Ready to beat her brother to a pulp

Mrs.Preston looked towards the tv in confusion. Her daughter had been so cold and distant with everyone for the past 7 seven years. She had never known why but seeing how she was acting today made her happy. Her daughter was finally showing some emotion, now she only hopes her cold son does too! *Sigh*

"I knew it! My sis would not die easily." She burst into happy tears once again. "It's okay mom these are happy tears very happy tears. Ugh! I wish I knew where she is. She always turns me into a crybaby!" She hugged the controller thanking it for showing her the most beautiful news she has ever received in the past seven years.

"Kim this is-" Her mother didn't react the way she hoped. Kimberly frowned. "Mom don't even try! I thought my sis died and you didn't even bother to ask me how I felt back then. I don't want to hear the negativity from you so please don't even say anything! You too shhh both of you shhh." She presented a hand in front of their faces and stared at their shocked expressions and their tightly shut mouths. She hoped those lips wouldn't move for a bit.

She was too happy to bear their negativity towards her sis. She might love her mother… correction Step-mother but she hates it when she acts like this.

Her father was married to her Asian mother first but they had their differences and they fell out of love. In the end, they agreed to a peaceful divorce. She was happy with how peacefully and happily her parent's handled everything. A year later when she was 3 her father married her current step-mother and a year after Noah was born.

She was young and barely remembered the exact events but she and her mother had gone on a vacation for a while. Before that vacation, she stayed with her father for a few days and waited patiently for her mother to pick her up and take her for the vacation she promised. Her mother wanted to have a mother and daughter day but on her way to pick her up she passed away in a car accident.

Adriana was her mother and yet younger sister figure and she hit it off with her only a few hours after meeting her. Probably because of how bubbly Adriana was and yet how mature she acted at times.

When she received news that her brother and her divorced she was devastated and threatened Noah to give her a valid explanation or else she would leave the family behind and marry Adriana herself. She might have been a bit childish back then but she badly wanted a proper explanation. Her stupid brother only told her 'It didn't work out.' She could clearly tell there was more to the story but she had to respect her brother.

She also tried looking for Adriana and talking things out but after she exited the marriage registration office and got her divorce she disappeared. She left without a word. She tried looking but 8 months went by and nothing.

She could clearly remember that 8th month of looking. July 27 she received news that Adriana had been in a car accident and passed away. The car had apparently fallen off the bridge and her body was taken away by the river.

Apparently, she had left a statement saying she didn't want any sort of funeral and that all her belongings would be sent to the orphanage she grew up in. That year was very painful for her. As if car accidents weren't traumatic enough for her because of her mother, Adriana just had to 'die' in a car accident.

She doubted the incident so many times but she never expected to find out the truth seven years later. It was so overwhelming!

She sat at the door of her room close and she sighed in relief. Her emotions were changing quite fast at this point.

"Damn it, you stupid brother! How useless! Is he an idiot?! She left a freaking statement that she didn't' want a funeral isn't that sketchy enough? And she had it conveniently done right before her death as if she fu-" She shut her mouth quickly and rephrased her words.

"As if she had freaking predicted it!" She mentally patted her shoulder, proud of herself for not cursing.

She took out her phone and tried to call several times but there was no answer.

Okay, now she was ready to beat up her brother to a pulp.


"Auntie is it real? Isn't she-"

"Noah's ex-wife?" Mrs.Preston finished. "Let's not talk about Brie. I can tell she has moved on and her life has been going on successfully. Noah has moved and thankfully so has she. I'm glad she is alive. To be honest her accident was quite sketchy. It would be a lie if I say that the thought of her faking her death never crossed my mind." She sighed and took a deep breath.

Briana gulped.

"But this is still quite shocking. Brie call your parents to send them apologies for me. I'm not ready to have a cheerful dinner after this. I will go to my room and rest." She excused herself.

"Yes, auntie. Do you need my help?" Briana asked. "No no. You go ahead and go home. I will sleep early today." She walked up the stairs into her room and left Briana to herself.

Briana was left in silence. A very disturbing silence.

Noah. That woman. His reaction. The canceled dinner. The past. She's alive. Have they both really moved on? Does this woman not threaten her love life anymore?

All of these thoughts ran through her mind and made her feel nervous. She took a few deep breaths and called her parents. After telling them that something came up and that the dinner was canceled she went to her car and drove to Noah's mansion. She needed to know how he reacted to the news and if he even saw the news yet!

As she drove she gripped on the steering wheel and tried calling a few more times.

"Calm down. Calm down." She repeated. Her heart was racing and she was afraid everything would be exposed. "Why are you alive?" She gritted her teeth and continued to call persistently hoping Noah had yet to see the news. Only if she saw the way he reacts to the news would she be able to know if he has truly gotten over that woman and if he hasn't…..

Well let's just say Adriana Price would have to die accidentally but this she would have to stay dead.