Monthly Test (3)

After the proctor have announced their name, Sakura and Akane went to the ground. While going to the ground Sakura turned to Akane and said, "You should give up as soon as possible. Though your teacher is very powerful, you are just a simple student from Section-B which is full of orphans and low class families".

Well with just a single sentence Sakura has managed to anger most of the crowd. Even the Elder council members who mostly take sides with Clan members became surprised then decided to punish Sakura slightly for saying such things.

On the side where Jonins were seating.

"Kakashi senpai, your student will end up in hospital", said Kenshin.

"I am very ashamed of her behaviour. I hope this match will open up her eyes", said Kakashi.

They all agreed with this as they also have students with similar opinions about orphans and commoners.

Back to the ground where match was going to take place. The proctor just looked at them and said, "The match Begins".

As soon as the match began, Sakura just snickered at Akane and used a Genjutsu: Demonic Hell Viewing Technique. But Akane who was just standing there have vanished from her position.

As soon as the match began, Akane have used Chakra Enhancing technique to boost her speed and went to the back of Sakura.

As soon as Sakura understood what has happened, she heard sound from behind. She turned around to see Akane's incoming punch towards her. Sakura quickly put her guard.

"Crack" "Boom"

As soon as Akane's punch landed on Sakura, two sounds were heard, one was the breaking of Sakura's bone and other was Sakura colliding with the side of the arena.

"Oh, I used too much power. I didn't knew that elites of section A were so weak", said Akane.

"That's fucking badass my dear student", shouted Kenshin and danced in a wierd way like Guy. The whole crowd started laughing at Kenshin.

Kakashi and other quickly distanced themselves from Kenshin as if they were saying, 'we are not related to him'.

"The winner of the match is Tanaka Akane. And the next match is between Tenten and Yamanaka Ino", said the Jonin Proctor.

After that Akane came back to the stands. Just as she came back, some genins from Section A started to gather around her.

"Why do you hurt Sakura chan so severely", shouted Naruto looking at Akane.

"She deserves this", said Akane plainly. Though Akane has a very gentle personality, she(Akane) was very angry at Sakura as she(Sakura) insulted her by saying that she was a orphan.

"But this doesn't mean you will hurt her", said Naruto. After Naruto many other started to shout at her but soon Daichi, Lee, Neji, Kazu came to support Akane.

"Please maintain silence. The match is about to begin", said the Proctor which caused the genins to be silent.

After that the match began as usual. Tenten quickly beat Ino just by using one of her weapon scrolls. After that the proctor ended the match and the match between Choji and Kazuhiro began.

Kenshin looked at Choji and Kazuhiro and thought, "This match will be interesting as the power of Choji is very good but if dodged it's useless. But Kazu don't have many destructive jutsu's to penetrate Choji's defence but if he has managed to use Wind Style: Air Bullet jutsu perfectly then he has high chances of victory".

After that the match began. As soon as the match began, Choji turned into a huge ball and rushed at Kazuhiro. Kazuhiro just used chakra enhancing technique in his legs to dodge the attack.

Choji again attacked but it was easily dodged by Kazuhiro as his attacks are very predictable and if your speed is a bit high, you can dodge the strike.

This continued for about 10 minutes and Choji turned back to normal form. And Kazuhiro rushed at him and punched a chakra enhanced punch to knock out Choji.

"The winner of the match is Yamamoto Kazuhiro".

Kenshin then thought, "I think I gave Choji a lot of credit. I should have called him fatso or something to make the matter interesting".

After that the match was continued. The next match was between Neji and some unnamed genin and the match was won by Neji very easily.

After that it wad Sasuke's turn and he also won very easily. After that was the match between Naruto and Kiba. This was interesting than the previous two matches which were one sided. Like in the manga, Naruto won the match.

After that it was turn for Hinata's fight. Hinata being cowardly couldn't fight properly and was getting hit a lot. But in between the match his teammates and Naruto cheered for her causing her to gain some confidence and she won the match.

Kenshin looked at this and though, "this must be the legendary power of friendship".

After Hinata's match it was match for Shino(I don't like him much, but for the sake of readers I have included him in it. I have also updated his and Shikamaru's match)

As expected of Shino, he won the match easily after using his bugs to cover the enemy. After that, it was the match between Shikamaru and some unnamed genin.

The unnamed genin has more powerful fire based attacks but Shikamaru being Shikamaru used his mighty brain to defeat the genin.

After Shikamaru's match, some more matches happened but they were between unnamed genins and were pretty boring. After 1 hour all the remaining matches finished.

"After the first round, only 24 contestant are remaining. And the fixtures are as follows-

Daichi vs *Unnamed genin*

Lee vs *Unnamed genin*

Akane vs Tenten

Kazuhiro vs *Unnamed genin*

Sasuke vs *Unnamed genin*

Neji vs *Unnamed genin*

Kiba vs Hinata

Naruto vs *Unnamed genin*

Shino vs Shikamaru.....", said the proctor while announcing the fixtures.

Without any wait the matches began. Daichi didn't underestimated his opponent and fought with him seriously. And after 5 minutes, Daichi won the match.

Like Daichi, Lee, Kazuhiro, Sasuke and Neji won their matches easily. Naruto used his chakra to make 200 shadow clones and defeated his opponent very easily.

The match between Akane and Tenten was interesting. Unlike in the manga, Tenten used short sword to fight and not just threw barrage of weapons at the enemy. But Akane who has very high Chakra control compared to hes peers used Chakra Enhancing technique and defeated Tenten after 15 minutes.

Kenshin looked at this and thought, "Though she isn't my student. I will help her with her sword training as it was stated in the manga that she have talent in fuinjutsu and weapons".

The battle against Kiba and Hinata was very interesting as Kiba just underestimated and didn't strike Hinata heavily and used optimum strength to knock her down. But Hinata who was buffed with confidence that she gained from Naruto used her gentle fist to seal Kiba's Tenketsu points and then defeated him.

This match was very unexpected even for Kurenai. But she was happy nonetheless seeing her student gaining confidence.

The next match was a bummer as Shikamaru gave up as soon as his fight with Shino. Well Shikamaru may be talented but Shino with his bugs is not something Shikamaru can fight using only planning.

"Our second round is now finished with only 12 contestants remaining and there will be a 30 minutes break now. After the break we will continue with the matches", said the proctor.

After that the proctor announced the fixtures-

Daichi vs Lee

Akane vs Hinata

Kazuhiro vs Sasuke

Naruto vs Neji

Shino vs *Unnamed genin*

*Unnamed genin* vs *Unnamed genin*