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While the people of this Scandinavian village use a calendar, it is not the Gregorian calendar...which won't exist for another five-hundred years. No, this village uses a Lunar calendar with only two seasons. They also counted the months from new moon to new moon.
The year starts off with the first Winter month Gormánđur, which is November on the Gregorian calendar. Gormánđur also means 'slaughter' or butcher month and on the very first day, we hold a feast called 'Winter Blót'. This feast, which is actually quite festive in my opinion, is to Honor the God of Fertility, Freyr. We thank him for the harvest, even I do.
The next Winter month is called Ýlir, which is basically December. Odin, or also called Jólnir is associated with this month by the word Jól which is also Yule. The villagers say this is the the time of year Odin travels around Midgard more than usual. While I haven't actually seen him, the villagers say he usually visits the local people on his horse Sleipnir. The village children, simular to Christmas, fill their socks with hay for Odin's horse. Supposidly, Odin might give them a small gift in return...like Christmas...Yule is also connected with Earth Cultivation and Fertility.
Mörsugur, or January, is the third Winter month and is associated with the word...fat. Thats right, FAT. Some villagers refered to it as the 'Bone Marrow Sucking Month'. The Winter Solstice is also held during this time.
Þorri/Thorri or basically Febuary, is the fourth Winter month. The night before this month begins, it is tradition for the woman of the house to walk outside and welcome Thorri inside as a guest. Sooo, I think it is both a month and some kind of 'Winter Spirit'. Also, another feast is held during this time that I also enjoy immensly.
Gói, or basically March, is the fifth Winter month. I believe it is both a month and the daughter of Thorri. Again, another feast takes place called Gói Blót! This months is also refered to as 'Women's Month'.
Einmánđur, or basically April, is the sixth and last Winter month. This month is dedicated to boys...thats about it...
Harpa, or basically May, is the first Summer month. The third biggest Blót is held, called Summer Blót. The feast is for the God of War, Odin. The hope is that the Blót will ensure victory in War and Happiness while on our travels. Oddly enough, this month is also dedicated to girls because Harpa is a woman's name...hmm...
Skerpla, or basically June, is the second Summer month. This month is both a spirit and a month of growth.
Sólmánuđur, or basically July, is the third Summer month. This month is also called "Summer Month' and it is around this time that the Summer Solstice is held. Also, that is by far the brightest time of the year, atleast at this village.
Heyannir, or basically August, is the fourth Summer month and is called 'Haymaking'. This is the time of drying and harvesting of hay...yeah...
Tvímánuđur, or basically September, is the fifth Summer month. Ummm, its a pretty uneventful month, all things considered.
Haustmánuđur, or basically October, is the sixth and last Summer month. This time is also called 'Harvest Month'.
So, the reason I think this to myself for the fifty-ninth time is so I can continue upon a line of thinking that has been interupted fifty-eight times. That line of thinking? Well...THE FUCK!!!
The Lunar Calendar is broken! The villagers never keep track of exact dates! The only things we think back on are big event...or farming! Unlike the Gregorian calendar, time is never exact! I have no idea what the date is today and I won't know for a few hundred years! FUCK!
M'kay, well...my mental ranting is complete on this topic, now I am satisfied. So, it has been about three years since my rebirth and I've accomplished several things.
First, I know I am the third-born child of Mikael and Esther Mikaelson. I am not Elijah, but I have taken his title as third-born. Elijah himself, a fetus in Esther's womb. He'll become the fourth-born, third son...
So...in twenty-ish years, Esther will cast the 'immortality' spell at Mikael's command. My plan is to leave about a year before Henricks death, which sparks Mikael's desire for strengh and speed greater than a werewolfs...yeah...
Until then, I must practice traditional magics in secret after I skim through Esther's book. Cool thing I figured out I could do with the intricate connection between my biological mind and Soul, 'Selective Photographic Memory'...kinda...
Heres how it works...at the moment, atleast. I don't know if the technique I created can be improved upon. So, I watched and discused with myself over the Mystical Knowledge that has been deeply ingrained into my Soul. I'll be completely honest and accepting of myself...my brain is underdeveloped and biologically, I am dumb. This dumb brain and all the horomones it creates...I consider it a backup or supportive computer system that is corrupted by naturally occuring drugs. The reason? I use my Soul as the main system.
M'kay, well...this technique I've created/discovered unintentionally roughly emulates the manner in which that Mystical Knowledge is ingrained into my Soul. I kind of create a mental file...copy and paste what I want...then press 'save'. The reason I consider this technique rough? Well, I can't recreate the same effect without destroying my Soul in the process. The Knowledge given to me is basically in a file...fused and built into my system's core programming/foundation...like a computor's 0s and 1s...
So, I can't remove it...can't edit it...and copy it without somehow killing myself in the process...I can look at it though.
Back to main topic, the technique. My brain can't support the copy and paste effect of perfect photographic memory, it just can't support that kind of thing. But, my Soul can on some level. Using my Soul and Willpower, I create this 'spiritual file' of sorts to place knowledge I want to 'forever' keep stored. Like a Library! Ohhh, I will call this my 'Spiritual Library'...and like a library, the 'books' I place there are meant to be studied and thoughly read. I don't actually know or understand whatever is in these 'books' instantly upon placing them on a shelf...I might me overcomplicating my thinking but I understand what I am trying to say.
Esther's book of magics, I will copy and paste it for later study when I am physically asleep, that is the plan. After it is completely copied, I will show complete disinterest in anything magic...this will keep Esther of my back until she casts her 'immortality' spell, afterwards getting punished. After that point, she will be forced to experience the sufferings of all those that died because of her spell...which is alot...
Physically, I will train...alot. That training started last week, considering I was over four feet tall...which is BIG for my age. I honestly think my request for superior genetics will backfire. The world's tallest recorded human being was basically nine feet tall! He was less than an inch away, but DAMN he was TALL! If I remember correctly, when he was eight years old, he grew to be taller than his father. His dad was nearly six feet tall...holy SHIT! But now, I am a little over four feet in height...at the age of, give or take some months, three...THREE!?! I FUCKED up! SHIT!!!
At this rate, I may very well reach that man's height when I turn TEN!...TEN!...FUCK! Thats also considering my growth plates won't close for atleast six or seven more YEARS! I will become a LITERAL FUCKING GIANT!!! I can only hope my growth never reaches that point...
Another part of the genetics I mentioned involves bone density, muscle mass, and larger skeletal structure...am I gonna become a monster before I even do the ritual!?! How strong am I gonna become?!? I died...in 2023, I believe...and I watched a video of a man deadlifting over a thousand pounds...which is ALOT! But, I may very well surpass that strength...maybe...I mean, that guy had all sorts of performance enhancing shit, amounts of neutrition I won't ever get access to before my ritual, and years of training just for lifting that...FUUUCK! Me on the other hand...I am a farmer...in the iron ages...within a diseased and unhealthy lifestyle that does NOT support such strength-gains.
Chances are, I will grow to be malnorished and above average in height...wait...Nature...FUCK! The Pact! What will that do to my body!?!...FUUUUCK! I may very well become a damned giant afterall, if Nature has a say in it. The Pact makes me it's Herald, so it has probably been supporting my biological growth...shiiiiiiiit...
I think about that later, right now I must focu-...
-Crack!- [Nose broke]
"FOCUS BOY! The enemy won't wait for you to attack! So FIGHT! KILL YOUR ENEMY BEFORE THEY KILL YOU!!!"
Owwww...did Mikael just shield bash my nose?! Fuck! He broke it...bitch...
Atleast I can understand him...RETALIATION!!!
"Father! You broke my nose, you fuck! Get over here...I will be breaking your arm now..." We both know that won't happen, he'll knock me on my ass like earlier today.
Stomping over to him, I try to open-palm strike his face with my right hand while trying to block whatever he'll throw at me with my left.
"HAA!" I missed...he didn't...
"AHHhh..." he...kneed me in the dick?! He leaned away from my strike while kneeing me in the dick...
-Crash- (Collapsed onto the ground)
Can't...think...must...protect...my dick! I think I just vomited...my balls...fuuuuuuuuuuuuck...
"...Boy...Learn to walk before trying to run...you may trip...heh...hahaa, hahahaaa!"
He laughs...I puke...Mikael, is a prick...how does he even know that phrase?!
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