Briana Brooklyn and Kimberly Preston

"Brie is everything ready?" Mrs.Preston asked Briana or 'Brie' as everyone close to her usually calls her. She placed down the last fork in the table and faced her soon to be mother-in-law.

Although nothing has been made public and no official announcement has happened between families her close relationship with Noah Preston and his family is no secret. She had been waiting for so long that she was still willing to wait a little longer.

Her obsession and love for Noah Preston started in her freshman year of high school. When they were little she didn't see him as anything else other than a big brother until she started to hear the girls murmuring behind her back all the time. Saying things that weirdly pleased her ears.

They were voicing out their support for a possible romantic relationship with Noah Preston. She felt awkward at first but soon enough more and more rumors started to spread. She realized that she liked Noah and she became even more closer to him. At first, they were only friends because of their family connections but as time flew by they became playmates and best friends. She gained his trust and got super close to him.

On the day she was supposed to confess her feelings he brought a woman home. Yes, a woman. He introduced her to his parents as his girlfriend. He even asked her to take care of her because she would be his future wife! To say she was shocked would be an understatement.

Wasn't their friendship meaningful to him? Why didn't he tell her he had met a woman and made her his girlfriend. She still resents him for that.... but anyways.

The first few days she accepted the cruel truth and distanced herself from him because she didn't want to ruin the good friendship between them and also she didn't want to be a homewrecker.

[Author and readers: Cough* Sure about that? Let me cough on you so that you get covid Cough* Cough*]

*A/N: I know my humor is messed up guys😭

'That doesn't matter anymore. The present is what I should worry about. Tonight he will officially be mine.' She smiled and walked towards Mrs.Preston. "Yup! Everything is ready auntie. We will just wait until Noah arrives then." She responded to her previous question excitedly but still controlled her emotions to not appear 'too' excited.

Seven years is a long time. She had a long wait but she knew that Mrs.Preston's intention for tonight's dinner was to discuss her engagement with Noah. The past is in the past and she has moved on long ago. Noah and that woman divorced only a year after their marriage. Tha shows how fragile their love was.

Minutes passed and there was no news of Noah's arrival. He would usually arrive earlier than everyone because he would welcome the guests as the good son he is since Mrs.Preston always advised him to do so. If there were a situation where he couldn't arrive he would always inform them an hour or so earlier.

She frowned and made a few calls but there was no answer. Wow, that surprised her. He would always respond after one or two rings. 6 freaking call's!

No answer though.

Her frown deepened when she checked the time. Almost 6 pm and her relatives would arrive soon, it would be embarrassing if Noah doesn't show up. "Auntie he isn't responding. He probably had something up or his phone died." She informed Mrs.Preston trying to not look super bummed out but also not pleased with the situation.

Maybe she's just insecure….

She would not show her emotions completely because she doesn't like others thinking wrongly about her. Since little, she suffered bullying because she used to be reckless with her words and actions. Now she's extremely careful with her words and controls her expressions perfectly. That comes in handy in her profession. Designing clothes was something she had always wanted to do but she never thought she would get the chance.

All of the Preston family members always choose STEM but Noah oddly chose to run a fashion company of his own. He made a conglomerate of it but his main focus was always on fashion. She wondered why since Noah had always focused on business since little. Maybe they had their own secret dreams? Oh, that made her feel giddy inside.

You know there might be a slight possibility that he did that for her knowing it's her dream to design. After all, just like him, her family focuses on STEM. They find other industries useless and dumb.

*A/N: He did it for you? Ummm, so who's gonna tell her 😃

'Anyway, that doesn't matter. Only Noah matters.' She smiled to herself and cheered up. "Let's just wait for now then." She sat down and ate some snacks with Mrs.Preston and some fruit juice too. They were talking happily about Noah and her childhood.

"Brie, Mom!" Kimberly Preston ran inside the room, panting and trying to catch her breath. She dropped the luggage in her hand and sat down on the floor with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry. Give me a moment to get over my mini-mental breakdown." She told them and cried for a very long time.

She ignored Briana and her mother's calls. She just kept on crying on the floor. She took a deep breath and wiped her tears away with a bright smile. "I'm sorry for my unladylike behavior mom. I just came from the airport and saw something that made my heart burst into happiness!" She squealed in delight and started jumping up and down.

"Hun? What's wrong? Did your audition go well?" Her mother asked worriedly. Briana laughed. "It must have gone well since you are so emotional."

"No it did but that's not the point. Omg! I thought she would never show up. I had been so gloomy these years and now I realized why. I can't believe she's back! Can you believe it? I wanted to run and talk to her but I was too shocked to even move. Gosh, I wonder how everyone will react. I'm so special for being the first one to know! No, wait what? The whole world knows! It's on tv! How will the brother react? Oh no!" She finished her rant finding herself out of breath and she glanced at the remote controller in Briana's hand.

Briana and Mrs.Preston frowned, both utterly confused. "Honey you have me all confused." Mrs.Preston laughed and flicked her forehead.

"Ouch! Mom this is important. I need this, give it to me. Sorry for my rudeness. I'm overwhelmed right now. I thought she had died." Once again she broke down in tears and snatched the controller from Briana's hand.

She changed the channels over and over again not finding what she wanted to find. "Not it! Not it! Damn it, which one is it?!" She pulled her hair in frustration. She flipped the channels until she gasped. "Yes, that's the one!"