Ancestral Martial Soul

Lin Qian's eyes narrowed as he looked in confusion at his teacher, "Teacher, what is this Ancestral Martial Soul? What makes you so sure that my ancestry is extraordinarily powerful?"

Lin Qian was curious about Wei Wushuang inference. While he had known that his parents were not the usual citizens of Mt Ba CIty, he had no knowledge how Wei Wushuang learnt of this.

Taking a deep breath, Wei Wushuang explained to Lin Qian, "You do know of the stages in a Soul Practitioner's cultivation journey. First, the Basic Three Stages, Entrance Vitality, Condensed Vitality and then Materialised Vitality. After which, the Transfiguration Three Stages, Nirvana, Revolutionary and Life and Death Stages."

"Above them, we have the Three Martial Stages, Awakening, Metamorphosis and Sanctification Stage."

"Three Martial Stages?" Bewilderment crossed Lin Qian face, as he looked a little stunned.

In Linhai Province, the practitioners only knew of the Basic Three Stages and the Transfiguration Three Stages. As for the Three Martial Stages, Lin Qian had never even heard of them.

However, Lin Qian had believed that there were higher levels of cultivation above the Transfiguration Three Stages. Up till now, he never had a direct confirmation of their existence.

"After breaking through to the Nirvana Stage, an attribute awakens in the Practitioner's Soul Energy. At the Awakening Stage, an even more drastic change occurs. The Martial Soul would no longer be like a blank canvas, shrouded in mist. It would transfigure into a form which the Practitioner is used to."

"Just like your Martial Soul now, it has fully awoken. It is no longer a ball of congealed Soul Energy, but has clear precise details, much more befitting of the Practitioner."

"Perhaps, your Martial Soul was just a larva previously. Now that it has fully awoken, it has fixed and taken its final form."

Lin Qian's heart leapt in euphoria. Wei Wushuang had clearly said, for the Martial Soul to hatch from its larva state and gain a proper form, the Practitioner had to reach the Awakening Stage.

Yet, he was still in the primary Three stages, Materialised Vitality Stage, not even breaking to Nirvana Stage, and the Martial Soul in his Dantian had already shown the unique qualities of Awakening Stage.

"Hmm, then my early acquisition of an attribute and the early setting of the form of my Martial Soul...these have to do with the Ancestral Martial Soul that Teacher spoke of?" Lin Qian asked Wei Wushuang. Then, he fell silent, patiently waiting for the answer.

Sometime later, Wei Wushuang nodded solemnly, looking into Lin Qian's perplexed expression, "Yes. This only happens after a practitioner breaks the shackles of the Three Martial Stages, and climbs above these grades. Then, there would be huge benefits for his descendants, the possibility of attaining the Ancestral Martial Soul."

"Beyond the Three Martial Stages, a grade above it?" a loud gasp escaped from Lin Qian. Per what Wei Wushuang said, after his transmigration, he was reborn as a descendant of a mega-power?

"During my days roaming the Linhai Province, I have only heard of these clans but never met anything of this calibre." as Wei Wushuang spoke, he looked at Lin Qian, his eyes intertwined with complex emotions. "I've never thought the disciples I took in in the Linhai Province would possess such a superior bloodline!"

Afterwhich, Wei Wushuang passed on more knowledge about the Ancestral Martial Soul to Lin Qian.

Alas, not all men were equal. Even within the descendants of the mythical Practitioner, there were gradings in the talent. The higher the grade, the more benefits could be reaped.

Amongst the descendants, a majority only gained a faster cultivation speed. When they reached Nirvana Stage, the awakened attributes would be a tad stronger than the conventional practitioners. These descendants possess the lowest grade talent, Bloodline Strength.

A small group of descendants with exceptional talent would reap far more benefits from the Bloodline. Their cultivation progressed at a much faster pace, awakening a superior attribute when they break through to Nirvana Stage. These descendants were known to have the Inherited Martial Soul.

Within this small group, there was a minority whose Martial Soul successfully adopted a final, completed form in the Nirvana Stage. As such, their cultivation speed would skyrocket. These prodigious disciples were the chosen few. Within the clan, they were held in high regard as the future of the family. These groups of descendants possessed the Pseudo Ancestral Martial Soul.

Lastly, the ones with god-like cultivation speed. When they awakened their Martial Soul, it had already taken its final form. These people were the owners of the Ancestral Martial Soul.

At this moment, Lin Qian Martial Soul had already taken its final form, despite him only being in the Materialised VItality Stage. Hence, he was an actual owner of the Ancestral Martial Soul, inheriting the full capacity of his ancestor's bloodline strength.

"Ancestral Martial Soul, it does not mean that you and your ancestor used the identical Martial Soul. Yours is a sword, but your ancestor might have used a blade." As he spoke, he sighed, "What you possess is the insane cultivation speed and after you bring out the Infused Vitality Equipment, an overbearing power to dominate your opponent."

As he listened to Wei Wushuang words, Lin Qian silently nodded. Indeed, even without the Huaxia Empire's aid, his cultivation speed was terrifying. When he took out his Infused Vitality Equipment, he could clearly feel the power surging within the Vitality Equipment. Then, he could only imagine the inconceivable destruction that the Vitality Equipment infused with his Soul Energy would bring.

For instance, should the attack capabilities of the Soul Energy sent out by one of his punches be level 1. The Infused Vitality Equipment's Soul Energy attack would easily be at Level 10.

Owing to these gigantic differences, Lin Qian Materialised Vitality Stage physique, and his Infused Vitality Equipment at Materialised Vitality Stage, sent a crushing shock down to the masses' core.

The Tempestuous Night Blade. According to Zhuge Ming's research, it was inherited from Father's side. Then, he should be a descendant of an abnormally powerful clan. How did he get imprisoned in the water dungeon? Recalling the scene he saw back in the War Stratagems Palace, Lin Qian was perplexed.

Besides, based on Wei Wushuang's description of the Ancestral Martial Soul, the Sky Piercing Blade within his Dantian, was it also an Ancestral Martial Soul?

Should Wei Wushuang learn that this disciple not only possessed the Ancestral Martial Soul, but two of them, his consciousness might be crushed by the shock.

"That means, the clan Mother is in is another mega-power. Alas, I would be of no help to them before I achieve a higher level of cultivation."

In any case, I possess the Huaxia Empire. Their research, coupled with my breakneck cultivation, the day to find my parents will come before I know it!"

As Lin Qian swam within his pool of thoughts, Wei Wushuang was also troubled by his worries.

Their teacher-disciple relation was fantastic. Having heard directly from Lin Qian, he knew that his disciple's parents had left him long ago, seeking a cure to his Martial Soul.

Yet, it was a trip without return.

Lin Qian parents' had a large clan backing them, yet they never returned. There could only be one possibility. They had met with huge trouble.

"Lin Qian, you have sworn to bring your parents back. So, you must remember my words. Without a proper foothold of strength and cultivation, do not act rashly." As he spoke, he suddenly halted. Slowly, he warned again, "From today on, the Infused Vitality Equipment, do not equip it fully."

Lin Qian understood his teacher's intentions, nodding slightly. After all, a tall tree catches the wind.

When the glory and success were too big, it was too big and easy of a target. There were no benefits to flaunt his Ancestral Martial Soul around.

"The Festival of the Ancient Ruins is fast approaching. Little Rascal, you better make your preparations." As Wei Wushuang spoke, she nudged his disciple teasingly, "Moreover, your little fiancee would also be there. You have to perform up to standards. Do not lag behind, else she will be swept away by the other young talents from the Linhai Province!"

"Teacher, how did you find out?"