
"system.... "

"yes may i help u"

"where am i at the moment "

"umm host your in an underground house located under the xy bridge."

"have you informed the police....."

"yes i have hacked into their database and left the message you asked me to"

" hmm....sustem shall i give you a name

" yes you can if you wish to "

"umm did your prevuius hosts amso named u

" previous hosts also gave me"


"Not allowed to disclose....."

"oh ok....shall i call you bao bao"

"yeesssss u can (smacks his non-existent face)"

"ok...i am sorry if you dont like it "

"i dont have emotions so it doesn't matter (non-existent tears and snot drips on system face from his eyes and nose "why ?why? everytime this name is given to systems system...ahem bao bao wails inwardly).