Selecting Students (2)

There is something that I want make it clear before writing this chapter is that is that many of you reader assumed something wrong when Kenshin defeated Uzuki and Tenzo. Many assumed that how can he defeat them just by using "Breath of the Sun:Second Form". And some also said how could he be strongest Kenjutsu user at 7 years old.

Let me be very clear that Kenshin became Strongest Kenjutsu user at 11-12 years old. And while it's true that Breath of the Sun's power increases by each form but you have to understand, each form is a way to swing sword that increases its power.

And with its breathing technique, the power multiplies. And many have underestimated the potential of Breath of the Sun. Well in Kimetsu no Yaiba's verse, there is a limit to how much strong one can become. But in Narutoverse, that limit is very high.

Well another thing that I want to say is that if you didn't understand something, then please re-read it as chapters are not very long before writing about it. As after writing it may get difficult to change your notion.

And another thing please don't compare science of Earth to measure these fantasy stories. And I am up for suggestions but don't say shitty things in excuse for constructive criticism. There is proper way for constructive criticism that doesn't include usage of slangs and mocking the author.

With that let's start the chapter...


Kenshin and others were watching the situation inside the class through Hokage's Orb.

They saw that students started gathering inside the class. Many people have their group, so they started talking with them.

A clear distinction of Clan members or heirs can be seen as the class has seats for everyone if the sit there properly. But most of the Clan members have taken their seat while many of the commoners and orphans were standing on the back.

Even if the clan members have not said them to stand, they still have inferiority complex which caused them to stand on the back. But Kenshin looked around and saw his soon to be students are the ones among commoners to sit. Kenshin could see fire in their eyes (determined eyes)

"My team is going to be awesome", said Kenshin while smiling.

"Why, you haven't even saw their file properly", asked Hiruzen.

"Well they have the hunger for power in their eyes, and if managed to get proper guidance, then they can become very strong", said Kenshin.

"But they are very average and to make them strong in 6 months is difficult", said Kurenai.

"Well my dear senpai's, I would warn you to never underestimate my team as it can be fatal", said Kenshin.

Kenshin looked at them and said, "In the history of Shinobi world, many promoted figures were commoners with a crave for power.

Now a days many clans like Hyuga clan, Akimichi clan, Nara clan, Yamanaka and Inazuka clan members practice their clan jutsu's only and not even learning nature release jutsu's. It's causing their strength to drop a lot.

I mean I would be surprised if they could produce a Kage level ninja. Same case with the now extinct Uchiha clan as well but they at least train in fire release jutsu. Now let's take example of commoners.

Let's take example of Orochimaru and 4th Hokage Minato.They both are very strong and also are commoners. They learned as many jutsu as possible to increase the power and not biasing towards anything particular.

What I want to say is broaden their horizon so they could learn new things. Well what we could do is just guide them in a proper way to become like Minato and not like Orochimaru.

Not that I am saying bad things about you Old Man. Don't take it personally otherwise such tension in old age can be dangerous", said Kenshin while laughing.

Everybody was listening to Kenshin's point very intently as it was true but they soon started laughing hearing Kenshin teasing the Hokage.

"Brat you need a good beating", said Hiruzen while clutching his knuckles.

"It's a joke old man. Now why don't we watch the students in a civilized manner like a gentleman. And will you behave like a Hokage than a Yakuza", said Kenshin

"And whose fault it is to make me angry", said Hiruzen.

"Calm down you two. Let's just watch the students", said Asuma as he came to resolve the matter.

After that they watched Naruto coming to the class and him ogling at Sakura who was fanboying over Sasuke and fighting with Ino for Sasuke. This caused everyone in Kenshin's room to chuckle.

Then they saw Naruto and Sasuke kissing (😘), which caused everyone to laugh loudly. Even Hiruzen and Kakashi who had a calm and cool looked laughed at this.

After that Iruka came inside the class and berated Naruto to shut up. Then he began to start his long winded speech about what it means to be Genin and what one should do. Most students started dosing off during that speech.

Kenshin looked at Hiruzen and said, "Old man, is Iruka your long lost son or something".

This caused everyone to be shocked. Hokage himself was dumbfounded. Asuma was looking at him intently for answers.

"Why do you say that", asked Hiruzen in an angry tone.

"No, it's just he is similar to you, giving all these long winded speeches", said Kenshin while laughing.

Everybody who was earlier shocked looked at Iruka's face(through the orb) then at Hiruzen's face, then started laughing. Hiruzen started shouting at Kenshin. Asuma sighed. Kakashi was looking at Kenshin's antics and smiled.

After that Iruka finished his speech and said, "Now for the team's we have-

Team 1 made up of.....





Team 7 made up of Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke. And their team leader will be Hatake Kakashi.

Team 8 made up of Inazuka Kiba, Aburame Shino and Hyuga Hinata. And their team leader will be Yuhi Kurenai.



Team 10 made up of Yamanaka Ino, Akimichi Choki and Nara Shikamaru. And their team leader will be Sarutobi Asuma.

Team 11 made up of Tanaka Akane, Takahashi Daichi and Yamamoto Kazuhiro. And their team leader will be Hayate Kenshin."

After reading a few other names and saying that they have to wait till their Jonin leader will come Iruka went out of the class.

After that most of the jonin started to move out only leaving Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai and Kenshin.

"Let's start moving", said Kenshin and started to walk towards the class. He then saw Kakashi standing there so he said, "Are you going to test their patience".

"Patience is very important and I am just wandering what they will do when they are impatient", said Kakashi.

"Well whatever", said Kenshin.

After that Kenshin started to walk with Asuma and Kurenai.

"Say Asuma senpai when are you two going to marry", asked Kenshin.

"What marry? We are just friends aren't we?", said Kurenai.

"Yes yes we are just friends", said Asuma.

"Oooohhhhhhhh okay", said Kenshin while looking at them with a smile and ran away.

"Come here Kouhai let me beat you up", said Kurenai as she started chasing Kenshin.

After getting punched by Kurenai couple of times in the head they again started walking towards the class.

Well Kenshin was just joking so he didn't release his seal. And Kurenai also didn't hit him such that it will cause injury but still Kenshin now have panda eyes (🐼).

After that they reached the class they saw that only 12 students were remaining. 3 of which were sitting alone and others were talking among each other's.

"Okay Akane, Daichi and Kazuhiro come here. I am your Team Leader Hayate Kenshin", said Kenshin as soon as they enter. The trio came up to Kenshin.

"Greetings Kenshin sensei", said the three if them.

"Wow it sure feels nice to get respect. *cough* can you please greet me again", said Kenshin.

Everybody in the class were dumbfounded. Kurenai and Asuma were facepalmed.

"Greetings Kenshin sensei", said the three even though they were surprised by the Jonins behaviour.

"Okay come with me to the roof", said Kenshin. And after that he went to the roof with his genin students.

As soon as Kenshin moved out Naruto said, "That sensei is very wierd". Hearing this others also laughed.

"Yeah Naruto, for the first time you are right", said Sakura.

"Yeah he is handsome but wierd", said Ino.

"Yeah he also looked very young", said Choji.

"Yeah I bet he is the weakest of all Jonins", said Sakura while laughing.

Asuma looked at them and thought that even though Kenshin knowingly act like funny man but they shouldn't be disrespectful towards a Jonin and Kenshin nonetheless who have Kage level strength.

"You say Kenshin to be the weakest Jonin. How laughable. Just because he laughing and act wierd you judge his strength, have you not learned to never judge a book by it's covers.

Kenshin is the most prodigious ninja in the Village. He is only a year older than you but is a Jonin. As far as I know him, since he was of 10 years old, he was still a Jonin", said Kurenai.

Even though Kurenai beat Kenshin a lot of time due to his jokes. She still respects his strength and moreover think of him as a little brother.

Hearing what Kurenai said other people in crowd were shocked as they never thought that the wierd guy would be so powerful.

"Impossible how can he be so powerful when he is just one year older", said Sakura.

"He looked like 15-16 years old, never I have thought him to be just a year older", said Ino while her face become red.

"Wow, but I will be the Hokage dattebayo", said Naruto.

"More talented than Itachi?? Impossible", said Sasuke with a shaky voice.

"Oh Itachi's brother. Kenshin has probably surpassed Itachi as he have strength equal to a Kage", said Asuma.

Evey students were shocked again a kid just a year older than them being powerful as Kage.

Just as this was going in the class, Kenshin and this students reached the roof. On the way to the roof, they were talking with each other and Kenshin just remained silent. Kenshin didn't ask them much as he will do the introduction in the the roof.