
Beast in the Forest Path

Ahanlem and Tomba along with the twins stayed in the capital making a successful business of the martial blades.

Every authentic piece was sold out fast and finally they had enough free time to sightsee the heart of the kingdom. They visited all the popular spots in the capital and went to many shops and stalls to eat delicacies not found at their town. They also bought clothes as well as many other things.

A whole week ended. Tomba along with Ahanlem, decided it was time to go back home to their town. But the twins wanted another few days of fun and decided to stay back.

Tomba was worried about the state of his home even though Naoba and Chaoba's family were looking after it during their absence. Every family was busy with their own lives and you can't impose on them too much.

Ahanlem agreed with him.

Thus, the two headed out the very next day saying goodbye to the twins.

The way back was in the western direction, the same way where they had come through. They had to first pass through a small hillock with a thick forest after which they will get on a bullock cart in a tiny village. It took a day and a half to return to Chengmei like this.

It was very early in the morning. The sunshine was warm and comfortable underneath the lush green trees and vegetations, which were glistening with dews that appear to sparkle like stars. The only sound they could hear was a clear soothing sound of a brook somewhere nearby, along with sweet chirping of birds.

The path was wide and commonly frequented by crowds of passersby. But at this time of the day, it was quite peaceful and relaxing.

Tomba and Ahanlem walked about leisurely, munching on crispy kabok as they inhaled the fresh woody scent of the forest.

All of a sudden, both of them heard rustling in the thick bushes ahead.

They paused in their steps abruptly and look at each other in suspicion.

Robbery was quite common in a journey but it happens usually after the sun goes down. Seems they were quite unlucky.

Well, whatever, not like they had a choice.

So simultaneously, both gripped their walking sticks and got ready to confront; their expression tensed, as they waited for the shameless daylight looters to act.

The rustling stopped, and then something jumped out of the bushes and stood in the middle of the path before them.

Immediately, their eyes widened because what came out were not robbers. Heck, it wasn't even human.

It was a ferocious tiger!

And it was huge!

Both stood frozen on the spot.

What are they supposed to do now? Even running away was not gonna save them! Not against this beast!

The tiger turned its head, its form was truly majestic but terrifying all the same. Its fiery eyes finally fell on the two humans and roared wildly, the sound reverberating in the entire space of the forest.

The striped beast then flounced and started rushing towards their direction!

Now they were done for!

In extreme panic mode, Ahanlem was going to suggest they run anyway. But the moment she turned, she heard a loud thud and saw that Tomba had fainted from shock right on the ground!

All alone, she became tremendously distressed and petrified. She couldn't even faint like him, the fuck!

The tiger was already halfway in, coming to devour its preys. But Ahanlem stood rigid like a statue. Instinct screamed at her to run away but her mind knew better even if she did, she was gonna get killed. Either way, she will die. She was going to be eaten alive!

Still, even at such a crucial moment, she didn't have the heart to leave Tomba's side. So, she just stood there, scared stiffed. Her eyes shut tightly closed and hands firmly pressed over her head.

Barely two months in this strange world but already facing two life and death situation! But this time is the end!


Somewhere amongst the darkness of her mind however, she heard galloping sound of horses approaching fast from behind. The steady sound of hooves became louder until it seemed to stop right beside her.

Following that, was the sharp piercing sound of something breaking through the wind and soon a gut wrenching cry of a beast rang loud in the air.

Ahanlem dared to open her eyes, blinking slowly. And when she did, her brown eyes reflected the startling image of a man on a dark horse.

The man appeared young, he was also very tall and domineering with broad shoulders and long legs.

Hard muscles can be vaguely seen underneath light red sleeveless shirt and black pheijom. His stance was grand and imposing as he sat alert staring down at the wounded snarling tiger.

Another man came up on a brown horse beside him and casually threw over a long sharp spear. The young man caught the weapon with ease, his expression focused, looking about ready to attack the dangerous beast again.

However, his companion said, "This one is knocked out cold. Let's retreat for now and get them to safety first, KorouNganba."

"Alright, brother."

Then, a handsome face with sharp features and dark eyes, which's depth appear as calm and profound like a freshwater lake turned towards Ahanlem, and said in a deep voice, "Stay still."

Soon, a strong arm gently circled her petite waist and Ahanlem was hoisted up from the ground effortlessly. She was then put onto the front body of his dark horse.

"Yah!" The young man commanded and his loyal steed obeyed his master instantly. It turned and galloped in the opposite direction, away from the wounded, roaring tiger.

Before Ahanlem realised anything, they had already stopped near a small brook. The man who sat behind her immediately got down his horse and came up to her side. One of his hands raise up for her to hold, as he said in that deep tone, "Come down. It's safe now."

Ahanlem reached out, her hand quivering slightly as she grasped hold of calloused fingers and a firm palm. She slid down the horse, body still shaking from aftershock and almost staggers. But the young man grasped hold of her back simply and helped her down gently.

At such close distance, Ahanlem could smell a clean citrus scent from his body, the fresh and soothing scent helped her relax, almost instantly.

But it wasn't for long because she immediately realised something and back out hastily, pulling her hands off from the man as if she was burned by a spark. The man raised his dark brows looking puzzled but didn't say anything.

At such intimate distance, Ahanlem became suddenly afraid that she was going to be discovered as the girl she really is. So, she couldn't help back out from the man who just saved her.

It was an awkward and questionable move on her part but she prayed that the man will blame it on her panic state. Thankfully, the young man didn't ask about it and said instead, "Don't worry. It's fine now. Rest."

After that, he mounted back on his horse, then rode away with the spear in hand.

A gruff sounding voice came from behind, who said, "Really? How did you two end up on that path? Have you not heard the news?"

Ahanlem turned to direction of the voice and saw a man with thick bushy brows and a pointed nose laying down the unconscious Tomba from the horse and onto the ground with soft grasses.

At once, she scampered towards the fainted person and felt for his breath putting one of her finger below his nose.

Of course, he was breathing. She knew but she still had to check. She exhaled in relief and sat down, finally coming to terms that they manage to escape a life threatening situation like that. It was incredible to be honest.

The bushy brows guy continue asking, "Oi, oi didn't you hear me? Why are you two here? Didn't you people not know about the public announcement?"

"Eh, what public announcement?" Ahanlem asked dumbfounded.

"Seriously, I can't believe you! A royal order was made three days ago not to take this path because a dangerous tiger was on the prowl! What were you people doing, hah?!" the man said exasperated slapping his palm on his own forehead.

Ahanlem did not respond. She pressed her lips together in embarrassment.

Of course, she didn't know! She was busy being anxious while hanging around with the idiots sightseeing the capital the rest of the week! It was right for her to worry and missed this but what were those foolish boys doing? Oh! They were busy fancying pretty girls!

She couldn't help but frown.

Wait till this idiot wakes up, she will pull out his hairs!

The man shook his head at her lack of response, he said,

"You should be glad we came on time or else you both are goners. Here, take this water and wake your elder brother up. Hm, can't believe he was the one to faint and not you." and then handed over a tumba.

"Much grateful." She said as she took it from his hands. She sprinkled the water onto Tomba's face and head. And soon enough the boy wrinkled his brows, his eyelids quivering and opens his eyes at last.

"What happened? Ahanlem? Where are we..?" he uttered hoarsely as he feebly got up.

"The fainthearted brother woke up huh?! Good! Now then both of you, get yourselves out of here! We still have a ferocious tiger to get rid of!" the gruff man said patting Tomba on his back.

Right at the moment, the steady galloping of a horse was heard. All three turned around to see the handsome young man had come back.

Still, on the dark steed with a long spear in hand, he said in a calm and serious tone, "Brother Mangi. The tiger is gone."

"Still alive, eh? That creature outwitting us again. Darn it!" the man cursed. Then, looking at Ahanlem and Tomba, he added, "You two go eastward straight from here! There you will come across a new path that leads to Chengmei town. I reckoned that's where you foolish lads are headed?"

Both nodded and simultaneously answered, "Yes!"

"Well, then we will be on our way. Take care. Don't try to get killed again." Saying so the older man climbed onto his horse.

As they were riding away, Ahanlem suddenly shouted, "Wait!"

Both halted their horses. The younger man turned his handsome face towards her, his calm eyes fell on her own pair as he asked,

"What is it?"

"Ah, I..We wanted to thank you! We are grateful to you guys for saving our lives!" She cried and bowed down on her knees beckoning Tomba to do the same which he did clumsily.

The older man laughed and said, "Haha, just take care boys!" and rode off.

"No need. It's our duty."

The man replied her simply.

Then, he turned away on his horse, towards the direction of his companion.