The 36th Arena

The Deathbattle Arena. This was the place for all of the Sect's disciples to resolve their deep grudges and misunderstandings. 

Should they just want to have friendly sparring, to see who was the better practitioner, of course, it was not a suitable location.

The Sect's Arena Grounds, that was the perfect spot for a friendly rivalry.

At the western foot of the Universal Phenomenon Sect Mountain, there was a vast clearing. Within the open field, several arenas of varying sizes dotted the green pasture.

These were the stages used by disciples for their own sparring. All of them were moulded from the most durable steel, sturdier than ever.

Not only that, each Arena was enveloped in a Spiritual Array, much like the Deathbattle Arena. It cut off the on-stage events from the off-stage spectators, preventing any residual force waves from injuring the onlooking disciples.

Moreover, these Arrays had a strengthening effect on the stage.

"What? Liu Ming changed the venue to the 36th Arena?" At the entrance of the Arena Grounds, Lei Qian's eyes narrowed into the disciple who just reported to him.

Within the area, each Arena differed in size, some even able to accommodate up to ten thousand men within them. These humongous arenas were known as the Battlefield Arena.

An uncomfortable premonition stirred within him as his face froze. He turned and walked towards Lin Qian.

In front of the latter, Bai Ren, Ye Lin, Ye Long and Ye Feng had gathered. They coincidentally had a free period, allowing them to spectate the battle.

"Brother Lin, why do people always look to find trouble for you?" Looking at Lin Qian, Bai Ren sniggered and asked teasingly.

Back in the past, when Lin Qian first arrived at Universal Phenomenon Sect, several disciples tried to pick on him, primarily due to his title of Battle Emperor's sole disciple.

At that time, Lin Qian relied on his superior strength, overwhelming any unhappiness within the Out Sect disciples. He swept across as invincible and peerless, convincing everyone of his power.

"Wait, isn't that Lei Qian?" Seeing the figure approaching them, Ye Lin gasped.

When they came to the Arena, Lei Qian and Lin Qian arrived separately. Hence, the Mt Ba City crew did not know of the changed relationship the duo had.

"Boss, there are some problems." Hearing the courteous address, the eyes of the entire crew widened as their jaws dropped. 

Just not long ago, they remember the man to be arrogant and pompous, not even looking directly into Lin Qian's eyes. How did he suddenly become Lin Qian's faithful lackey?

The sudden mention of an interruptive event made Lin Qian face curl in puzzlement, "Hmm? What happened? Liu Ming isn't coming anymore? That's a good thing, it saves me some trouble."

"That isn't the case. Liu Ming changed the venue. He wishes to use the 36th Arena, also commonly known as the Battlefield Arena." Shaking his head, Lei Qian explained the situation to Lin Qian.

Pickering his forehead, Lin Qian snapped impatiently, "What? He can change as he wishes, and I have to accept this?"

"Unfortunately so. According to the Ancient Ruins Candidature Challenge rules, until the challenge begins, everything is decided by the challenger. The challenged party has to accept everything." Facing the strict rules, Lei Qian was also powerless.

"What a nonsense rules, did the man who set this get kicked in the head by an idiotic donkey?" Lin Qian was blatantly annoyed by these rules, openly complaining. 

Lin Qian's words made Lei Qian extremely uncomfortable, "The rules for the candidature challenge for the Ancient Rules seemed to be set by the Sect Leader upon the Battle Emperor's request…"

"..." The originally annoyed and hateful appearance froze and vanished instantly. With a couple of awkward laughter, Lin Qian glared at the crowd in front of him, "My words just now. None of you heard it, you understand me?"

Soon after, Lei Qian led the whole group towards the Rushing Thunder Guild members gathered.

"This is the Guild that I formed with the fellow disciples, the Rushing Thunder Guild." Opening his arms wide, he gestured towards the numerous men gathered beside him.

Looking at the tens of people, Lin Qian's eyes flushed with confusion as he looked at Lei Qian, "This doesn't seem right… during the Death Battle, I'm sure I saw close to three hundred people threatening me…"

As though he had expected this question, Lei Qian laughed wryly, replying without hesitation, "Ever since then, I had not only experienced a crushing defeat, but even recognized you as boss. Owing to this, countless have left."

"Just a bunch of negligible idiots. Just because Brother Lei lost to you, they think he's weak and did not actually possess the strength to be top 10."

"Yeah. They think Brother Lei had lied to them, abusing his Grandfather Lei Heng's name to gain this position."

The remaining group of people all voiced their anger and resentment for those who left, resounding in a cacophony.

"Busllshit. I think your current abilities could easily place you at no.9." Snorting coldly, Lin Qian sternly declared to Lei Qian. "Do not think that your defeat was because of your own weakness. It's just that I'm too strong."

Seeing how Lin Qian could easily self-praise with a stoic expression, everyone burst into a peal of uncontrollable laughter.

"Brother Lin, you really do know no shame." Cupping her mouth, Ye Lin tried her utmost best to stifle her giggles.

As he spread his arms about his shoulder, Lin Qian spoke as if it were facts, "Don't believe me? Ask Lei Qian. Am I just too strong?"

"Too strong is an understatement…." Thinking of the 12 halos on Lin Qian, Lei Qian shook his head in despair, "simply put, he's a monster."

"Let's go. Time to see what this 36th Arena is like." Waving his arm as a cue, he gestures to everyone to follow his lead. Behind him, Lei Qian caught up along with the others.

As he reached beside Lin Qian, he muttered under his breath, "Boss, did you find a way to conceal the number of halos?"

"Hm, you are spot on." Nodding, Lin Qian looked towards Lei Qian, "Suppressing my abilities will allow me to hide the halos. But should I go at full strength, then there is no way."

As he heard that the concealment was possible, Lei Qian heaved a sigh of relief. Immediately he continued in an undertone, "We are almost going to the Ancient Ruins. Boss, you should not let news of your 12 halos out."

"Why do you say so?"

"If the victorious Heavens Sect finds out about the extent of your crazy talent, they would take this expedition as a chance, stopping at nothing to wipe you of the face of the earth before you mature to your peak." As he mentioned the victorious Heavens Sect hatred gritted between Lei Qian teeth. 

"To preserve their position as the strongest, the victorious Heavens Sect never stops and will sacrifice everything to take out the geniuses from other sects."

At this moment, the Tyrannical Blade Sect is evolving to become more and more like a lap dog of the victorious Heavens Sect. In retrospect, Lin Qian would never believe that the assault on his fiance's mental state would be done without the instigation of the victorious Heavens Sect.

In his many years here, Lin Qian had heard more than enough rumours about the dirty acts that victorious Heavens Sect had done under the radar.

"Hopefully, when we reach the Ancient Ruins, the victorious Heavens Sect disciples would open their eyes and know better than to provoke us." Suppressing his throat, Lin Qian sternly declared, a hint of killing intent flashing through his eyes. "Otherwise, the victorious Heavens Sect can prepare their tears and exit the Ancient Ruins crying."

"Oh is that the 36th Arena?" Suddenly, Ye Lin exclaimed in surprise, leading Lin Qian's eyes in the same direction.

At their front, an arena hovering a meter above ground blocked their path.

On the sprawling stages, an arena capable of holding more than ten thousand men was erected. And on this stage, a humongous group of people, all clad in jet black had already gathered, silently waiting for any signs of progression.

As Lin Qian and his crew walked onto the stage, a cocky bald young man sauntered forward. With his fingers, he hooked and smirked, "Which of you is Lin Qian? Come forward!"