Monthly Test (2)

I want to explain a few things before beginning this chapter. I have received a lot of comments saying 'How can MC start chakra training when he only 7-8 months old'. It is never shown at what age most geniuses have started training but if I have to guess then it would be around 1-1.5 years of age.

The reason MC started training very earlier is that he has knowledge about it. Many people develope intelligence to do anything at a later level but MC has developed since birth.

And MC is a genius along with the boost of Breath of the Sun and early training make him very powerful. Even Kimimaro was about Kage level at 14 years(Itachi also become Kage level at 14). So making MC powerful is not that illogical.

And I have decided MC will not learn Sage mode or is unable to learn before it. And learning Sage mode has its own technique unlike what has shown in the manga/anime.

As if learns from Toad sage, they will become like them but when they learn from other animals, they become like that animal. So they must have their own technique

The reason why MC will not learn Sage mode is because, his power at the War Arc using his new chakra cloak and other techniques will be 20 times that of Guy when he has opened all 8 gates in the cannon.(Though Guy and Madara will be more powerful than the cannon)

And imagine a 20 times more powerful strike of Guy, but more concentrated in the form of a slash can do very very severe damage. This can literally cut seas and destroy mountains.

Let the chapter begin.


The Jonin proctor then called out the names of the students, "The first match is between Takahashi Daichi vs *Unnamed genin*. Please enter the arena".

As soon as the proctor called out the name, the audience began cheering.(Yes there are common people and other ninja's in the crowd who are here to watch the event).

"Daichi Kun, all the best", said Akane.

"Show them your power", said Kazuhiro.

"Daichi kun, show them the power of our youth", said Lee. Like this some other people also wished Daichi with good luck.

Daichi began moving towards the ground where the battle was going to take. On the other side many of opponent's friends also wished their friend with good lucks.

After a minute, both of the genins were standing facing each other. The Jonin looked at them and said, "Begin"

After that both the Unnamed genin and Daichi rushed at each other and started their battle. The battle was not very exciting as Daichi was clearly very good at taijutsu than the genin.

The genin also understood this, so he rushed back and threw a lot of shurikens and kunais at Daichi. Daichi just dodged them casually but the genin used Wind Style:Great Breakthrough to boost the speed of the shurikens and kunais.

Daichi who was just easily dodging the weapons was now forced into a dangerous situation. Daichi evaded many of them but was still injured by a few. Daichi then didn't play around and rushed at the genin and finished him quickly.

"The winner is Takahashi Daichi", said the proctor. Daichi wasn't happy even after his victory. Akane, Kazu and others also didn't disturb him and just congratulated him plainly. They have now started to take their fight seriously.

On the side where the Jonins were seated, they were discussing among themselves.

"Kenshin, don't you want to go and talk with him or console him", said Kurenai.

"Let them be. They will learn many things from their opponents. Though their opponents are genins and not very powerful but, they still have tricks upon their sleeves. This will make them understand to never underestimate the opponent or enemy", said Kenshin looking at his students.

"Kenshin is right. Because we are not at war, many genins have become very lazy. I also hope that they can change after their matches", said Asuma.

"Yeah, you have Shikamaru, Choji and Ino in your team. They are indeed very lazy but it's exactly the reason why we are holding the this monthly test, as a way to encourage them by competition", said Kenshin.

"Yes, as much as I want to help my students. It will be best for them to experience this. This will help them gain the power of their youth", said Guy while dancing his youthful dance.

"Kakashi senpai why are you silent. I heard that you have fought with a Kiri Jonin, with you barely winning and your team fought with a chunin but barely won. You have trained with me and Guy, you can't be that weak", said Kenshin.

Asuma and the other's also looked at Kakashi because, after Obito's and Rin's death he have become very distant from them. But somehow recently he is starting to show some improvement in this due to Kenshin's influence.

"Well, I fought with Zabuza, a rouge ninja from Kiri. Though he is said to be a Jonin, his power were very near Kage level. If it weren't for the recent training, I would have been dead", said Kakashi.

Kenshin thought, "Is it due to my presence that the enemy have become more stronger. If that's the case, then I will have to be more vigilant and train myself as well my team to become stronger".

"Okay Kakashi senpai, I have a gift for you. I have made a fuinjutsu seal that will help you with your Sharingan. This will cut off the chakra connection with your left eye forcefully closing the Sharingan. This seal is controlled by your brain, so you can use Sharingan like a normal Uchiha.

I have made this few months back but I have perfected it recently so that you can see with your left eye with your Sharingan closed", said Kenshin.

Kakashi, Kurenai, Asuma and Guy who were listening became shocked.

"Y-y-you have surpassed 4th in fuinjutsu", said Kakashi.

"Well not just in fuinjutsu, in everything. Well I am still slightly weaker than the 1st. But it will not take long to surpass him", said Kenshin.

"You know, you are making us look like lazy bums", said Asuma.

"That is the power of youth", said Guy.

"My dear Kouhai is getting stronger and stronger", said Kurenai.

"Yeah I am strong but I will request you guys to train very seriously and become stronger as fast as possible. Some terrorist organisation composed of only S-class ninja is causing a lot of trouble recently. There may be dark times ahead", said Kenshin seriously.

Kakashi and others knew that the situation might be dangerous if Kenshin is becoming serious about it.

"Ok, don't look so glum now. For now, just watch the fight of our students. And Kakashi senpai, I will help you with your Sharingan after the matches are over", said Kenshin.

"The next match is between Rock Lee and *Unnamed genin*", said The proctor Jonin.

After that both Lee and his opponent came to the ground and waited for the proctor to start the match.

After a few moments, the match started. As Lee have watched the match of Daichi, he didn't underestimate his opponent and rushed at him to fight.

The unnamed genin was overwhelmed by Lee's speed and power and him not being good in Taijutsu. So after few moments of the fight, he lost.

"The winner of the match is Rock Lee. Now the next match is between Haruno Sakura vs Tanaka Akane", said the proctor.