Selecting Students

The next day Kenshin woke up and started doing his daily exercises. Kenshin now being a Fuinjutsu expert have made "Body Suppression Seal" which puts a lot of pressure on body like gravity seal and chakra suppressing seal.

There were other seals but nothing as prominent as Kenshin's seal. This seal make his physical strength and chakra reserves to that of high chunin level.

He is using this for half a year now and this boosted his strength to another level. Kenshin gave similar(not same) seal to Guy and Kakashi but their strength was on low Jonin level unlike Kenshin.

[A/N - Remember Kenshin's physical strength is very high and his chakra reserves are at level of 1-tailed beast. So you can imagine the power of this seal as it doesn't harm Kenshin in any way.

Body Suppression Seal- The one Kenshin is using have 7 tiers of seals. From 1st tires which gives strength upto low jonin to 7th tier of seal which gives strength upto SS class ninja.

The seals Kenshin have given to Kakashi and Guy only have 3 tires. Each seal release give more power]

Now after coming back from to Kenshin. Ater exercise he came back and completed his daily routine of bathing, shitting and all that. After that he finished his breakfast and went to Academy.

While traveling Kenshin has a smile on his face as he thought, "Well I can't control myself being happy as finally the main story has started. Well now let's see the students first, then I will make training regiment for them. Hahaha".

After running to the Academy, Kenshin directly went to Principal's office where Hokage and other another old man with white hair, long white beard and dressed with black clothes were talking.

"Oh Kenshin you are early. As you can see you are first to arrive. Hehehe meet him, he is the principal of Konoha's Ninja Academy, a retired elite jonin Nakamura Arata", said Hiruzen pointing at the old man sitting across him.

"Greetings Old man and greetings Nakamura San", said Kenshin.

"You cheeky brat, you really have become more unruly these days", said Hiruzen with a smile on his cheek.

"Kenshin San, I have heard about you, you are very powerful but the team's you have chosen consists of average student", said Principal looking at a paper.

"There is nothing to worry Nakamura san, they are just perfect. Well it would be amazing to see when commoners like them would trample the noble scions", said Kenshin while laughing.

"You seems to have something on your brain brat", said Hiruzen.

"You see like we conduct regular tests in Academies. I thought of having competition every month as there is only 6 months to Chunin Exam. This will give them extra pressure to work hard and become stronger", said Kenshin.

[A/N - I am extending the time period for Chunin exam longer than in Cannon. Because it's my fanfiction and I can do whatever I want😅😅😅😅😅😅]

"Brat, you sure are full of nice ideas. Last time it helped me with paperwork and now with this. Good job", said Hiruzen.

"Old man I forgot to ask you how is your paperwork thing going", asked Kenshin as he haven't talked with Hiruzen about it.

"It's very nice. You should have seen Koharu and Homura's face, they are not giving me any trouble in council meetings. I don't know much about Danzo as he seems to fine", said Hiruzen.

Kenshin thought, "Danzo? that bastard's days are limited. I just need little more proof about his Headquarters, then I will expose him and kill him".

[A/N - Now before many of you jump and say if MC is very powerful, then he should just kill Danzo. But this is not how it works, if Kenshin kills Danzo directly then he will be forced to be a criminal which may harm Kenshin's family.

And if Hokage didn't condem Kenshin as a criminal then this may cause internal strife as many small clans support Danzo. And Danzo have never tried to harm Kenshin so he will not bother with him.

Kenshin has only shown strength similar to Might Guy. And Kenshin trains with them in a desert in Land of Winds, so their powers is not known. And Danzo severely underestimates Might Guy]

"I am telling you old man, Danzo gives me creep. Your friend is a backstabber like your student so be wary of him", said Kenshin.

"Brat you are hundred years early to tell me what to do", Hiruzen just scoffed.

"Senile old man. Okay Nakamura san can you tell me the number of students that passed this year and from what class", asked Kenshin.

"This year 42 students have passed and 21 comes from as section A which is the class filled with Clan heirs and others. From B to D section combined, 21 have passed. But from the 42 half will be sent back after the test", said Nakamura.

After that they talked for a while before the Jonins started coming inside the room. After everyone came inside, Hiruzen stood up.

"Okay Jonins we have discussed about this earlier but I am going to say this again You Jonins are....", then Hiruzen gave a long winded speech.

"Damm old man just get to the point already", said Kenshin.

"*cough* so what I was saying is help the next generation and Kenshin have made a plan to increase the competition between students that is to conduct a monthly test for the all the genins. I also believe that this will push the genins as well as the Jonins to do their respective jobs", said Hiruzen.

"Hahaha and I will enjoy it when most of the noble heirs will be trampled by my team. Who will their family then blame, hahaha it will be fun to watch that", said Kenshin while inwardly thinking, 'Oh man that sure felt nice. Acting like an arrogant villain'.

Some Jonins started glaring at Kenshin to which Kenshin just laughed, "Oh glaring at me will not do you anything good. I even suggest to have conduct fight regularly for Jonins and losers will be stripped of their ranks. It will be so much fun".

"You cheeky brat behave yourself. But, your suggestions are not that bad. Without the war, ninja's have become lazy lately, so it will be nice for them. But we will discuss that later", said Hiruzen. Hearing Hiruzen many Jonins were shocked and began shouting at Kenshin within their minds.

Contrary to others Kurenai, Asuma and Kakashi were not that shocked as they have good strength but their problem was the students monthly exam/test. But they also knew that this is good training for Chunin exams that is about to come.

"Well if any of have questions then ask away. About the details of the monthly test I will tell you about it after a week", said Hiruzen.

"Hokage sama, what if students didn't listen to us and don't train seriously", asked one jonin and many others nodded.

"Well that is what you have to test. If they cannot do as their leader says then that will be a huge problem during mission, so send that kind of kid back to academy", said Hiruzen.

After that they discuss about something and waited for the students to come.

"You put me in a tough spot Kenshin. I have Nara clan heir in my team. Nara members were normally lazy but he is super lazy", said Asuma.

"Hahaha Asuma senpai enjoy your coming days", said Kenshin.

"Tsk troublesome kid", said Kurenai.

"Oya oya, defending your lover. How romantic", said Kenshin. Hearing this Kurenai blushed and her face become red.

"Whose lover. I don't have any lover", said Kurenai. While others thought, "You are not doing a good job of making us believe in your statement".

"Hahaha what's your plan Kakashi senpai. Failing the troublesome kids directly to enjoy your free time or something", asked Kenshin.

Well Kakashi except for the time training with Guy and Kenshin is pretty much the same lazy ninja but less brooding than Cannon.

"Well let's see how they performs", said Kakashi lazily.

After that they looked at the orb which Hokage have, to watch the students.