Caroline's 'thing' for doctors

Kelvin groaned when he arrived at the mansion and met Noah waiting for him outside in the entrance. "Where did you injure yourself this time?" He asked, rubbing his eyes because he had just woken up from a deep sleep.

"I'm not the patient, follow me."

"What are we doing here, anyway? Isn't this the precious mansion the Ru's gifted their son as his wedding gift? Damn, it's as luxurious as they described it."

"Shut up and follow me," Noah growled when he noticed Kelvin wasn't following him.

Kelvin rolled his eyes and walked up the stairs after him.

When Kelvin arrived inside the master bedroom where he saw Adriana hugging another woman in the bed he sighed.

'Ah, it all makes sense now. It's of course Adriana Price again. She causes my lack of sleep….'

He could not count the amount of times he has treated Noah with just the numbers of his fingers. Usually, Noah doesn't get sick often, but his depression after the two separated made things like this.

From fevers to drinking too much, to staying in the rain all numb like a frozen statue, you name it.

'I could write an entire book with all the different scenarios.' He silently walked towards them and waited for the hug to end.

Adriana wiped the woman's tears and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you for coming even at this hour."

Kevin only smiled and started searching for an injury. He noticed blood dripping down from the woman's head and he sat beside her to treat her wound.

It was only then that he noticed the unconscious man on the ground. He stayed quiet and followed the rule in his life.

'Just mind your own f*cking business.'

And so he minded his own f*cking business.

While he cleaned the wound up to avoid an infection, he noticed tears rolling down the woman's face.

'Wow, what a beauty even when she cries.' He cleared his throat and covered it with a bandage designated for such a wound.

"Thank you." She wiped her tears and winced in pain.

He took her hand and examined her wrist. "It seems you sprained it." He then wrapped it in another bandage.


They had made it back to her hotel room, and Adriana unlocked the door. She then helped Caroline settle in the other bedroom since Aria was sleeping in hers.

Now she had Caroline in her arms, crying quietly. She rubbed her back and tried to console her.

"When he approached me in college, I already knew he what he was after. His intentions were obvious. He's a terrible liar. I liked him, so I hoped to make my way into his heart so he could marry me with his love and not with his interest in my family background."

"That was a just dream of mine. I'm so stupid." She laughed.

"Yes, you are really stupid." Adriana agreed.

Caroline pouted and snuggled closer. "I'm cold." She mumbled and Adriana covered their bodies with a blanket.

Adriana had already changed out of her wet clothes, and so did Caroline. Right now they were both on bathrobes.

"On our wedding night, he had a patient. Or that's what he told me, so he ran off and left me alone. He didn't contact me that night, not the next, and not the night after that. He said he wanted to take it easy since our marriage was so hurried thanks to our families." Caroline took a deep breath and continued.

"It was so obvious. How could I believe such an obvious lie? The 'patient' he had on OUR WEDDING NIGHT was an obvious affair with a 46-year-old woman! Of all people." She clenched his fists angrily.

"Did you see how she looks?"

"No, I only saw a glimpse of her face. He was really protective of her. I bet he's after her family background too. I was angry, so I slapped him across the face and I punched him. He then took her to her car and told her to drive away. "

"I thought they had gone away, but he came back and he tried to hit me. I had never seen him like that. We had argued a lot before, but this was different. He looked like he really wanted to kill me. For the first time, I was terrified of him. So I ran, and I locked myself in the bathroom, and then he started banging on the door. You know what he told me?"

"He had the nerve to tell me he won't divorce me, no matter how many times I ask him. He also told me if I didn't come out of the bathroom on my own, he would drag me outside and have me sleep there."

Caroline looked extremely angry. Back then she was too afraid to defend herself, but right now she was in her older sister's arms, so she felt safe. She smiled, "I will beat him up if I see him again. I swear."

Adriana sighed. "No, you won't. You won't see him until the day of your divorce. If you do otherwise, then you have to solve the problem on your own. Got it?"

"Fine…." She pouted again.

"I'll handle things for now, so sleep."

Caroline nodded.

Adriana kissed her forehead and waited for her to close her eyes and get ready to sleep.

Suddenly Caroline opened her eyes. "You're treating me so kindly, can you do this every night?"

"You aren't five now go to sleep!"

"By the way, the doctor was pretty cute."

Adriana rolled her eyes. "What is it with you and doctors?"

"I have 'thing' for them. Don't judge me, I'm not a blue eyes obsessed person like you."

"Just go to sleep already."

"Fine, fine…. Thank you, for saving me tonight." She mumbled again, finding herself tearing up again.

She forced a smile and planned to annoy Adriana a little more to lift up her mood but she only got scolded into sleeping again.

Adriana waited until she fell asleep before she got up. "Your welcome." She whispered and walked to the living room where Noah was waiting for her.


"Thank you for today." She said.

Adriana picked up a pot and filled it with water. She then put it in the electric stove and waited for it to boil.

"Do you want tea?"


There was silence except for her the water on the stove.

"You can sleep in my room if you need to for tonight." He offered when she placed his tea in front of him.

Adriana turned the stove off and sat down across from him. With the tea bag between her fingers, she raised an eyebrow.

"Thank you for the offer, but I can't exploit your kindness." She declined. "Besides, where would you sleep then?"

"In the same bed of course." He responded and then added, "Or is the idea hateful to you?"

'I can't believe you are offering this….' She thought.

"I should be the one asking that." She avoided eye contact and focused on the teabag string she was playing with.

"Hmmm, I don't mind."

Her eyes widened, and she had the urge to ask him if he was mentally okay.

"I'm perfectly sane." He said reading right through her thoughts.