Endless Provocation

Standing at his spot, Lin Qian surveyed the man who spoke, his posture reeking of indifference.

The man who spoke stood at the tip of the gathered pack. He had an assertive figure, his muscles packed his white robe to the brim, tightly wrapping around his beefy physique. Topping off the little giant that led the crowd gathered was a bald head.

Liu Ming. Lin Qian had heard of this name before. Within the Inner Sect disciples, he was dominant, standing at No.7 in the rankings. He had swept across the disciples with his powerful Martial Soul, a pair of Wrist Blades, and his attributes, an additional boost to fortify the Physical Body. His usual emphasis on strengthening his body during training added with the Martial Soul's traits, his skills were easily doubled.

In the realm of close combat, Liu Ming was an expert amongst the experts in the Inner Sect.

In the past, many Universal Phenomenon Sect disciples had compared Lin Qian against Liu Ming, examining the strengths of the two. In the eyes of the Outer Sect disciples, Lin Qian did have a body that was much more sturdy than that of many Nirvana Stage Practitioners. However, when compared to Liu Ming, Lin Qian simply couldn't hold a candle. After all, Liu Ming too specially trained his body and even had his Martial Soul attributes to buff it further.

Seeing that Lin Qian remained silent, Lei Qian stepped forward and spoke in his place,"Liu Ming, why didn't you act as you said, violating your promise?"

"Ah! Isn't this Lei Qian? I heard you lost to a Materialised Vitality Stage brat. What's more, you even shamefully recognise him as the Boss! But I don't believe it, how can the proud number 10 Practitioner be such a spineless fool?" Rubbing his shimmering bald head, Liu Ming burst into a volley of insults as he laughed, showing off his sharp yellowing teeth.

As he spoke, his arms widened, gesturing towards the crowd gathered behind him, "Look carefully! Many of your Rushing Thunder Guild members had come under me!"

Following the gesture, Lei Qian looked behind. Indeed, many were originally from his Rushing Thunder Guild.

"Scumbags. Brother Lei had always shared whatever benefits he received with us. Yet, how dare these people…!"

"It is alright. We knew this from the start. What's there to be angry about?" The remnants of the Rushing Thunder Guild sighed heavily, shaking the heads in utter disappointment. 

"Moreover, it isn't even noon yet. The challenge hasn't begun. It is up to me to change the venue and challenge mode for I am the rules. Tell me, how is this any form of violation?" The bald Liu Ming smirked, as though he was mocking Lei Qian.

Before Lei Qian could rebut, a hand raised, shutting his words. Lin Qian walked forward, keeping his arms raised, staring at the baldie in front of him. "Spill it, how do you want to challenge me?"

Watching the youngster walking towards him, Liu Ming immediately knew this man was Lin Qian.

"Simple, team fight." As the corner of his lips raised, Liu Ming pointed towards the sky. "There's half an hour before Noontime. Before that, you can bring as many people as you can gather."

"How despicable!" Hearing the method suggested, Lei Qian couldn't help but burst out in anger.

The team fight was a special battle convention. When Liu Ming changed the venue to the 36th Arena, Lei Qian had already seen this coming.

As the name suggested, the team fight was a messy battle with each party bringing their contingent. However, they decided the size of each party fairly well beforehand.

As this was a challenge for the Ancient Ruins candidature, Liu Ming had jurisdiction to the rules.

Now, following Liu Ming's rules, both parties can bring as many people as they could before noon.

Per these rules, Lin Qian was at a massive disadvantage.

Being the top 7 Inner Sect disciple, Liu Ming had a massive following within the Inner Sect. Coupled with the deserters from Lei Qian Guild, he at least had close to 600 supporters.

Just on this platform, there were 300 men gathered behind Liu Ming.

On the contrary, on Lin Qian's side, there were only tens of people gathered. With only half an hour to Noontime, there was no time left for Lin Qian even to try to gather anyone else.

"Lin Qian, you can call your trash from the Outer Sect. At least you would have a semblance of numbers." Quickly, Liu Ming burst into a peal of contemptuous laughter. "In a challenge, we cannot leave your opponent's life in mortal peril, but it does not rule out any permanent disabilities. Think before you ask anyone, they might leave with one limb less!"

"What gives you the right to mock the Outer Sect disciples and call them trash?" Liu Ming insults caused Lin Qian's face to turn ice-cold, "Did you not spend time in the Outer Sect?"

"It's precisely because I've been there that I know. They are trash!" Smirking, Liu Ming spread his palms at his cheeks, innocently, "Sorry man, I'm just honest."

"Brother Liu, I'm here!" Suddenly, a proud voice resounded from being Lin Qian and his team.

Quickly following, another enormous crowd stormed into the platform, cutting through the Rushing Thunder Guild members unapologetically.

This crowd was far more significant than the Rushing Thunder Guild, forcefully breaking apart the minuscule numbers behind Lin Qian.

At the head of the crowd, a youth with a crew cut led his team. As he passed, he intentionally rammed into Lei Qian, sarcastically snorting, "Motherless and Fatherless scum, the only thing you are good at is pushing people around with grandfather's name!"

After he thoroughly mocked Lei Qian, he whistled and gestured to his people, leading them away.

Hearing the words, Lei Qian's face flushed red as molten rage erupted within him. Green veins popped oh his neck as he trembled, clenching his jaws till crackling noises sounded. Yet, he simply glared ferociously at the departing silhouette. 

"You're not fighting him?" Watching Lei Qian's furious expression, Lin Qian's face darkened as he asked.

Taking rapid, deep breaths, Lei Qian gritted his teeth, "Standing in this arena signifies our wait for the challenge to begin. If I fight him now, Boss, you are as good as lost."

"Moreover, I never thought that the Inner Sect Ninth Strongest, Lei Kuo, would come to help." Staring at the youngster who insulted him, Lei Qian's voice shook.

The crew cut youngster was clad in a regal purple robe, leading a team of 200 disciples, smiling at Liu Meng, catching up with each other.

Lin Qian knew of this man named Lei Kuo. He was the grandson of Grandelder Lei Heng's 2nd Younger Brother.

"Looks like this pair of clan brothers have a terrible relationship." Looking at the red hot expression on Lei Qian, Lin Qian thought to himself.

"Hm.. you are Lin Qian?" Suddenly, a voice questioned. Turning in that direction, Lin Qian saw Lei Kuo.

Before Lin Qian could reply, arrogance leaked out of Lei Kuo as he lifted his chin, smirking at Lin Qian immediate demise, "I heard that your teacher, the Battle Emperor is dying soon. HAHAHA"

As Lei Kuo finished his mockery, Lin Qian's face darkened to pitch black, his eyes glaring at absolute zero.

"Why are you glaring at me? Just because you have beaten my trash of a brother, you think you are the Young Emperor? Busllshit!"

"You are only leeching on your teacher's name! Just wait till he dies. We shall see what you are going to rely on then."

"Oh! You're right! Isn't he rumoured to be dead already? Why is he taking so long to die?"

As mockery after mockery sounded, Lin Qian remained silent as frost thickened on his face with every second.

"Hmph! Worthless!" Seeing how Lin Qian did not bother debuting him, Lei Kuo snorted, turning back to chattering with Liu Mingas he waited for Noontime.

Killing intent swirled like a storm around Lin Qian.

If not for his teacher, Wei Wushuang, Lin Qian would have been long dead.

To him, Wei Wushuang was a saviour, a teacher which he admired greatly, and even his parent in his 2nd life.

Yet, this Lei Kuo dared to mock him, and even cursed him to die earlier!

"Would you mind if I kill this Lei Kuo?" An icy voice pierced through the air silently towards Lei Qian 

Taking a deep breath, Lei Qian laughed menacingly, "Let's kill him together!"