I Have A Genius Uncle

Ye Buyu was shocked.

She only knew a rough number. She did not expect her dividend to be so much since the last couple of years.

She was absolutely in the dark.

Since she didn't even care about the money that was in the card.

She went downstairs. Holding the accounts, she asked Lu Zhi, "How come there's so much money in here?"

Lu Zhi was frying some eggs in the kitchen. He said, "Your uncle is a business genius. Since he took over your grandfather's company, the company's business performance skyrocketed. Your card sees around three hundred million getting credited into it every year if the year-end dividend is included."

Ye Buyu gulped unconsciously.

She actually had no concept of money.

She held the idea that it was okay as long as she had enough money to spend. Ye Hao scolded her before when she overspent using the card that he gave her. She then made her own money to spend after that.

She actually made quite a lot of money through her work that she did on the side.

She wasn't short on money.

However, it was just too mind-boggling to have three hundred million yuan a year.

She didn't expect that brat, Qin Buyan to be this awesome!

Even though Qin Buyan was her uncle, he was only older than her by two years.

He had been aloof and calm since he was little.

She didn't expect him to be a business genius.

Her previous yearly income was only about her current monthly income.


Ye Buyu made a glass of milk for herself and Lu Zhi before sitting down to peruse the accounts. She noticed that around a hundred and fifty million yuan was credited to her card around a month ago.

Fifty million yuan was taken away not long after it was credited.

A hundred million yuan was left.

On top of that, all the money in the previous months was all used up.

It was twenty million yuan every month. Yet Ye Hao could still manage to let He Piao spend them all!

In a way, that was amazing in and of itself.

Ye Buyu laughed ironically as she went through the money in the accounts. It was little wonder that Ye Hao was in such a hurry. There were a hundred million in there. As someone who worshipped the golden calf, there was no way he wouldn't get worried.

Ye Buyu soon became engrossed in researching the accounts.

She found out that her card was used to settle mortgages and car loans every month. Those things included a number of properties and a number of cars. However, she wasn't the owner of those properties and automobiles.

Though she was not unfamiliar with the names of the owners.

They were relatives from He Piao's side of the family.

In other words, He Piao used her money to purchase properties and automobiles for her side of the family?

Ye Buyu couldn't imagine that her card had sustained so many people over the years!

It was impossible for her to give them any money back now that this card was frozen.

Lu Zhi had already made some ham omelette and sandwiches now. He served them to her. She said to Lu Zhi, "Remove the mortgages and car loans that are bound to this card for me!"

Those things weren't hers. They had no grounds to make her pay for them.

However, she really wanted to laugh now.

He Piao actually used her card to purchase mortgages and automobiles for her side of the family. That meant she supported all her relatives' expenditures. Could her relatives stop spending now that her card was gone?

Can Ye Hao take their spending?

Judging by how stingy Ye Hao is, the Ye Family probably wouldn't be peaceful after this.

Even if I am being really charitable and assuming that He Piao really is Ye Hao's true love, is he willing to give everything up for He Piao?

If so, then Ye Hao will have to sacrifice a bit for his true love after this!

She could absolutely imagine what it would look like.