Undying Spirit

"Huh?" Lin Qian's brows puckered as his head struggled to turn, looking around for the voice's owner. However, there was no one else present in the valley.

Moreover, the sound felt very close yet shrill and distant, as if it was a hallucination, one of the effects of the fire toxins. Turning a blind eye to it, Lin Qian did not bother any further. The four Nirvana Stage opponents in front of him were of much more urgent priority.

Heaving deep wheezing breaths. Lin Qian struggled to get onto his feet. From behind him, the trio who flashed out of the lake headed in a beeline to Liang Ren, treating Lin Qian as if he was invisible. 

Despite having emerged from the lake, every single one of them was dry, with not a single droplet of water or dampness.

Each of them was clad in identical scarlet robes, with black ornaments on the side. From them, a dense, excruciating aura radiated. They were all Nirvana Stage powerhouses. Evidently, they were the other Tyrannical blade Sect disciples gathered within the valley.

Of the trio, silverish white hair and beards covered the faces of two of them. While their faces were wrinkled, their eyes were bright with vitality. From their bodies, an ominous sense of danger lurked.

This unusual atmosphere only belonged to Spiritual Array Masters!

Despite their unimpressive talent for Soul Cultivation, the two elders displayed a superior potential in the field of Spiritual Arrays. Having focused their attention solely on this area, they were Masters of their field, being brought here for the sole purposes of breaking the Bloodline Seal set by Lin Qian's Father.

After all, seals were a type of Spiritual Array.

On the other hand, a shallow smile topped the soft, feminine expression of the younger man. In Lin Qian's eyes, it was exceptionally superficial.

"Fu Yuxiang, so it's you who betrayed the Universal Phenomenon Sect!" With a dead glare, Lin Qian gritted his teeth, erupting at the gentle feminine man.

Their spy from Universal Phenomenon Sect received his orders a year ago. At that time, Lin Qian had just arrived at the Sect with his Teacher. As he entered, he had a glimpse of this man. 

That man was none other than this gentle feminine male, Fu Yuxiang.

Lying about Tyrannical Blade Sect's army sent to Mount Ba City, both their strength and numbers were highly inaccurate. Not only that. Hr snuck into the ruins, inspecting it for himself. Fu Yuxiang's betrayal was ghastly and thoroughly unforgivable.

"How unexpected. The rascal from before is now the world-renowned Young Emperor. With your Materialised Vitality Stage Cultivation, you can still stand on your feet despite Junior Brother Laing's Fire Toxins. Impressive." Fu Yuxiang turned back, clapping his palms while staring condescendingly at Lin Qian.

"Could it be…. The team that Brother Qi led were sold out by you?" Hearing the praises from Fu Yu Xiang, not even a drop of joy was found in Lin Qian's heart. Instead, molten fury swirled, roaring deep within.

"Brother Qi's team was mighty. When they snuck into Tyrannical Blade Sect's vassal city, of course, I had to lend them a hand." Fu Yuxiang smiled with a tint of melancholy, as he curled his smooth long hair around his finger. "Who asked them to be such dense idiots, not only reporting their movements to me but also keeping everyone else in the dark. Tipping the Tyrannical Blade Sect for the rewards was simply a no-risk gamble. Of course, I took it."

"Not long ago, you were just a lowly hoodlum, a beggar on the streets. It was Brother Qi that took pity on you, taking you into Universal Phenomenon Sect, raising you into a powerful Soul Practitioner. He took you as a Biological Brother! How could you sell him out like this?!" With bloodshot eyes, Lin Qian screamed his lungs out, his voice tearing apart. 

Within the Sect, Brother Qi held the role of introducing the new disciples into the Sect. A year ago, when Lin Qian first arrived with his Teacher, he heavily depended on Brother Qi's care. Loyal, caring, and passionate, Brother was idolised and admired by countless of the fellow disciples.

Yet, half a year later, he left the Sect to carry out a mission with the territory of the Tyrannical Blade Sect with a team of another 47 disciples. It was supposed to be a perfect plan, no risk and no life-threatening dangers. Yet, none made it back alive.

Turns out, they were betrayed by the man he saw as a brother, Fu Yuxiang.

"Me? His biological brother? Who the fuck wants to be that? I can't stand the sympathetic eyes he looks at me with. Every single damn day! I don't need his fucking pity. I'm a beggar, so what? Huh?" Lin Qian's words set Fu Yuxiang's emotions ablaze, running out of control. As his feelings blazed, his pale white skin took on a tint of pink.

"Fucking savage!" Spitting his saliva in a rude, loud manner, frost from Lin Qian's gaze froze the atmosphere.

"HAHAHA…" Fu Yuxiang shook his head unconcerned. With a contemptuous voice, he mocked, "A wise man chooses his patrons carefully. As Universal Phenomenon Sect's spy in Tyrannical Blade Sect, every moment of my life is dangerous and worrisome. Life's miles easier as part of Tyrannical blade Sect."

"But you know, watching the comrades of yesterday dying an unexplainable death was surprisingly gratifying. Especially since it was the work of yours truly."

Watching the repulsive smug expression on Fu Yuxiang, an urge to puke brewed within Lin Qian.

Mount Ba City was situated along the borders of Universal Phenomenon Sect and Tyrannical Blade Sect. Both parties deployed regular patrols and guards, pushing the security to its tightest at all time. With the stringent checks and constant monitoring, it should be difficult for any team from either side to sneak in. 

However, in recent times, the patrol on Universal Phenomenon Sect's end had been lax. The drop in vigilance could be attributed to the information they had received from Fu Yu Xiang. According to the tip, the enemy was coming in small numbers, without any superpowers of the Nirvana Stage. There was no need to worry.

Alas, the Universal Phenomenon Sect never anticipated being stabbed in the back by their own disciple, letting the wolves into their nest.

Logically, no man of heart and soul would allow their friend, someone closer than biological brothers, to die in the hands of their hated enemies.

Yet, the Sect Elders overlooked the foul and putrid heart Fu Yuxiang possessed. His corrupted soul led him to be the main mastermind behind the death of Brother Qi.

Learning that a senior he much admired was murdered by a foul plot of their own disciples, Lin Qian's heart balled up in pain and fury.

"Oh! No harm telling you this. The team that Tyrannical Blade Sect is sending this time, we have 10 Nirvana Stage Powerhouses. Also, there's another 100 Materialised Vitality Stage Practitioners." Looking at the defenceless Lin Qian, Fu Yuxiang laughed sarcastically, continually mocking him, "No matter how big a shock for us it was, when the revered Young Emperor appeared here, it's all to no avail."

"Not to mention, killing you would be a huge contribution from us to the Tyrannical Blade Sect!"

Hearing the threatening words, Lin Qian's face drained of colour, turning paler than paper.

Should Fu Yuxiang's words hold the truth, Mount Ba City had no chance of survival in the face of the oppressive Tyrannical Blade Sect. Leaving aside his fire toxin poisoning, Lin Qian could not defend the City against 10 Nirvana Stage Powerhouses even at his peak conditions.

Regardless of how sturdy his physique was, no matter how dominating his combat prowess maybe, he was still the same Condensed Vitality Stage Practitioner with a mere year worth of cultivation.

"Fu Yuxiang, that ruin at the bottom of the lake, I can unseal it for you." Thinking of the hopeless situation the City and the Sect was in, Lin Qian looked seriously into Fu Yuxiang's eyes.

"Oh?" That offer piqued the interest of every person on the scene. The seal on the Ruins had the Tyrannical Blade Sect stumped for days. Now, Lin Qian suddenly approached with a solution with perfect timing. Narrowing his gaze onto Lin Qian, Fu Yuxiang questioned, "looks like, there are some conditions on your end?"

"Swear with a blood oath, promise me that no single man in Mount Ba City will be injured and I will unseal the ruins for you."

Hearing the unreasonable request, Fu Yuxiang was dumbstruck. Shaking his head, he scoffed in disbelief, "Since you asked for a blood oath, the possibility of this being a scam is humongous. You probably cannot achieve your end of the deal. What a shame, this deal is not happening. After all, the top priority mission was annihilating the Ye Family, and the assassination of the Ye Family Head, Ye Nanxin."

"Now, you can die in peace!"

"What?!" Anger burst out of Lin Qian like a volcanic eruption. Molten fury engulfed his eyes as he stared daggers at Fu Yuxiang, who was slowly approaching him. 

Why? Why is their top priority to kill Uncle Ye?

His entire body spasmed as he thought about the consequences Mount Ba City would have to face. He was unwilling to resign it to this fate.

Did he really have to die here and now? Did he really have to wait and watch Uncle Ye get murdered? Did he have to see the entire Ye Family and Mount Ba City get destroyed?

He hadn't even found his parents… he had yet to break the good news of his restoring his ability to cultivate. He hadn't reunited with Xin'er. And he hadn't even removed all the toxins in his teacher's body.

All of his goals, all unachieved. Alas, he had to die in the hands of scum like Fu Yuxiang...

As he thought of the things he had aimed to do, Lin Qian's head stared into the skies, bellowing out loud.

"I'm not gonna die so easily! NOT LIKE THIS!"

"HAHA! Scream! Scream all you want! Even if your throat cracks, no one would be here to save you!" Hearing the outburst of despair, gratification swelled within Fu Yuxiang, bursting into a peal of maniacal laughter.

Klang! Klang! Klang!

At that moment, loud echoes of metallic clashes rang from Lin Qian's back.

Hearing the noises, he slowly turned back in shock. The ensuing sight left him in a daze, speechless. Swarming from behind him, an army materialised in thin air, taking in a dense defensive formation. 

The multi-thousands sized army gathered in front of Lin Qian in nearly formed contingents. All of a sudden, a uniform shout echoed.

"Your majesty!"

With the first clenched, the army struck their left chest simultaneously, greeting Lin Qian.