Huaxia Kingdom

Leading the multi-thousand army was an imposing and dominating general. 

The suave General was clad in stunning silver armour, intricately carved with life-like black dragons. Behind him, a scarlet cloak rippled majestically in the wind, enhancing his confidence and powerful presence 

He had a clean, tidy appearance, like a young man. Looking at his face, two conspicuous strokes of neat moustaches topped off his charming lips, above them were a pair of sparkling, vigilant eyes. The sharp gaze from his jet black pupils seemed to see through the depths of the Heavens. From him, an oppressive, authoritarian vibe radiated.

Slamming the spear in his hands loudly into the ground, he unexpectedly knelt in front of Lin Qian, removing the Regal Dragon Helmet from his head. He quickly and vigorously kowtowed thrice, "Your Majesty, this General had arrived unforgivably late. This General deserves the most excruciating death! Before that, allow some time for this General to kill this vile traitor. After which, I will prove my loyalty and apologize with my life!"

Having said his share, the Black Dragon General lowered his head, holding it inches from the ground, awaiting Lin Qian's commands.

Seeing the man before him, the peculiar actions and words had left Lin Qian speechless. In his daze, he had even forgotten the mortal peril he was in.

Similarly, the appearance of the kneeling man had halted Fu Yuxiang in his steps, staring wide-eyed at the mysterious man.

On the cliff, Liang Ren and the other 2 Tyrannical Blade Sect elders watched the sudden changes from afar. Seeing the off tangent development, they too were tongue-tied.

What the heck? How did such a large army materialize from thin air in this valley? Why are they saluting the Young Emperor, even calling him Your Majesty?!?

In truth, the term Young Emperor was due to Lin Qian's teacher's influence. In reality, he was no royalty at all!

Most importantly, within this thousand man army, each and every soldier radiated Auras of at least Condensed Vitality 9th Tier.

Additionally, the General kneeling on the ground was astounding. The aura he emitted was suffocatingly overbearing. His abilities were unfathomable, easily overpowering the Auras emitted by anyone present.

Looking at the kneeling General, Lin Qian took a deep breath, collecting his emotions back together. Calmly, he called out, "Zhao Long?"

Hearing the words, the Black Dragon General swiftly lifted his head, looking ashamed yet passionately at Lin Qian, "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Hearing the speedy response, Lin Qian broke into a peal of uncontrolled foolish laughter, "The Heavens has not given up on me! HAHAHA!"

Pulling himself back together, Lin Qian's eyes froze onto Fu Yuxiang and the other Tyrannical Blade Sect Practitioners. Pointing his finger at them, he coldly ordered, "Zhao Long, I, at this moment, order you. Capture this Pale Faced scum alive and kill the other three. To my other brave warriors, sweep through the entire valley. For every living thing you see, kill without hesitation!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Standing back up simultaneously, the army roared in a heart-shakingly loud voice.

As their thunderous bellow echoed through the valley, General Zhao Long had already plucked the spear from the ground, flashing in front of Fu Yuxiang 

With swift, decisive manoeuvres, the spear flicked into several blurs under Zhao Long's masterfully command. Before Fu Yuxiang could react, his four limbs had already been pierced through, blood gushing through the 4 holes. Then, the handle of the spear came rushing towards his face, unceremoniously slamming into his shocked expression, knocking him out with one swift hit to the back of his head.

Seeing the crushing defeat of the 3rd Tier Nirvana Stage Fu Yuxiang, Liang ren and the two Spiritual Array Elders were appalled, their jaws dropped to the ground.

How did this mysterious general defeat a powerhouse like Fu Yuxiang so quickly? In an instant, his 4 limbs were handicapped, falling to the ground unconscious...

"This is impossible!" The devastating defeat of their side shook Liang ren to his core, screaming out in disbelief.

"Presumptuous beast! How dare you shout audaciously in front of His Majesty! Just based on this, I sentence you to death!" Watching Liang Ren's uncontrolled shouts, Zhao Long face flushed red with rage, seemingly offended.

"Go to hell, you vile creature! Torrential Lance Burst!"

With an enraged roar, Zhao Long leapt into the air. With a blur, his spear vanished. In its place, a volley of assaults rained onto Liang Ren as a set of motion blurs.

As the onslaught of attacks crashed onto the three Tyrannical Blade Sect members, they were reduced to mince within seconds. The attacks were so overbearing that the cliff on their backs was crumbled, sealing the cavern's entrance tightly.

Smirking at the pile of mush the trio had been reduced to, Zhao Long landed beside on the ground. Quickly approaching Lin Qian, he reported, "This General has cleaned up the insolent men for you. Now, I will hold my part of the deal. Please take my life as an apology!"

Having finished his words, General Zhao Long impaled the spear into the ground, swinging his palms swiftly, straight at his skull.

Watching the sudden suicidal attempt, the initial elation and euphoria from Lin Qian's face quickly drained away, leaving a wide-eyed, paper-white expression. He promptly halted the General with a firm order, "Zhao Long, stop this nonsense now!"

Hearing the shout, Zhao Long's right palm abruptly suspended. He fell onto his knees, with his head lowered yet again, "Your Majesty, please calm down!"

"Your sins, they are all forgiven in my name. Quickly, get to your feet." In all seriousness, Lin Qian looked into Zhao Long's eyes, "You are the one who broke me out of this perilous circumstance. Not only are you not a sinner, you are a lifesaver, a huge contributor. You are ordered to live as long as I need you too. No more attempts at suicide, alright?"

Hearing Lin Qian's forgiveness and thanks, Zhao Long gaze turned misty-eyed. As his heart balled with emotions, he responded with three resounding kowtows, "Your Majesty, this general thank you for your vast heart of gold. This General dares not to take all the contributions and success.'

"Alright, up onto your feet." Lin Qian lifted his hands.

Soon, Zhao Long stood in front of him. With narrowed eyes, Lin Qian scrutinized his new General.

Feeling the inspective gaze, Zhao Long subconsciously straightened his back and pumped out his chest.

This Balck Dragon General. He was unusually familiar, yet seemingly foreign to Lin Qian.

Why were they familiar? How did Lin Qian know the General's name without prior introductions? Not just that, Lin Qian even knew of his personality!

Well, it all went back to the War Simulator Game Fantasy Dynasty, that Lin Qian was addicted to in his previous life. There, he handcrafted a Personal Guard Commander for himself. That General was this man in front of him now, Zhao Long!

As for the thousand other heavily armoured soldiers, they were of the lowest tier within the Fantasy Dynasty, Ground Troops.

In his past life, Lin Qian already maxed out all of the possible Ground Troops' abilities and technologies. While they may be the lowest tier soldiers, they were all clad in thick armour.

Within the Fantasy Dynasty, players were gaming as individuals, collecting, crafting and refining their Generals. Then, through the upgrading of skills, technologies and abilities, they improved them. With their army, players clashed against the other dynasties ruled by other players.

Owing to his disabilities, Lin Qian, in his past life, did not woo girls and sleep around. Instead, he spent all his time awake building his Fantasy Dynasty Kingdom. With nowhere else to spend his massive inheritance, he channelled all of his wealth into this game. Should anyone see the extravagant sum he dumped onto this game, they may have gone insane. Amongst the gamers, these generous players with sky-high expenditure were known as Cash Warriors.

Not long after, he dominated the entire server.

Under his dominance, countless players were oppressed and unsatisfied. As time trickled on, the server gradually diminished in numbers, leaving him alone.

Yet, Lin Qian did not move to another server, he chose to stay on in the empty server. Here, the entire territory and its resources were solely his.

This was the birth of his Huaxia Kingdom. From that moment on, Huaxia Kingdom usurped the top spots in all of the rankings within the game, Fantasy Kingdom.

On the rankings for generals on the game's official website, Lin Qian took the top spot as well. This leaderboard ranked all of the generals designed and collected by their players. Among the many ways to enjoy the game, the most popular were the low-level collecting of generals and the high-level crafting of generals. And on this ranking, the general taking the title of most powerful was none other than Zhao Long. The Black Dragon General was handcrafted, intricately designed by Lin Qian, undoubtedly a product of his hard work. 

As part of his design, his personality was built and programmed to be devoted and steadfast to the Huaxia kingdom. With his unmatched combat prowess, he eradicated anyone that posed a threat to the dignity of His Majesty.

Not only that, he was a progressive and ever-growing general. His level and statistics were heavily dependent on the Kingdom's ruler.

Being handcrafted by Lin Qian, this General was just like his own child. How could they be unfamiliar?

Yet, why did he feel like a foreigner?

Of course, he did! This supposed virtual character was moving and talking just like any other living creature. Heck! They even had a proper conversation!

Indeed, the technology on Earth was advanced. They had invented Virtual Reality Helmets, allowing users to dive into an ultra-realistic gaming world.

However, the generals, soldiers and the entire setting was virtual and man-made. They were simply code with no intelligence or life! They could only interact and move as the player instructed. 

Any form of speech was pre-set, according to the designer's programme or the player's choices.

Yet, this General in front of him now seemed very much alive as any being with intelligence. He had blood and flesh, he had his own mind and thoughts!

Could it be… My game's characters, Zhao Long and these troopers, they followed me as I was reborn and in the process… gained intelligence and life?

At this moment, Lin Qian had hundreds of doubts and unanswered questions swirling within his mind.

In this case, where in the world did they come from?

As his thoughts brewed, the unconscious Fu Yuxiang's body suddenly twitched. He had awakened.

"Zhao Long, I remember you have Truth Potions within your bag. Any left?" Suddenly, a brilliant idea flashed across Lin Qian's mind.

"This general still has 3 bottles." Hearing the question, Zhao Long quickly answered.

"Get a bottle, force it down that man's throat!" Nodding his head at slowly recovering Fu Yuxiang, he instructed.

"Understood!" Hitting his right fist into his chest, he responded. Immediately, he turned to Fu Yuxiang.

From the back, Lin Qian observed as Zhao Long dutifully retrieved a bottle of the potions, and poured half the bottle down Fu Yuxiang's mouth. From this, he could confirm several of his suspicions.

Firstly, he had a unique setting in the game in his past life. He had set for the user, who was the governor, to use 1st person speech. Instead of the traditional Chinese 3rd person perspective. Alas, this setting could not be transferred down onto his created Generals.

Even if they were handcrafted personally, there were limits set by the system.

Every General had a loyalty system. Should the General have a strong loyalty, they would resent Lin Qian's decision to remove the ancient formalities. From there, they could potentially lose faith in their Kingdom, leading to betrayal and going rogue. 

Secondly, when every player first joins the game, they would receive a unique talent. With his exceptional luck, Lin Qian awakened one of the top three coveted talents: Authority of a Ruler!

This talent only had one effect. Within the Kingdom, every living creature, be it a general, trooper or a beast, would retain maximum loyalty, never dropping even once, when they joined the ranks of the user. 

In the past, Lin Qian was offered 50 million for the account when he first awakened this character. However, as a wealthy man himself, he quickly turned down the offer.

As such, Lin Qian could tweak his settings in whatever way he wanted. His people would never lose faith in him, anyways.

Moreover, Lin Qian was almost entirely confident that his talent had followed him through his rebirth as well.

Thirdly, in the game, every General had their own personal storage in their bags. This moving storage allowed for countless items to be brought along at all times.

The truth potions, it forced any prisoner to speak only the truth. In his past life, Lin Qian had placed 3 bottles of them in Zhao Long's bag.

When Zhao Long was reborn together with him, the potions, including the EXP Pot and Red and Blue Pots came along.

Suddenly, an inconceivable thought flashed through his mind.

What if… the things that were reborn here with me were not just Zhao Long and the army? But also everything I had crafted on Fantasy Dynasty? The Huaxia Kingdom? Could it have changed a bit as it came over?