
The Framed Murderer

The town elders of Chengmei went all out to prepare a feast for the male artists' troupe the following morning.

Some of the young men of the town were asked for assistance, Tomba and his friends were requested to take charge of gathering firewoods and other errands. As they had enough hands, Ahanlem didn't take part instead she had her own personal errand to run.

After locking up the house, she decided to drop by the market to buy a few things. Finally, she had enough money to buy a good quality fabric to make herself some inner pants and shirts. She was quite excited about it.

Ahanlem was having a hard time deciding on the colour of the fabric.

Suddenly, a clear voice said, "I would choose the blue one. It blends well with any and doesn't get dirty easily."

Ahanlem turned around to see a beautiful face with delicate features standing besides her. She was in disbelief as she stared at the person, who was none other than the actor who played the role of Sandrembi, Aheiba.

The young person had his black hair in an updo, tied up in a bun, casual strands fell out slightly from behind his ears. His neck was long and his shoulders were small. And his collar bones peek out from the fabric of his pale pink shirt. His big eyes with long lashes seemed to quiver as he blinked and his lips were small and luscious. All in all, the person was exquisitely pretty. And he was a guy.

"Um, thank you." Ahanlem said getting a little nervous.

"No need." The man said as he chose and paid a fabric for himself and turned to go.

But Ahanlem, blurted out suddenly, "Y-your Sandrembi was wonderful!"

"Hm, thanks." The beautiful guy said as he turned around and smiled.

Then he added, "May I ask you a question?"

"Oh, yes, sure!"

"Pardon my rudeness but why are dressed as a boy?"


"Aren't you a girl?"


Ahanlem immediately grabbed his hand and brought them out from the marketplace and ran into a remote corner.

Then, she blurt out like anything-

"How do you know?! Did you see me? Please don't tell anyone! I beg you!"

She couldn't help panic as recapped the scenes in her head that could have ousted her secret.

The actor said with a soft chuckle,

"Calm down, I won't tell anyone, I was asking out of curiosity."

Ahanlem heaved a sigh in relief. But she had to ask,

"Still how did you know? Did you happen to see me? But I swear I have never done anything to expose the fact. Besides, nobody else seems to know too."

The man smirked beautifully and said,

"Please my dear, I cross-dress and plays a woman for my profession. Of course I noticed what these fools can't. Still, I'm amused, why are you doing this honestly? Are you one of those people who identify more with the opposite gender?"

Ahanlem fell quiet. Then she said nervously,

"It's not like that for me, I didn't have a choice at all..."

She looked up at him and added, "I can't tell you."

The man looked at the fear and determination mixed in her brown eyes and was touched.

"Alright, I understand, your secret is safe with me. Nothing to worry. Well then, I'll be off, little boy." He said with an amused curve of his lips and left.


At night, the town elders had a hearty meal together with the male troupe in celebration of their wonderful performances. It was held in loud cheers and merry chats.

Tomba and his friends were also invited for the grand meal for their help earlier. Later, after having eaten, he stayed again with his group to helped finished up everything. He was putting in place the leftover firewoods when he was called by the troupe master to assist him to carry the gifts that the he had received from the townspeople.

And so he was in the Mayai Sangol organising the gift boxes of the troupe master, the presents were not many but it was enough to keep one occupied.

As he was completing his task putting the last one in, Tomba suddenly heard the sound of tussling from behind him.

The sound was coming from behind the long yellow curtains where the makeshift backstage was. The troupe master had gone in earlier, he was completely intoxicated from the strong local wine and had told Tomba he was going to take a short rest in the temporary artists room.

Tomba thought the old man was probably moving in his sleep and went on to stretched his sore muscles when suddenly-

"Mnmmff! Nghff!"


Tomba heard it clearly this time. It sounded so much like someone was being suffocated.

What is going on? Was the troupe master having trouble sleeping?

If he was, he couldn't ignore the fact and not help him. So, Tomba walked the short distance and went towards the long curtains. He casually parted the yellow cloth slightly and was going to call the man, "Sir-

But when he opened it, Tomba's eyes widened in shock.

There, under the dimmed light of a candle in the room, a man with his back turned towards him was kneeling down. It was impossible to make out his face or form and the dark long shadows in the room appeared sinister but this was not the sight that caused him shock.

No, what was appalling was that lying on the ground, below the black shadow of that man was another person.

And that person had a piece of red fabric coiled around his neck. His eyes were bulging and his mouth was stuffed with the end of the same cloth and he was foaming. There was also a long pair of slender hands closing on the man's neck with the veins bursting.

The man was getting strangled.

He was being murdered by the other person above, right before Tomba's eyes.

Watching the scene, Tomba forgot to breathe. He just stood rigid and frightened unable to do or say anything.

The victim lying down seemed to finally take notice of another person in the room. He looked right towards Tomba's direction, facing him with hot tears streaming down his red, spastic eyes. He tried to make noise, a sound to cry for help despite the cloth jammed into his mouth as he was being murdered.

But the murderer seemed to have caught on too and he turned his head slowly. Tomba opened his mouth to let out a scream but before he could, a heavy pressure fell on him. Something had hit him on his head.

The last image he saw before he closed his eyes was the terrified and helpless face of the victim.

Then he fell down unconscious.


It was way past evening. Ahanlem had finished eating and was waiting in the courtyard for Tomba. But the boy still hadn't come back.

Ahanlem became worried. The feast must have ended by now. So what's the problem?

She had no choice but to go look for him. So, she went out alone towards the direction of the town community hall. When she arrived, the Nongbal Shumang Leela Lup was packing up their belongings to leave for the next day.

She approached one of the men and inquired,

"Excuse me, brother but have you seen a young man? He's tall and has curly hairs, his name is Tomba. He's my brother."

"Hm, no. Is he one of the local boys who were helping out?"


"I think they left right after the feast. Haven't seen anyone since, I'm afraid."

Hearing this, Ahanlem turned around and left for their house again. Still, Tomba was not there. She grew very anxious. She felt like something bad was happening. Helpless, she decided to go to Chaoba and Naoba's house after lighting a small lantern.

Upon stepping foot in their yard, she saw the light was out. The family of six had gone to bed. Still, she had no choice but to call for their help, so she put the lantern down and knocked on their door.

"Naoba, Chaoba! Please open the door. It's me Ahanlem."

The door opened soon enough and the twins' father came out, he asked, "Ahanlem, what's the matter? What brings you at this hour? Come in."

"Pabung, I'm sorry to disturb your family. But Tomba hasn't return home till now. I don't know what to do but come here."

Seeing the anxious, scared expression of the young boy, Thangjam Ibomcha felt worried. He called out, "Boys, come here! Didn't you go along with Tomba to attend the feast?"

Chaoba and Naoba had already come out hearing the noise. One of them answered rubbing his eyes, "Yes. But we left him because the troupe's master requested him for some extra work in the hall later. Why?" it was Chaoba.

Seeing Ahanlem, Naoba also asked, "Eh? Ahanlem, what happened? Isn't Tomba home yet?"

Ahanlem was going to answer when all of a sudden somebody shouted aloud in the night,

"Murder! Murder!"

Soon, many incoherent shouts followed one after another.

"A person was killed!"

"Someone's dead!"

And the piercing sounds of warning bell rang loud all around.

Ahanlem and the rest ran out of the house into the main road. They caught one person walking and asked, "What's happening? Who's dead?"

The man replied, "I don't know but it seems to be a member of the troupe!"

Another old man joined in, "This is a disaster. Let's go find out!"

Soon, the people of the town were all gathered in the town hall.

A young man was being beaten by some of the men of the artists group. A few feet behind them, there laid a dead man, his eyes and mouth opened in an aghast expression.

He was the troupe master of the Nongbal Shumang Leela Lup.

And upon closer look, they realised the man being beaten was none other Tomba!

Ahanlem was horrified at what she was seeing. She rushed at once to stop them from beating Tomba further but she was blocked immediately. She looked at the man, he was the twins' father,

with a grim expression, the man told her, "Wait."

Then, he turned to the group of artists and said,

"Our dear guests, we see that a terrible incident has happened but please wait a moment. The person you are beating is like son of mine, so I dare questioned why he is the person accused?"

An older artist said, "Like a son? Is this the kind of son you raised? This person is a murderer! He was caught red-handed!" it was the actor who played the prince.

Tomba, whose face was swollen and body bruised was weeping as he shook his head in denial. Seeing this Ahanlem was crestfallen.

How on earth this kind of situation happened to him? How is she supposed to get him off this accusation? She was in disbelief. She also felt extremely upset and helpless.

"Please calm down for a moment, everyone." said a voice.

Another person entered the hall, he was a man no older than fifty. He was tall and was robed in a dark blue attire.

This man was the chief of the town. He started in an even tone,

"My dear guests, I can't apologise enough for this dreadful incident that has happened to your group while in my domain. Despite the sad ordeal, allow us elders to counsel on the matter first, please."

"A wise decision. Alright, your honour." said an old member of the troupe. He was the storyteller.

Soon, the elders of both sides gathered and sat in a circle, they started listening to the words of the witnesses first. Two of them narrated that they were finishing packing up in the hall when they discovered Tomba behind the curtains with a dagger in hand, soaked in blood and the dead body beside him. After that, they shouted hysterically where soon enough the others came.

Now, it was time for the accused to tell his part.

Tomba, who was beaten black and blue, shaking and sobbing quietly, told everybody present what happened.

He had followed the victim, the troupe master's request to help carry some of the gift boxes he had received from the townspeople. After that, the man went inside the backstage saying he was going to take rest. As he was finishing up the task, he heard a weird sound but he ignored it. But the next time it happened, it sounded like someone was muffled or suffocated and a loud thud followed after. Tomba went to check to see if the troupe master was alright in his sleep. As he went to look, he saw from the slit in the long curtains the form of someone's back. In the dark room, this person was murdering the troupe master, strangling him on as he lay helpless on the ground. Shocked and frightened, he almost shouted but before he could, something hit him on his head and he fell down, completely blacked out. After that, he woke up in that room with the dead man lying beside him, stab wound on his heart and the bloody dagger on his hand.

And that was when he was discovered by the two witnesses.

Although Tomba's story sounded plausible, it was useless as there was no other offender besides him. And not to mention, all the evidence was against him and the real culprit was witnessed only by him.

Some of the town people who knew Tomba well felt sorry. They knew the boy would never commit such a ghastly crime. They argued that the boy didn't have a motive, a reason to kill the man and pressed on to find the real criminal involved. Why would the boy killed a complete stranger he knew nothing of?

But the artists group would not have it. They said it was possible because maybe the boy was trying to steal one of the gifts and got caught and in the confrontation he must've killed the man.

The quarrels went on for the whole night.

Then, finally, the chief decided that they shall seek the judgement of the king's court. It was a reasonable suggestion because the troupe was a popular one and the crime was severed. Everyone agreed it was better to request their Majesty's help then bickered all night long without any results. So, preparation was made to leave for the capital in the morning.

It was determined that the chief of the town along with three men were going to accompany the troupe along with the accused, Tomba Yumnam.

Ahanlem went back home to arranged Tomba's clothes and things as well as hers'. She was going along with them too.

As she came out of the house, she was in utter despair.

How were they supposed to make it through this? What rotten luck is this?

Of course, she believed without a doubt that Tomba was completely innocent.

The real murderer had framed him and was in hiding.


On the way to the capital, Ahanlem was ostracized along with Tomba. Even though nothing was proven and she was not involved in the act, they were both treated like criminals. It couldn't be help, as the majority of the company was on the victim's side and the chieftain and his cpmpany travelled ahead of them.

It was good that Tomba was not to be harmed physically until he was judged. Still, it was terrible, having to be ridiculed, called shameful names and showered with curses.

The only person kind enough to talk to them occasionally was the Sandrembi actor, Aheiba. He would also give her some snacks, secretly. So his kindness comforted Ahanlem a bit.

They arrived at the capital. The chieftain with a few others went to inform the palace officials of the affair as soon they could. But when they came back, they told the others that the counsels will take place later as the king and his court were occupied with a special social gathering with the nobles at the moment. However, the culprit was allowed to be given to the officials to be locked up in the prison.

Before parting, Tomba started weeping uncontrollably with this grim reminder of what was really happening to him. Ahanlem wanted to cry when she saw him like this but she made the decision to be strong for him. So, she assured him,

"Tomba, don't worry. You'll be set free tomorrow. They will find the real culprit and everything will be alright. I believe you. Chaoba and Naoba too. They are waiting for us to return. It's going to be okay. "

Hearing Ahanlem's words, Tomba looked at her. He rubbed away his snots and tears on his face and asked,


"Yes, believe me." She answered him confidently.

Both of them filled each other with the desperate hope that everything was going to be alright,

unaware of the events about to happen.