Top Up One Hundred Million Yuan into Her Card

She was awoken by the blaring of her phone's ringtone the next morning.

Though Lu Zhi, who had an impeccable circadian clock, didn't wake up.

Ye Buyu picked her phone up and accepted the call angrily, "Who is disturbing me this early in the morning?! Is something wrong with you?!"

"Buyu, it's me, your dad."

Ye Buyu was stunned when she heard the caller's voice. She then took a look at the number that was shown on her phone. It looked a bit familiar. That number belonged to her deadbeat father.

It was quite interesting though. Usually, it would be Ye Hao who would be roaring at her. However, Ye Hao still sounded humble even after she roared at him.

It looked like the sun was rising in the west now.

"What are you calling me for? Couldn't it wait until after I woke up?!"

"Buyu, Buyu, don't hang up!" Ye Hao exclaimed hurriedly. "Buyu, I called you because of something urgent. Hurry and reapply for your card and give it to me. I kept all the money in your card previously. I really need the money now, but I cannot take the money out!"

Ye Buyu was puzzled. Ye Hao kept money in my card?

More like he would spend all the money in my card!

Ye Buyu said flatly, "How much money did you have inside that card?"

"One hundred million yuan."

Ye Buyu exclaimed. Ye Hao actually kept a hundred million yuan in her card.

This was too incredible.

Ye Buyu thought about it before saying, "Around thirty to fifty million yuan would be credited to my card every year. You spent all of it after all these years. Take the money you put in there as compensation for me!"

It was absolutely impossible to ask her to give the money back to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao immediately yelled, "You can't do this to me, Buyu. I came to Beijing this time to make a huge investment. Everything's riding on that money. Can you apply for that card for me? Please, I beg you."

Ye Buyu felt that something was quite off with what Ye Hao said.

She played with her hair while she said to Ye Hao, "Wait until I get up later. I'll call you after this."

She hung up after she said that.

Lu Zhi had already woken up by her phone. However, he wasn't angry since it was already time for him to wake up anyway.

He kissed Ye Buyu's face. When he got out of bed, he said, "I'll go prepare breakfast for you."

Ye Buyu grabbed his hand, "Check the transactions of my card for me. Get me the accounts for the most recent quarter. I need it to be as detailed as possible."

Lu Zhi touched her petite face. He took out a document from the drawer beside him, "You'll be quite surprised."

That document recorded the transactions of Ye Buyu's bank card.

However, it wasn't just the transactions for the most recent quarter. Every single transaction from the last five years was there.

Ye Buyu was surprised that Lu Zhi had already readied it. "When did you prepare this?"

"After you asked me to freeze your card and block anyone from reapplying. I thought that you might need it."

Ye Buyu pouted. She felt that she couldn't escape from Lu Zhi's clutches when she faced a person with an eye for detail.

She checked the contents of the documents and realized that the dividend that was credited to her card increased from around five million yuan per month to twenty million yuan per month for the last two years. There was once during the year-end where the dividend that was credited to her card amounted to a hundred million yuan.