should and should not feel guilt. She'll come back to that. "Either way, I'm not mad and I have accepted your apology. On top of that you did not hurt me and I was the one that started it all, so don't feel guilt. Okay? "

Bulma said nothing and only ate her food.

"I need to fix the cracks by the window later" Sarada said to herself. "I'll have to reinforce my room because such a thing is likely to happen again"

There was obvious smugness in her voice that earned her a look from Bulma. Sarada only chucked and pretended not to notice.

"This means nothing"

"On the contrary I think it does. It means a lot. And it also makes me look forward to the future. I'm curious now. I wonder if a reinforced bedroom would be strong enough when you lose yourself. You are very strong after all. And you react so plea-" before Sarada could finish her sentence Bulma pinched her in her side as she tended to do. And as usual Sarada wiggled away from the girl next to her. She should be used to it by now.

"Would you stop? "

"But why? I'm enjoying myself"

"Damn your calm nature" Bulma cursed. "Why are you so calm when you're from a warrior race"

Sarada shrugged. "Could you even imagine me any other way? "

"No, not really. I prefer the calm you even thought you can be a lot annoying"

"You don't mean that"

Bulma sighed. "Naturally I don't and that sucks because I can't stay mad at you when I want to stay mad at you. It's not fair"

"Nothing is fair" Sarada said. "But that revelation works in my favor. "

"I guess the same goes for me. You obviously don't want to admit it, but you can never stay mad at me"

"True" Sarada sipped on her milkshake as she eyed her mother who was in a casual conversation with Panchy. She was obviously ignoring Bardock. He went too far with the teasing apparently. He didn't seem very happy with his treatment, but remained quiet, knowing that it was his fault and there was nothing he could do. Gine can be very stubborn.

"I wonder" Sarada suddenly said. "If we were to somehow come up with some miraculous way to produce a biological child, who would carry it, if it would be a possibility "

"Where did that question even come from? "

"Watching my mother and now I'm curious. "

"When are you not curious? "

"You should ask yourself the same question"

"I suppose"

"So who do you think would be the "mother" in said situation "

"Me most likely. I seriously can't imagine you carrying a child. The thought is absurd"

"I don't know if I should be offended or not" it's hard to decide sometimes. "But I do agree" Sarada continued to eye her mother. "If we were to have a kid it would most likely be a girl due to the lack of Y chromosome"

"Still, why are we suddenly talking about this? "

"Curiosity and interest" Sarada said as she toyed with her straw. She'll have to return to an old project soon. She wondered if the child would inherit her abilities. Would she have all the bloodlines she had collected and also have have ability to assimilate bloodlines as well? An interesting thought. Another thing to think about at night.

"Want to go out? "

"Where to? "

"I don't really know"

"Do you still wish to train under Roshi? "

"Not sure, you could teach me the Kamehameha wave, can't you? "


Bulma hummed. "I lost interest in the old pervert"

"Well, he's not old anymore" Sarada grinned.

"He should get a taste of his own medicine"

At that sentence Sarada adopted a broad smile. If only master Roshi could get a taste of his own medicine indeed. It would be quite entertaining to watch someone of equal perversion fuss over him. Very entertaining. Sarada chuckled as she stood.

"Bulma I like the way you think, let's go"

Bulma stood and followed after Sarada even though she was slightly confused. That confusion was short lived because she suddenly realized what Sarada was thinking and she too chuckled.

"Are we really going to hunt down a woman as perverted as the turtle hermit? "

"Oh yes we are"



King Kai was relaxing on his planet when Sarada and Bulma popped into existence near him. He sighed. He had picked up on their conversation and knew what they wanted him for.

"Are you seriously going to ask me to locate a woman with a perversion level equal to or higher than Roshi? "

"You've been spying on us? "Bulma asked with a cocked eyebrow. "You must be bored"

The Kai ignored Bulma for the moment. He was bored and decided to see what they were up to. Another sigh. Teenagers.

"Soooo, will you help? "

"I have nothing better to do"

"He's been driving his car up and down this planet for hours straight" Gregory piped in. Bubbles grunted next to him.

"If you're so bored why don't you go visit the other Kais? "

"They're obnoxious " North Kai scoffed as he turned away from the teens and faced the direction of the eart. His antenna made small twitching movements as he scanned the planet. To think he was actually searching for a perverted woman. He sighed. Oh well. He hummed to himself as he continued his search. It didn't take very long.

"Found your woman"

Sarada brightened up and rested a hand on the short Kai's shoulder. She closed her eyes in order to get a better sense of things. She grinned when an image formed in her head. Very good. A redhead who has an amazing body to boot. Very very good. She chuckled darkly as she released the Kai.

"Thank you very much for your help. I'll stop by later and tell you a joke" Sarada thanked and promised, to the deity's delight. Sarada has good jokes. At least he thought so. They were hilarious.

"I bet you won't make me laugh this time"

"Oh, just you wait. I have a very good one. It's inspired by a compliment my brother gave me" Sarada chuckled as she remembered Kakarot's words of awe about Genryuu. If only he knew.

"Let's go Bulma"


The two were on earth in an instant. Sarada had teleported them near the ki of the woman. She was surprisingly stronger than most humans. Bulma and Sarada drifted above a small town, out of sight of the towns people. Their eyes were on what could only be a "host club". That's where the woman's ki was coming from. Sarada was obviously very amused as she eyed the building.

"Are we going down there? "

"Let's wait a minute"

And so they did. Forty seconds later a young redheaded woman was escorted out of the building by the "guards". She had an obvious nosebleed and a familair dazed look on her face, along with the trademark perverted smile. There was even a line of drool coming out her mouth.

"Did you seriously predict this? "

"Yes, if she really was as perverted as I had hoped she would have to be kicked out eventually because she would obviously cross multiple lines" Sarada explained in the fashion only she could. Of course she predicted such a thing.

"What now? "

"Oh, now we talk" Sarada smiled as the two silently followed the woman.


Sarada had a look in her eyes as she watched the redhead run her words around in her head. Her name was Coco. Interesting name that did not surprise Sarada at all. The dragon ball universe has a way of naming the creatures existing in it. It was kinda genius.

Coco had no idea who the two girls in front of her were but they delivered an offer she could not turn down. Her perversion and love for men was winning over her logic at the moment. She couldn't help it. It's not her fault men are ridiculously hot. Of course she agreed. The moment she did Sarada adopted a very sadistic smile and look in her eyes. Coco looked to Bulma for some reassurance but only got a look of pity.

"Excellent choice. You will not regret it I promise you that" Sarada said as she rested a hand on the woman's shoulder. Bulma rested her own on the other shoulder. "I apologize in advance"


"Oh Roshi! "

Kakarot heard the very happy voice of Sarada call for his master. He stopped what he was doing to stare in the direction of Kame house. He held a massive boulder over his head with little effort. Krillin stood nearby, barely holding the smaller boulder above his head. His was tiny compared to that of Kakarot. He was sure he would die if he was not given permision to put the rock down. Chichi sat casually on top of Kakarot's builder and was reading a book

Kakarot slowly put the boulder down. Krillin sighed in relief and did the same. His muscles ached in aggravating pain. He twisted his neck and winced at the pain in his shoulder and neck. He'll be sore for days.

Chichi slid off the boulder to stand next to Kakarot as she eyed the direction of Kame house as well.

"Your sister is back. She brought Bulma and someone else? "

Kakarot nodded. "I wonder who the other person is"

"Is Bulma the pretty blue haired girl? "Krillin asked as he massaged his shoulder

"Yeah" Kakarot looked at his friend. "Do you have a crush on her? "

"What? No! " Krillin rapidly shook his head. Big mistake. He only ended up hurting his neck and shoulders more.

"You're lying" Chichi pointed out as she started to walk back to the house. "You have no chance"

"You don't know that" Krillin grumbled. "She looks like she's sixteen and I'm thirteen. It's only a three year difference, I could date her"

"That's Bulma Brief of the Brief family. They own capsule corp" Kakarot said casually with hands behind his head. "She's a rich kid and you're so broke a starving dog would pity you"

Krillin-owned count : 13

"You're one to talk, what money do you have? "

"I live with Bulma" Kakarot said simply.

That answered that question. Krillin was a bit jealous. Kakarot was far more impressive than him.

"So, you know what type of guys she likes? "


"What do you mean no"

"What he's trying to say is that Bulma does not like guys or if she does she doesn't show it and does not need to show it" Chichi explained.

"You're telling me she swings that way? "

"Yes" Kakarot said. They stood at the back of Kame house now. "And she's dating my sister"

Krillin sighed. He should have known. Of course .

"You're free to tell her about your crush" Kakarot said with a grin. "I wonder what she'll do"

"You're scaring him" Chichi said halfheartedly as she made her way to the front of the house.

Kakarot and Krillin eventually came to stand on the beach. Sarada waved when she saw them and returned her attention to Roshi and Coco. They were having what appeared to be a normal conversation.

Any minute now.

"Who is she? " Kakarot ask as he stood next to Bulma.

"Game changer"

Just when she said that the young Roshi let out a shocked yelp when Coco groped him where no man should be groped. She had a familair smile on her face that spelled pure perversion. Kakarot had only ever seen that look on Roshi and sometimes Krillin. It's the first he saw a woman with such a smile and such eyes and intentions. What was amazing what the fact that she got under Roshi's skin. He may pride himself on being a ladies man but he couldn't handle his own medicine.

Coco had her hand in his shirt and another on his pants as she tried to close the distance. Her hands were all over him and Roshi was trying very hard to get away. Even so he could not keep his eyes off the bust in front of him. He was obviously conflicted.

Sarada laughed a pure evil laugh as she watched Coco gleefully molest Roshi.

"I guess Master Roshi met his match "