I still love her.....

There was silence between them until he finished his tea and stood up. "Do you want to return the favor?" He asked, and she nodded.

"Well, you should…. I wouldn't have gotten involved if you hadn't dragged me into the situation."

She rolled her eyes at his statement.

"I have bad insomnia, the least you can do is accompany me tonight."

"Is this the only way?" She questioned, looking up to meet his eyes.

'Come on, Noah. Your excuse is too obvious…' Despite knowing that he was making a dumb excuse, she willingly wanted to believe it.

He took a step forward and placed his hand on the table, leaning his body towards her. "Not really... well, you can be indebted to me, but I don't think you like that."

She took a sip from her cup, still meeting his eyes without speaking.

His eyes darkened, and his breath hitched.

When she felt his gaze burying into her, she sat up straight without moving a single bit.

Adriana's heart skipped a beat when he leaned over and gently placed his lips on hers.

She held back the urge to close her eyes and accept the kiss. No way would she let a moment of charm break all the walls she had built around her.

When he realized she had no intention of receiving his kiss, he placed his finger in the corner of her lip and wiped the wetness of the liquid she had drunk a few seconds ago.

"Your actions are risky, please restrain yourself for both of our sakes. It's the….4th time I believe."

Noah leaned even closer, making her heartbeat even faster.

She shut her eyes tightly, hoping it would calm down soon.

"I'll be waiting...love." He whispered in her ear and walked away.


She stayed in her place stiffly even after she heard the door close. The heat in her ear told her he was still there, even though he wasn't.

Her face burned, and she banged her head on the table.

"You are still too weak." She mumbled, placing her hand on her heart.


Caroline's POV

'Why am I feeling some sexual tension here?' Caroline who got thirsty and wanted to drink something froze and covered her mouth with a gasp. Thankfully, the two of them were too focused on staring at each other to notice her. She hurried back to the room and waited.

She didn't want to be a busybody, but she was too curious and so she listened to their conversation.

'Come on, Kiss.. kiss…'

'Come on! Wait, the fourth time…? Oooo….'Caroline decided she had listened in enough, so she walked inside her room before she could get caught.

En, she would make Adriana spill the very valuable tea in the morning anyway....


Noah walked inside his hotel room and sighed.

He couldn't believe he had done that, but he had done it, so he had no choice but to accept it.

He walked inside his bathroom and showered. When he finished he put on a bathrobe and was ready to sleep not expecting her to show up. Yes, maybe he wished she did and he would wait for a knock on the door, but still, he knew well that she wouldn't come.

Her face just kept bouncing back and forth in his mind. He groaned, knowing it would last all night.

Laying down on the bed and covered his face with his elbow. With his eyes closed, he tried to erase her face from his mind but it was impossible.

She's beautiful, she's always been beautiful. But the maturity in her voice, her features, the way she speaks. Everything. Everything is charming to him.

They had only met recently, but she didn't fail to amaze him and make him get lost in thoughts of her.

"It's just like back then." He mumbled. When a new image of her younger self crossed his mind he smiled.

'I'm such an idiot for trying to forget her.' He thought.

He only contacted the hypnotists per Briana's recommendation and since he felt so miserable without her so he accepted it, hoping that after he forgot all about her, his pain would disappear just like she did. Now that he looked back, the hypnotist never succeeded.

He would occasionally forget a few things, but they would later come back to him again. The effects never lasted long, and we're definitely not permanent. Still, for trying to forget her, he felt like a big sinner.

And a coward, too….

Okay, now that made him angry. He recalled his conversation with Briana earlier today. He had never felt so invaded in his life. The woman really thinks she can decide for him, huh?

^_^* <—Noah right now

He shook her away from his thoughts and focused on the only person he enjoys thinking about.

"I missed you…."

He felt the loud pounding in his heart and he grinned foolishly. His cheeks turned a slight shade of pink.

"Yeah... I still love her." He admitted.

She still makes him act like that schoolboy from the past.

He immediately froze when he heard a weak knock on the door.

"No way…"

It startled him.

To confirm his doubts, he stood up and opened the door. Yes, she had come.

The woman had a blank expression on her face and she avoided eye contact as much as she could.

She had a bathrobe on just like him and a pair of clothes on her hand.

"I am not walking out of your room with a bathrobe on in the morning." She explained and walked past him.

"Hah…." He just laughed in disbelief.

She naturally walked inside his room and placed her clothes on the nightstand. After that, she walked to one end of the bed and made herself comfortable.

He closed the door, still laughing with disbelief.

"What's wrong with you? Don't misunderstand. I hate being in debt with people."

With an enormous smile, he turned the lights off but let the lamplight on. He walked towards the side of the bed she had chosen and he kneeled. He then placed his hand on her cheek and removed the strands of her hair covering one of her eyes.

"What are you doing?"

'Just making sure it's real.'

"Nothing." He stood up again and walked to the empty side of the bed.

This was enough….

Lies... he's such a liar.

This was not enough at all.

This made him greedier for more!

Adriana stayed in that position, completely frozen. She's insane. How could she think of coming here?


"You can always take it off." He commented, knowing she prefers sleeping in her underwear. She's always felt more comfortable sleeping that way.

"I'm not taking it off." She replied, knowing he referred to her bathrobe.

"Are you afraid that something might happen?"

"I'm here to help you sleep, not to chat."

Noah smiled and turned around. She went completely stiff again when he placed his hand on top of her waist and moved her hair away from her neck. He then placed a soft kiss on her neck.

"Nothing's going to happen unless you want it to happen.'

"I get it." She raised her voice a little. As soon as she did, she regretted it.

The walls she had built around her were strong and intact. Right now she had acted by reflex.

She hoped it didn't sound as cold as she thought.

"I don't hate you. I was angry at the moment, so I said what I said."

Noah retrieved his hand and clenched his fist. He smiled bitterly and hummed in response. "I don't hate you either." He replied and went back to his spot.

Sigh, he was getting ahead of himself there.

Adriana closed her eyes tightly.

'Is this okay?' She wondered.

Her only goal that involves Noah right now is destroying that b- I mean wench's life.

Getting more involved with him… isn't that dangerous?