
The protagonists of this story are alice and john. The setting of this story is university where both the leads study. Both are unknown of each other existence until they meet in a party organised bytheir mutual freinds. they fell in love with each other but decided to hide it and instead became friends. After much ups and downs and many evil plans that tried breaking them apart they confessed their love and got engaged. In their second year zack Snyder's joined the university and became friends with john who introduced him to alice. The three became instantly popular and had many followers.

During a party which was organised on a ship a fight broke out between two students which ended woth john accidentally being pushed into the sea. Zack tried saving john but failed and everyone mourned over his death especially alice who was distraught. Zack Alice supported each other in their grief and with his perseverance zack made alice happy again. It was unknown when he started liking alice but he accepted his feeling and decided to confess. But to his surprise the day he went to confess his love to aliceTgat day he wwnt and bought flowers and excitedly walked towards the house when he saw alice being hugged by john in the front porch of his house Hiding his feelings he hugged his best friend who pushed him away and slapped him.Shocked and surprised zack questioned his action when john revealed that he had been held in captive by his family so that the Hudson's family's only heir dies and your family can usurp buisness. But zack denied his claim and left the two alone.

He decided to investigate and after much efforts he finally caught the perpetrator and created a trap for it. He informed about this discovery to john and alice because though he decided to cut off their friendship he could not leave without making sure alice was safe.

The perpetrator was caught by them when she was trying to escape the country and to their shock they discovered that the perpetrator was alice's quiet and shy sister Amelia who had become jealous of alice and when she found john on the sea shore while on a beach she kidnapped him to make alice suffer. To conceal her identity she decided to frame zack's family since they had a feud.

After the confrontation the protagonists changed their schools and enjoyed their companionship whereas zack decided to quit his school and join his buisness while amelia was sentenced to 10 year jail in which she ended up committing sucide because of depression.