"Noah, your phone is buzzing." Adriana whispered. "Are you okay now? Should I call a doctor?" She asked.

She was stiff. He had his head on her neck and his hand on the desk trapping her there. He had been quiet for the last minute. Earlier when he was interrogating her he almost lost his balance so being the good person she is, she helped him up.

Instead of thanking her for her kindness he told her to shut up and stay still. How rude, a king of all jerks really!

"Noah, Mr.Preston?" She called out but everything was quiet in the room. She cupped his face and stared at him. He had his eyes closed so she panicked.

"Crap, did he pass out?! Were you that shocked?" She mumbled. "Shh." His head was aching and every little sound hurt his head like hell. So, he wanted her to be quiet.

'This man!'

She pushed him away but he fell back on top of her, weakly. 'What the hell…..'

'This is definitely not how I expected our meeting to go.' She sighed. "I will call your family doctor if that's alright…."

"Hmmm." Was all she heard in response so she retrieved his buzzing phone. Earlier he had silenced it because it's loud ringing annoyed him but it had been buzzing for a while.

She checked the name. 'Briana' was what it said. She suppressed her urge to smirk so her lips just twitched instead. She didn't stay an hour back just because she was nervous but because she wanted to waste Noah's time.

Her plan would be wasted if they got officially engaged. It's definitely because of her plot of revenge and TOTALLY not because she didn't want such a thing to happen. Yeah definitely.


She hung up on her and searched his contacts but then she stopped. "Oh wait Your cousin is outside. We can get him to help you." She decided to call Chris instead of Kelvin.

Noah wouldn't let go of her so it's not like she could kick him away from her and call for the others.

Chris received the call and was confused. "Can you come get him? He is ummm….not in a good condition." Adriana told him. "Shoot!" Chris ran to the room they were in quickly to check on Noah's condition.

"Chris will be there. I'll stay with your daughter." Angel replied, catching the phone before it hit the floor. . "Right…." The call ended awkwardly.

Chris knocked on the door, panicking because it was locked. 'That women didn't do anything to trigger him right?'

Noah groaned when he heard the loud knocking. He stepped back and held his head. It felt like it was splitting into two.

Adriana sighed in relief and she moved away from her stop so that he wouldn't lean on her body again. 'Just keep your damn distance.' She thought.

She used the opportunity to open the door for Chris. "He's-" He didn't even allow her to speak because he walked right inside. Adriana sighed and she exited the room. She walked down to find Aria and Angel so that she could go back home.

For now the first part of the plan she had created had been achieved successfully. She would not have to have any other interactions with Noah for a while and that was good enough for her. Even if she would end up meeting with him again because of work it wouldn't be much since they both play different roles in the project.


"Will he be fine?" Aria asked. "Of course. Since the doctor is here treating him we will leave." Adriana replied with a small smile.

"But I didn't even get to say goodbye." Aria pouted but what she was the most worried about was if Noah had the chance to talk to her mother about them meeting again. She was sure that if she asked her mother would say no because he is still a stranger.

She sighed and hugged her mother's arm tightly. Adriana picked her up in her arms and caressed her cheek. "Don't worry he will definitely be fine. It's getting late and we should head back." Adriana convinced her.

Chris stood up from his seat and walked towards them who were standing by the door in Noah's bedroom. "Can you at least leave a method to contact you?" He asked. He was sure that if he let Adriana disappear again along with Aria, Noah would cook him alive.

He knew his cousin well and he might show indifference towards Adriana's reappearance but that Isn't really the case. That woman was his first love and he was madly in love with her. If she disappears again things might get worse then they already are. He shuddered at the thought. She abruptly appeared and gave him a bug shock, if she left again that would not be good for Noah's mental health.

He inwardly sighed in frustration.

Adriana narrowed her eyes. She opened her purse and took out her business card. She handed it to him. When his finger tips touched the card she retrieved it. "Personal or work purposes. Your answer will determine my actions." She told him.

"Personal…? I mean both?" He cleared his throat. "Actually it's involving Aria. We took care of her, is it too much to ask for your consideration? We already got attached to her, isn't it heartless to leave with her like that without even a thank you?" He explained.

"Thank you for taking care of MY daughter. If you want compensation I will send a million to your bank accounts in 24 hours." She smiled, she would not hand out her business card which is the most direct way to contact her unless there is a good reason.

"That-" Chris gulped nervously. 'When did she get so intimidating?'

"We don't lack money. We only want you to let us hang out with her often." Angel stepped in knowing Chris was already younger tied. "Why should I? I spent the past few days thinking you guys kidnapped her so I think it's best if we forget this even happened. Thank you very much, if it makes you feel better I'll count it as if I owe you a favor. Feel free to come for my help if you ever need it." She told them coldly and turned around to leave.

"Mom….I want to hang out." Aria whispered. Adriana paused and she sighed. "Do you like them?"Adriana asked and Aria nodded. "Fine. She's well behaved so I bring her to my workplace sometimes. If it's fine with you I will bring her once a week and you can meet her until the project between me and LABELS is over. After that we will return to Paris." Adriana turned to them. Her stare told them that it was her only offer and there would not be another.

"Paris?" Chris asked. "You are returning?"

"Why so shocked? I live there, I will obviously return home at some point. You didn't think I would come and stay in New York forever did you?" Adriana looked at him if his common sense had left his brain.

"Hey…." Chris decided to think about how to make her stay later. After all, right now the most important thing was knowing her location.

"We agree, that is a good plan. We will set up an office for you with enough space for her too." Angel told her. "Perfect. Goodbye." Adriana agreed and was ready to leave. Talking with them with such coldness was hard but they aren't on her side anymore.

They took Noah's side since they are his closest and most loyal friends. She doubted if they even trusted her after what happened in the past. Not that they know much but whatever, it did not matter now. The past is the past…..well except the debts she has to collect with a few people.

"It would still help if you leave a way to contact you personally. Aria is not a work related topic so…" Adriana interrupted Angel.

"I'm not stupid. I understand that they are separate topics but I have my boundaries. Don't try to contact me personally. I am not interested in discussing my current life with you all. Please respect my boundaries or I'm afraid you won't ever see me again." If she didn't warn them now they would surely start snooping around and she could not handle the truth about James and Aria coming out.

Anything can come to light but not James and Aria's identities.

Not only is she afraid they would take her children from her but until she gets her revenge James and Aria should remain non-existent to the public. If her enemy finds out they will surely use them against her and the thing she wants the most is knowing her children are safe,

After all she can't count on anyone except herself to protect them.

"I'm sorry. Your phone number will be all we need." Chris insisted. Adriana sighed and handed him her precious business card.

"I only have 5 copies of this one made. You should feel privileged." She handed it to him and was ready to leave but there really isn't a 'shut up and leave me alone' button on them.

"Wait, Queen Spicy donuts even if the past is complicated I just wanted you to know that we are glad you are still alive and became successful." Angel smiled.

Adriana took a deep breath and smiled too. "You really know how to annoy me don't you?"

'Princess spicy donuts? They really don't know how to stop teasing me with that jeez.'

"Yeah, it's good to see you are living well." Chris nodded in agreement. "See ya buddy," Chris added when she walked away.

Both Chris and Angel sighed in chorus when she was gone. "Princess spicy donuts haha good one!" Chris fist bummed Angel. "Pfft I know right. Those were good times ...." His laughter slowly died out.

Their smiles slowly disappeared as well.


[Please read the author's note below, I have some important things to say concerning updates. Also, extra long chapter today because I love spoiling you guys lol ^_^]