A Round of Applause

"Besides Lei Qian, the rest of you get off the arena." As noontime approached, Lin Qian turned around and spoke to the crowd behind him.

Lin Qian stunned everyone, especially Lei Qian who was on his side.

"Boss, if they all leave, what will happen to our challenge?" Looking at Lin Qian, Lei Qian quickly asked in panic.

"It is alright. Come on, go down." Waving his hand casually, Lin Qian smiled sinisterly to Lei Qian, "Seriously, comparing strength in numbers in a team fight? I'm not afraid."

Just as he spoke, Bai Ren, Ye Lin, Ye Long and Ye Feng looked up into the sky. As they looked at the azure blue sky, they found it to be sunny and cloudless. Within their hearts, a familiar scene of Lin Qian turning the tables on Tyrannical Blade Sect, despite their advantage in numbers, surfaced in their hearts.

In the vast despair, an army of heavy armour troopers appeared like Angel's from Heaven. Then quickly squashed the Tyrannical Blade Sect resistance, annihilating them.

Now, the circumstances were eerily similar to that of Mt Ba City.

At that thought, the four of them obediently exited the Arena silently.

Seeing the 4 of them leave, Lin Qian looked to the Rushing Thunder Guild and nodded slightly, gesturing for them to go as well. "Come on, you all too. There's no use to you all staying here."

"No, we can't leave." Within the Rushing Thunder Guild, a female disciple frowned and shook her head, "They have 600 men. How are you gonna manage with just you and Brother Lei?" 

Right at that moment, a blinding glimmer shone. Before she knew it, a spear pierced straight towards her throat. 

The Black Dragon General morphed out of thin air, glaring at the female disciple, "Insolence! How dare you go against His Majesty's wishes!"

Zhao Long's booming authoritarian voice sending a crushing aura throughout the tens of Rushing Thunder Guild members, stunning them in their steps.

"Zhao Long! Get down! Do not scare them!" Suddenly, Lin Qian's voice halted his actions. Glaring at her once more, Zhao Long sent the snow-white lance piercing in the ground, kneeling on one knee in front of Lin Qian. 

Sending his fist onto his chest, he bowed courteously, "Your Majesty, your loyal servant, Zhao Long, has come to your rescue!"

Thum! Thum! Thum!

All of a sudden, a rhythmically clicking if footsteps resounded from the entrance of the Arena. Slowly, the sound got louder and closer.

The colossal sounds had attracted all of the attention from every disciple on the Arena.

Suddenly, a silhouette of a gigantic battalion of heavy armour troops, marching forward in 3 contingents formed.

The center contingent, warriors carrying a jet black lance, glared straight ahead.

To their left, soldiers carried swords at their waists. On their right, blades swayed on the troopers' waists as they marched.

While they wield varying weapons, they had one thing in common. Their heavy armour glistened majestically, yet menacingly, under the warm sunbeam.

Lin Qian turned around and faced the three contingents.

Deng! Deng!

The contingents halted in two precise, uniform stamps. Then, in one coordinated move, they knelt, looking up at Lin Qian with their expressionless faces, shouting, "All hail Your Majesty!"


"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Dumbfounded. Every disciple present was dumbfounded by this peculiar turn of events.

Stiffly, Lei Qian turned and smiled wryly at Lin Qian, taking an anxious gulp.

"What is this monstrosity?" Lei Qian's mind had gone blank as paper. These soldiers at his front were numbering at least three thousand. What's more, each trooper was at least 9th Tier Nirvana Stage. 

The battalion power was off the charts, clad in the most excellent equipment. Who would have guessed, this army that materialised from nowhere without warning who kneeled and bowed to Lin Qian, calling him their Emperor?

Lei Qian was stunned, the Rushing Thunder Guild members dumbstruck, the speculating disciples watched with dropped jaws.

Lastly, fear and panic overwhelmed Liu Ming and Lei Kuo's parties.

Were the two of them idiots? Could a No 7 and No 9 in ranking be idiots?

According to their daily reports by the Inner Sect disciples, they were crystal clear of Lin Qian abilities.

While they were confident in their own skills, Liu Ming was much more meticulous inside despite his brawny appearance.

He had the plan to ensure a perfect chance of beating Lin Qian and grabbing the candidature for the Ancient Ruins. Hence he had abused the privileges of a challenger, changing the fight to a team fight.

For Liu Ming knew within the Universal Phenomenon Sect, Lin Qian did not have a stable background, he hadn't even made it into the Inner Sect.

After the shift to be a team fight, Lin Qian could only rely on Lei Qian and those remaining tens of members in the Rushing Thunder Guild. 

On the other hand, Liu Ming, together with Lei Kuo, could bring along more than 600 men.

Regardless of how outrageously talented Lin Qian was, there's not a chance he could stand against such numbers, right?

Yet, reality played a prank on him. Out of thin air, three thousand heavy armour troopers morphed. With the sharp glimmers on their armour, they pierced through his plan like tofu.

"Zhao Long, lead the middle-class spearman and surround the Arena. When noontime arrives, destroy the dantian of whoever dares to step out of the Arena." Immediately following, Lin Qian ordered Zhao Long in a loud voice, ensuring that Liu Ming and Lei Kuo caught each word clearly.

"Zhao Long received the order clearly, Your Majesty!" Zhao Long recovered from his one foot kneeling, running about the 36th Arena.

As he circled the Stage, middle-tier spearman tightly followed behind. With every distance, the last men remained, standing at attention by the platform.

As they guarded the edge, their stone-cold eyes fixated onto Liu Ming and Lei Kuo, not budging even the slightest.

"All of you go down now." At that point, Lin Qian turned and instructed the Rushing Thunder Guild members again.

This time, there were no buts, all of them nodded in a daze, leaving the stage one by one.

Having removed all the innocent members, Lin Qian walked towards Liu Ming and Lei Kuo. As their distance widened, Lei Qian finally reacted, pulling himself together and rushing after Lin Qian.

As Lin Qian moved, the remaining two contingents closed up together, patching up the empty space left by the spearmen unit. Coming together, they marched towards the 36th Arena.

When Lin Qian was just a few metres away from his challengers, he halted. At that moment, the Swordsmen and Bladesmen Contingent did the same uniformly.

Taking a deep breath, Lei Qian slowly turned and faced the army behind him, bursting into a sudden peal of laughter.

"HAHA! Liu Ming, Lei Kuo, why are you dead silent? Weren't you all confident and disdainful just now?" Now, Lei Qian laughed, wildly arrogant and fearless.


With a swift slap, Lin Qian smacked Lei Qian mercilessly on the back of his head, lecturing angrily, "What are you doing? Stop this vile, conceited attitude at once!"

Immediately, the arrogant grin on Lei Qian vanished. He knew that he had messed up.

The sudden support from the mysterious army had given him way too much confidence. Now, he finally understood the true meaning of strength in numbers.

"HAHA!" Just as Lei Qian was deep himself reflection, Lin Qian began laughing fanatically, shouting at Liu Ming and Lei Kuo, "Dumb idiots, weren't you all pompous and condescending, barking like a dog? Come on, bark for me again. Did you go mute suddenly?"

"Good scolding Your Majesty!" After Lin Qian mocked his opponent, Zhao Long immediately fisted his chest, exclaiming in support for his kind.

Similarly, all three thousand troops simultaneously roared.


"Wonderful my lord!"


"A round of applause!"
