
While Lin Qian's words may have been sensible, it did not change the fact that he was no prophet. There was no way he could induce a change in people with simple words from his mouth.

However, with the aid of the Power-up Skill, he could subconsciously affect the mentality of others, changing their stand and views slowly and subtly.

Although Lin Qian did this, there still wouldn't be an immediate belief in his words. However, as time passed, they would gradually agree with more thought.

Never would Lin Qian himself have thought that what he said today would exactly be the changing point for the Sect.

In the end, Lin Qian's Death Battle with Lei Qian ended without another hitch.

Following the terms that Lin Qian demanded, Lei Qian, to his grandfather Lei Heng, knelt for more than an hour, until two hours after the battle.

In the two hours, Lei Qian calmed down inexplicably, deep in his thoughts and self-reflection.

"Lin Qian, I have reflected, and now admire your strong sense of righteousness!" Before leaving, Lei Qian stood in front of Lin Qian, "I thank you for your mercy, for letting me live."

Deep down, Lei Qian knew, his life was only retained at the mercy of this young man in front of him upon his grandfather's request.

Otherwise, it would have been fair even if Lin Qian wanted to chop off his head in one slice.

"Hmph! Weren't you all arrogant previously?" Lin Qian snorted coldly at Lei Qian, "you have the talent, within the Inner Sect, you can definitely be top 10. It would be all up to your mind."

With those words, Lin Qian left Lei Qian speechless and dazed at the arena. As he walked towards Bei Ren and the rest, the disciples all made way, opening a pathway through the masses. As he walked past them, cheers and shouts from the Outer and Named disciples echoed loudly, "Brother LIN!"

On the arbitration Platform, Qin Wushuang turned and faced Lei Heng, smiling, "I suppose Mater-Uncle would not be like the scums who go against their word, working under the radar to tweak things around right?"

Snorting coldly, Lei Heng looked back into Qin Wushunag's eyes, "I'm not as vile as this. I will do as I promised without fail."

Thrusting his sleeves behind him, Lei Heng brought Lei Qian away from the arena.

Half an hour later, Lin Qian too, bid his farewell to Bai Ren and the rest, returning to Mt Maoqing, his private courtyard just for him and his Teacher Wei Wushuang.

When he returned to his personal yard, Wei Wushuang had long been waiting for him within.

"Teacher, your disguise is truly impeccable. Never had this student imagined that you have such skill hidden within you." Looking at the critically ill, frail appearance, Lin Qian was genuinely amazed.

Hearing the high praise, a proud and satisfied smile curled up on Wei Wushuang lips, "that's of course, this teacher still has many other skills."

"Indeed, the teacher's abilities, this student is well aware." As he spoke, he stopped and looked at his Teacher. "I suppose the teacher isn't especially waiting for me just for this praise, right?"

"Perhaps, Teacher, you wish to ask about my abilities. Why did it suddenly burst forward by leaps and bounds?" As he spoke, he walked forward, sitting down beside the stone table in the courtyard, right beside Wei Wushuang.

"Your abilities skyrocketed because of your Martial Soul. Teacher already guessed it, it can't be too far from this." Wei Wushuang stared at Lin Qian, speaking softly and slowly.

Hearing Wei Wushuang's suspicion, Lin Qian was startled. Formerly, he was still struggling to find an excuse for his unnatural and outrageously fast improvements.

He even struggled with revealing his transmigration from other worlds, and the big secret about the gigantic empire within his dantian. But, there was no way he could let anyone know that his terrifying power was actually the work of his talented minister, the result of their planning and research. There's no way he could reveal his most important secrets to the world! 

Who knew, his Teacher would be such a saviour, finding an excuse for him, which was the awakening of his Martial Soul.

Before this, Wei Wushuang only knew that within Lin Qian's body, there was a mysterious whirlpool Martial Soul. This peculiar Martial Soul allowed for cultivation, however, Vitality Equipment Infusion was impossible.

At that time, Wei Wushuang had predicted, Lin Qian had a Martial Soul, but it was half awakened.

However, that prediction was incorrect. Lin Qian Martial Soul did not awaken, it was the restoration of the Huaxia Empire that had completed, relieving him of the heavy burden on his body. Of course, Lin Qian did not do anything about the misunderstanding. Instead, he seized the opportunity, using the excuse for himself, "Indeed, after my Martial Soul awakened, my abilities soared at lightning speed, breakthrough several stages at once."

"Qian'er, is your Martial Soul the same as the jet black sword after your Vitality Equipment Infusion? Are they identical?" Quickly following, Wei Wushuang confirmed his suspicions.

Hearing the stern tone, Lin Qian was perplexed. He nodded in confusion, "Yes. Teacher, is there something wrong about that?"

"Under normal circumstances, a Practitioner's Martial Soul would be either a blade, a sword, a rod or any weapon. However, all of the Martial Soul would be an approximate form, even slightly blurry when you see it in your Dantian."

"For example, a Sword Martial Soul. within the dantian, it would look like a sword formed from the congregation of Soul Energy, taking on the colour of the Soul Energy."

"Following your words, the Martial Soul in your Dantian is not an approximate sword-like shape. Instead, you see its details clearly, having a unique, one-of-a-kind appearance, right?"

Hearing the outburst of words from his excited Teacher, Lin Qian just nodded, stuck in a daze.

In essence, his Martial Soul differed from others. Instead of the usual simple lines forming a Martial Soul, he had an intricately designed and coloured, unique Martial Soul.

From the pumping adrenaline that was ridden all over Wei Wushuang words, Lin Qian knew something was amiss.

"Teacher, could it be, my Martial Soul, isn't too suitable?" Sometime later, Lin Qian cautiously probed on further, worry stricken all over his face.

Hearing Lin Qian words, Wei Wushuang burst into a peal of laughter. "Unsuitable? Qian'er, what do you think of Teacher's talent?"

"Teacher's talent is amazing. You can easily be the most talented within the entire history of Linhai Province." Hearing the question, Lin Qian replied in all seriousness.

This was not flattery for his own Teacher. It was a word for word, truth.

Nodding solemnly, Wei Wushuang turned and looked earnestly at Lin Qian, "but Teacher's talent cannot compare to yours. I'm but a commoner in front of you. Within the Universal Phenomenon Sect, everyone is but a pile of trash compared to you."

Lin Qian's eyes widened three sizes upon hearing the firm, harsh conclusion.

Looking at the horrified expression on his disciple, Wei Wushuang laughed uncontrollably, "are you surprised? Did you know, when Teacher saw your Infused Vitality Equipment, my heart almost stopped from shock!"

Taking several deep breaths, Lin Qian pulled himself together, slowly asking, "Teacher, my Martial Soul. What in the world is this?"

"Your Martial Soul is an Ancestral Grade Martial Soul. Only with a Martial Soul of this calibre can anyone be called a true genius, a prodigy blessed by the Heavens above." Speaking of this, Wei Wushuang stared deep into Lin Qian's Soul, "My disciple, you probably have a terrifyingly powerful ancestry and bloodline!"